2 Chronicles 32:4
2 Chronicles 32:4
They gathered a large group of people who blocked all the springs and the stream that flowed through the land. "Why should the kings of Assyria come and find plenty of water?" they said.

They organized a huge work crew to stop the flow of the springs, cutting off the brook that ran through the fields. For they said, "Why should the kings of Assyria come here and find plenty of water?"

A great many people were gathered, and they stopped all the springs and the brook that flowed through the land, saying, “Why should the kings of Assyria come and find much water?”

So many people assembled and stopped up all the springs and the stream which flowed through the region, saying, "Why should the kings of Assyria come and find abundant water?"

So there was gathered much people together, who stopped all the fountains, and the brook that ran through the midst of the land, saying, Why should the kings of Assyria come, and find much water?

Many people gathered and stopped up all the springs and the stream that flowed through the land; they said, "Why should the kings of Assyria come and find plenty of water?"

Many people gathered together and plugged up all the springs, along with the stream that flowed through the region. They were thinking to themselves, "Why should the Assyrian kings invade and discover an abundant water supply?"

A large number of people gathered together and stopped up all the springs and the stream that flowed through the district. They reasoned, "Why should the kings of Assyria come and find plenty of water?"

A large crowd gathered as they stopped all the springs and the brook that flowed through the land. They said, "Why should the kings of Assyria find plenty of water?"

So many people gathered together, and they stopped up all the fountains and the brook that ran through the midst of the land, saying, Why should the kings of Assyria come and find much water?

So there were gathered many people together, who stopped all the fountains, and the brook that ran through the midst of the land, saying, Why should the kings of Assyria come, and find much water?

So there was gathered much people together, who stopped all the fountains, and the brook that ran through the middle of the land, saying, Why should the kings of Assyria come, and find much water?

So there was gathered much people together, and they stopped all the fountains, and the brook that flowed through the midst of the land, saying, Why should the kings of Assyria come, and find much water?

He gathered together a very great multitude, and they stopped up all the springs, and the brook, that ran through the midst of the land, saying: Lest the kings of the Assyrians should come, and And abundance of water.

And there was gathered together much people, and they stopped all the fountains, and the torrent that flows through the midst of the land, saying, Why should the kings of Assyria come and find much water?

So there was gathered much people together, and they stopped all the fountains, and the brook that flowed through the midst of the land, saying, Why should the kings of Assyria come and find much water?

So there were assembled many people, who stopped all the fountains, and the brook that ran through the midst of the land, saying, Why should the kings of Assyria come, and find much water?

So many people gathered together, and they stopped all the springs, and the brook that flowed through the midst of the land, saying, "Why should the kings of Assyria come, and find much water?"

and much people are gathered, and they stop all the fountains and the brook that is rushing into the midst of the land, saying, 'Why do the kings of Asshur come, and have found much water?'

2 i Kronikave 32:4
Kështu u mblodh një numër i madh njerëzish, të cilët i zunë të gjitha burimet dhe përroin që rridhte nëpër vend, duke thënë: "Pse mbreti i Asirisë duhet të vijë dhe të gjejë ujë me shumicë?".

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 32:4
فتجمع شعب كثير وطمّوا جميع الينابيع والنهر الجاري في وسط الارض قائلين لماذا يأتي ملوك اشور ويجدون مياها غزيرة.

Dyr Lauft B 32:4
Sö gatrummlnd aynn Hauffen Leut zamm und gverstopfend allsand Quellnen und gschütnd dönn Bach in n Tal zue, weil sö syr gsagnd: "Zwö sollnd n de Künig von Surn non reichlich Wasser finddn aau, wenn s kemmend?"

2 Летописи 32:4
И като се събраха много люде, запълниха всичките извори и потока, който тече сред земята, защото казваха: Асирийските царе, като дойдат, защо да намерят много вода?

歷 代 志 下 32:4
於 是 有 許 多 人 聚 集 , 塞 了 一 切 泉 源 , 並 通 流 國 中 的 小 河 , 說 : 亞 述 王 來 , 為 何 讓 他 得 著 許 多 水 呢 ?

於 是 有 许 多 人 聚 集 , 塞 了 一 切 泉 源 , 并 通 流 国 中 的 小 河 , 说 : 亚 述 王 来 , 为 何 让 他 得 着 许 多 水 呢 ?



2 Chronicles 32:4
Sabralo se mnogo naroda te su začepili sva vrela i potok koji teče posred zemlje; govorahu: "Zašto da asirski kraljevi nađu toliko vode kad dođu!"

