2 Chronicles 19:7
2 Chronicles 19:7
Now let the fear of the LORD be on you. Judge carefully, for with the LORD our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery."

Fear the LORD and judge with integrity, for the LORD our God does not tolerate perverted justice, partiality, or the taking of bribes."

Now then, let the fear of the LORD be upon you. Be careful what you do, for there is no injustice with the LORD our God, or partiality or taking bribes.”

"Now then let the fear of the LORD be upon you; be very careful what you do, for the LORD our God will have no part in unrighteousness or partiality or the taking of a bribe."

Wherefore now let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts.

And now, may the terror of the LORD be on you. Watch what you do, for there is no injustice or partiality or taking bribes with the LORD our God."

So let the fear of the Lord rest upon you, be on your guard, and act carefully, because with the LORD our God there is neither injustice, nor partiality, nor bribery."

Respect the LORD and make careful decisions, for the LORD our God disapproves of injustice, partiality, and bribery."

May you have the fear of the LORD in you. Be careful about what you do. The LORD our God is never unjust. He is impartial and never takes bribes."

Therefore, now let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take heed and do it, for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of bribes.

Therefore now let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of bribes.

Why now let the fear of the LORD be on you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts.

Now therefore let the fear of Jehovah be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with Jehovah our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of bribes.

Let the fear of the Lord be with you, and do all things with diligence: for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of persons, nor desire of gifts.

And now, let the terror of Jehovah be upon you; be careful what ye do, for there is no iniquity with Jehovah, nor respect of persons, nor taking of presents.

Now therefore let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts.

Wherefore now let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts.

Now therefore let the fear of Yahweh be on you. Take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with Yahweh our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of bribes."

and now, let fear of Jehovah be upon you, observe and do, for there is not with Jehovah our God perverseness, and acceptance of faces, and taking of a bribe.'

2 i Kronikave 19:7
Prandaj tani frika e Zotit qoftë mbi ju. Tregoni kujdes për atë që bëni, sepse tek Zoti, Perëndia ynë, nuk ka asnjë padrejtësi, as anësi, as pranim dhuratash.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 19:7
والآن لتكن هيبة الرب عليكم. احذروا وافعلوا. لانه ليس عند الرب الهنا ظلم ولا محاباة ولا ارتشاء.

Dyr Lauft B 19:7
Laasstß enk also von dyr Farcht vor n Herrn laittn und entscheidtß naach böstn Wissn und Gwissn, denn bei n Trechtein, ünsern Got, geit s kain Ungerechtigkeit, kain Begünstigung und kain Bestöchlichkeit!"

2 Летописи 19:7
Затова нека бъде върху вас страх от Господа; внимавайте в делата си; защото у Господа нашия Бог няма неправда, нито лицеприятие, нито дароприятие.

歷 代 志 下 19:7
現 在 你 們 應 當 敬 畏 耶 和 華 , 謹 慎 辦 事 ; 因 為 耶 和 華 ─ 我 們 的   神 沒 有 不 義 , 不 偏 待 人 , 也 不 受 賄 賂 。

现 在 你 们 应 当 敬 畏 耶 和 华 , 谨 慎 办 事 ; 因 为 耶 和 华 ─ 我 们 的   神 没 有 不 义 , 不 偏 待 人 , 也 不 受 贿 赂 。



2 Chronicles 19:7
Sada, dakle, neka bude Jahvin strah nad vama; pazite i savjesno radite, jer u Jahve, Boga našega, nema nepravde ni osobne pristranosti, niti on prima mita."

Druhá Paralipomenon 19:7
A protož budiž bázeň Hospodinova při vás. Ostříhejte toho a čiňte tak, neboť není u Hospodina Boha našeho nepravosti, tak aby šetřiti měl osob, aneb přijímati dary.

Anden Krønikebog 19:7
Derfor være HERRENS Frygt over eder! Vær varsomme med, hvad I foretager eder, thi hos HERREN vor Gud er der hverken Uret eller Personsanseelse, ej heller tager han imod Bestikkelse!«

2 Kronieken 19:7
Nu dan, de verschrikking des HEEREN zij op ulieden; neemt waar, en doet het; want bij den HEERE, onzen God, is geen onrecht, noch aanneming van personen, noch ontvanging van geschenken.

