2 Chronicles 2:4
2 Chronicles 2:4
Now I am about to build a temple for the Name of the LORD my God and to dedicate it to him for burning fragrant incense before him, for setting out the consecrated bread regularly, and for making burnt offerings every morning and evening and on the Sabbaths, at the New Moons and at the appointed festivals of the LORD our God. This is a lasting ordinance for Israel.

I am about to build a Temple to honor the name of the LORD my God. It will be a place set apart to burn fragrant incense before him, to display the special sacrificial bread, and to sacrifice burnt offerings each morning and evening, on the Sabbaths, at new moon celebrations, and at the other appointed festivals of the LORD our God. He has commanded Israel to do these things forever.

Behold, I am about to build a house for the name of the LORD my God and dedicate it to him for the burning of incense of sweet spices before him, and for the regular arrangement of the showbread, and for burnt offerings morning and evening, on the Sabbaths and the new moons and the appointed feasts of the LORD our God, as ordained forever for Israel.

"Behold, I am about to build a house for the name of the LORD my God, dedicating it to Him, to burn fragrant incense before Him and to set out the showbread continually, and to offer burnt offerings morning and evening, on sabbaths and on new moons and on the appointed feasts of the LORD our God, this being required forever in Israel.

Behold, I build an house to the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual shewbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts of the LORD our God. This is an ordinance for ever to Israel.

Now I am building a temple for the name of Yahweh my God in order to dedicate it to Him for burning fragrant incense before Him, for displaying the rows of the bread of the Presence continuously, and for sacrificing burnt offerings for the morning and the evening, the Sabbaths and the New Moons, and the appointed festivals of the LORD our God. This is ordained for Israel forever.

Look, I'm building a temple dedicated to the name of the LORD my God, to his glory, so we can burn fragrant incense in his presence, display rows of the bread of his presence continuously, and make burnt offerings in the morning, evening, on Sabbath days, during New Moon festivals, and during appointed festivals scheduled by the LORD our God. This is mandated forever in Israel.

Look, I am ready to build a temple to honor the LORD my God and to dedicate it to him in order to burn fragrant incense before him, to set out the bread that is regularly displayed, and to offer burnt sacrifices each morning and evening, and on Sabbaths, new moon festivals, and at other times appointed by the LORD our God. This is something Israel must do on a permanent basis.

I want to build the temple for the name of the LORD my God. I want to dedicate it to him, burn sweet-smelling incense in his presence, and have rows of bread there continually. I want to [sacrifice] burnt offerings every morning and evening, on weekly worship days, New Moon Festivals, and during the annual festivals appointed by the LORD our God. ( [These festivals] are always to be celebrated by Israel.)

Behold, I must build a house unto the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him and to burn aromatic incense before him and for the continual showbread and for the burnt offerings morning and evening on the sabbaths and on the new moons and on the solemn feasts of the LORD our God, which is to be perpetual in Israel.

Behold, I build a house to the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual showbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts of the LORD our God. This is an ordinance forever to Israel.

Behold, I build an house to the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual show bread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts of the LORD our God. This is an ordinance for ever to Israel.

Behold, I am about to build a house for the name of Jehovah my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him incense of sweet spices, and for the continual showbread, and for the burnt-offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the set feasts of Jehovah our God. This is an ordinance for ever to Israel.

So do with me that I may build a house to the name of the Lord my God, to dedicate it to burn incense before him, and to perfume with aromatical spices, and for the continual setting forth of bread, and for the holocausts, morning and evening, and on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and the solemnities of the Lord our God for ever, which are commanded for Israel.

Behold, I build a house unto the name of Jehovah my God to dedicate it to him, to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual arrangement of the shewbread, and for the morning and evening burnt-offerings and on the sabbaths and on the new moons, and on the set feasts of Jehovah our God. This is an ordinance for ever to Israel.

