2 Chronicles 23:8
2 Chronicles 23:8
The Levites and all the men of Judah did just as Jehoiada the priest ordered. Each one took his men--those who were going on duty on the Sabbath and those who were going off duty--for Jehoiada the priest had not released any of the divisions.

So the Levites and all the people of Judah did everything as Jehoiada the priest ordered. The commanders took charge of the men reporting for duty that Sabbath, as well as those who were going off duty. Jehoiada the priest did not let anyone go home after their shift ended.

The Levites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded, and they each brought his men, who were to go off duty on the Sabbath, with those who were to come on duty on the Sabbath, for Jehoiada the priest did not dismiss the divisions.

So the Levites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded. And each one of them took his men who were to come in on the sabbath, with those who were to go out on the sabbath, for Jehoiada the priest did not dismiss any of the divisions.

So the Levites and all Judah did according to all things that Jehoiada the priest had commanded, and took every man his men that were to come in on the sabbath, with them that were to go out on the sabbath: for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the courses.

So the commanders of hundreds did everything Jehoiada the priest commanded. They each brought their men--those coming on duty on the Sabbath and those going off duty on the Sabbath--for Jehoiada the priest did not release the divisions.

What Jehoiada the priest ordered is precisely what the descendants of Levi and all of Judah did. Each of them took the men who were on duty on the Sabbath as well as those who were off duty. Jehoiada the priest did not release the divisions from service,

The Levites and all the men of Judah did just as Jehoiada the priest ordered. Each of them took his men, those who were on duty during the Sabbath as well as those who were off duty on the Sabbath. Jehoiada the priest did not release his divisions from their duties.

So the Levites and all the Judeans did what the priest Jehoiada had ordered them. Each took his men who were coming on duty on the day of worship as well as those who were about to go off duty. Jehoiada had not dismissed the priestly divisions.

So the Levites and all Judah did according to all the things that Jehoiada, the priest, had commanded, and each one took his men, those that were to come in on the sabbath with those that were to go out on the sabbath, for Jehoiada the priest did not dismiss the courses.

So the Levites and all Judah did according to all things that Jehoiada the priest had commanded, and took everyone his men that were to come on duty on the sabbath, with them that were to go off duty on the sabbath: for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the divisions.

So the Levites and all Judah did according to all things that Jehoiada the priest had commanded, and took every man his men that were to come in on the sabbath, with them that were to go out on the sabbath: for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the courses.

So the Levites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded: and they took every man his men, those that were to come in on the sabbath; with those that were to go out on the sabbath; for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the courses.

So the Levites, and all Juda did according to all that Joiada the high priest bad commanded: and they took every one his men that were under him, and that came in by the course of the sabbath, with those who had fulfilled the sabbath, and were to go out. For Joiada the high priest permitted not the companies to depart, which were accustomed to succeed one another every week.

And the Levites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded; and they took every man his men, those that were to come in on the sabbath, with them that were to go forth on the sabbath; for Jehoiada the priest did not liberate the divisions.

So the Levites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded: and they took every man his men, those that were to come in on the sabbath, with those that were to go out on the sabbath; for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the courses.

So the Levites and all Judah did according to all things that Jehoiada the priest had commanded, and took every man his men that were to come in on the sabbath, with them that were to go out on the sabbath: for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the courses.

So the Levites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded: and they took every man his men, those who were to come in on the Sabbath; with those who were to go out on the Sabbath; for Jehoiada the priest didn't dismiss the shift.

And the Levites and all Judah do according to all that Jehoiada the priest hath commanded, and take each his men going in on the sabbath, with those going out on the sabbath, for Jehoiada the priest hath not let away the courses.

2 i Kronikave 23:8
Levitët dhe tërë Juda bënë pikërisht ashtu si kishte urdhëruar prifti Jehojada; secili mori njerëzit e tij, ata e merrnin shërbimin të shtunën dhe ata që e linin shërbimin të shtunën, sepse prifti Jehojada nuk kishte liruar nga puna klasat që dilnin.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 23:8
فعمل اللاويون وكل يهوذا حسب كل ما أمر به يهوياداع الكاهن. واخذوا كل واحد رجاله الداخلين في السبت مع الخارجين في السبت لان يهوياداع الكاهن لم يصرف الفرق.

Dyr Lauft B 23:8
De Brender und Judauer gabfolgnd alle Weisungen von n Priester Joiyden. Ayn Ieder gholt seine Leut, sowol die, wo seln Sams ee dran gwösn wärnd, wie aau die, wo aft frei ghaat haetnd. Niemdd ließ dyr Priester Joiyden geen.

