2 Chronicles 35:5
2 Chronicles 35:5
"Stand in the holy place with a group of Levites for each subdivision of the families of your fellow Israelites, the lay people.

"Then stand in the sanctuary at the place appointed for your family division and help the families assigned to you as they bring their offerings to the Temple.

And stand in the Holy Place according to the groupings of the fathers’ houses of your brothers the lay people, and according to the division of the Levites by fathers’ household.

"Moreover, stand in the holy place according to the sections of the fathers' households of your brethren the lay people, and according to the Levites, by division of a father's household.

And stand in the holy place according to the divisions of the families of the fathers of your brethren the people, and after the division of the families of the Levites.

Serve in the holy place by the divisions of the ancestral houses for your brothers, the lay people, and the distribution of the tribal household of the Levites.

In addition to this, take your place in the Holy Place according to the groupings of the ancestral households of your relatives consistent with the division of the descendants of Levi by their ancestral households.

Stand in the sanctuary and, together with the Levites, represent the family divisions of your countrymen.

Stand in the holy place representing the family divisions of your relatives, the people [of Israel]. Let the Levites be considered a part of each family.

And stand in the sanctuary according to the divisions of the families of the fathers of your brethren, the people, and after the division of the families of the Levites.

And stand in the holy place according to the divisions of the fathers' houses of your brethren the lay people, and according to the division of the families of the Levites.

And stand in the holy place according to the divisions of the families of the fathers of your brothers the people, and after the division of the families of the Levites.

And stand in the holy place according to the divisions of the fathers houses of your brethren the children of the people, and let there be for each a portion of a fathers house of the Levites.

And serve ye in the sanctuary by the families and companies of Levi.

and stand in the sanctuary for the classes of the fathers' houses, for your brethren, the children of the people, and according to the divisions of the fathers' houses of the Levites;

And stand in the holy place according to the divisions of the fathers' houses of your brethren the children of the people, and let there be for each a portion of a fathers' house of the Levites.

And stand in the holy place according to the divisions of the families of the fathers of your brethren the people, and after the division of the families of the Levites.

Stand in the holy place according to the divisions of the fathers' houses of your brothers the children of the people, and [let there be for each] a portion of a fathers' house of the Levites.

and stand in the sanctuary, by the divisions of the house of the fathers of your brethren, sons of the people, and the portion of the house of a father of the Levites,

2 i Kronikave 35:5
qëndroni në shenjtërore sipas ndarjeve të shtëpive atërore të vëllezërve tuaj, bij të popullit, dhe pjesa e shtëpisë atërore të Levitëve.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 35:5
وقفوا في القدس حسب اقسام بيوت آباء اخوتكم بني الشعب وفرق بيوت آباء اللاويين.

Dyr Lauft B 35:5
Und dös mit enkern Dienst in n Heiligtuem laaufft yso: Für ayn iede Sippn von de andern Isryheeler mueß ayn Brendergruppn daadl dienen.

2 Летописи 35:5
и стойте в светилището, според отделенията на бащините домове на братята си миряните, и за всяко нека има по един отдел от левитските бащини домове.

歷 代 志 下 35:5
要 按 著 你 們 的 弟 兄 , 這 民 宗 族 的 班 次 , 站 在 聖 所 , 每 班 中 要 利 未 宗 族 的 幾 個 人 。

要 按 着 你 们 的 弟 兄 , 这 民 宗 族 的 班 次 , 站 在 圣 所 , 每 班 中 要 利 未 宗 族 的 几 个 人 。



2 Chronicles 35:5
Stojte u Svetinji po redovima otačkih domova svoje braće, običnoga puka, i po redu levitskoga otačkog doma.

Druhá Paralipomenon 35:5
A stůjte v svatyni podlé rozdílu čeledí otcovských, bratří národu svého, a podlé rozdělení každé čeledi otcovské Levítů.

Anden Krønikebog 35:5
og stil eder op i Helligdommen, saaledes at der bliver et Skifte af et levitisk Fædrenehus for hver Afdeling af eders Brødres, Almuens, Fædrenehuse,

2 Kronieken 35:5
En staat in het heiligdom, naar de onderscheiding der vaderlijke huizen, voor uw broederen, het volk, en naar de afdeling van de vaderlijke huizen der Levieten;

דברי הימים ב 35:5
וְעִמְד֣וּ בַקֹּ֗דֶשׁ לִפְלֻגֹּות֙ בֵּ֣ית הָֽאָבֹ֔ות לַאֲחֵיכֶ֖ם בְּנֵ֣י הָעָ֑ם וַחֲלֻקַּ֥ת בֵּֽית־אָ֖ב לַלְוִיִּֽם׃

ה ועמדו בקדש לפלוגת בית האבות לאחיכם בני העם--וחלקת בית אב ללוים

ועמדו בקדש לפלגות בית האבות לאחיכם בני העם וחלקת בית־אב ללוים׃

2 Krónika 35:5
És álljatok a szent helyen, a nép közül való testvéreitek családjainak csoportjai és a Léviták családjának [egy]-[egy] csoportja szerint.

Kroniko 2 35:5
Kaj staru en la sanktejo laux klasoj, laux la patrodomoj de viaj fratoj, filoj de la popolo, kaj laux la patrodomaj grupoj de la Levidoj.

Ja seisokaat pyhässä, isäin huoneen järjestyksen jälkeen, teidän veljeinne seassa, jotka ovat kansasta syntyneet, ja Leviläisten isäin huoneen järjestyksen jälkeen.