Behold, I build an house for the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him incense of sweet spices, and for the continual shewbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the set feasts of the LORD our God. This is an ordinance for ever to Israel;

Behold, I build a house to the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual show-bread, and for the burnt-offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts of the LORD our God. This is an ordinance for ever to Israel.

Behold, I am about to build a house for the name of Yahweh my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him incense of sweet spices, and for the continual show bread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the Sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the set feasts of Yahweh our God. This is [an ordinance] forever to Israel.

lo, I am building a house to the name of Jehovah my God, to sanctify it to Him, to make perfume before Him, perfume of spices, and a continual arrangement, and burnt-offerings at morning and at evening, at sabbaths, and at new moons, and at appointed seasons of Jehovah our God; to the age this is on Israel.

2 i Kronikave 2:4
Ja unë jam duke ndërtuar një tempull në emër të Zotit, Perëndisë tim, për t'ia kushtuar atij, për të djegur para tij temjan erëmirë, për të ekspozuar vazhdimisht bukët e paraqitjes dhe për të ofruar olokauste në mëngjes dhe në mbrëmje, të shtunave, kur të ketë hënë të re dhë në festat e caktuara nga Zoti, Perëndia ynë. Ky është një ligj i përjetshëm për Izraelin.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 2:4
فهانذا ابني بيتا لاسم الرب الهي لاقدسه له لأوقد امامه بخورا عطرا ولخبز الوجوه الدائم وللمحرقات صباحا ومساء وللسبوت والاهلّة ومواسم الرب الهنا. هذا على اسرائيل الى الابد.

Dyr Lauft B 2:4
Und ietz mechet i yn n Nam von n Herrn, meinn Got, ayn Haus baun und iem dös weihen. Daa drinn wolln myr n eern mit Weihrauckopfer, Schaubrooter und de Reglopfer eyn dyr Frueh und auf Nacht, z Sams und an de Neumaend und Jaarsföster von ünsern Got, yn n Trechtein. Dös ist üns Isryheeler auf eebig auferlögt.

2 Летописи 2:4
Ето, аз строя дом за името на Господа моя Бог, да го посветя Нему, за да се принася пред Него благоуханен темян и постоянните присътствени [хлябове], и утринните и вечерните всеизгаряния, в съботите, на новолунията, и в празниците на Господа нашия Бог; това е всегдашна [наредба] в Израил.

歷 代 志 下 2:4
我 要 為 耶 和 華 ─ 我   神 的 名 建 造 殿 宇 , 分 別 為 聖 獻 給 他 , 在 他 面 前 焚 燒 美 香 , 常 擺 陳 設 餅 , 每 早 晚 、 安 息 日 、 月 朔 , 並 耶 和 華 ─ 我 們   神 所 定 的 節 期 獻 燔 祭 。 這 是 以 色 列 人 永 遠 的 定 例 。

我 要 为 耶 和 华 ─ 我   神 的 名 建 造 殿 宇 , 分 别 为 圣 献 给 他 , 在 他 面 前 焚 烧 美 香 , 常 摆 陈 设 饼 , 每 早 晚 、 安 息 日 、 月 朔 , 并 耶 和 华 ─ 我 们   神 所 定 的 节 期 献 燔 祭 。 这 是 以 色 列 人 永 远 的 定 例 。



2 Chronicles 2:4
Kanim podići Dom Imenu Jahve, svojega Boga, i posvetiti mu ga da se diže pred njim miomirisni kad, da se uvijek postavljaju kruhovi, da se prinose paljenice jutrom i večerom, subotom, na dane mlađaka i na blagdane Jahve, Boga našega; i tako da zauvijek ostane u Izraelu.

Druhá Paralipomenon 2:4
Nebo aj, já stavěti chci dům jménu Hospodina Boha svého, aby posvěcen byl jemu k tomu, aby se před ním kadilo vonnými věcmi, a k ustavičnému předkládání chlebů, i k zápalným obětem, ranním i večerním, ve dny sobotní a novoměsíčné, i na slavnosti Hospodina Boha našeho, což v Izraeli na věky trvati má.

