1 Samuel 29:4
1 Samuel 29:4
But the Philistine commanders were angry with Achish and said, "Send the man back, that he may return to the place you assigned him. He must not go with us into battle, or he will turn against us during the fighting. How better could he regain his master's favor than by taking the heads of our own men?

But the Philistine commanders were angry. "Send him back to the town you've given him!" they demanded. "He can't go into the battle with us. What if he turns against us in battle and becomes our adversary? Is there any better way for him to reconcile himself with his master than by handing our heads over to him?

But the commanders of the Philistines were angry with him. And the commanders of the Philistines said to him, “Send the man back, that he may return to the place to which you have assigned him. He shall not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he become an adversary to us. For how could this fellow reconcile himself to his lord? Would it not be with the heads of the men here?

But the commanders of the Philistines were angry with him, and the commanders of the Philistines said to him, "Make the man go back, that he may return to his place where you have assigned him, and do not let him go down to battle with us, or in the battle he may become an adversary to us. For with what could this man make himself acceptable to his lord? Would it not be with the heads of these men?

And the princes of the Philistines were wroth with him; and the princes of the Philistines said unto him, Make this fellow return, that he may go again to his place which thou hast appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he be an adversary to us: for wherewith should he reconcile himself unto his master? should it not be with the heads of these men?

The Philistine commanders, however, were enraged with Achish and told him, "Send that man back and let him return to the place you assigned him. He must not go down with us into battle only to become our adversary during the battle. What better way could he regain his master's favor than with the heads of our men?

But the Philistine leaders were angry with him, so they pleaded with him, "Send the man back! Let him return to the place you assigned him. He mustn't go into battle with us. Otherwise, he may become our adversary in the battle! How could there be a better way for this fellow to reconcile himself with his lord? Wouldn't it be with the heads of these men?

But the leaders of the Philistines became angry with him and said to him, "Send the man back! Let him return to the place that you assigned him! Don't let him go down with us into the battle, for he might become our adversary in the battle. What better way to please his lord than with the heads of these men?

But the Philistine officers were angry with Achish. "Send the man back," the Philistine officers told him. "Return him to the place you assigned him. He shouldn't go with us into battle. He shouldn't [be allowed to] become our enemy during the battle. Is this man going to try to regain his master's favor? He'll do it with the lives of our men!

Then the princes of the Philistines were angry with him, and the princes of the Philistines said unto him, Make this fellow return that he may go again to his place which thou hast appointed him and not come with us to the battle lest in the battle he be an adversary to us, for with what should he return to the good graces of his master than with the heads of these men?

And the princes of the Philistines were angry with him; and the princes of the Philistines said unto him, Make this fellow return, that he may go again to his place which you have appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he be an adversary to us: for with what should he reconcile himself unto his master? should it not be with the heads of these men?

And the princes of the Philistines were wroth with him; and the princes of the Philistines said to him, Make this fellow return, that he may go again to his place which you have appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he be an adversary to us: for with which should he reconcile himself to his master? should it not be with the heads of these men?

But he princes of the Philistines were wroth with him; and the princes of the Philistines said unto him, Make the man return, that he may go back to his place where thou hast appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he become an adversary to us: for wherewith should this fellow reconcile himself unto his lord? should it not be with the heads of these men?

But the princes of the Philistines were angry with him, and they said to him: Let this man return, and abide in his place, which thou hast appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle, lest he be an adversary to us, when we shall begin to fight: for how can he otherwise appease his master, but with our heads?

But the princes of the Philistines were wroth with him; and the princes of the Philistines said to him, Make the man return, that he may go again to his place where thou hast appointed him, that he go not down with us to the battle, that in the battle he be not an adversary to us; for wherewith should this fellow reconcile himself to his master? should it not be with the heads of these men?

But the princes of the Philistines were wroth with him; and the princes of the Philistines said unto him, Make the man return, that he may go back to his place where thou hast appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he become an adversary to us: for wherewith should this fellow reconcile himself unto his lord? should it not be with the heads of these men?

