1 Samuel 29:5
1 Samuel 29:5
Isn't this the David they sang about in their dances: "'Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands'?"

Isn't this the same David about whom the women of Israel sing in their dances, 'Saul has killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands'?"

Is not this David, of whom they sing to one another in dances, ‘Saul has struck down his thousands, and David his ten thousands’?”

"Is this not David, of whom they sing in the dances, saying, 'Saul has slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands '?"

Is not this David, of whom they sang one to another in dances, saying, Saul slew his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

Isn't this the David they sing about during their dances: Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands?"

Isn't this the same David about whom the maidens sang when they were dancing, 'Saul has struck down his thousands, but David his ten thousands'?"

Isn't this David, of whom they sang as they danced, 'Saul has struck down his thousands, but David his tens of thousands'?"

Isn't this David of whom people sing in dances: 'Saul has defeated thousands but David tens of thousands'?"

Is not this David, of whom they sang one to another in dances, saying, Saul slew his thousands and David his ten thousands?

Is not this David, of whom they sang one to another in dances, saying, Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

Is not this David, of whom they sang one to another in dances, saying, Saul slew his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

Is not this David, of whom they sang one to another in dances, saying, Saul hath slain his thousands, And David his ten thousands?

Is not this David, to whom they sung in their dances, saying: Saul slew his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

Is not this David, of whom they sang one to another in dances, saying, Saul smote his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

Is not this David, of whom they sang one to another in dances, saying, Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

Is not this David, of whom they sung one to another in dances, saying, Saul slew his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

Is not this David, of whom they sang one to another in dances, saying, 'Saul has slain his thousands, David his ten thousands?'"

Is not this David, of whom they answer in choruses, saying, Saul hath smitten among his thousands, and David among his myriads?'

1 i Samuelit 29:5
Nuk është ky Davidi për të cilin këndonin në kor në vallet, duke thënë: "Sauli ka vrarë mijëshen e tij dhe Davidi dhjetë mijëshen e tij?"".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 29:5
أليس هذا هو داود الذي غنّين له بالرقص قائلات ضرب شاول الوفه وداود ربواته

Dyr Sämyheel A 29:5
Dös ist diend der sel Dafet, von dönn wo s bei n Rai'n singend: 'Tausner haat dyr Saul dyrschlagn, dyr Dafet zöhenmaal so vil.'?"

1 Царе 29:5
Той не е ли Давид, за когото пееха ответно в хороигранията, като казваха:- Саул порази хилядите си, А Давид десетките си хиляди?

撒 母 耳 記 上 29:5
從 前 以 色 列 的 婦 女 跳 舞 唱 和 說 : 掃 羅 殺 死 千 千 , 大 衛 殺 死 萬 萬 , 所 說 的 不 是 這 個 大 衛 麼 ?

从 前 以 色 列 的 妇 女 跳 舞 唱 和 说 : 扫 罗 杀 死 千 千 , 大 卫 杀 死 万 万 , 所 说 的 不 是 这 个 大 卫 麽 ?



1 Samuel 29:5
To je onaj isti David o kome se pjevalo igrajući: 'Pobi Šaul svoje tisuće, David na desetke tisuća!'"

První Samuelova 29:5
Zdaliž tento není ten David, o kterémž zpívali v houfích plésajících, říkajíce: Porazil Saul svůj tisíc, ale David svých deset tisíců?

1 Samuel 29:5
Det var jo David, om hvem man sang under Dans: Saul slog sine Tusinder, men David sine Titusinder!«

1 Samuël 29:5
Is dit niet die David, van denwelken zij in den rei elkander antwoordden, zeggende: Saul heeft zijn duizenden geslagen, maar David zijn tienduizenden?

שמואל א 29:5
הֲלֹוא־זֶ֣ה דָוִ֔ד אֲשֶׁ֧ר יַעֲנוּ־לֹ֛ו בַּמְּחֹלֹ֖ות לֵאמֹ֑ר הִכָּ֤ה שָׁאוּל֙ בַּֽאֲלָפָ֔יו וְדָוִ֖ד [בְּרִבְבֹתֹו כ] (בְּרִבְבֹתָֽיו׃ ק) ס

ה הלוא זה דוד אשר יענו לו במחלות לאמר  הכה שאול באלפיו ודוד ברבבתו  {ס}

הלוא־זה דוד אשר יענו־לו במחלות לאמר הכה שאול באלפיו ודוד [ברבבתו כ] (ברבבתיו׃ ק) ס

1 Sámuel 29:5
Avagy nem ez-é Dávid, a kirõl [így] énekelnek a körtánczban: Megverte Saul az õ ezerét, és Dávid is az õ tízezerét?

Samuel 1 29:5
CXu tio ne estas ja tiu David, pri kiu oni kantis en la dancrondoj jene: Saul frapis milojn, Kaj David dekmilojn?

