2 Chronicles 2:16
2 Chronicles 2:16
and we will cut all the logs from Lebanon that you need and will float them as rafts by sea down to Joppa. You can then take them up to Jerusalem."

We will cut whatever timber you need from the Lebanon mountains and will float the logs in rafts down the coast of the Mediterranean Sea to Joppa. From there you can transport the logs up to Jerusalem."

And we will cut whatever timber you need from Lebanon and bring it to you in rafts by sea to Joppa, so that you may take it up to Jerusalem.”

"We will cut whatever timber you need from Lebanon and bring it to you on rafts by sea to Joppa, so that you may carry it up to Jerusalem."

And we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need: and we will bring it to thee in floats by sea to Joppa; and thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem.

We will cut logs from Lebanon, as many as you need, and bring them to you as rafts by sea to Joppa. You can then take them up to Jerusalem.

We'll cut down the timber you need from Lebanon and transport it to you on rafts by sea to Joppa, so you can move it to Jerusalem."

we will get all the timber you need from Lebanon and bring it in raft-like bundles by sea to Joppa. You can then haul it on up to Jerusalem."

We will cut all the lumber you need in Lebanon. Then we will make rafts out of it and send them to you in Joppa by sea. You can take it [from there] to Jerusalem."

and we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need, and we will bring it to thee in rafts by sea to Joppa, and thou shalt cause it to be carried up to Jerusalem.

And we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as you shall need: and we will bring it to you in rafts by sea to Joppa; and you shall carry it up to Jerusalem.

And we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as you shall need: and we will bring it to you in floats by sea to Joppa; and you shall carry it up to Jerusalem.

and we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need; and we will bring it to thee in floats by sea to Joppa; and thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem.

And we will cut down as many trees out of Libanus, as thou shalt want, and will convey them in floats by sea to Joppe: and it will be thy part to bring them thence to Jerusalem.

And we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need; and we will bring it to thee in floats by sea to Joppa, and thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem.

and we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need: and we will bring it to thee in floats by sea to Joppa; and thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem.

And we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need: and we will bring it to thee in floats by sea to Joppa; and thou mayest convey it to Jerusalem.

and we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as you shall need; and we will bring it to you in floats by sea to Joppa; and you shall carry it up to Jerusalem."

and we -- we cut trees out of Lebanon, according to all thy need, and bring them in to thee -- floats by sea, to Joppa, and thou dost take them up to Jerusalem.'

2 i Kronikave 2:16
dhe ne do të presim tërë drurët e Libanit për të cilat ke nevojë; do t'i sjellim me trap nëpër det deri në Jafo dhe ti do t'i mbartësh në Jeruzalem".

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 2:16
ونحن نقطع خشبا من لبنان حسب كل احتياجك ونأتي به اليك ارماثا على البحر الى يافا وانت تصعده الى اورشليم

Dyr Lauft B 2:16
Dyrfür schlögern myr Baeum eyn n Weissnberg obn, so vil wiest willst; und die floetz myr dyr auf n Mör auf Joppn. Von daadl kanst ys auf Ruslham füern laassn."

2 Летописи 2:16
а ние ще насечем дърветата от Ливан, колкото ти са потребни, и ще ти ги докараме на салове по море до Иопия, а ти ще ги превозиш в Ерусалим.

歷 代 志 下 2:16
我 們 必 照 你 所 需 用 的 , 從 利 巴 嫩 砍 伐 樹 木 , 紮 成 筏 子 , 浮 海 運 到 約 帕 ; 你 可 以 從 那 裡 運 到 耶 路 撒 冷 。

我 们 必 照 你 所 需 用 的 , 从 利 巴 嫩 砍 伐 树 木 , 扎 成 筏 子 , 浮 海 运 到 约 帕 ; 你 可 以 从 那 里 运 到 耶 路 撒 冷 。



2 Chronicles 2:16
A mi ćemo nasjeći stabala s Libanona koliko ti god treba i dovest ćemo ti ih na splavima morem u Jafu, a ti ih prevezi gore u Jeruzalem."

Druhá Paralipomenon 2:16
My pak nasekáme dříví z Libánu, což ho koli bude potřebí tobě, a připlavíme je tobě v vořích po moři k Joppe, a ty dáš je voziti do Jeruzaléma.