Anden Krønikebog 2:4
Se, jeg er ved at bygge HERREN min Guds Navn et Hus; det skal helliges ham, for at man kan brænde vellugtende Røgelse for hans Aasyn, altid have Skuebrødene fremme og ofre Brændofre hver Morgen og Aften, paa Sabbaterne, Nymaanedagene og HERREN vor Guds Højtider, som det til evig Tid paahviler Israel.

2 Kronieken 2:4
Zie, ik zal een huis voor den Naam des HEEREN, mijns Gods, bouwen, om Hem te heiligen, om reukwerk der welriekende specerijen voor Zijn aangezicht aan te steken, en voor de toerichting des gedurigen broods, en voor de brandofferen des morgens en des avonds, op de sabbatten, en op de nieuwe maanden, en op de gezette hoogtijden des HEEREN, onzes Gods; hetwelk voor eeuwig is in Israel.

דברי הימים ב 2:4
הִנֵּה֩ אֲנִ֨י בֹֽונֶה־בַּ֜יִת לְשֵׁ֣ם ׀ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהָ֗י לְהַקְדִּ֣ישׁ לֹ֡ו לְהַקְטִ֣יר לְפָנָ֣יו קְטֹֽרֶת־סַמִּים֩ וּמַעֲרֶ֨כֶת תָּמִ֤יד וְעֹלֹות֙ לַבֹּ֣קֶר וְלָעֶ֔רֶב לַשַּׁבָּתֹות֙ וְלֶ֣חֳדָשִׁ֔ים וּֽלְמֹועֲדֵ֖י יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֵ֑ינוּ לְעֹולָ֖ם זֹ֥את עַל־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

ג הנה אני בונה בית לשם יהוה אלהי להקדיש לו להקטיר לפניו קטרת סמים ומערכת תמיד ועלות לבקר ולערב לשבתות ולחדשים ולמועדי יהוה אלהינו  לעולם זאת על ישראל

הנה אני בונה־בית לשם ׀ יהוה אלהי להקדיש לו להקטיר לפניו קטרת־סמים ומערכת תמיד ועלות לבקר ולערב לשבתות ולחדשים ולמועדי יהוה אלהינו לעולם זאת על־ישראל׃

2 Krónika 2:4
Úgy én az én Uram Istenem nevének akarok házat építeni, hogy néki szenteljem, és abban füstölõ szerekkel jó illatot gerjeszszek, hogy folytonosan szent kenyerek [álljanak elõtte,] s minden reggel és este égõáldozatot [áldozzak ]szombatnapokon, az új holdnak napjain, és az Úrnak a mi Istenünknek szentelt ünnepeken, melyeket örökké kell cselekedniök az Izráelitáknak.

Kroniko 2 2:4
nun jen mi konstruas domon al la nomo de la Eternulo, mia Dio, por ke gxi estu konsekrita al Li, por incensadi antaux Li bonodorajn incensojn, prezenti tie konstante panojn de propono, bruloferojn matene kaj vespere, en sabatoj, monatkomencoj, kaj festoj de la Eternulo, nia Dio, kio estas eterna legxo por Izrael.

Katso, minä rakennan Herran minun Jumalani nimelle huoneen, että se hänelle pyhitettäisiin, suitsutettaa hyvän hajun uhria hänen edessänsä, ja aina valmistettaa näkyleipiä ja polttouhria, aamulla ja ehtoolla, lepopäivinä ja uusilla kuilla, ja Herran meidän Jumalamme juhlina: ijankaikkisesti pitää tämä oleman Israelin edessä.

2 Chroniques 2:4
Voici, je bâtis une maison pour le nom de l'Éternel, mon Dieu, pour la lui consacrer, pour faire fumer devant lui l'encens de drogues odoriférantes, et pour l'arrangement continuel des pains, et pour les holocaustes du matin et du soir, des sabbats, et des nouvelles lunes, et des jours solennels de l'Éternel, notre Dieu; cela est prescrit à Israël à toujours.