2 Летописи 23:8
И тъй, левитите и целият Юда извършиха всичко според както заповяда свещеник Иодай, и взеха всеки мъжете си- ония, които щяха да постъпят [на служба] в събота, и ония, които щяха да оставят [службата] в събота; защото свещеник Иодай не разпущаше отредите.

歷 代 志 下 23:8
利 未 人 和 猶 大 眾 人 都 照 著 祭 司 耶 何 耶 大 一 切 所 吩 咐 的 去 行 , 各 帶 所 管 安 息 日 進 班 出 班 的 人 來 , 因 為 祭 司 耶 何 耶 大 不 許 他 們 下 班 。

利 未 人 和 犹 大 众 人 都 照 着 祭 司 耶 何 耶 大 一 切 所 吩 咐 的 去 行 , 各 带 所 管 安 息 日 进 班 出 班 的 人 来 , 因 为 祭 司 耶 何 耶 大 不 许 他 们 下 班 。



2 Chronicles 23:8
Leviti i sav judejski narod učinili su sve onako kako je naredio svećenik Jojada. Svaki je uzeo svoje ljude koji subotom ulaze u službu s onima koji subotom izlaze. Jer svećenik Jojada nije otpustio redova.

Druhá Paralipomenon 23:8
Tedy učinili Levítové a všecken Juda všecko, cožkoli přikázal Joiada kněz, a vzali jeden každý muže své, kteříž přicházeli v sobotu, a kteříž odcházeli v sobotu; nebo byl nepropustil Joiada kněz žádné střídy.

Anden Krønikebog 23:8
Leviterne og alle Judæerne gjorde alt, hvad Præsten Jojada havde paabudt, idet de tog hver sine Folk, baade dem, der rykkede ud, og dem, der rykkede ind om Sabbaten, thi Præsten Jojada gav ikke Skifterne Orlov.

2 Kronieken 23:8
En de Levieten en gans Juda deden naar alles, wat de priester Jojada geboden had; en zij namen een ieder zijn mannen, die op den sabbat inkwamen, met degenen, die op den sabbat uitgingen; want de priester Jojada had aan de verdelingen geen verlof gegeven.

דברי הימים ב 23:8
וַיַּעֲשׂ֨וּ הַלְוִיִּ֜ם וְכָל־יְהוּדָ֗ה כְּכֹ֣ל אֲשֶׁר־צִוָּה֮ יְהֹויָדָ֣ע הַכֹּהֵן֒ וַיִּקְחוּ֙ אִ֣ישׁ אֶת־אֲנָשָׁ֔יו בָּאֵ֣י הַשַּׁבָּ֔ת עִ֖ם יֹוצְאֵ֣י הַשַּׁבָּ֑ת כִּ֣י לֹ֥א פָטַ֛ר יְהֹויָדָ֥ע הַכֹּהֵ֖ן אֶת־הַֽמַּחְלְקֹֽות׃

ח ויעשו הלוים וכל יהודה ככל אשר צוה יהוידע הכהן ויקחו איש את אנשיו באי השבת עם יוצאי השבת  כי לא פטר יהוידע הכהן את המחלקות

ויעשו הלוים וכל־יהודה ככל אשר־צוה יהוידע הכהן ויקחו איש את־אנשיו באי השבת עם יוצאי השבת כי לא פטר יהוידע הכהן את־המחלקות׃

2 Krónika 23:8
És mind a szerint cselekedének a Léviták és az egész Júda, a mint Jójada pap megparancsolá, és kiki maga mellé vevé az õ embereit, mindazokat, a kik felmennek vala a szombatra, mind a kik kijõnek vala szombaton; mert Jójada pap nem ereszté el a csapatokat.

Kroniko 2 23:8
La Levidoj kaj cxiuj Judoj faris cxion, kion ordonis la pastro Jehojada; kaj cxiu prenis siajn homojn, la sabate venantajn kun la sabate forirantaj, cxar la pastro Jehojada ne forliberigis la lauxvicajn grupojn.

Ja Leviläiset kaiken Juudan kanssa tekivät kaiketi niinkuin pappi Jojada käskenyt oli. Ja jokainen otti väkensä, jotka menivät sabbatille, niiden kanssa jotka menivät pois sabbatilta; sillä pappi Jojada ei antanut niiden eritä toinen toisestansa.

