2 Chronicles 2:12
2 Chronicles 2:12
And Hiram added: "Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, who made heaven and earth! He has given King David a wise son, endowed with intelligence and discernment, who will build a temple for the LORD and a palace for himself.

Praise the LORD, the God of Israel, who made the heavens and the earth! He has given King David a wise son, gifted with skill and understanding, who will build a Temple for the LORD and a royal palace for himself.

Hiram also said, “Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, who made heaven and earth, who has given King David a wise son, who has discretion and understanding, who will build a temple for the LORD and a royal palace for himself.

Then Huram continued, "Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who has made heaven and earth, who has given King David a wise son, endowed with discretion and understanding, who will build a house for the LORD and a royal palace for himself.

Huram said moreover, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who hath given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, that might build an house for the LORD, and an house for his kingdom.

Hiram also said: May the LORD God of Israel, who made the heavens and the earth, be praised! He gave King David a wise son with insight and understanding, who will build a temple for the LORD and a royal palace for himself.

Hiram also wrote: "Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, who made the heavens and the earth. He gave King David a wise son, who is acquainted with discretion and understanding, and who is building a temple to the LORD, as well as a royal palace for himself.

Huram also said, "Worthy of praise is the LORD God of Israel, who made the sky and the earth! He has given David a wise son who has discernment and insight and will build a temple for the LORD, as well as a royal palace for himself.

Huram added, "May the LORD God of Israel be praised. He made the heavens and the earth and has given King David a wise son who has insight and intelligence and can build the LORD's temple and a royal palace.

Hiram said, moreover, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, that made the heavens and the earth, who has given to King David a wise son with knowledge, good sense and understanding, that he might build a house for the LORD and a house for his kingdom.

Huram said moreover, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who has given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, that might build a house for the LORD, and a house for his kingdom.

Huram said moreover, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who has given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, that might build an house for the LORD, and an house for his kingdom.

Huram said moreover, Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who hath given to David the king a wise son, endued with discretion and understanding, that should build a house for Jehovah, and a house for his kingdom.

And he added, saying: Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel, who made heaven and earth, who hath given to king David a wise and knowing son, endued with understanding and prudence, to build a house to the Lord, and a palace for himself.

And Huram said, Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, that made the heavens and the earth, who has given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, who will build a house for Jehovah and a house for his kingdom.

Huram said moreover, Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who hath given to David the king a wise son, endued with discretion and understanding, that should build an house for the LORD, and an house for his kingdom.

Huram said moreover, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who hath given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, that may build a house for the LORD, and a house for his kingdom.

Huram continued, "Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who has given to David the king a wise son, endowed with discretion and understanding, that should build a house for Yahweh, and a house for his kingdom.

And Huram saith, 'Blessed is Jehovah, God of Israel, who made the heavens and the earth, who hath given to David the king a wise son, knowing wisdom and understanding, who doth build a house for Jehovah, and a house for his kingdom.

2 i Kronikave 2:12
Hirami thoshte gjithashtu: "I bekuar qoftë Zoti, Perëndia i Izraelit, që ka bërë qiejtë dhe tokën, sepse i ka dhënë mbretit David një bir të urtë, shumë të zgjuar dhe të aftë, që do të ndërtojë një tempull për Zotin dhe një pallat mbretëror për vete!

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 2:12
وقال حورام مبارك الرب اله اسرائيل الذي صنع السماء والارض الذي اعطى داود الملك ابنا حكيما صاحب معرفة وفهم الذي يبني بيتا للرب وبيتا لملكه.

Dyr Lauft B 2:12
Weiter schrib dyr Hiram: "Prisn sei dyr Trechtein, dyr Got von Isryheel, der was önn Himml und d Erdn bschaffen haat! Er haat yn n Künig Dafet aynn weisn Sun göbn mit Einsicht und Verstand, däß yr yn n Trechtein aynn Templ und sir selbn ayn Schloß baut.

2 Летописи 2:12
Рече още Хирам: Благословен да бъде Господ Израилевият Бог, създател на небето и на земята, Който даде на цар Давида мъдър син, надарен с остроумие и разум, който да построи дом Господу и царска къща.