And the princes of the Philistines were wroth with him; and the princes of the Philistines said to him, Make this man return, that he may go again to his place which thou hast appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he should be an adversary to us: for with what would he reconcile himself to his master? would it not be with the heads of these men?

But the princes of the Philistines were angry with him; and the princes of the Philistines said to him, "Make the man return, that he may go back to his place where you have appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he become an adversary to us. For with what should this fellow reconcile himself to his lord? Should it not be with the heads of these men?

And the heads of the Philistines are wroth against him, and the heads of the Philistines say to him, 'Send back the man, and he doth turn back unto his place whither thou hast appointed him, and doth not go down with us into battle, and is not to us for an adversary in battle; and wherewith doth this one reconcile himself unto his lord -- is it not with the heads of those men?'

1 i Samuelit 29:4
Por krerët e Filistejve u zemëruan me të dhe i thanë: "Ktheje prapa atë njeri me qëllim që të kthehet në vendin që i ke caktuar. Të mos vijë të luftojë me ne që të mos na bëhet armiku ynë gjatë betejës. Si mund ta rifitojë ai favorin e zotërisë së tij, veçse me kokën e këtyre njerëzve?

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 29:4
وسخط عليه رؤساء الفلسطينيين وقال له رؤساء الفلسطينيين ارجع الرجل فيرجع الى موضعه الذي عيّنت له ولا ينزل معنا الى الحرب ولا يكون لنا عدوا في الحرب. فبماذا يرضي هذا سيده. أليس برؤوس اولئك الرجال.

Dyr Sämyheel A 29:4
Aber de Öbrigstn von de Pflister wurdnd zünddig: "Dönn künn myr +nit brauchen! Schick n daahin zrugg, wost n eingwisn haast; bei n Krieg haat yr nix verloorn. Auf d Lösst fiel iem non ein, däß yr önn Spieß umkeeret?! Bösser kännt yr si ja bei seinn Öltherrn gar nit wider einweinbörln.

1 Царе 29:4
Обаче, филистимските военачалници му се разгневиха, и филистимските военачалници му рекоха: Изпрати този човек и нека се върне на мястото, което си му определил и да не слиза с нас в битката, да не би в боя да ни стане противник; защото как би се примирил този с господаря си, ако не с главите на тия мъже?

撒 母 耳 記 上 29:4
非 利 士 人 的 首 領 向 亞 吉 發 怒 , 對 他 說 : 你 要 叫 這 人 回 你 所 安 置 他 的 地 方 , 不 可 叫 他 同 我 們 出 戰 , 恐 怕 他 在 陣 上 反 為 我 們 的 敵 人 。 他 用 甚 麼 與 他 主 人 復 和 呢 ? 豈 不 是 用 我 們 這 些 人 的 首 級 麼 ?

非 利 士 人 的 首 领 向 亚 吉 发 怒 , 对 他 说 : 你 要 叫 这 人 回 你 所 安 置 他 的 地 方 , 不 可 叫 他 同 我 们 出 战 , 恐 怕 他 在 阵 上 反 为 我 们 的 敌 人 。 他 用 甚 麽 与 他 主 人 复 和 呢 ? 岂 不 是 用 我 们 这 些 人 的 首 级 麽 ?



1 Samuel 29:4
Ali filistejski knezovi planuše na njega i rekoše mu: "Pošalji toga čovjeka natrag, neka se vrati na mjesto koje si mu označio. Neka ne ide s nama u boj, da se ne okrene protiv nas u boju! Čime bi se on opet umilio svome gospodaru ako ne glavama ovih naših ljudi?

První Samuelova 29:4
I rozhněvala se na něj knížata Filistinská, a řekli jemu ta knížata Filistinská: Odešli zase muže toho, ať se navrátí k místu svému, kteréž jsi mu ukázal, a nechť netáhne s námi k boji, aby se nám nepostavil za nepřítele v bitvě. Nebo čím se zalíbiti může pánu svému tento? Zdali ne hlavami mužů těchto?