2 Chroniques 23:8
Et les lévites et tout Juda firent selon tout ce que Jehoïada, le sacrificateur, avait commandé; et ils prirent chacun ses hommes, ceux qui entraient le jour du sabbat et ceux qui sortaient le jour du sabbat; car Jehoïada, le sacrificateur, n'avait pas renvoyé les classes.

Les Lévites et tout Juda exécutèrent tous les ordres qu'avait donnés le sacrificateur Jehojada. Ils prirent chacun leurs gens, ceux qui entraient en service et ceux qui sortaient de service le jour du sabbat; car le sacrificateur Jehojada n'avait exempté aucune des divisions.

Les Lévites donc et tous ceux de Juda firent tout ce que Jéhojadah le Sacrificateur avait commandé, et prirent chacun ses gens, tant ceux qui entraient en semaine que ceux qui sortaient de semaine; car Jéhojadah le Sacrificateur n'avait point donné congé aux départements.

2 Chronik 23:8
Und die Leviten und ganz Juda taten, wie der Priester Jojada geboten hatte, und nahm ein jeglicher seine Leute, die des Sabbats antraten, mit denen, die des Sabbats abtraten. Denn Jojada, der Priester, ließ die zween Haufen nicht voneinander kommen.

Und die Leviten und ganz Juda taten, wie der Priester Jojada geboten hatte, und nahm ein jeglicher seine Leute, die des Sabbats antraten, mit denen, die des Sabbats abtraten. Denn Jojada, der Priester, ließ die Ordnungen nicht auseinander gehen. {~}

Und die Leviten thaten genau so, wie der Priester Jojada sie angewiesen hatte, und nahmen ein jeder seine Leute, sowohl die, welche am Sabbat abzogen, als die, welche am Sabbat aufzogen; denn der Priester Jojada hatte die dienstfrei gewordenen Abteilungen nicht entlassen.

2 Cronache 23:8
I Leviti e tutto Giuda eseguirono tutti gli ordini dati dal sacerdote Jehoiada; ognun d’essi prese i suoi uomini: quelli che entravano in servizio il giorno del sabato, e quelli che uscivan di servizio il giorno del sabato; poiché il sacerdote Jehoiada non avea licenziato le mute uscenti.

I Leviti adunque, e tutto Giuda, fecero interamente secondo che il sacerdote Gioiada avea comandato, e presero ciascuno la sua gente, cioè, quelli ch’entravano in settimana e quelli che ne uscivano; perciocchè il sacerdote Gioiada non licenziò gli spartimenti.

Maka segala orang Lewi dan segenap orang Yehudapun berbuatlah seperti segala pesan imam Yoyada, diambilnya masing-masing akan orangnya, baik yang berkhidmat pada hari sabat baik yang tiada berkhidmat pada hari sabat itu, karena tiada diberi izin oleh imam Yoyada akan segala kelompok itu.

역대하 23:8
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 23:8
fecerunt igitur Levitae et universus Iuda iuxta omnia quae praeceperat Ioiadae pontifex et adsumpserunt singuli viros qui sub se erant et veniebant per ordinem sabbati cum his qui iam impleverant sabbatum et egressuri erant siquidem Ioiadae pontifex non dimiserat abire turmas quae sibi per singulas ebdomadas succedere consueverant

Antroji Kronikø knyga 23:8
Levitai ir visas Judas darė, kaip kunigas Jehojada buvo įsakęs: kiekvienas atėjo su savo vyrais, kurie turėjo įeiti sabate ir kurie turėjo išeiti sabate, nes kunigas Jehojada nepaleido sargybą baigusių skyrių.

2 Chronicles 23:8
Na ka meatia e nga Riwaiti, e Hura katoa nga mea katoa i whakahaua e Iehoiara tohunga; a ka mau ratou ki ana tangata, ki ana tangata, ki nga mea e haere ana ki roto i te hapati, ki te hunga ano e haere atu ana ki waho i te hapati; kihai hoki a Ie hoiara tohunga i tuku i nga wehenga kia haere.

2 Krønikebok 23:8
Levittene og hele Juda gjorde aldeles som presten Jojada hadde befalt; de tok hver sine menn, både dem som tiltrådte på sabbaten, og dem som trådte av på sabbaten; for presten Jojada hadde ikke latt skiftene få hjemlov.

2 Crónicas 23:8
Y los levitas y todo Judá hicieron conforme a todo lo que había ordenado el sacerdote Joiada. Cada uno de ellos tomó sus hombres, los que habían de entrar en el día de reposo, junto con los que habían de salir el día de reposo, porque el sacerdote Joiada no despidió a ninguno de los grupos.