Voici, j'élève une maison au nom de l'Eternel, mon Dieu, pour la lui consacrer, pour brûler devant lui le parfum odoriférant, pour présenter continuellement les pains de proposition, et pour offrir les holocaustes du matin et du soir, des sabbats, des nouvelles lunes, et des fêtes de l'Eternel, notre Dieu, suivant une loi perpétuelle pour Israël.

Voici, je m'en vais bâtir une maison au Nom de l'Eternel mon Dieu, pour la lui sanctifier, afin de faire fumer devant lui le parfum des odeurs aromatiques, [et lui présenter] les pains de proposition, lesquels on pose continuellement devant lui, et les holocaustes du matin et du soir, pour les Sabbats, et pour les nouvelles lunes, et pour les Fêtes solennelles de l'Eternel notre Dieu; ce qui est perpétuel en Israël.

2 Chronik 2:4
siehe, ich will dem Namen des HERRN, meines Gottes, ein Haus bauen, das ihm geheiliget werde, gut Räuchwerk vor ihm zu räuchern, und Schaubrote allewege zuzurichten und Brandopfer des Morgens und des Abends auf die Sabbate und Neumonden und auf die Feste des HERRN, unsers Gottes, ewiglich für Israel.

Siehe, ich will dem Namen des HERRN, meines Gottes, ein Haus bauen, das ihm geheiligt werde, gutes Räuchwerk vor ihm zu räuchern und Schaubrote allewege zuzurichten und Brandopfer des Morgens und des Abends auf die Sabbate und Neumonde und auf die Feste des HERRN, unsers Gottes, ewiglich für Israel. {~} {~} {~}

Ich bin soeben im Begriff, dem Namen Jahwes, meines Gottes, einen Tempel zu erbauen, um ihm denselben zu weihen, wohlriechendes Räucherwerk vor ihm zu verbrennen, sowie zur regelmäßigen Darbringung der reihenweise aufgelegten Brote und zu den Brandopfern an jedem Morgen und Abend, an den Sabbathen und Neumonden und den Festen Jahwes, unseres Gottes, - solches liegt Israel für immer ob.

2 Cronache 2:4
Ecco, io sto per edificare una casa per il nome dell’Eterno, dell’Iddio mio, per consacrargliela, per bruciare dinanzi a lui il profumo fragrante, per esporvi permanentemente i pani della presentazione, e per offrirvi gli olocausti del mattino e della sera, dei sabati, dei noviluni, e delle feste dell’Eterno, dell’Iddio nostro. Questa è una legge perpetua per Israele.

Ecco, io edifico una Casa al nome del Signore Iddio mio, per consacrargliela, per far profumi di aromati davanti a lui, e per presentargli i pani che hanno da esser del continuo disposti per ordine, e per offerirgli olocausti della mattina e della sera, e de’ sabati, e delle calendi, e delle feste solenni del Signore Iddio nostro, come ciò è imposto in perpetuo ad Israele.

Bahwasanya beta hendak membuat sebuah rumah bagi nama Tuhan, Allah beta, hendak memberi hormat kepada-Nya dan membakar dupa dari pada rempah-rempah yang harum di hadapan hadirat-Nya dan menyediakan meja bagi-Nya selalu dan mempersembahkan korban bakaran kepada-Nya pada pagi dan petang dan pada segala hari sabat dan pada segala bulan baharu dan pada segala hari raya Tuhan, Allah kami, yaitu suatu syariat bagi orang Israel sampai selama-lamanya.