歷 代 志 下 2:12
又 說 : 創 造 天 地 的 耶 和 華 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 是 應 當 稱 頌 的 ! 他 賜 給 大 衛 王 一 個 有 智 慧 的 兒 子 , 使 他 有 謀 略 聰 明 , 可 以 為 耶 和 華 建 造 殿 宇 , 又 為 自 己 的 國 建 造 宮 室 。

又 说 : 创 造 天 地 的 耶 和 华 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 是 应 当 称 颂 的 ! 他 赐 给 大 卫 王 一 个 有 智 慧 的 儿 子 , 使 他 有 谋 略 聪 明 , 可 以 为 耶 和 华 建 造 殿 宇 , 又 为 自 己 的 国 建 造 宫 室 。



2 Chronicles 2:12
Dometnu još i ovo: "Neka je blagoslovljen Jahve, Bog Izraelov, koji je stvorio nebesa i zemlju. On je kralju Davidu dao mudra, pametna i umna sina koji će jedan dom graditi Jahvi, a drugi sebi da iz njega kraljuje.

Druhá Paralipomenon 2:12
Řekl dále Chíram: Požehnaný Hospodin Bůh Izraelský, kterýž učinil nebe i zemi, a kterýž dal králi Davidovi syna moudrého, umělého, rozumného a opatrného, aby vystavěl dům Hospodinu a dům svůj královský.

Anden Krønikebog 2:12
Og Huram føjede til: »Lovet være HERREN, Israels Gud, som har skabt Himmelen og Jorden, at han har givet Kong David en viis Søn, der har Forstand og Indsigt til at bygge et Hus for HERREN og et kongeligt Palads.

2 Kronieken 2:12
Verder zeide Huram: Geloofd zij de HEERE, de God Israels, Die den hemel en de aarde gemaakt heeft, dat Hij den koning David een wijzen zoon, kloek in voorzichtigheid en verstand, gegeven heeft, die een huis voor den HEERE, en een huis voor zijn koninkrijk bouwe!

דברי הימים ב 2:12
וַיֹּאמֶר֮ חוּרָם֒ בָּר֤וּךְ יְהוָה֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשָׂ֔ה אֶת־הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֶת־הָאָ֑רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֣ר נָתַן֩ לְדָוִ֨יד הַמֶּ֜לֶךְ בֵּ֣ן חָכָ֗ם יֹודֵ֙עַ֙ שֵׂ֣כֶל וּבִינָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר יִבְנֶה־בַּ֙יִת֙ לַיהוָ֔ה וּבַ֖יִת לְמַלְכוּתֹֽו׃

יא ויאמר חורם--ברוך יהוה אלהי ישראל אשר עשה את השמים ואת הארץ  אשר נתן לדויד המלך בן חכם יודע שכל ובינה אשר יבנה בית ליהוה ובית למלכותו

ויאמר חורם ברוך יהוה אלהי ישראל אשר עשה את־השמים ואת־הארץ אשר נתן לדויד המלך בן חכם יודע שכל ובינה אשר יבנה־בית ליהוה ובית למלכותו׃

2 Krónika 2:12
Ismét monda Hírám: Áldott az Úr, az Izráel Istene, a ki mind a mennyet, mind a földet teremtette; a ki ilyen bölcs, tudós, okos és értelmes fiat adott volt Dávid királynak, a ki mind az Úrnak házat, mind magának királyi palotát akar építeni.

Kroniko 2 2:12
Kaj HXiram diris plue:Benata estu la Eternulo, Dio de Izrael, kiu kreis la cxielon kaj la teron, kaj kiu donis al la regxo David filon sagxan, kleran, kaj cxiokomprenan, kiu konstruos domon por la Eternulo kaj regxan domon por si.

Ja Hiram sanoi vielä: kiitetty olkoon Herra Israelin Jumala, joka taivaan ja maan tehnyt on, että hän on antanut kuningas Davidille viisaan, toimellisen ja ymmärtäväisen pojan, joka Herralle huoneen rakentaa ja valtakunnallensa huoneen!

2 Chroniques 2:12
Et Hiram dit: Béni soit l'Éternel, le Dieu d'Israël, qui a fait les cieux et la terre, de ce qu'il a donné au roi David un fils sage, doué de sens et d'intelligence, qui bâtira une maison à l'Éternel et une maison pour son royaume.