Anden Krønikebog 2:16
saa vil vi fælde saa mange Træer paa Libanon, som du har Brug for, og sende dig dem i Tømmerflaader paa Havet til Jafo; men du maa selv faa dem op til Jerusalem.«

2 Kronieken 2:16
En wij zullen hout houwen uit den Libanon, naar al uw nooddruft, en zullen het tot u met vlotten, over de zee, naar Jafo brengen; en gij zult het laten ophalen naar Jeruzalem.

דברי הימים ב 2:16
וַ֠אֲנַחְנוּ נִכְרֹ֨ת עֵצִ֤ים מִן־הַלְּבָנֹון֙ כְּכָל־צָרְכֶּ֔ךָ וּנְבִיאֵ֥ם לְךָ֛ רַפְסֹדֹ֖ות עַל־יָ֣ם יָפֹ֑ו וְאַתָּ֛ה תַּעֲלֶ֥ה אֹתָ֖ם יְרוּשָׁלִָֽם׃ פ

טו ואנחנו נכרת עצים מן הלבנון ככל צרכך ונביאם לך רפסדות על ים יפו ואתה תעלה אתם ירושלם  {פ}

ואנחנו נכרת עצים מן־הלבנון ככל־צרכך ונביאם לך רפסדות על־ים יפו ואתה תעלה אתם ירושלם׃ פ

2 Krónika 2:16
Mi pedig a Libánuson vágunk fát, a mennyire néked szükséged lesz, és elviszszük azokat szálakon a tengeren Joppéhoz, és te onnét vitessed Jeruzsálembe.

Kroniko 2 2:16
kaj ni hakos lignon de Lebanon, kiom vi bezonas, kaj ni sendos gxin al vi per flosoj sur la maro gxis Jafo; kaj vi venigos tion en Jerusalemon.

Niin me hakkaamme puita Libanonissa kaiketi niin paljon kuin sinä tarvitset, ja viemme ne merelle lautoilla Japhoon; anna sinä ne noutaa sieltä Jerusalemiin.

2 Chroniques 2:16
et nous, nous couperons des bois dans le Liban, autant que tu en auras besoin, et nous te les amènerons en radeaux sur la mer à Japho; et toi, tu les feras monter à Jérusalem.

Et nous, nous couperons des bois du Liban autant que tu en auras besoin; nous te les expédierons par mer en radeaux jusqu'à Japho, et tu les feras monter à Jérusalem.

Et nous couperons du bois du Liban, autant qu'il t'en faudra, et nous te le mettrons par radeaux sur la mer de Japho, et tu les feras monter à Jérusalem.

2 Chronik 2:16
so wollen wir das Holz hauen auf dem Libanon, wieviel es not ist, und wollen es auf Flößen bringen im Meer gen Japho; von dannen magst du es hinauf gen Jerusalem bringen.

so wollen wir das Holz hauen auf dem Libanon, wieviel es not ist, und wollen's auf Flößen bringen im Meer gen Japho; von da magst du es hinauf gen Jerusalem bringen.

Wir aber wollen Bäume auf dem Libanon fällen, soviel du irgend bedarfst, und wollen sie dir als Flöße auf dem Meer nach Japho bringen; du aber magst sie dann hinauf nach Jerusalem schaffen.

2 Cronache 2:16
e noi, dal canto nostro, taglieremo del legname del Libano, quanto te ne abbisognerà; te lo spediremo per mare su zattere fino a Jafo, e tu lo farai trasportare a Gerusalemme".

E noi taglieremo dal Libano del legname quanto avrai bisogno, e te lo condurremo per foderi in sul mare, fino a Iafo; e di là tu lo farai trasportare in Gerusalemme.

Maka kamipun akan meramu kayu dari pada Libanon sekadar tuan berhajat dan kami akan membawa dia kepada tuan berakit-rakit di laut ke Yafo, lalu hendaklah tuan suruh bawa akan dia naik ke Yeruzalem.