2 Chroniques 35:5
et placez-vous dans le lieu saint pour les sections des maisons de pères de vos frères, les fils du peuple, et selon les divisions des maisons de pères des lévites;

occupez vos places dans le sanctuaire, d'après les différentes maisons paternelles de vos frères les fils du peuple, et d'après la classification des maisons paternelles des Lévites.

Et aidez vos frères les enfants du peuple, dans le Sanctuaire, selon les départements des maisons des pères, et selon que chaque famille des Lévites est partagée.

2 Chronik 35:5
Und stehet im Heiligtum nach der Ordnung der Väter Häuser unter euren Brüdern, vom Volk geboren, auch die Ordnung der Väter Häuser unter den Leviten.

und steht im Heiligtum nach den Ordnungen der Vaterhäuser eurer Brüder, vom Volk geboren, je eine Ordnung eines Vaterhauses der Leviten,

Stellt euch im Heiligtum auf je nach den Gruppen der Familien eurer Brüder, der Leute aus dem Volk, und zwar für jede derselben eine Abteilung von einer levitischen Familie.

2 Cronache 35:5
e statevene nel santuario secondo i rami delle case patriarcali dei vostri fratelli, figliuoli del popolo, e secondo la classificazione della casa paterna dei Leviti.

E state nel luogo santo, per ministrare a’ vostri fratelli del popolo, divisi per case paterne; e ad una parte delle case paterne de’ Leviti;

Dan hendaklah kamu berdiri di dalam tempat yang suci seturut pangkat-pangkat isi segala rumah bapa-bapa, akan ganti segala saudaramu orang banyak itu, dan seturut pangkat-pangkat isi segala rumah bapa-bapa orang Lewi;

역대하 35:5
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 35:5
ministrate in sanctuario per familias turmasque leviticas

Antroji Kronikø knyga 35:5
Stovėkite šventykloje ten, kur sustojusios jūsų brolių tėvų šeimos, kad kiekvienai šeimai tektų levitų šeimos skyrius;

2 Chronicles 35:5
Me tu hoki ki te wahi tapu; kia rite ano nga wehenga o nga whare o nga matua o o koutou tuakana, teina, o nga tama a te iwi, a ma tenei, ma tenei, he wehenga o tetahi o nga whare matua o nga Riwaiti.

2 Krønikebok 35:5
og still eder op i helligdommen efter eders brødres, det menige folks familie-avdelinger, således at det på hver av dem kommer en avdeling av en levitt-familie!

2 Crónicas 35:5
Además, estad en el lugar santo conforme a las secciones de las casas paternas de vuestros hermanos, los hijos del pueblo, y conforme a los levitas, según la división de una casa paterna.

"Además, estén en el lugar santo conforme a las secciones de las casas paternas de sus hermanos, los hijos del pueblo, y conforme a los Levitas, según la división de una casa paterna.

Estad en el santuario según la distribución de las familias de vuestros hermanos los hijos del pueblo, y según la división de la familia de los levitas.

Estad en el santuario según la distribución de las familias de vuestros hermanos los hijos del pueblo, y según la división de la familia de los Levitas.

Estad en el santuario según el repartimiento de las familias de vuestros hermanos los hijos del pueblo, y según el repartimiento de la familia de los levitas.

2 Crônicas 35:5
Permanecei no Lugar Santo com um grupo de levitas para cada subdivisão das famílias do povo.

E estai no lugar santo segundo as divisões das casas paternas de vossos irmãos, os filhos do povo, e haja para cada divisão uma parte de uma família levítica.   

2 Cronici 35:5
Luaţi-vă locurile în sfîntul locaş, după feluritele case părinteşti ale fraţilor voştri, fiii poporului, şi după înşiruirea caselor părinteşti ale Leviţilor.

2-я Паралипоменон 35:5
и стойте во святилище, по распределениям поколений у братьев ваших, сынов народа, и по разделению поколений у левитов,

и стойте во святилище, по распределениям поколений у братьев ваших, сынов народа, и по разделению поколений у левитов,[]

Krönikeboken 35:5
och inställen eder i helgedomen, ordnade efter edra bröders, det meniga folkets, familjeskiften, så att en avdelning av en levitisk familj kommer på vart skifte.

2 Chronicles 35:5
At magsitayo kayo sa dakong banal ayon sa mga bahagi ng mga sangbahayan ng mga magulang ng inyong mga kapatid na mga anak ng bayan, at maukol sa bawa't isa'y isang bahagi ng sangbahayan ng mga magulang ng mga Levita.

2 พงศาวดาร 35:5
และยืนประจำอยู่ในสถานบริสุทธิ์ ตามพวกต่างๆตามครอบครัวของบรรพบุรุษที่เป็นพี่น้องของท่าน ผู้เป็นประชาชน และตามส่วนแบ่งของแต่ละครอบครัวของคนเลวี

2 Tarihler 35:5
Kardeşleriniz olan halkın boylarına bağlı bölüklere yardım etmek üzere siz Levililer takımlar halinde kutsal yerde durun.[]

2 Söû-kyù 35:5
Ðoạn hạy đứng trong nơi thánh, theo thứ tự tông tộc của anh em các ngươi, là dân Y-sơ-ra-ên, và theo thứ tự tông tộc của anh em các ngươi, là dân Y-sơ-ra-ên, và theo thứ tự tông tộc của người Lê-vi.

2 Chronicles 35:4
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