1 Samuel 29:4
Men Filisternes Høvdinger blev vrede paa ham og sagde: »Send den Mand tilbage til det Sted, du har anvist ham. Han maa ikke drage i Kamp med os, for at han ikke skal vende sig imod os under Slaget; thi hvorledes kan denne Mand bedre vinde sin Herres Gunst end med disse Mænds Hoveder?

1 Samuël 29:4
Doch de oversten der Filistijnen werden zeer toornig op hem, en de oversten der Filistijnen zeiden tot hem: Doe den man wederkeren, dat hij tot zijn plaats wederkere, waar gij hem besteld hebt, en dat hij niet met ons aftrekke in den strijd, opdat hij ons niet tot een tegenpartijder worde in den strijd; want waarmede zou deze zich bij zijn heer aangenaam maken? Is het niet met de hoofden dezer mannen?

שמואל א 29:4
וַיִּקְצְפ֨וּ עָלָ֜יו שָׂרֵ֣י פְלִשְׁתִּ֗ים וַיֹּ֣אמְרוּ לֹו֩ שָׂרֵ֨י פְלִשְׁתִּ֜ים הָשֵׁ֣ב אֶת־הָאִ֗ישׁ וְיָשֹׁב֙ אֶל־מְקֹומֹו֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר הִפְקַדְתֹּ֣ו שָׁ֔ם וְלֹֽא־יֵרֵ֤ד עִמָּ֙נוּ֙ בַּמִּלְחָמָ֔ה וְלֹא־יִֽהְיֶה־לָּ֥נוּ לְשָׂטָ֖ן בַּמִּלְחָמָ֑ה וּבַמֶּ֗ה יִתְרַצֶּ֥ה זֶה֙ אֶל־אֲדֹנָ֔יו הֲלֹ֕וא בְּרָאשֵׁ֖י הָאֲנָשִׁ֥ים הָהֵֽם׃

ד ויקצפו עליו שרי פלשתים ויאמרו לו שרי פלשתים השב את האיש וישב אל מקומו אשר הפקדתו שם ולא ירד עמנו במלחמה ולא יהיה לנו לשטן במלחמה ובמה יתרצה זה אל אדניו--הלוא בראשי האנשים ההם

ויקצפו עליו שרי פלשתים ויאמרו לו שרי פלשתים השב את־האיש וישב אל־מקומו אשר הפקדתו שם ולא־ירד עמנו במלחמה ולא־יהיה־לנו לשטן במלחמה ובמה יתרצה זה אל־אדניו הלוא בראשי האנשים ההם׃

1 Sámuel 29:4
De megharaguvának õ reá a Filiszteusok vezérei, és mondának néki a Filiszteusok vezérei: Küldd vissza ezt az embert, hogy térjen vissza a helyére oda, a melyet rendeltél néki, és ne jõjjön el mi velünk a harczba, hogy ellenünk ne forduljon a harczban; mert ugyan mivel tehetné magát kedvesebbé ura elõtt, hacsak nem ezeknek a vitézeknek fejeivel?

Samuel 1 29:4
Sed ekkoleris kontraux li la estroj de la Filisxtoj, kaj la estroj de la Filisxtoj diris al li:Reirigu tiun viron, kaj li revenu sur sian lokon, kiun vi destinis por li, sed li ne iru kun ni en la batalon kaj ne farigxu nia kontrauxulo dum la batalo; cxar per kio cxi tiu povus favorigi al si sian sinjoron, se ne per la kapoj de niaj viroj?

Niin Philistealaisten päämiehet vihastuivat hänen päällensä ja sanoivat hänelle: anna sen miehen palata ja mennä jälleen siallensa, kuhunkas hänen asettanut olet, ettei hän tulisi meidän kanssamme sotaan ja olisi meidän vihamiehemme sodassa; sillä millä taitais hän paremmin herrallensa mielinouteen tehdä, kuin näiden miesten päillä?

