1 Samuel 25:15
1 Samuel 25:15
Yet these men were very good to us. They did not mistreat us, and the whole time we were out in the fields near them nothing was missing.

These men have been very good to us, and we never suffered any harm from them. Nothing was stolen from us the whole time they were with us.

Yet the men were very good to us, and we suffered no harm, and we did not miss anything when we were in the fields, as long as we went with them.

"Yet the men were very good to us, and we were not insulted, nor did we miss anything as long as we went about with them, while we were in the fields.

But the men were very good unto us, and we were not hurt, neither missed we any thing, as long as we were conversant with them, when we were in the fields:

The men treated us well. When we were in the field, we weren't harassed and nothing of ours was missing the whole time we were living among them.

The men were very good to us. They didn't harm us, and we didn't miss anything all the time we moved around with them when we were in the field.

These men were very good to us. They did not insult us, nor did we sustain any loss during the entire time we were together in the field.

Those men were very good to us. They didn't mistreat us, and we found that nothing was missing wherever we went with them when we were in the fields.

But the men were very good unto us and never hurt us, neither did we miss anything all the time that we have been conversant with them when we were in the fields.

But the men were very good unto us, and we were not hurt, neither missed we anything, as long as we went with them, when we were in the fields:

But the men were very good to us, and we were not hurt, neither missed we any thing, as long as we were conversant with them, when we were in the fields:

But the men were very good unto us, and we were not hurt, neither missed we anything, as long as we went with them, when we were in the fields:

These men were very good to us, and gave us no trouble: neither did we ever lose any thing all the time that we conversed with them in the desert.

And the men were very good to us, and we were not hurt, neither missed we anything, as long as we companied with them, when we were in the fields.

But the men were very good unto us, and we were not hurt, neither missed we any thing, as long as we were conversant with them, when we were in the fields:

But the men were very good to us, and we were not hurt, neither missed we any thing, as long as we were conversant with them, when we were in the fields:

But the men were very good to us, and we were not hurt, neither missed we anything, as long as we went with them, when we were in the fields.

and the men are very good to us, and have not put us to shame, and we have not looked after anything all the days we have gone up and down with them, in our being in the field;

1 i Samuelit 25:15
Mirëpo këta njerëz janë sjellë shumë mirë me ne, nuk na kanë bërë asnjë të keqe dhe nuk ka munguar asgjë në kohën që kemi bredhur bashkë me ta nëpër fusha.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 25:15
والرجال محسنون الينا جدا فلم نؤذ ولا فقد منا شيء كل ايام ترددنا معهم ونحن في الحقل.

Dyr Sämyheel A 25:15
Mir haet aber nix sagn künnen; die warnd wirklich freunddlich zo üns. Kainer grödt üns bloed an; und mir kunntnd allss habn von ien, wie myr mit ien auf dyr Waidschaft unterwögs warnd.

1 Царе 25:15
Но тия мъже бяха много добри към нас; ние не бяхме повредени, нито изгубихме нещо, докато дружехме с тях, когато бяхме в полето;

撒 母 耳 記 上 25:15
但 是 那 些 人 待 我 們 甚 好 ; 我 們 在 田 野 與 他 們 來 往 的 時 候 , 沒 有 受 他 們 的 欺 負 , 也 未 曾 失 落 甚 麼 。

但 是 那 些 人 待 我 们 甚 好 ; 我 们 在 田 野 与 他 们 来 往 的 时 候 , 没 有 受 他 们 的 欺 负 , 也 未 曾 失 落 甚 麽 。



1 Samuel 25:15
A ti su ljudi bili vrlo dobri prema nama: nisu nas dirali, ništa nismo izgubili dokle god smo bili u njihovoj blizini kad smo bili u polju.

První Samuelova 25:15
Ješto muži ti prospěšní nám byli velice, ani nám neučinili křivdy, aniž nám co zhynulo, když jsme bývali s nimi na poli.

1 Samuel 25:15
skønt de Mænd har været meget gode mod os og ikke fornærmet os, og vi har intet mistet, i al den Tid vi færdedes sammen med dem, da vi var ude i Marken.

1 Samuël 25:15
Nochtans zijn zij ons zeer goede mannen geweest; en wij hebben geen smaadheid geleden, en wij hebben niets gemist al de dagen, die wij met hen verkeerd hebben, toen wij op het veld waren.

שמואל א 25:15
וְהָ֣אֲנָשִׁ֔ים טֹבִ֥ים לָ֖נוּ מְאֹ֑ד וְלֹ֤א הָכְלַ֙מְנוּ֙ וְלֹֽא־פָקַ֣דְנוּ מְא֔וּמָה כָּל־יְמֵי֙ הִתְהַלַּ֣כְנוּ אִתָּ֔ם בִּֽהְיֹותֵ֖נוּ בַּשָּׂדֶֽה׃

טו והאנשים טבים לנו מאד ולא הכלמנו ולא פקדנו מאומה כל ימי התהלכנו אתם בהיותנו בשדה

והאנשים טבים לנו מאד ולא הכלמנו ולא־פקדנו מאומה כל־ימי התהלכנו אתם בהיותנו בשדה׃

1 Sámuel 25:15
Azok az emberek pedig igen jók voltak mi hozzánk; és nem volt bántódásunk, és semmink nem hibázott az alatt az egész idõ alatt, míg velök jártunk, mikor a mezõn voltunk.

Samuel 1 25:15
kaj tiuj homoj estis tre bonaj por ni, kaj ili ne ofendis nin, kaj nenio perdigxis cxe ni dum la tuta tempo, kiun ni iradis kun ili, estante sur la kampo;

Ja ne miehet olivat meille aivan hyvät ja ei meitä pahoin puhutelleet, ja ei meiltä mitään puuttunut niinkauvan kuin me vaelsimme heidän tykönänsä kedolla ollessamme.

