2 Chronicles 32:23
2 Chronicles 32:23
Many brought offerings to Jerusalem for the LORD and valuable gifts for Hezekiah king of Judah. From then on he was highly regarded by all the nations.

From then on King Hezekiah became highly respected among all the surrounding nations, and many gifts for the LORD arrived at Jerusalem, with valuable presents for King Hezekiah, too.

And many brought gifts to the LORD to Jerusalem and precious things to Hezekiah king of Judah, so that he was exalted in the sight of all nations from that time onward.

And many were bringing gifts to the LORD at Jerusalem and choice presents to Hezekiah king of Judah, so that he was exalted in the sight of all nations thereafter.

And many brought gifts unto the LORD to Jerusalem, and presents to Hezekiah king of Judah: so that he was magnified in the sight of all nations from thenceforth.

Many were bringing an offering to the LORD to Jerusalem and valuable gifts to King Hezekiah of Judah, and he was exalted in the eyes of all the nations after that.

Many brought gifts to the LORD in Jerusalem and brought presents to King Hezekiah of Judah. As a result, he was exalted in the opinion of all nations thereafter.

Many were bringing presents to the LORD in Jerusalem and precious gifts to King Hezekiah of Judah. From that time on he was respected by all the nations.

Many people still went to Jerusalem to bring gifts to the LORD and expensive presents to King Hezekiah of Judah. From then on, he was considered important by all the nations.

And many brought a present unto the LORD to Jerusalem and precious gifts unto Hezekiah, king of Judah, so that he was magnified in the sight of all the Gentiles from then on.

And many brought gifts unto the LORD to Jerusalem, and precious gifts to Hezekiah king of Judah: so that he was magnified in the sight of all nations from that time on.

And many brought gifts to the LORD to Jerusalem, and presents to Hezekiah king of Judah: so that he was magnified in the sight of all nations from thereafter.

And many brought gifts unto Jehovah to Jerusalem, and precious things to Hezekiah king of Judah; so that he was exalted in the sight of all nations from thenceforth.

Many also brought victims, and sacrifices to the Lord to Jerusalem, and presents to Ezechias king of Juda: and he was magnified thenceforth in the sight of all nations.

And many brought gifts unto Jehovah to Jerusalem, and precious things to Hezekiah king of Judah; and he was thenceforth magnified in the sight of all the nations.

And many brought gifts unto the LORD to Jerusalem, and precious things to Hezekiah king of Judah: so that he was exalted in the sight of all nations from thenceforth.

And many brought gifts to the LORD to Jerusalem, and presents to Hezekiah king of Judah: so that from thenceforth he was magnified in the sight of all nations.

Many brought gifts to Yahweh to Jerusalem, and precious things to Hezekiah king of Judah; so that he was exalted in the sight of all nations from thenceforth.

and many are bringing in an offering to Jehovah, to Jerusalem, and precious things to Hezekiah king of Judah, and he is lifted up before the eyes of all the nations after this.

2 i Kronikave 32:23
Një numër i madh njerëzish i çuan oferta Zotit në Jeruzalem dhe sende të çmuara Ezekias, mbretit të Judës, i cili qysh atëherë u madhërua në sytë e tërë kombeve.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 32:23
وكان كثيرون ياتون بتقدمات الرب الى اورشليم وتحف لحزقيا ملك يهوذا واعتبر في اعين جميع الامم بعد ذلك

Dyr Lauft B 32:23
Vil Leut brangend yn n Trechtein Gaabn auf Ruslham und yn n Judauer Künig Hiskies kostbare Gschenker. Dyrseiter war yr bei allsand Dietn hooh angseghn.

2 Летописи 32:23
И мнозина донесоха дарове Господу в Ерусалим, и скъпоценности на Юдовия цар Езекия; така че от тогава нататък той се възвеличаваше пред всичките народи.

歷 代 志 下 32:23
有 許 多 人 到 耶 路 撒 冷 , 將 供 物 獻 與 耶 和 華 , 又 將 寶 物 送 給 猶 大 王 希 西 家 。 此 後 , 希 西 家 在 列 邦 人 的 眼 中 看 為 尊 大 。

有 许 多 人 到 耶 路 撒 冷 , 将 供 物 献 与 耶 和 华 , 又 将 宝 物 送 给 犹 大 王 希 西 家 。 此 後 , 希 西 家 在 列 邦 人 的 眼 中 看 为 尊 大 。



2 Chronicles 32:23
Mnogi su donosili darove Jahvi u Jeruzalem i dragocjenosti judejskome kralju Ezekiji. Poslije toga Ezekija se uzvisio u očima svih naroda.