Eikö tämä ole David? josta he veisasivat hypyssä, sanoen: Saul löi tuhannen, mutta David kymmenentuhatta.

1 Samuel 29:5
N'est-ce pas ce David, au sujet duquel on s'entre-répondait dans les danses en disant: Saül a frappé ses mille et David ses dix mille?

N'est-ce pas ce David pour qui l'on chantait en dansant: Saül a frappé ses mille, Et David ses dix mille?

N'est-ce pas ici ce David, duquel on s'entre-répondait aux danses, en disant? Saül en a frappé ses mille et David ses dix mille?

1 Samuel 29:5
Ist er nicht der David, von dem sie sangen am Reigen: Saul hat tausend geschlagen, David aber zehntausend?

Ist er nicht David, von dem sie sangen im Reigen: Saul hat tausend geschlagen, David aber zehntausend?

Ist das nicht der David, dem zu Ehren man im Reigen sang:

1 Samuele 29:5
Non è egli quel Davide di cui si cantava in mezzo alle danze: Saul ha ucciso i suoi mille, e Davide i suoi diecimila?"

Non è costui quel Davide, del quale si cantava nelle danze, dicendo: Saulle ne ha percossi i suoi mille, E Davide i suoi diecimila?

1 SAMUEL 29:5
Bukankah ia ini Daud, yang dinyanyikan oranglah akan halnya dengan ramai-ramai, bunyinya: Bahwa Saul sudah mengalahkan beribu-ribu, tetapi Daud berlaksa-laksa?

사무엘상 29:5
그들이 춤추며 창화하여 가로되 사울의 죽인 자는 천천이요 다윗은 만만이로다 하던 이 다윗이 아니니이까'

I Samuelis 29:5
nonne iste est David cui cantabant in choro dicentes percussit Saul in milibus suis et David in decem milibus suis

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 29:5
Argi ne šitas Dovydas, apie kurį dainuodavo šokdami: ‘Saulius nukovė tūkstančius, o Dovydas­dešimtis tūkstančių?’ ”

1 Samuel 29:5
Ehara ianei tenei i a Rawiri i waiata ra ratou tetahi ki tetahi, i nga kanikani, i mea ra, Na Haora ana mano i patu, na Rawiri ko ana tekau mano?

1 Samuels 29:5
Er det ikke den samme David som de sang således om under dansen: Saul har slått sine tusener, men David sine titusener?

1 Samuel 29:5
¿No es éste David, de quien cantaban en las danzas, diciendo: ``Saúl mató a sus miles, y David a sus diez miles?

"¿No es éste David, de quien cantaban en las danzas, diciendo: 'Saúl mató a sus miles, Y David a sus diez miles'?"

¿No es éste David de quien cantaban con danzas, diciendo: Saúl hirió sus miles, y David sus diez miles?

¿No es este David de quien cantaba en los corros, diciendo: Saúl hirió sus miles, Y David sus diez miles?

¿No es éste David de quien cantaban en los corros, diciendo: Saúl hirió sus miles, y David sus diez miles?

1 Samuel 29:5
Ora, por acaso não é este aquele Davi de quem se cantava dançando: ‘Saul matou seus milhares, mas Davi matou dezenas de milhares’?

Este não é aquele Davi, a respeito de quem cantavam nas danças: Saul feriu os seus milhares, mas Davi os seus dez milhares?   

1 Samuel 29:5
Nu este acesta David pentru care cîntau jucînd: ,Saul şi -a bătut miile lui, Iar David zecile lui de mii?``

1-я Царств 29:5
Не тот ли это Давид, которому пели в хороводах, говоря: „Саул поразил тысячи, а Давид – десятки тысяч"?

Не тот ли это Давид, которому пели в хороводах, говоря: `Саул поразил тысячи, а Давид--десятки тысяч`?[]

1 Samuelsboken 29:5
Han är ju den David till vilkens ära man sjunger så under dansen: 'Saul har slagit sina tusen, men David sina tio tusen.'»

1 Samuel 29:5
Hindi ba ito ang David na siyang kanilang pinagaawitanan sa mga sayaw, na sinasabi, Pinatay ni Saul ang kaniyang libolibo, At ni David ang kaniyang laksalaksa?

1 ซามูเอล 29:5
คนนี้ดาวิดมิใช่หรือ ซึ่งเขาร้องเพลงขับรำรับกันว่า `ซาอูลฆ่าคนเป็นพันๆและดาวิดฆ่าคนเป็นหมื่นๆ'"

1 Samuel 29:5
Çalıp oynarken, ‹Saul binlercesini öldürdü,
Davutsa on binlercesini›[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 29:5
Há chẳng phải về Ða-vít này mà người nữ hát trong cuộc nhảy múa rằng: Sau-lơ giết hàng ngàn, Còn Ða-vít giết hàng vạn?

1 Samuel 29:4
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