역대하 2:4
이제 내가 나의 하나님 여호와의 이름을 위하여 전을 건축하여 구별하여 드리고 주 앞에서 향재료를 사르며 항상 떡을 진설하며 안식일과 초하루와 우리 하나님 여호와의 절기에 조석으로 번제를 드리려 하니 이는 이스라엘의 영원한 규례니이다

II Paralipomenon 2:4
sic fac mecum ut aedificem domum nomini Domini Dei mei et consecrem eam ad adolendum incensum coram illo et fumiganda aromata et ad propositionem panum sempiternam et holocaustomata mane et vespere sabbatis quoque et neomeniis et sollemnitatibus Domini Dei nostri in sempiternum quae mandata sunt Israheli

Antroji Kronikø knyga 2:4
Aš statau namus Viešpaties, savo Dievo, vardui, kurie bus pašvęsti Jam. Ten bus smilkomi kvapnūs smilkalai Jo akivaizdoje, nuolat laikoma padėtinė duona, aukojamos deginamosios aukos kas rytą ir vakarą, taip pat sabatais, per jauną mėnulį ir mūsų Viešpaties šventėmis; taip įsakyta Izraeliui daryti per amžius.

2 Chronicles 2:4
Nana, ka hanga e ahau he whare mo te ingoa o Ihowa, o toku Atua, ka whakatapua mona, hei tahunga mo te whakakakara reka ki tona aroaro, mo te taro aroaro tuturu, mo nga tahunga tinana o te ata, o te ahiahi, o nga hapati, o nga kowhititanga marama, o nga hakari o Ihowa, o to matou Atua. He tikanga tenei ake ake ma Iharaira.

2 Krønikebok 2:4
Nu vil jeg bygge et hus for Herrens, min Guds navn og hellige det til ham, så vi kan brenne velluktende røkelse for hans åsyn og legge frem de daglige skuebrød og ofre brennoffere morgen og aften på sabbatene og nymåne-dagene og på Herrens, vår Guds høitider; dette er pålagt Israel for alle tider.

2 Crónicas 2:4
He aquí, voy a edificar una casa al nombre del SEÑOR mi Dios, para consagrársela, para quemar incienso aromático delante de El, para colocar continuamente el pan de la proposición y para ofrecer holocaustos por la mañana y por la tarde, en los días de reposo, en las lunas nuevas y en las fiestas señaladas del SEÑOR nuestro Dios; esto será ordenanza perpetua en Israel.

"Voy a edificar una casa al nombre del SEÑOR mi Dios, para consagrársela, para quemar incienso aromático delante de El, para colocar continuamente los panes de la proposición y para ofrecer holocaustos por la mañana y por la tarde, en los días de reposo, en las lunas nuevas y en las fiestas señaladas del SEÑOR nuestro Dios; esto será ordenanza perpetua en Israel.

He aquí yo edifico casa al nombre de Jehová mi Dios, para consagrársela, para quemar incienso aromático delante de Él, y para la colocación continua de los panes de la proposición, y para holocaustos a mañana y tarde, y los sábados, y lunas nuevas, y festividades de Jehová nuestro Dios. Esto será ordenanza perpetua en Israel.

He aquí yo tengo que edificar casa al nombre de Jehová mi Dios, para consagrársela, para quemar perfumes aromáticos delante de él, y para la colocación continua de los panes de la proposición, y para holocaustos á mañana y tarde, y los sábados, y nuevas l

He aquí yo tengo que edificar Casa al nombre del SEÑOR mi Dios, para consagrársela, para quemar incienso aromático delante de él, y para la colocación continua de los panes de la proposición , y para holocaustos a mañana y tarde; y para sábados, y nuevas lunas, y fiestas solemnes del SEÑOR nuestro Dios; lo cual ha de ser perpetuo en Israel.

2 Crônicas 2:4
Eis que resolvi edificar uma Casa para o Nome de Yahweh, o SENHOR, meu Deus e consagrá-la para queimar incenso sagrado e aromático diante dele, apresentar continuamente o pão consagrado, da proposição, e oferecer os holocaustos da manhã e da tarde, nos sábados, nas luas novas e nas festas fixas de Yahweh nosso Deus. Isto é obrigação perpétua de Israel.