Druhá Paralipomenon 32:4
Nebo shromáždilo se lidu množství, a zasypali všecky studnice i potok rozvodňující se u prostřed země, řkouce: Proč přijdouce králové Assyrští, mají najíti vody tak mnoho?

Anden Krønikebog 32:4
Saa samledes en Mængde Folk, og de stoppede for alle Kilderne og for Bækken, som løber midt igennem Landet, idet man sagde: »Hvorfor skulde Assyrerkongerne finde rigeligt Vand, naar de kommer?«

2 Kronieken 32:4
Want veel volks werd vergaderd, dat al de fonteinen stopte, mitsgaders de beek, die door het midden des lands henenvloeide, zeggende: Waarom zouden de koningen van Assyrie komen, en veel waters vinden?

דברי הימים ב 32:4
וַיִּקָּבְצ֣וּ עַם־רָ֔ב וַֽיִּסְתְּמוּ֙ אֶת־כָּל־הַמַּעְיָנֹ֔ות וְאֶת־הַנַּ֛חַל הַשֹּׁוטֵ֥ף בְּתֹוךְ־הָאָ֖רֶץ לֵאמֹ֑ר לָ֤מָּה יָבֹ֙ואוּ֙ מַלְכֵ֣י אַשּׁ֔וּר וּמָצְא֖וּ מַ֥יִם רַבִּֽים׃

ד ויקבצו עם רב--ויסתמו את כל המעינות ואת הנחל השוטף בתוך הארץ לאמר  למה יבואו מלכי אשור ומצאו מים רבים

ויקבצו עם־רב ויסתמו את־כל־המעינות ואת־הנחל השוטף בתוך־הארץ לאמר למה יבואו מלכי אשור ומצאו מים רבים׃

2 Krónika 32:4
Mert összegyûlvén a sokaság, bedugának minden forrást és az ország közepén folyó patakot, mondván: Miért találjanak az assiriai királyok elegendõ vizet, ha eljõnek?!

Kroniko 2 32:4
Kaj kolektigxis multe da popolo, kaj ili sxutkovris cxiujn fontojn, kaj la torenton, kiu fluas meze de la lando, cxar ili diris:Por kio permesi, ke la regxoj de Asirio, veninte, trovu multe da akvo?

Sillä paljo kansaa kokoontui, ja he tukitsivat kaikki lähteet ja vuotavan ojan keskellä maata, ja sanoivat: miksi Assurin kuninkaat tultuansa pitäis paljon vettä löytämän?

2 Chroniques 32:4
Et un grand peuple se rassembla, et ils bouchèrent toutes les sources et le torrent qui coulait au milieu du pays, disant: Pourquoi les rois d'Assyrie viendraient-ils et trouveraient-ils des eaux abondantes?

Une foule de gens se rassemblèrent, et ils bouchèrent toutes les sources et le ruisseau qui coule au milieu de la contrée. Pourquoi, disaient-ils, les rois d'Assyrie trouveraient-ils à leur arrivée des eaux en abondance?

Car un grand-peuple s'assembla, et ils bouchèrent toutes les fontaines, et le torrent qui se répandait par le pays, disant : Pourquoi les Rois des Assyriens trouveraient-ils à leur venue une abondance d'eaux?

2 Chronik 32:4
Und es versammelte sich ein groß Volk und deckten zu alle Brunnen und fließenden Wasser mitten im Lande und sprachen: Daß die Könige von Assur nicht viel Wassers finden, wenn sie kommen!

Und es versammelte sich ein großes Volk und deckten zu alle Brunnen und den Bach, der mitten durchs Land fließt, und sprachen: Daß die Könige von Assyrien nicht viel Wasser finden, wenn sie kommen.

Da versammelten sich eine Menge Leute und verstopften sämtliche Quellen, sowie den Bach, der mitten durchs Land strömte, indem sie sprachen: Warum sollen doch die Könige von Assyrien, wenn sie anrücken, viel Wasser finden?

2 Cronache 32:4
Si radunò dunque un gran numero gente e turarono tutte le sorgenti e il torrente che scorreva attraverso il paese. "E perché", dicevan essi, "i re d’Assiria, venendo, troverebbero essi abbondanza d’acqua?"

Ed un gran popolo si adunò, e turarono tutte le fonti, e il torrente che si spande per mezzo la contrada, dicendo: Perchè i re degli Assiri, venendo, troverebbero essi copia d’acque?

Dihimpunkannyalah banyak orang yang menumpatkan segala mata air dan lagi anak sungaipun yang mengalir pada sama tengah tanah itu, katanya: Betapa gerangan, apabila raja-raja Asyur itu datang kelak, didapatnya akan air dengan limpahnya?