דברי הימים ב 19:7
וְעַתָּ֕ה יְהִ֥י פַֽחַד־יְהוָ֖ה עֲלֵיכֶ֑ם שִׁמְר֣וּ וַעֲשׂ֔וּ כִּֽי־אֵ֞ין עִם־יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֵ֗ינוּ עַוְלָ֛ה וּמַשֹּׂ֥א פָנִ֖ים וּמִקַּח־שֹֽׁחַד׃

ז ועתה יהי פחד יהוה עליכם  שמרו ועשו--כי אין עם יהוה אלהינו עולה ומשא פנים ומקח שחד

ועתה יהי פחד־יהוה עליכם שמרו ועשו כי־אין עם־יהוה אלהינו עולה ומשא פנים ומקח־שחד׃

2 Krónika 19:7
Azért az Úr félelme legyen rajtatok, vigyázzatok [arra,] a mit tesztek; mert az Úrnál, a mi Istenünknél nincsen hamisság, sem személyválogatás, sem ajándékvétel.

Kroniko 2 19:7
Estu do en vi timo antaux la Eternulo, agadu singarde; cxar cxe la Eternulo, nia Dio, ne ekzistas maljusteco, nek personfavorado, nek akceptado de subacxetoj.

Sentähden antakaat Herran pelvon olla teidän tykönänne, ja karttakaat teitänne ja tehkäät se; sillä Herran meidän Jumalamme tykönä ei ole yhtään vääryyttä, ei myös hän katso muotoa, eikä ota lahjoja.

2 Chroniques 19:7
Et maintenant, que la frayeur de l'Éternel soit sur vous: prenez garde en agissant; car auprès de l'Éternel, notre Dieu, il n'y a point d'iniquité, ni acception de personnes, ni acceptation de présents.

Maintenant, que la crainte de l'Eternel soit sur vous; veillez sur vos actes, car il n'y a chez l'Eternel, notre Dieu, ni iniquité, ni égards pour l'apparence des personnes, ni acceptation de présents.

Maintenant donc que la frayeur de l'Eternel soit sur vous; prenez garde à ceci, [et] faites-le, car il n'y a point d'iniquité en l'Eternel notre Dieu, ni d'acception de personnes, ni de réception de présents.

2 Chronik 19:7
Darum laßt die Furcht des HERRN bei euch sein und hütet euch und tut es; denn bei dem HERRN, unserm Gott, ist kein Unrecht, noch Ansehen der Person, noch Annehmen des Geschenks.

Darum laßt die Furcht des HERRN bei euch sein und hütet euch und tut's; denn bei dem HERRN, unserm Gott, ist kein Unrecht noch Ansehen der Person noch Annehmen des Geschenks.

So möge nun die Furcht vor Jahwe auf euch ruhn! Habt bei eurem Thun wohl acht - denn bei Jahwe, unserem Gott, giebt es kein Unrecht, noch Parteilichkeit, noch Annehmen von Bestechung!

2 Cronache 19:7
Or dunque il timor dell’Eterno sia in voi; agite con circospezione, poiché presso l’Eterno, ch’è l’Iddio nostro, non v’è né perversità, né riguardo a qualità di persone, né accettazione di doni".

Ora dunque, sia lo spavento del Signore sopra voi; prendete guardia al dover vostro, e mettetelo ed effetto; perciocchè appo il Signore Iddio nostro non vi è alcuna iniquità, nè riguardo alla qualità delle persone, nè prendimento di presenti.

Maka sekarangpun biarlah kiranya gentar akan Tuhan berlaku atasmu; perhatikanlah baik-baik barang yang kamu perbuat, karena pada Tuhan, Allah kita, tiadalah barang perubahan hukum atau pemandang akan muka orang atau penerima hadiah.

역대하 19:7
그런즉 너희는 여호와를 두려워하는 마음으로 삼가 행하라 ! 우리의 하나님 여호와께서는 불의함도 없으시고 편벽됨도 없으시고 뇌물을 받으심도 없으시니라'

II Paralipomenon 19:7
sit timor Domini vobiscum et cum diligentia cuncta facite non est enim apud Dominum Deum nostrum iniquitas nec personarum acceptio nec cupido munerum

Antroji Kronikø knyga 19:7
Tebūna Viešpaties baimė ant jūsų ir būkite atidūs. Viešpats, mūsų Dievas, nėra neteisingas, neatsižvelgia į asmenis ir neima kyšių”.