Huram dit encore: Béni soit l'Eternel, le Dieu d'Israël, qui a fait les cieux et la terre, de ce qu'il a donné au roi David un fils sage, prudent et intelligent, qui va bâtir une maison à l'Eternel et une maison royale pour lui!

Et Hiram dit : Béni [soit] l'Eternel le Dieu d'Israël! qui a fait les cieux et la terre, de ce qu'il a donné au Roi David un fils sage, prudent et intelligent, qui doit bâtir une maison à l'Eternel, et une Maison Royale.

2 Chronik 2:12
Und Huram sprach weiter: Gelobet sei der HERR, der Gott Israels, der Himmel und Erde gemacht hat, daß er dem Könige David hat einen weisen, klugen und verständigen Sohn gegeben, der dem HERRN ein Haus baue und ein Haus seines Königreichs.

Und Huram sprach weiter: Gelobt sei der HERR, der Gott Israels, der da Himmel und Erde gemacht hat, daß er dem König David hat einen weisen, klugen und verständigen Sohn gegeben, der dem HERRN ein Haus baue und ein Haus seines Königreichs.

Und Huram sprach: Gepriesen sei Jahwe, der Gott Israels, der den Himmel und die Erde gemacht hat, daß er dem Könige David einen weisen Sohn gegeben hat, der sich auf Klugheit und Einsicht versteht, um Jahwe einen Tempel und sich einen Königspalast zu erbauen.

2 Cronache 2:12
Huram aggiunse: "Benedetto sia l’Eterno, l’Iddio d’Israele, che ha fatto i cieli e la terra, perché ha dato al re Davide un figliuolo savio, pieno di senno e d’intelligenza, il quale edificherà una casa per l’Eterno, e una casa reale per sé!

Huram gli mandò ancora a dire: Benedetto sia il Signore Iddio d’Israele, il quale ha fatto il cielo e la terra, perchè ha dato al re Davide un figliuolo savio, prudente, e intendente, che ha da edificare una Casa al Signore, ed una casa reale per sè.

Dan lagi kata Hiram: Segala puji bagi Tuhan, Allah orang Israel, yang sudah menjadikan langit dan bumi, sebab telah dikaruniakan-Nya kepada baginda raja Daud seorang puteranya yang berbudi dan sangat bijaksana dan berakal akan memperbuat sebuah rumah bagi Tuhan dan sebuah istana akan dirinya.

역대하 2:12
또 가로되 천지를 지으신 이스라엘 하나님 여호와는 송축을 받으실지로다 다윗 왕에게 지혜로운 아들을 주시고 명철과 총명을 품부하시사 능히 여호와를 위하여 전을 건축하고 자기 권영을 위하여 궁궐을 건축하게 하시도다

II Paralipomenon 2:12
et addidit dicens benedictus Dominus Deus Israhel qui fecit caelum et terram qui dedit David regi filium sapientem et eruditum et sensatum atque prudentem ut aedificaret domum Domino et palatium sibi

Antroji Kronikø knyga 2:12
Palaimintas Viešpats, Izraelio Dievas, kuris sukūrė dangų ir žemę, kad davė karaliui Dovydui išmintingą sūnų, apdovanotą sumanumu ir protu, kuris rengiasi statyti namus Viešpačiui ir karališkus namus sau.

2 Chronicles 2:12
I mea ano a Hurama, Kia whakapaingia a Ihowa, te Atua o Iharaira, nana nei i hanga te rangi me te whenua, nana hoki i homai ki a Kingi Rawiri he tama ngarahu tika, e hua ana ona whakaaro, tona mohio, hei hanga i te whare mo Ihowa, i te whare ano mo tona kingitanga.

2 Krønikebok 2:12
Og Hiram skrev videre: Lovet være Herren, Israels Gud, som har gjort himmelen og jorden, fordi han har gitt kong David en vis sønn, som har slik visdom og forstand at han kan bygge et hus for Herren og et hus for sig selv til kongebolig!

2 Crónicas 2:12
Y añadió Hiram: Bendito sea el SEÑOR, Dios de Israel, que ha hecho los cielos y la tierra, que ha dado al rey David un hijo sabio, dotado de prudencia y entendimiento, que edificará una casa para el SEÑOR y un palacio real para sí.