1 Samuel 29:4
Et les chefs des Philistins se mirent en colère contre lui, et les chefs des Philistins lui dirent: Renvoie cet homme, et qu'il retourne en son lieu, là où tu l'as établi, et qu'il ne descende pas avec nous à la bataille, afin qu'il ne soit pas notre adversaire dans la bataille; car comment celui-là se rendrait-il agréable à son seigneur, sinon avec les têtes de ces hommes-ci?

Mais les princes des Philistins s'irritèrent contre Akisch, et lui dirent: Renvoie cet homme, et qu'il retourne dans le lieu où tu l'as établi; qu'il ne descende pas avec nous sur le champ de bataille, afin qu'il ne soit pas pour nous un ennemi pendant le combat. Et comment cet homme rentrerait-il en grâce auprès de son maître, si ce n'est au moyen des têtes de nos gens?

Mais les chefs des Philistins se mirent en colère contre lui, et lui dirent : Renvoie cet homme, et qu'il s'en retourne dans le lieu où tu l'as établi, et qu'il ne descende point avec nous dans la bataille, de peur qu'il ne se tourne contre nous dans la bataille; car comment pourrait-il se remettre en grâce avec son Seigneur? ne serait-ce pas par le moyen des têtes de ces hommes-ci?

1 Samuel 29:4
Aber die Fürsten der Philister wurden zornig auf ihn und sprachen zu ihm: Laß den Mann umkehren und an seinem Ort bleiben, da du ihn hin bestellet hast, daß er nicht mit uns hinabziehe zum Streit und unser Widersacher werde im Streit. Denn woran könnte er seinem HERRN baß Gefallen tun denn an den Köpfen dieser Männer?

Aber die Fürsten der Philister wurden zornig auf ihn und sprachen zu ihm: Laß den Mann umkehren und an seinem Ort bleiben, dahin du ihn bestellt hast, daß er nicht mit uns hinabziehe zum Streit und unser Widersacher werde im Streit. Denn woran könnte er seinem Herrn größeren Gefallen tun als an den Köpfen dieser Männer?

Aber die Philisterfürsten wurden unmutig über ihn, und so verlangten die Philisterfürsten von ihm: Schicke den Mann zurück! Er soll wieder an seinen Ort gehen, den du ihm angewiesen hast, und nicht mit uns in die Schlacht ziehen, damit er nicht in der Schlacht zum Verräter an uns werde! Womit könnte sich der die Gunst seines Herrn besser wieder erwerben, als mit den Köpfen unserer Leute?

1 Samuele 29:4
Ma i capi de’ Filistei si adirarono contro di lui, e gli dissero: "Rimanda costui e se ne ritorni al luogo che tu gli hai assegnato, e non scenda con noi alla battaglia, affinché non sia per noi un nemico durante la battaglia. Poiché come potrebbe costui riacquistar la grazia del signor suo, se non a prezzo delle teste di questi uomini nostri?

Ma i capitani de’ Filistei si adirarono contro a lui, e gli dissero: Rimanda quest’uomo, e ritorni al luogo suo, ove tu l’hai costituito, e non iscenda con noi alla battaglia; che talora non si rivolti contro a noi nella battaglia; perciocchè, con che potrebbe costui racquistarsi la grazia del suo signore? non sarebbe egli con le teste di questi uomini?

1 SAMUEL 29:4
Tetapi gusarlah sangat segala raja orang Filistin itu akan dia, lalu kata segala raja orang Filistin itu kepadanya: Suruhlah orang itu kembali ke tempatnya, yang telah kautentukan baginya, jangan ia turun serta dengan kita pergi perang, supaya jangan ia menjadi lawan kita dalam peperangan; karena dengan apa gerangan dapat ia memperkenankan tuannya melainkan dengan kepala orang-orang ini?