Druhá Paralipomenon 32:23
Tedy mnozí přinášeli oběti Hospodinu do Jeruzaléma, ano i dary drahé Ezechiášovi králi Judskému, tak že potom vznešen jest u všech národů.

Anden Krønikebog 32:23
Og mange bragte Gaver til Jerusalem til HERREN og kostbare Ting til Kong Ezekias af Juda, saa han siden blev højt anset blandt alle Hedningefolk.

2 Kronieken 32:23
En velen brachten geschenken tot den HEERE te Jeruzalem, en kostelijkheden tot Jehizkia, den koning van Juda, zodat hij daarna voor de ogen van alle heidenen verheven werd.

דברי הימים ב 32:23
וְ֠רַבִּים מְבִיאִ֨ים מִנְחָ֤ה לַיהוָה֙ לִיר֣וּשָׁלִַ֔ם וּמִ֨גְדָּנֹ֔ות לִֽיחִזְקִיָּ֖הוּ מֶ֣לֶךְ יְהוּדָ֑ה וַיִּנַּשֵּׂ֛א לְעֵינֵ֥י כָל־הַגֹּויִ֖ם מֵאַֽחֲרֵי־כֵֽן׃ ס

כג ורבים מביאים מנחה ליהוה לירושלם ומגדנות ליחזקיהו מלך יהודה וינשא לעיני כל הגוים מאחרי כן  {פ}

ורבים מביאים מנחה ליהוה לירושלם ומגדנות ליחזקיהו מלך יהודה וינשא לעיני כל־הגוים מאחרי־כן׃ ס

2 Krónika 32:23
És sokan ajándékokat hoznak vala Jeruzsálembe az Úrnak, Ezékiásnak is a Júda királyának drágaságokat, és õ felmagasztaltatott minden pogányok szemei elõtt azután.

Kroniko 2 32:23
Tiam multaj alportadis donacojn al la Eternulo en Jerusalemon, kaj multekostajn objektojn al HXizkija, regxo de Judujo. Kaj post tio li altigxis en la okuloj de cxiuj nacioj.

Ja moni kantoi Herralle lahjoja Jerusalemiin ja Jehiskialle Juudan kuninkaalle kalliita kaluja; ja niin hän sitte korotettiin kaikkein pakanain edessä.

2 Chroniques 32:23
Et beaucoup de gens apportèrent des offrandes à l'Éternel à Jérusalem, et des choses précieuses à Ézéchias, roi de Juda; et après cela, il fut élevé aux yeux de toutes les nations.

Beaucoup de gens apportèrent dans Jérusalem des offrandes à l'Eternel, et de riches présents à Ezéchias, roi de Juda, qui depuis lors fut élevé aux yeux de toutes les nations.

Et plusieurs apportèrent des présents à l'Eternel dans Jérusalem, et des choses exquises à Ezéchias Roi de Juda; de sorte qu'après cela il fut élevé, à la vue de toutes les nations.

2 Chronik 32:23
daß viele dem HERRN Geschenke brachten gen Jerusalem und Kleinode Hiskia, dem Könige Judas. Und er ward danach erhaben vor allen Heiden.

daß viele dem HERRN Geschenke brachten gen Jerusalem und Kleinode Hiskia, dem König Juda's. Und er ward darnach erhoben vor allen Heiden. {~}

Und viele brachten Jahwe Gaben und Jerusalem und Hiskia, dem Könige von Jerusalem, Kleinodien, und er stand darnach in den Augen aller Völker hoch da.

2 Cronache 32:23
E molti portarono a Gerusalemme delle offerte all’Eterno, e degli oggetti preziosi a Ezechia, re di Giuda, il quale, da allora, sorse in gran considerazione agli occhi di tutte le nazioni.

E molti portavano offerte al Signore in Gerusalemme, e cose preziose ad Ezechia, re di Giuda. E dopo queste cose, egli fu innalzato appresso tutte le nazioni.

2 TAWARIKH 32:23
Maka banyaklah orang yang menghantar persembahan kepada Tuhan di Yeruzalem, dan benda yang indah-indah kepada Yehizkia, raja Yehuda, sehingga kemudian dari pada hari itu bagindapun ditinggikan di hadapan mata segala orang kafir.