Y los Levitas y todo Judá hicieron conforme a todo lo que había ordenado el sacerdote Joiada. Cada uno de ellos tomó sus hombres, los que habían de entrar en el día de reposo, junto con los que habían de salir el día de reposo, porque el sacerdote Joiada no despidió a ninguno de los grupos.

Y los levitas y todo Judá lo hicieron todo como lo había mandado el sacerdote Joiada; y tomó cada uno a los suyos, los que entraban el sábado, y los que salían el sábado; porque el sacerdote Joiada no dio licencia a las compañías.

Y los Levitas y todo Judá lo hicieron todo como lo había mandado el sacerdote Joiada: y tomó cada uno los suyos, los que entraban de semana, y los que salían el sábado: porque el sacerdote Joiada no dió licencia á las compañías.

Y los levitas y todo Judá lo hicieron todo como lo había mandado el sacerdote Joiada; y tomó cada uno los suyos, los que entraban el sábado, y los que salían el sábado; porque el sacerdote Joiada no dio licencia a las compañías.

2 Crônicas 23:8
Assim, os levitas e todo o povo de Judá obedeceram as ordens e fizeram tudo quanto o sacerdote Joiada havia orientado. Cada um pegou os seus homens, tanto os que haviam de entrar em serviço no Shabbãth, sábado, como os que deveriam sair, pois o sacerdote Joiada não dispensou os homens de seus turnos.

Fizeram, pois, os levitas e todo o Judá conforme tudo o que ordenara e sacerdote Jeoiada; e tomou cada um os seus homens, tanto os que haviam de entrar no sábado como os que haviam de sair, pois o sacerdote Jeoiada não despediu as turmas.   

2 Cronici 23:8
Leviţii şi tot Iuda au împlinit toate poruncile pe cari le dăduse preotul Iehoiada. Şi-au luat fiecare oamenii lui, pe cei ce intrau în slujbă şi pe ceice ieşeau din slujbă în ziua Sabatului; căci preotul Iehoiada nu scutise pe niciuna din cete.

2-я Паралипоменон 23:8
И сделали левиты и все Иудеи, что приказал Иодай священник; и взяли каждый людей своих, приходящих в субботу с отходящими в субботу, потому что не отпустил священник Иодай сменившихся черед.

И сделали левиты и все Иудеи, что приказал Иодай священник; и взяли каждый людей своих, приходящих в субботу с отходящими в субботу, потому что не отпустил священник Иодай [сменившихся] черед.[]

Krönikeboken 23:8
Leviterna och hela Juda gjorde allt vad prästen Jojada hade bjudit dem, var och en av dem tog sina män, både de som skulle inträda i vakthållningen på sabbaten och de som skulle avgå därifrån på sabbaten, ty prästen Jojada lät ingen avdelning vara fri ifrån tjänstgöring.

2 Chronicles 23:8
Gayon ginawa ng mga Levita at ng buong Juda ang ayon sa lahat na iniutos ni Joiada na saserdote: at sila'y kumuha bawa't lalake ng kaniyang mga lalake, yaong nagsisipasok sa sabbath, na kasama niyaong nagsisilabas sa sabbath; sapagka't hindi pinayaon ni Joiada na saserdote ang mga pangkat.

2 พงศาวดาร 23:8
คนเลวีและคนยูดาห์ทั้งปวงได้กระทำทุกสิ่งที่เยโฮยาดาปุโรหิตได้บัญชาไว้ เขาทั้งหลายต่างก็นำคนของเขามา คือทั้งคนที่ออกเวรในวันสะบาโต และบรรดาคนเหล่านั้นที่จะเข้าเวรในวันสะบาโต เพราะเยโฮยาดาปุโรหิตมิได้ปล่อยกองเวร

2 Tarihler 23:8
Levililerle Yahudalılar Kâhin Yehoyadanın buyruklarını tam tamına uyguladılar. Şabat Günü göreve gidenlerle görevi biten adamlarını aldılar. Çünkü Kâhin Yehoyada bölüklere izin vermemişti.[]

2 Söû-kyù 23:8
Người Lê-vi và cả Giu-đa đều làm theo lời thầy tế lễ Giê-hô-gia-đa đã dặn bảo; mỗi người đều lãnh kẻ thủ hạ mình, hoặc những kẻ vào phiên ngày sa-bát hay là kẻ mãn phiên ngày sa-bát; vì thầy tế lễ Giê-hô-gia-đa không cho các phiên đổi về.

2 Chronicles 23:7
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