사무엘상 29:4
블레셋 사람의 방백들이 그에게 노한지라 블레셋 방백들이 그에게 이르되 `이 사람을 돌려보내어 왕이 그에게 정하신 그 처소로 가게 하소서 그는 우리와 함께 싸움에 내려가지 못하리니 그가 전장에서 우리의 대적이 될까 하나이다 그가 무엇으로 그 주와 다시 화합하리이까 이 사람들의 머리로 하지 아니하겠나이까 ?

I Samuelis 29:4
irati sunt autem adversus eum principes Philisthim et dixerunt ei revertatur vir et sedeat in loco suo in quo constituisti eum et non descendat nobiscum in proelium ne fiat nobis adversarius cum proeliari coeperimus quomodo enim aliter placare poterit dominum suum nisi in capitibus nostris

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 29:4
Filistinų kunigaikščiai supyko ant Achišo ir tarė: “Siųsk tą vyrą atgal! Tegul grįžta į vietą, kurią tu jam paskyrei, ir neina su mumis į mūšį, kad jo metu netaptų mums priešu. Nes kaip jis galėtų įsiteikti savo valdovui, jei ne šitų vyrų galvomis.

1 Samuel 29:4
Otiia ka riri nga rangatira o nga Pirihitini ki a ia, a ka mea nga rangatira o nga Pirihitini ki a ia, Whakahokia tenei tangata kia hoki ki te wahi i whakaritea e koe mona; a kaua ia e haere tahi tatou ki te whawhai; kei whawhai ia ki a tatou i t e tatauranga; he aha hoki tana mea hei whakamarie mo tona rangatira? he teka ianei ko nga upoko o enei tangata?

1 Samuels 29:4
Men filistrenes høvdinger blev vrede på ham og sa til ham: Send mannen hjem og la ham vende tilbake til det sted som du har anvist ham! Han skal ikke dra med oss i striden; for da kunde han vende sig mot oss i slaget. Hvorledes skulde han vel kunne bedre gjenvinne sin herres yndest enn ved å komme til ham med disse menns hoder?

1 Samuel 29:4
Pero los jefes de los filisteos se enojaron contra él, y le dijeron: Haz volver a ese hombre y que se vuelva al lugar que le asignaste, y no le permitas que descienda a la batalla con nosotros, no sea que en la batalla se convierta en nuestro adversario. Pues, ¿con qué podría hacerse él aceptable a su señor? ¿No sería con las cabezas de estos hombres?

Pero los jefes de los Filisteos se enojaron contra él, y le dijeron: "Haz que ese hombre se vaya, y regrese al lugar que le asignaste, y no le permitas que descienda a la batalla con nosotros, no sea que en la batalla se convierta en nuestro adversario. Pues, ¿con qué podría hacerse él aceptable a su señor? ¿No sería con las cabezas de estos hombres?

Entonces los príncipes de los filisteos se enojaron contra él, y le dijeron: Envía a este hombre, que se vuelva al lugar que le señalaste, y no venga con nosotros a la batalla, no sea que en la batalla se nos vuelva enemigo; porque ¿con qué cosa volvería mejor a la gracia de su señor que con las cabezas de estos hombres?

Entonces los príncipes de los Filisteos se enojaron contra él, y dijéronle: Envía á este hombre, que se vuelva al lugar que le señalaste, y no venga con nosotros á la batalla, no sea que en la batalla se nos vuelva enemigo: porque ¿con qué cosa volvería m

Entonces los príncipes de los filisteos se enojaron contra él, y le dijeron: Envía a este hombre, que se vuelva al lugar que le señalaste, y no venga con nosotros a la batalla, no sea que en la batalla se nos vuelva enemigo; porque ¿con qué cosa volvería mejor a la gracia de su señor que con las cabezas de estos hombres?

1 Samuel 29:4
Os líderes dos filisteus se opuseram a ele solicitaram a Áquis: “Manda que este homem vá embora, que retorne à cidade que tu lhe designaste. Não venha ele conosco à batalha, para que não se volte contra nós em meio ao combate. Pois, como agradaria ele mais ao seu senhor senão com a cabeça dos homens que temos aqui?