역대하 32:23
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 32:23
multi etiam deferebant hostias et sacrificia Domino Hierusalem et munera Ezechiae regi Iuda qui exaltatus est post haec coram cunctis gentibus

Antroji Kronikø knyga 32:23
Daugelis nešė dovanas į Jeruzalę Viešpačiui ir brangenybių Judo karaliui Ezekijui, kuris pagarsėjo aplinkinėse tautose.

2 Chronicles 32:23
A he tokomaha ki te kawe i te hakari ki a Ihowa, ki Hiruharama, i nga mea utu nui ano ki a Hetekia kingi o Hura; na kake tonu ake ia i reira i te tirohanga a nga iwi katoa.

2 Krønikebok 32:23
Det var mange som kom til Jerusalem med gaver til Herren og med kostbare ting til Judas konge Esekias; og han blev efter dette høit æret blandt alle folk.

2 Crónicas 32:23
Y muchos traían presentes al SEÑOR en Jerusalén y presentes valiosos a Ezequías, rey de Judá, de modo que después de esto fue engrandecido delante de todas las naciones.

Y muchos traían presentes al SEÑOR en Jerusalén y presentes valiosos a Ezequías, rey de Judá, de modo que después de esto fue engrandecido delante de todas las naciones.

Y muchos trajeron ofrenda a Jehová a Jerusalén, y a Ezequías rey de Judá, ricos dones; y fue muy grande delante de todas las naciones después de esto.

Y muchos trajeron ofrenda á Jehová á Jerusalem, y á Ezechîas rey de Judá, ricos dones; y fué muy grande delante de todas las gentes después de esto.

Y muchos trajeron presente al SEÑOR a Jerusalén; y a Ezequías rey de Judá, ricos dones; y fue muy grande delante de todos los gentiles después de esto.

2 Crônicas 32:23
Então o povo se mobilizou e muitos trouxeram a Jerusalém ofertas para o SENHOR e presentes valiosos para homenagear Ezequias, rei de Judá. Assim, desde aqueles acontecimentos em diante, o rei Ezequias passou a ser muito respeitado por todas as nações.

E muitos trouxeram presentes a Jerusalém ao Senhor, e coisas preciosas a Ezequias, rei de Judá, de modo que desde então ele foi exaltado perante os olhos de todas as nações.   

2 Cronici 32:23
Mulţi au adus Domnului daruri în Ierusalim, şi au adus daruri bogate lui Ezechia, împăratul lui Iuda, care de atunci s'a înălţat

2-я Паралипоменон 32:23
Тогда многие приносили дары Господу в Иерусалим и дорогие вещи Езекии, царю Иудейскому. И он возвеличился после сего в глазах всех народов.

Тогда многие приносили дары Господу в Иерусалим и дорогие вещи Езекии, царю Иудейскому. И он возвеличился после сего в глазах всех народов.[]

Krönikeboken 32:23
Och många förde skänker till HERREN i Jerusalem och dyrbara gåvor till Hiskia, Juda konung; och han blev härefter högt aktad av alla folk.

2 Chronicles 32:23
At marami ay nangagdala ng mga kaloob ng Panginoon sa Jerusalem, at ng mga mahalagang bagay kay Ezechias na hari sa Juda: na anopa't siya'y nataas sa paningin ng lahat na bansa mula noon.

2 พงศาวดาร 32:23
และคนเป็นอันมากนำของถวายพระเยโฮวาห์มายังกรุงเยรูซาเล็ม และของกำนัลต่างๆมาถวายเฮเซคียาห์กษัตริย์แห่งยูดาห์ พระองค์จึงทรงเป็นที่ยกย่องในสายตาของทั้งปวงตั้งแต่เวลานั้นเป็นต้นมา

2 Tarihler 32:23
Yeruşalime gelen birçok kişi RABbe sunular, Yahuda Kralı Hizkiyaya da değerli armağanlar getirdi. O günden sonra Hizkiya bütün uluslar arasında saygınlık kazandı.[]

2 Söû-kyù 32:23
Có nhiều người đem những lễ vật đến dâng cho Ðức Giê-hô-va tại Giê-ru-sa-lem, và những vật quí báu cho Ê-xê-chia, vua Giu-đa; nên từ khi ấy về sau, người được tôn cao trước mặt các nước.

2 Chronicles 32:22
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