Y añadió Hiram: "Bendito sea el SEÑOR, Dios de Israel, que ha hecho los cielos y la tierra, que ha dado al rey David un hijo sabio, dotado de prudencia y entendimiento, que edificará una casa para el SEÑOR y un palacio real para sí.

Y además decía Hiram: Bendito sea Jehová el Dios de Israel, que hizo el cielo y la tierra, y que dio al rey David hijo sabio, entendido, cuerdo y prudente, que edifique casa a Jehová, y casa para su reino.

Y además decía Hiram: Bendito sea Jehová el Dios de Israel, que hizo los cielos y la tierra, y que dió al rey David hijo sabio, entendido, cuerdo y prudente, que edifique casa á Jehová, y casa para su reino.

Y además decía Hiram : Bendito sea el SEÑOR el Dios de Israel, que hizo los cielos y la tierra, y que dio al rey David hijo sabio, entendido, cuerdo y prudente, que edifique Casa al SEÑOR, y casa para su reino.

2 Crônicas 2:12
E o rei Hirão acrescentou: “Bendito seja Yahweh, o Deus de Israel! Ele fez os céus e a terra e concedeu ao rei Davi um filho sábio, inteligente e que age com discernimento, a fim de edificar um templo para o SENHOR, e um palácio real para si.

Disse mais Hurão: Bendito seja o Senhor Deus de Israel, que fez o céu e a terra, que deu ao rei Davi um filho sábio, de grande prudência e entendimento para edificar uma casa ao Senhor, e uma casa real para si.   

2 Cronici 2:12
Hiram a mai zis: ,,Binecuvîntat să fie Domnul, Dumnezeul lui Israel, care a făcut cerurile şi pămîntul, că a dat împăratului David un fiu înţelept, priceput şi cuminte, care va zidi o casă Domnului şi o casă împărătească pentru el!

2-я Паралипоменон 2:12
И еще сказал Хирам: благословен Господь Бог Израилев,создавший небо и землю, давший царю Давиду сына мудрого, имеющего смысл и разум, который намерен строить дом Господу и домцарский для себя.

И [еще] сказал Хирам: благословен Господь Бог Израилев, создавший небо и землю, давший царю Давиду сына мудрого, имеющего смысл и разум, который намерен строить дом Господу и дом царский для себя.[]

Krönikeboken 2:12
Och Huram skrev ytterligare: »Lovad vare HERREN, Israels Gud, himmelens och jordens skapare, han som har givit konung David en vis son, så utrustad med klokhet och förstånd, att han kan bygga ett hus åt HERREN och ett hus åt sig själv till konungaboning!

2 Chronicles 2:12
Sinabi ni Hiram bukod dito, Purihin ang Panginoon, ang Dios ng Israel, na lumikha ng langit at lupa, na nagbigay kay David na hari ng isang pantas na anak, na may bait at kaalaman, na ipagtatayo ng isang bahay ang Panginoon, at ng isang bahay ang kaniyang kaharian.

2 พงศาวดาร 2:12
หุรามตรัสอีกว่า "สาธุการแด่พระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าแห่งอิสราเอล ผู้ทรงสร้างฟ้าสวรรค์และแผ่นดินโลก ผู้ได้ประทานโอรสที่ฉลาดคนหนึ่งแก่ดาวิดกอปรด้วยความเฉลียวฉลาดและความเข้าใจ ผู้ซึ่งจะสร้างพระนิเวศถวายพระเยโฮวาห์ และสร้างพระราชวังเพื่อราชอาณาจักรของพระองค์

2 Tarihler 2:12
Hiram mektubunu şöyle sürdürdü: ‹‹Yeri göğü yaratan İsrailin Tanrısı RABbe övgüler olsun! Kral Davuta bilge bir oğul verdi; RAB için bir tapınak, kendisi için de bir saray yapacak akıllı ve anlayışlı bir oğul.[]

2 Söû-kyù 2:12
Hi-ram lại nói: Ngợi khen Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời của Y-sơ-ra-ên, là Ðấng dựng nên trời đất, vì Ngài đã ban cho vua Ða-vít một con trai khôn ngoan, dẽ dặt, thông minh, để cất một cái đền cho Ngài và một cái cung cho nước người.

2 Chronicles 2:11
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