1 Samuel 25:17
1 Samuel 25:17
Now think it over and see what you can do, because disaster is hanging over our master and his whole household. He is such a wicked man that no one can talk to him."

You need to know this and figure out what to do, for there is going to be trouble for our master and his whole family. He's so ill-tempered that no one can even talk to him!"

Now therefore know this and consider what you should do, for harm is determined against our master and against all his house, and he is such a worthless man that one cannot speak to him.”

"Now therefore, know and consider what you should do, for evil is plotted against our master and against all his household; and he is such a worthless man that no one can speak to him."

Now therefore know and consider what thou wilt do; for evil is determined against our master, and against all his household: for he is such a son of Belial, that a man cannot speak to him.

Now consider carefully what you must do, because there is certain to be trouble for our master and his entire family. He is such a worthless fool nobody can talk to him!"

Now, be aware of this and consider what you should do. Calamity is being planned against our master and against his entire household. He's such a worthless person that no one can talk to him."

Now be aware of this, and see what you can do. For disaster has been planned for our lord and his entire household. He is such a wicked person that no one tells him anything!"

Now, consider what you should do because our master and his whole household are doomed. And he's such a worthless man that it's useless to talk to him."

Now, therefore, know and consider what thou must do, for evil is determined against our master and against all his household, for he is such a son of Belial that no one can speak to him.

Now therefore know and consider what you will do; for evil is determined against our master, and against all his household: for he is such a son of Belial, that a man cannot speak to him.

Now therefore know and consider what you will do; for evil is determined against our master, and against all his household: for he is such a son of Belial, that a man cannot speak to him.

Now therefore know and consider what thou wilt do; for evil is determined against our master, and against all his house: for he is such a worthless fellow, that one cannot speak to him.

Wherefore consider, and think what thou hast to do: for evil is determined against thy husband, and against thy house, and he is a son of Belial, so that no man can speak to him.

And now know and consider what thou wilt do, for evil is determined against our master, and against all his household; and he is such a son of Belial, that one cannot speak to him.

Now therefore know and consider what thou wilt do; for evil is determined against our master, and against all his house: for he is such a son of Belial, that one cannot speak to him.

Now therefore know and consider what thou wilt do: for evil is determined against our master, and against all his household: for he is such a son of Belial, that a man cannot speak to him.

Now therefore know and consider what you will do; for evil is determined against our master, and against all his house; for he is such a worthless fellow that one can't speak to him."

And, now, know and consider what thou dost; for evil hath been determined against our lord, and against all his house, and he is too much a son of worthlessness to be spoken to.'

1 i Samuelit 25:17
Dije dhe shiko atë që duhet të bësh, sepse ka për t'i ngjarë ndonjë fatkeqësi zotit tonë dhe tërë shtëpisë së tij; ai është një njeri aq i keq, sa nuk mund t'i flasësh".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 25:17
والآن اعلمي وانظري ماذا تعملين لان الشر قد اعد على سيدنا وعلى بيته وهو ابن لئيم لا يمكن الكلام معه

Dyr Sämyheel A 25:17
Du werst schoon wissn, wiest ys ietz eyn n Böstn machst. I waiß nit, aber i segh mix Guets für ünsern Herrn und sein Heiwisch kemmen. Rödn +kanst y mit dönn ecklhaftn Teufl nit."

1 Царе 25:17
Прочее, знай това и размисли, какво ще направиш; защото зло е решено против господаря ни и против целия му дом; понеже той е толкоз злонрав човек, щото никой не може да му продума.

撒 母 耳 記 上 25:17
所 以 你 當 籌 劃 , 看 怎 樣 行 才 好 ; 不 然 , 禍 患 定 要 臨 到 我 主 人 和 他 全 家 。 他 性 情 凶 暴 , 無 人 敢 與 他 說 話 。

所 以 你 当 筹 划 , 看 怎 样 行 才 好 ; 不 然 , 祸 患 定 要 临 到 我 主 人 和 他 全 家 。 他 性 情 凶 暴 , 无 人 敢 与 他 说 话 。



1 Samuel 25:17
Razmisli sada i vidi što ćeš učiniti, jer je gotova pogibija našem gospodaru i svemu njegovu domu; a on je opak čovjek komu se ne može ništa kazati."

První Samuelova 25:17
Protož nyní pomysl a viz, co bys měla činiti, neboť již zlé věci hotové jsou na pána našeho i na všecken dům jeho; on pak jest tak zlobivý, že s ním nelze ani mluviti.