Eis que vou edificar uma casa ao nome do Senhor meu Deus e lha consagrar para queimar perante ele incenso aromático, para apresentar continuamente, o pão da preposição, e para oferecer os holocaustos da manhã e da tarde, nos sábados, nas luas novas e nas festas fixas do Senhor nosso Deus; o que é obrigação perpétua de Israel.   

2 Cronici 2:4
Iată, eu înalţ o casă Numelui Domnului, Dumnezeului meu, ca să I -o închin Lui, să ard înaintea Lui tămîie mirositoare, să aduc necurmat în ea pînile pentru punerea înainte, şi să aduc arderile de tot de dimineaţă şi de seară, în zilele de Sabat, de lună nouă, şi de sărbătoare ale Domnului, Dumnezeului nostru, după o lege vecinică pentru Israel.

2-я Паралипоменон 2:4
Вот я строю дом имени Господа Бога моего, для посвящения Ему, чтобывозжигать пред Ним благовонное курение, представлять постоянно хлебы предложения и возносить там всесожжения утром и вечером в субботы, и в новомесячия, и в праздникиГоспода Бога нашего, что навсегда заповедано Израилю.

Вот я строю дом имени Господа Бога моего, для посвящения Ему, чтобы возжигать пред Ним благовонное курение, представлять постоянно хлебы предложения и [возносить там] всесожжения утром и вечером в субботы, и в новомесячия, и в праздники Господа Бога нашего, что навсегда заповедано Израилю.[]

Krönikeboken 2:4
Nu vill jag bygga ett hus åt HERRENS, min Guds, namn och helga det åt honom, för att man där må antända välluktande rökelse inför hans ansikte, och hava skådebröden beständigt upplagda, och offra brännoffer morgon och afton, på sabbaterna, vid nymånaderna och vid HERRENS, vår Guds, högtider; ty så är det för evärdlig tid stadgat för Israel.

2 Chronicles 2:4
Narito, aking ipinagtatayo ng isang bahay ang pangalan ng Panginoon kong Dios, upang italaga sa kaniya, at upang magsunog sa harap niya ng kamangyan na may mga mainam na espesia, at maiukol sa palaging tinapay na handog, at sa mga handog na susunugin sa umaga at hapon, sa mga sabbath, at sa mga bagong buwan, at sa mga takdang kapistahan sa Panginoon naming Dios. Ito ang utos sa Israel magpakailan man.

2 พงศาวดาร 2:4
ดูเถิด ข้าพเจ้ากำลังจะสร้างพระนิเวศเพื่อพระนามพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของข้าพเจ้า และมอบถวายแด่พระองค์ เพื่อเผาเครื่องหอมต่อพระพักตร์พระองค์ และเพื่อขนมปังหน้าพระพักตร์เนืองนิตย์ และเพื่อเครื่องเผาบูชาทั้งเช้าและเย็น ในวันสะบาโต และในวันข้างขึ้น และวันเทศกาลตามกำหนดของพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของเรา ซึ่งเป็นกฎตั้งไว้เป็นนิตย์สำหรับอิสราเอล

2 Tarihler 2:4
Tanrım RABbe adamak üzere, Onun adına bir tapınak yapıyorum. Bu tapınakta hoş kokulu buhur yakıp adak ekmeklerini sürekli olarak masaya dizeceğiz. Sabah akşam, her Şabat Günü, her Yeni Ay ve Tanrımız RABbin belirlediği bayramlarda orada yakmalık sunular sunacağız. İsraile bunları sürekli yapması buyruldu.[]

2 Söû-kyù 2:4
Này tôi toan cất một đền cho danh Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời tôi, biệt đền ấy riêng ra thánh cho Ngài, đặng xông nhũ hương trước mặt Ngài, bày bánh trần thiết luôn luôn, dâng của lễ thiêu về buổi sáng và về buổi chiều, hoặc trong ngày sa-bát, ngày mồng một, hay là trong những ngày lễ định của Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời chúng tôi; đều đó vốn là một lệ định cho Y-sơ-ra-ên đến đời đời.

2 Chronicles 2:3
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