역대하 2:16
우리가 레바논에서 당신의 쓰실 만큼 벌목하여 떼를 엮어 바다에 띄워 욥바로 보내리니 당신은 수운하여 예루살렘으로 올리소서 하였더라

II Paralipomenon 2:16
nos autem caedemus ligna de Libano quot necessaria habueris et adplicabimus ea ratibus per mare in Ioppe tuum erit transferre ea in Hierusalem

Antroji Kronikø knyga 2:16
Mes prikirsime medžių Libane, kiek tau reikės, ir, surišę į sielius, nuplukdysime jūra į Jopę, iš kur galėsi juos parsigabenti į Jeruzalę”.

2 Chronicles 2:16
A ma matou e tapahi he rakau i Repanona, kia rite ki au e mea ai mau: ka whakatere atu ai ki a koe i te moana ki Hopa, a mau e taritari ki Hiruharama.

2 Krønikebok 2:16
Så skal vi hugge så mange trær på Libanon som du har bruk for, og sende dem i flåter på havet til Joppe; så kan du selv hente dem op til Jerusalem.

2 Crónicas 2:16
Y nosotros cortaremos toda la madera que necesites del Líbano, te la traeremos en balsas por el mar hasta Jope y tú la harás llevar a Jerusalén.

"Y nosotros cortaremos toda la madera que necesites del Líbano, te la traeremos en balsas por el mar hasta Jope y tú la harás llevar a Jerusalén."

y nosotros cortaremos en el Líbano la madera que necesites, y te la traeremos en balsas por el mar hasta Jope, y tú la harás llevar hasta Jerusalén.

Y nosotros cortaremos en el Líbano la madera que hubieres menester, y te la traeremos en balsas por la mar hasta Joppe, y tú la harás llevar hasta Jerusalem.

y nosotros cortaremos en el Líbano la madera que hubieres menester, y te la traeremos en balsas por el mar hasta Jope, y tú la harás llevar hasta Jerusalén.

2 Crônicas 2:16
e cortaremos toda a madeira do Líbano necessária, e a faremos flutuar em jangadas pelo mar, descendo até o Jope. De lá poderás transportá-la para Jerusalém!”

e nós cortaremos tanta madeira do Líbano quanta precisares, e a levaremos em jangadas pelo mar até Jope, e tu mandarás transportá-la para Jerusalém.   

2 Cronici 2:16
Şi noi vom tăia lemne din Liban atît cît vei avea nevoie; ţi le vom trimete pe mare în plute pînă la Iafo, şi de acolo tu le vei sui la Ierusalim.``

2-я Паралипоменон 2:16
Мы же нарубим дерев с Ливана, сколько нужно тебе, и пригоним их в плотах по морю в Яфу, а ты отвезешь их в Иерусалим.

Мы же нарубим дерев с Ливана, сколько нужно тебе, и пригоним их в плотах по морю в Яфу, а ты отвезешь их в Иерусалим.[]

Krönikeboken 2:16
Då vilja vi hugga virke på Libanon, så mycket du behöver, och flotta det till dig på havet till Jafo; men därifrån må du själv låta föra det upp till Jerusalem.»

2 Chronicles 2:16
At kami ay magsisiputol ng kahoy mula sa Libano, kung gaano ang iyong kakailanganin: at aming dadalhin sa iyo sa mga balsa na idadaan sa dagat hanggang sa Joppe; at iyong iaahon sa Jerusalem.

2 พงศาวดาร 2:16
และพวกเราจะตัดตัวไม้เท่าที่ท่านต้องการจากเลบานอน และนำมาให้ท่านโดยแพทางทะเลถึงเมืองยัฟฟา เพื่อว่าท่านจะได้นำขึ้นไปยังกรุงเยรูซาเล็ม"

2 Tarihler 2:16
Biz de sana gereken bütün tomrukları Lübnanda keser, deniz yoluyla, sallarla Yafaya kadar yüzdürürüz. Sonra sen tomrukları alıp Yeruşalime götürürsün.››[]

2 Söû-kyù 2:16
còn chúng tôi sẽ đốn gỗ tại trên Li-ban theo số bao nhiêu vua cần dùng, rồi kết thành bè đem ra biển đến Gia-phô; đoạn vua sẽ chở lên Giê-ru-sa-lem.

2 Chronicles 2:15
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