1 Samuel 25:17
Se nu til, hvad du vil gøre, thi Ulykken hænger over Hovedet paa vor Herre og hele hans Hus; han selv er jo en Usling, man ikke kan tale med!«

1 Samuël 25:17
Weet dan nu, en zie, wat gij doen zult; want het kwaad is ten volle over onzen heer besloten, en over zijn ganse huis; en hij is een zoon Belials, dat men hem niet mag aanspreken.

שמואל א 25:17
וְעַתָּ֗ה דְּעִ֤י וּרְאִי֙ מַֽה־תַּעֲשִׂ֔י כִּֽי־כָלְתָ֧ה הָרָעָ֛ה אֶל־אֲדֹנֵ֖ינוּ וְעַ֣ל כָּל־בֵּיתֹ֑ו וְהוּא֙ בֶּן־בְּלִיַּ֔עַל מִדַּבֵּ֖ר אֵלָֽיו׃

יז ועתה דעי וראי מה תעשי--כי כלתה הרעה אל אדנינו ועל כל ביתו והוא בן בליעל מדבר אליו

ועתה דעי וראי מה־תעשי כי־כלתה הרעה אל־אדנינו ועל כל־ביתו והוא בן־בליעל מדבר אליו׃

1 Sámuel 25:17
Most azért értsd meg és lássad, hogy mit kelljen cselekedned, mert jelen van a veszedelem a mi urunk és az õ egész háza ellen, õ pedig oly kegyetlen ember, hogy senki sem szólhat néki.

Samuel 1 25:17
tial nun pripensu kaj rigardu, kion vi devas fari, cxar decidita estas malbono kontraux nia sinjoro kaj kontraux lia tuta domo; kaj li estas ja malhumila homo, oni ne povas paroli kun li.

Niin ajattele nyt ja katso mitäs teet; sillä pahuutta on totisesti tarjona meidän isännällemme ja kaikelle hänen huoneellensa, vaan hän on tyly mies, jota ei yksikään tohdi puhutella.

1 Samuel 25:17
Et maintenant, sache et vois ce que tu as à faire; car le mal est décidé contre notre maître et contre toute sa maison; et il est trop fils de Bélial pour qu'on parle avec lui.

Sache maintenant et vois ce que tu as à faire, car la perte de notre maître et de toute sa maison est résolue, et il est si méchant qu'on n'ose lui parler.

C'est pourquoi maintenant, avise et prends garde à ce que tu auras à faire; car le mal est arrêté contre notre maître, et contre toute sa maison; mais c'est [un homme] si grossier qu'on n'oserait lui parler.

1 Samuel 25:17
So merke nun und siehe, was du tust; denn es ist gewiß ein Unglück vorhanden über unsern HERRN und über sein ganzes Haus; und er ist ein heilloser Mann, dem niemand etwas sagen darf.

So merke nun und siehe, was du tust; denn es ist gewiß ein Unglück vorhanden über unsern Herrn und über sein ganzes Haus; und er ist ein heilloser Mann, dem niemand etwas sagen darf.

Besinne dich daher, was du jetzt thun willst, denn das Verderben ist beschlossen über unsern Herrn und über sein ganzes Haus; er selbst aber ist ein zu bösartiger Mann, als daß man mit ihm reden könnte.

1 Samuele 25:17
Or dunque rifletti, e vedi quel che tu debba fare; poiché un guaio è certo che avverrà al nostro padrone e a tutta la sua casa; ed egli è uomo così malvagio, che non gli si può parlare".

Or dunque sappi, e vedi ciò che tu hai a fare; perciocchè il male è determinato contro al nostro padrone, e contro a tutta la sua casa; ed egli è uomo di tanto male affare, che non se gli può parlare.

1 SAMUEL 25:17
Maka sekarang hendaklah encik mengetahui dan menimbang baik-baik barang yang patut encik perbuat, karena celaka sudah ditentukan dengan sebenarnya atas tuan kami dan atas segala isi rumahnya, maka sesungguhnya ialah seorang fasik yang tiada dapat ditegur.