Mas os chefes dos filisteus muito se indignaram contra ele, e disseram a Áquis: Faze voltar este homem para que torne ao lugar em que o puseste; não desça ele conosco à batalha, a fim de que não se torne nosso adversário no combate; pois, como se tornaria este agradável a seu senhor? porventura não seria com as cabeças destes homens?   

1 Samuel 29:4
Dar domnitorii Filistenilor s'au mîniat pe Achiş, şi i-au zis: ,,Trimete înapoi pe omul acesta, ca să se întoarcă în locul unde l-ai aşezat; să nu se pogoare cu noi pe cîmpul de bătaie, ca să nu ne fie vrăjmaş în timpul luptei. Şi cum ar putea să se facă omul acesta plăcut stăpînului său, decît cu capetele oamenilor noştri?

1-я Царств 29:4
И вознегодовали на него князья Филистимские, и сказали ему князья Филистимские: отпусти ты этого человека, пусть он сидит в своем месте, которое ты ему назначил, чтоб он не шел с нами на войну и не сделался противником нашим на войне. Чем он может умилостивить господина своего, как не головами сих мужей?

И вознегодовали на него князья Филистимские, и сказали ему князья Филистимские: отпусти ты этого человека, пусть он сидит в своем месте, которое ты ему назначил, чтоб он не шел с нами на войну и не сделался противником нашим на войне. Чем он может умилостивить господина своего, как не головами сих мужей?[]

1 Samuelsboken 29:4
Då blevo filistéernas furstar förtörnade på honom; och filistéernas furstar sade till honom: »Låt mannen vända om och gå tillbaka till den ort du har anvisat honom; han får icke draga med med oss till strid, för att han icke under striden må bliva vår motståndare. Ty varigenom skulle han väl bättre kunna göra sig behaglig för sin herre än genom dessa mäns huvuden?

1 Samuel 29:4
Nguni't ang mga prinsipe ng mga Filisteo ay nagalit sa kaniya; at sinabi ng mga prinsipe ng mga Filisteo sa kaniya, Pabalikin mo ang taong iyan, upang siya'y bumalik sa kaniyang dako na iyong pinaglagyan sa kaniya, at huwag mong pababain na kasama natin sa pakikipagbaka, baka sa pagbabaka ay maging kaaway natin siya: sapagka't paanong makikipagkasundo ito sa kaniyang panginoon? hindi ba sa pamamagitan ng mga ulo ng mga taong ito?

1 ซามูเอล 29:4
แต่เจ้านายฟีลิสเตียโกรธท่าน และเจ้านายฟีลิสเตียทูลท่านว่า "ขอส่งชายคนนั้นกลับไป เพื่อให้เขากลับไปยังที่ที่ท่านกำหนดให้เขาอยู่ และอย่าให้เขาลงไปรบพร้อมกับเรา เกรงว่าเมื่อเรารบกัน เขาจะเป็นศัตรูของเรา เพราะว่าชายคนนี้จะคืนดีกับเจ้านายของเขาได้อย่างไร มิใช่ด้วยศีรษะของคนที่นี่ดอกหรือ

1 Samuel 29:4
Ama Filistli komutanlar Akişe öfkelendiler. ‹‹Adamı geri gönder, kendisine verdiğin yere dönsün›› dediler, ‹‹Bizimle birlikte savaşa gelmesin; yoksa savaş sırasında bize karşı çıkar. Efendisinin beğenisini nasıl kazanabilir? Adamlarımızın başını ona vermekten daha iyi bir yol bulabilir mi?[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 29:4
Các quan trưởng Phi-li-tin nổi giận, nói với A-kích rằng: Hãy đuổi người nầy trở về chỗ ông đã lập hắn, chớ cho hắn đi đánh giặc với chúng ta, e trong lúc chiến đấu, hắn trở lòng nghịch chúng ta chăng; vì hắn làm thế nào cho được hòa cùng chủ mình, há chẳng phải nhờ những thủ cấp của chúng ta sao?

1 Samuel 29:3
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