2 Chronicles 32:6
2 Chronicles 32:6
He appointed military officers over the people and assembled them before him in the square at the city gate and encouraged them with these words:

He appointed military officers over the people and assembled them before him in the square at the city gate. Then Hezekiah encouraged them by saying:

And he set combat commanders over the people and gathered them together to him in the square at the gate of the city and spoke encouragingly to them, saying,

He appointed military officers over the people and gathered them to him in the square at the city gate, and spoke encouragingly to them, saying,

And he set captains of war over the people, and gathered them together to him in the street of the gate of the city, and spake comfortably to them, saying,

He set military commanders over the people and gathered the people in the square of the city gate. Then he encouraged them, saying,

He appointed military officers to take charge of the people, who gathered them together in the square near the city gate and spoke to them encouragingly,

He appointed military officers over the army and assembled them in the square at the city gate. He encouraged them, saying,

He appointed military commanders over the troops and gathered the commanders in the square by the city gate. He spoke these words of encouragement:

And he set captains of war over the people and gathered them together to him in the plaza of the gate of the city and spoke unto their heart, saying,

And he set captains of war over the people, and gathered them together to him in the street of the gate of the city, and spoke encouragingly to them, saying,

And he set captains of war over the people, and gathered them together to him in the street of the gate of the city, and spoke comfortably to them, saying,

And he set captains of war over the people, and gathered them together to him in the broad place at the gate of the city, and spake comfortably to them, saying,

And he appointed captains of the soldiers of the army: and he called them all together in the street of the gate of the city, and spoke to their heart, saying:

And he set captains of war over the people, and assembled them to him on the open place at the gate of the city, and spoke consolingly to them saying,

And he set captains of war over the people, and gathered them together to him in the broad place at the gate of the city, and spake comfortably to them, saying,

And he set captains of war over the people, and assembled them to him in the street of the gate of the city, and encouraged them, saying,

He set captains of war over the people, and gathered them together to him in the broad place at the gate of the city, and spoke comfortably to them, saying,

And he putteth heads of war over the people, and gathereth them unto him, unto the broad place of a gate of the city, and speaketh unto their heart, saying,

2 i Kronikave 32:6
Caktoi komandantë ushtarakë mbi popullin, i mblodhi rreth vetes në sheshin e qytetit dhe i foli zemrës së tyre, duke thënë:

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 32:6
وجعل رؤساء قتال على الشعب وجمعهم اليه الى ساحة باب المدينة وطيب قلوبهم قائلا

Dyr Lauft B 32:6
Dann gsötzt yr Vögt über de Bürgerwör und ließ s auf dönn Plaz vor n Toor antrötn. Dort gmuntert yr s auf:

2 Летописи 32:6
И постави военачалници над людете, и като ги събра при себе си на площада, при градската порта, говори им насърчително, казвайки:

歷 代 志 下 32:6
設 立 軍 長 管 理 百 姓 , 將 他 們 招 聚 在 城 門 的 寬 闊 處 , 用 話 勉 勵 他 們 , 說 :

设 立 军 长 管 理 百 姓 , 将 他 们 招 聚 在 城 门 的 宽 阔 处 , 用 话 勉 励 他 们 , 说 :



2 Chronicles 32:6
zatim postavio vojvode nad narodom i, pozvavši ih k sebi na trg kraj gradskih vrata, ohrabri ih ovim riječima:

Druhá Paralipomenon 32:6
Zřídil též hejtmany válečné nad lidem, a shromáždil je k sobě do ulice u brány městské, a mluvil jim přívětivě, řka:

Anden Krønikebog 32:6
Tillige indsatte han Hærførere over Krigsfolket, samlede dem om sig paa den aabne Plads ved Byporten og talte opmuntrende Ord til dem og sagde:

2 Kronieken 32:6
En hij stelde krijgsoversten over het volk, en hij vergaderde hen tot zich in de straat der stadspoort, en sprak naar hun hart, zeggende:

דברי הימים ב 32:6
וַיִּתֵּ֛ן שָׂרֵ֥י מִלְחָמֹ֖ות עַל־הָעָ֑ם וַיִּקְבְּצֵ֣ם אֵלָ֗יו אֶל־רְחֹוב֙ שַׁ֣עַר הָעִ֔יר וַיְדַבֵּ֥ר עַל־לְבָבָ֖ם לֵאמֹֽר׃

ו ויתן שרי מלחמות על העם ויקבצם אליו אל רחוב שער העיר וידבר על לבבם לאמר

ויתן שרי מלחמות על־העם ויקבצם אליו אל־רחוב שער העיר וידבר על־לבבם לאמר׃

2 Krónika 32:6
És a nép fölé seregvezéreket tett, és maga köré gyûjtvén õket a város kapujának utczájára, szóla az õ szívök szerint ekképen:

Kroniko 2 32:6
Kaj li starigis militestrojn super la popolo, kaj li kunvenigis ilin al si sur la placon antaux la pordego de la urbo, kaj vigligis ilian koron, dirante:

Ja asetti sodanpäämiehet kansan päälle, ja kokosi heitä tykönsä kaupungin portin kadulla, ja puhui sydämellisesti heidän tykönsä ja sanoi:

2 Chroniques 32:6
Et il établit des chefs de guerre sur le peuple, et les rassembla auprès de lui sur la place de la porte de la ville, et parla à leur coeur, disant:

Il donna des chefs militaires au peuple, et les réunit auprès de lui sur la place de la porte de la ville. S'adressant à leur coeur, il dit:

Et il ordonna des capitaines de guerre sur le peuple, et les assembla auprès de lui dans la place de la porte de la ville, et leur parla selon leur cœur, en disant :

2 Chronik 32:6
Und stellete die Hauptleute zum Streit neben das Volk; und sammelte sie zu sich auf die breite Gasse am Tor der Stadt und redete herzlich mit ihnen und sprach:

und setzte Hauptleute zum Streit über das Volk und sammelte sie zu sich auf die breite Gasse am Tor der Stadt und redete herzlich mit ihnen und sprach: {~}

Sodann stellte er Kriegshauptleute an die Spitze des Volks; diese versammelte er zu sich auf den freien Platz am Stadtthor und redete ihnen freundlich zu, indem er sprach:

2 Cronache 32:6
Diede dei capi militari al popolo, li riunì presso di sé sulla piazza della porta della città, e parlò al loro cuore, dicendo:

Ed ordinò capitani di guerra sopra il popolo, e li adunò appresso di sè nella piazza della porta della città, e li confortò, dicendo:

Dan diangkatnya beberapa orang akan panglima perang atas segala rakyat, dan dihimpunkannyalah mereka itu kepadanya di halaman pintu negeri, lalu berkata-kata ia akan mempertetapkan hati mereka itu, titahnya:

역대하 32:6
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 32:6
constituitque principes bellatorum in exercitu et convocavit universos in platea portae civitatis ac locutus est ad cor eorum dicens

Antroji Kronikø knyga 32:6
Ezekijas, paskyręs karo vadus, sušaukė juos aikštėje prie miesto vartų ir jiems kalbėjo padrąsinančiai:

2 Chronicles 32:6
I whakaritea ano e ia he rangatira whawhai mo te iwi; a ka huihui i a ratou ki a ia ki te wahi whanui i te kuwaha o te pa. Na ka korero whakamarie ia ki a ratou, ka mea,

2 Krønikebok 32:6
Og han satte krigshøvedsmenn over folket og samlet dem hos sig på plasser ved byporten og talte til dem for å vekke deres mot og sa:

2 Crónicas 32:6
Puso también oficiales militares sobre el pueblo, los reunió a su lado en la plaza a la puerta de la ciudad y habló dándoles ánimo, diciendo:

Puso también oficiales militares sobre el pueblo, los reunió a su lado en la plaza a la puerta de la ciudad y les habló dándoles ánimo:

Y puso capitanes de guerra sobre el pueblo, y los hizo reunir así en la plaza de la puerta de la ciudad, y les habló al corazón de ellos, diciendo:

Y puso capitanes de guerra sobre el pueblo, é hízolos reunir así en la plaza de la puerta de la ciudad, y hablóles al corazón de ellos, diciendo:

Y puso capitanes de guerra sobre el pueblo, y los hizo reunir así en la plaza de la puerta de la ciudad, y les habló al corazón de ellos, diciendo:

2 Crônicas 32:6
Designou oficiais de guerra para comandar o povo, reuniu-os na praça da porta da cidade e lhes falou profundamente ao coração, dizendo:

Então pôs oficiais de guerra sobre o povo e, congregando-os na praça junto à porta da cidade, falou-lhes ao coração, dizendo:   

2 Cronici 32:6
A pus căpetenii de război peste popor, şi i -a adunat la el pe locul deschis dela poarta cetăţii. Vorbindu-le inimii, a zis:

2-я Паралипоменон 32:6
И поставил военачальников над народом, и собрал их к себе на площадь у городских ворот, и говорил к сердцу их, и сказал:

И поставил военачальников над народом, и собрал их к себе на площадь у городских ворот, и говорил к сердцу их, и сказал:[]

Krönikeboken 32:6
Och han tillsatte krigshövitsmän över folket och församlade dem till sig på den öppna platsen vid stadsporten, och talade uppmuntrande till dem och sade:

2 Chronicles 32:6
At siya'y naglagay ng mga pinunong kawal sa bayan na mangdidigma, at pinisan niya sila sa luwal na dako sa pintuang-bayan, at nagsalita na may kagandahang loob sa kanila, na sinasabi,

2 พงศาวดาร 32:6
และพระองค์ทรงตั้งผู้บังคับการต่อต้านไว้เหนือประชาชน และทรงรวบรวมเข้าไว้ด้วยกัน ณ ถนนที่ประตูนคร และตรัสอย่างหนุนใจเขาทั้งหลายว่า

2 Tarihler 32:6
Halka komutanlar atadı. Sonra onları kent kapısı yakınındaki alanda toplayarak şöyle yüreklendirdi:[]

2 Söû-kyù 32:6
Người lập những quan tướng trên dân sự, rồi hiệp lập chúng lại gần mình tại phố bên cửa thành, nói động lòng chúng, mà rằng:

2 Chronicles 32:5
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