역대하 32:4
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 32:4
congregavit plurimam multitudinem et obturaverunt cunctos fontes et rivum qui fluebat in medio terrae dicentes ne veniant reges Assyriorum et inveniant aquarum abundantiam

Antroji Kronikø knyga 32:4
Buvo sušaukta daug žmonių, kurie užvertė visus šaltinius ir upelį, tekantį per kraštą, kad Asirijos kariai, apgulę miestą, neturėtų vandens.

2 Chronicles 32:4
Heoi nui atu te iwi i huihui mai, a purua ana e ratou nga puna katoa, me te awa e rere ana i waenganui o te whenua; i ki hoki ratou, He aha kia haere mai nga kingi o Ahiria, kia nui te wai e kitea e ratou?

2 Krønikebok 32:4
Det samlet sig da meget folk, og de tilstoppet alle kildene og den bekk som rant midt igjennem landet; for de sa: Hvorfor skulde assyrerkongene komme og finne rikelig vann?

2 Crónicas 32:4
Y se reunió mucha gente y cegaron todas las fuentes y el arroyo que fluía por la región, diciendo: ¿Por qué han de venir los reyes de Asiria y hallar tanta agua?

Y se reunió mucha gente y cegaron todas las fuentes y el arroyo que fluía por la región, diciendo: "¿Por qué han de venir los reyes de Asiria y hallar tanta agua?"

Entonces se juntó mucho pueblo, y cegaron todas las fuentes, y el arroyo que corría a través del territorio, diciendo: ¿Por qué han de hallar los reyes de Asiria muchas aguas cuando vinieren?

Juntóse pues mucho pueblo, y cegaron todas las fuentes, y el arroyo que derrama por en medio del territorio, diciendo: ¿Por qué han de hallar los reyes de Asiria muchas aguas cuando vinieren?

Y se juntó mucho pueblo, y taparon todas las fuentes, y también el arroyo que va por medio de la tierra, diciendo: ¿Por qué han de hallar los reyes de Asiria muchas aguas cuando vinieren?

2 Crônicas 32:4
Assim, foram reunidos muitos homens, e fecharam todas as fontes e o riacho que atravessava a região, porquanto argumentavam: “Por que viriam os reis da Assíria e achariam água à vontade para saciar-lhes a sede?”

Assim muito povo se ajuntou e tapou todas as fontes, como também o ribeiro que corria pelo meio da terra, dizendo: Por que viriam os reis da Assíria, e achariam tantas águas?   

2 Cronici 32:4
S'au strîns o mulţime de oameni, şi au astupat toate izvoarele şi pîrîul care curge prin mijlocul ţinutului aceluia. ,,Pentruce``, ziceau ei, ,,să găsească împăraţii Asiriei, la venirea lor, ape din belşug?``

2-я Паралипоменон 32:4
И собралось множество народа, и засыпали все источники и поток,протекавший по стране, говоря: да не найдут цари Ассирийские, придя сюда , много воды.

И собралось множество народа, и засыпали все источники и поток, протекавший по стране, говоря: да не найдут цари Ассирийские, придя [сюда], много воды.[]

Krönikeboken 32:4
Mycket folk församlades och täppte till alla källorna och dämde för bäcken som flöt mitt igenom trakten, ty de sade: »När de assyriska konungarna komma, böra de icke finna vatten i sådan myckenhet.»

2 Chronicles 32:4
Sa gayo'y nagpipisan ang maraming tao sa bayan at kanilang pinatigil ang lahat na bukal, at ang batis na umaagos sa gitna ng lupain, na sinasabi, Bakit paririto ang mga hari sa Asiria, at makakasumpong ng maraming tubig?

2 พงศาวดาร 32:4
มีประชาชนเป็นอันมากรวบรวมกันเข้ามา และเขาทั้งหลายอุดน้ำพุและปิดลำธารซึ่งไหลผ่านแผ่นดินเสีย พูดว่า "ทำไมจะให้บรรดากษัตริย์อัสซีเรียยกมาพบน้ำเป็นอันมากเล่า"

2 Tarihler 32:4
Böylece birçok kişi toplandı. ‹‹Neden Asur Kralı gelip bol su bulsun?›› diyerek bütün pınarları ve ülkenin ortasından akan dereyi kapadılar.[]

2 Söû-kyù 32:4
Dân sự nhóm lại đông, chận các suối và các khe chảy giữ xứ, mà rằng: Làm gì để cho vua A-si-ri đến, thấy có nước nhiều?

2 Chronicles 32:3
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