사무엘상 25:17
그런즉 이제 당신은 어떻게 할 것을 알아 생각하실지니 이는 다윗이 우리 주인과 주인의 온 집을 해하기로 결정하였음이니이다 주인은 불량한 사람이라 더불어 말할 수 없나이다'

I Samuelis 25:17
quam ob rem considera et recogita quid facias quoniam conpleta est malitia adversum virum tuum et adversus domum tuam et ipse filius est Belial ita ut nemo ei possit loqui

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 25:17
Taigi dabar pagalvok ir nuspręsk, ką darysi. Nelaimė tikrai gresia mūsų šeimininkui ir visai jo šeimynai. Jis yra Belialo vaikas, su kuriuo neįmanoma kalbėti”.

1 Samuel 25:17
Tena ra, mau e whakaaro, e titiro ki tau e mea ai; kua takoto hoki he kino mo to matou rangatira, ratou ko tona whare katoa: koia rawa hoki kia tama ia na Periara, kahore tetahi e ahei te korero ki a ia.

1 Samuels 25:17
Tenk nu efter, så du vet hvad du skal gjøre! For ulykken henger over vår herre og hele hans hus, og selv er han et ondt menneske, så ingen kan tale til ham.

1 Samuel 25:17
Ahora pues, reflexiona y mira lo que has de hacer, porque el mal ya está determinado contra nuestro señor y contra toda su casa, y él es un hombre tan indigno que nadie puede hablarle.

"Ahora pues, reflexione y mire lo que ha de hacer, porque el mal ya está determinado contra nuestro señor y contra toda su casa, y él es un hombre tan indigno que nadie puede hablarle."

Ahora, pues, entiende y mira lo que has de hacer, porque el mal está del todo resuelto contra nuestro amo y contra toda su casa; pues él es tan hijo de Belial, que no hay quien pueda hablarle.

Ahora pues, entiende y mira lo que has de hacer, porque el mal está del todo resuelto contra nuestro amo y contra toda su casa: pues él es un hombre tan malo, que no hay quien pueda hablarle.

Ahora, pues, entiende y mira lo que has de hacer, porque el mal está del todo resuelto contra nuestro amo y contra toda su casa; pues él es un hombre tan malo, que no hay quien pueda hablarle.

1 Samuel 25:17
Agora, portanto, considera o que podes fazer, porque a destruição do nosso senhor e de toda a sua casa está a caminho. E o nosso senhor é um homem tão perverso e arrogante que ninguém consegue conversar com ele.”

Considera, pois, agora e vê o que hás de fazer, porque o mal já está de todo determinado contra o nosso amo e contra toda a sua casa; e ele é tal filho de Belial, que não há quem lhe possa falar.   

1 Samuel 25:17
Să ştii acum şi vezi ce ai de făcut, căci perderea stăpînului nostru, şi a întregei lui case este hotărîtă, şi el este aşa de rău încît nimeni nu îndrăzneşte să -i vorbească.

1-я Царств 25:17
итак подумай и посмотри, что делать; ибо неминуемо угрожает беда господину нашему и всему дому его, а он – человек злой, нельзя говорить с ним.

итак подумай и посмотри, что делать; ибо неминуемо угрожает беда господину нашему и всему дому его, а он--человек злой, нельзя говорить с ним.[]

1 Samuelsboken 25:17
Så betänk nu och se till, vad du bör göra, ty något ont är nog beslutet mot vår herre och över hela hans hus; och han är ju en ond man, så att ingen vågar säga något åt honom.»

1 Samuel 25:17
Ngayon nga'y iyong alamin at dilidilihin kung ano ang iyong gagawin; sapagka't ang kasamaan ay ipinasiya na laban sa ating panginoon, at laban sa kaniyang buong sangbahayan: sapagka't siya'y isang hamak na tao, na sinoma'y hindi makapakiusap sa kaniya.

1 ซามูเอล 25:17
บัดนี้ขอท่านทราบเรื่องนี้และพิจารณาว่าท่านควรจะกระทำประการใด เพราะเขาคงมุ่งร้ายต่อนายของเรา และต่อครัวเรือนทั้งสิ้นของนาย นายนั้นเป็นคนอันธพาล ใครจะพูดด้วยก็ไม่ได้"

1 Samuel 25:17
Şimdi ne yapman gerektiğini iyi düşün. Çünkü efendimize ve bütün ailesine kötülük yapmayı tasarlıyorlar. Üstelik efendimiz o kadar kötü ki, kimse ona bir şey söyleyemiyor.››[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 25:17
Vậy bây giờ, khá xem xét điều bà phải làm; vì đã định giáng tai họa trên chủ chúng tôi và trên cả nhà người; chủ dữ quá, không có ai nói cùng người được.

1 Samuel 25:16
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