2 Chronicles 19:7
Na kia tau te wehi o Ihowa ki a koutou, kia mau hoki ki te mahi; kahore hoki o to tatou Atua, o Ihowa, whakahaere he, kahore he whakapai i te tangata, kahore he tango utu.

2 Krønikebok 19:7
Så la nu Herrens frykt være over eder, vær varsomme i hvad I gjør! For hos Herren vår Gud finnes det ingen urett, og han gjør ikke forskjell på folk og tar ikke imot gaver.

2 Crónicas 19:7
Ahora pues, que el temor del SEÑOR esté sobre vosotros; tened cuidado en lo que hacéis, porque con el SEÑOR nuestro Dios no hay injusticia ni acepción de personas ni soborno.

"Ahora pues, que el temor del SEÑOR esté sobre ustedes. Tengan cuidado en lo que hacen, porque con el SEÑOR nuestro Dios no hay injusticia ni acepción de personas ni soborno."

Sea, pues, con vosotros el temor de Jehová; guardad y haced; porque en Jehová nuestro Dios no hay iniquidad, ni acepción de personas, ni recibir cohecho.

Sea pues con vosotros el temor de Jehová; guardad y haced: porque en Jehová nuestro Dios no hay iniquidad, ni acepción de personas, ni recibir cohecho.

Sea, pues, con vosotros el temor del SEÑOR; guardad y haced; porque acerca del SEÑOR nuestro Dios no hay iniquidad, ni acepción de personas, ni recibir cohecho.

2 Crônicas 19:7
Que o temor de Yahweh, o SENHOR, desde agora esteja convosco; tende portanto muito cuidado no que fazeis, porque não há injustiça ou parcialidade no SENHOR nosso Deus, e ele não aceita qualquer espécie de suborno!”

Agora, pois, seja o temor do Senhor convosco; tomai cuidado no que fazeis; porque não há no Senhor nosso Deus iniqüidade, nem acepção de pessoas, nem aceitação de presentes.   

2 Cronici 19:7
Acum, frica Domnului să fie peste voi; vegheaţi asupra faptelor voastre, căci la Domnul, Dumnezeul nostru, nu este nici o nelegiuire, nici nu se are în vedere faţa oamenilor, nici nu se primesc daruri.``

2-я Паралипоменон 19:7
Итак да будет страх Господень на вас: действуйте осмотрительно, ибо нет у Господа Бога нашего неправды, ни лицеприятия, ни мздоимства.

Итак да будет страх Господень на вас: действуйте осмотрительно, ибо нет у Господа Бога нашего неправды, ни лицеприятия, ни мздоимства.[]

Krönikeboken 19:7
Låten alltså nu fruktan för HERREN vara över eder. Given akt på vad I gören; ty hos HERREN, vår Gud, finnes ingen orätt, och han har icke anseende till personen, ej heller tager han mutor.»

2 Chronicles 19:7
Ngayon nga'y sumainyo nawa ang takot sa Panginoon; magsipagingat kayo at inyong gawin: sapagka't walang kasamaan sa Panginoon nating Dios, o tumangi man sa mga tao, o tumanggap man ng mga suhol.

2 พงศาวดาร 19:7
ฉะนั้นจงให้ความยำเกรงพระเยโฮวาห์อยู่เหนือท่าน จงระมัดระวังสิ่งที่ท่านกระทำ เพราะพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของเราไม่มีความชั่วช้า ไม่เห็นแก่หน้าคนใด และไม่มีการรับสินบน"

2 Tarihler 19:7
Onun için RABden korkun, dikkatle yargılayın. Çünkü Tanrımız RAB kimsenin haksızlık yapmasına, kimseyi kayırmasına, rüşvet almasına göz yummaz.››[]

2 Söû-kyù 19:7
Vậy bây giờ, phải kính sợ Ðức Giê-hô-va, khá cẩn thận mà làm; vì Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời của chúng ta chẳng trái phép công bình, chẳng thiên vị người, chẳng nhận của hối lộ.

2 Chronicles 19:6
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