1 Samuel 25:15
Et les hommes ont été très-bons pour nous, et nous n'avons pas été molestés, et il n'a rien manqué de ce qui était à nous, tout le temps que nous avons marché avec eux pendant que nous étions aux champs.

Et pourtant ces gens ont été très bons pour nous; ils ne nous ont fait aucun outrage, et rien ne nous a été enlevé, tout le temps que nous avons été avec eux lorsque nous étions dans les champs.

Et cependant ces hommes-là nous ont été fort bonnes gens, et nous n'en avons reçu aucun outrage, et rien de ce qui est à nous ne s'est perdu, pendant tout le temps que nous avons été avec eux, quand nous étions aux champs.

1 Samuel 25:15
Und sie sind uns doch sehr nütze Leute gewesen und haben uns nicht verhöhnet, und hat uns nichts gefehlet an der Zahl, solange wir bei ihnen gewandelt haben, wenn wir auf dem Felde waren,

Und sie sind uns doch sehr nützliche Leute gewesen und haben uns nicht verhöhnt, und hat uns nichts gefehlt an der Zahl, solange wir bei ihnen gewandelt haben, wenn wir auf dem Felde waren;

Und die Männer sind doch sehr gut gegen uns; wir sind nicht beschimpft worden und haben nie etwas vermißt, wenn wir auf dem Felde waren, so lange wir in ihrer Nähe umherzogen.

1 Samuele 25:15
Eppure, quella gente è stata molto buona verso di noi; noi non ne abbiam ricevuto alcun oltraggio, e non ci han portato via nulla per tutto il tempo che siamo andati attorno con loro quand’eravamo per la campagna.

E pur quella gente ci è stata grandemente buona, e non abbiamo ricevuto alcuno oltraggio, e non ci siamo trovati mancar nulla, in tutto il tempo che siamo andati attorno con loro, mentre eravamo per la campagna.

1 SAMUEL 25:15
Maka orang-orang itu sudah sangat berguna kepada kami, sehingga tiada kami diusik dan satupun tiada kami kehilangan selamanya segala hari kami beredar-edar serta dengan mereka itu pada masa kami di padang itu.

사무엘상 25:15
우리가 들에 있어 그들과 상종할 동안에 그 사람들이 우리를 매우 선대하였으므로 우리가 상하거나 잃은 것이 없었으니

I Samuelis 25:15
homines isti boni satis fuerunt nobis et non molesti nec quicquam aliquando periit omni tempore quo sumus conversati cum eis in deserto

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 25:15
Tie vyrai buvo mums labai geri. Jie mums nepadarė jokios skriaudos, mes nieko nepasigedome per visą laiką, kurį praleidome drauge su jais.

1 Samuel 25:15
Otiia pai rawa aua tangata ki a matou, kihai hoki i aha ki a matou, kihai ano i ngaro tetahi mea a matou i nga ra katoa i haereere tahi ai matou me ratou, i a matou ra i te parae.

1 Samuels 25:15
Og disse menn har vært meget gode mot oss, og ingen har gjort oss nogen fortred, og vi har ikke mistet noget i all den tid vi ferdedes sammen med dem, når vi var ute på marken.

1 Samuel 25:15
Sin embargo, los hombres fueron muy buenos con nosotros; no nos maltrataron ni nos faltó nada cuando andábamos con ellos, mientras estábamos en el campo.

"Sin embargo, los hombres fueron muy buenos con nosotros; no nos maltrataron ni nos faltó nada cuando andábamos con ellos, mientras estábamos en el campo.

Mas aquellos hombres han sido muy buenos con nosotros, y nunca nos han hecho daño, ni nos ha faltado nada en todo el tiempo que hemos convivido con ellos, cuando hemos estado en los campos.

Mas aquellos hombres nos han sido muy buenos, y nunca nos han hecho fuerza, ni ninguna cosa nos ha faltado en todo el tiempo que hemos conversado con ellos, mientras hemos estado en el campo.

Mas aquellos hombres nos han sido muy buenos, y nunca nos han hecho fuerza, ni ninguna cosa nos ha faltado en todo el tiempo que hemos conversado con ellos, mientras hemos estado en el campo.

1 Samuel 25:15
No entanto, os homens de Davi foram sempre cordiais para conosco, jamais nos molestaram e, durante todo o tempo em que estivemos hospedados com eles, quando estávamos no deserto, de nada sentimos falta.

Todavia, aqueles homens têm-nos sido muito bons, e nunca fomos agravados deles, e nada nos desapareceu por todo o tempo em que convivemos com eles quando estávamos no campo.   

1 Samuel 25:15
Şi totuş oamenii aceştia au fost foarte buni cu noi; nu ne-au ocărît, şi nu ni s'a luat nimic, în tot timpul cît am fost cu ei în cîmp.

1-я Царств 25:15
а эти люди очень добры к нам, не обижали нас, и ничего не пропалоу нас во все время, когда мы ходили с ними, быв в поле;

а эти люди очень добры к нам, не обижали нас, и ничего не пропало у нас во все время, когда мы ходили с ними, быв в поле;[]

1 Samuelsboken 25:15
Dessa män hava likväl varit oss mycket nyttiga; vi hava aldrig lidit något förfång, och aldrig har något kommit bort för oss under hela den tid vi drogo omkring i deras närhet, medan vi voro därute på marken.

1 Samuel 25:15
Nguni't ang mga lalake ay napakabuti sa amin, at hindi kami sinaktan, o nagkulang man ng anomang bagay habang kami ay nakikisama sa kanila, nang kami ay nasa mga parang:

1 ซามูเอล 25:15
แต่คนเหล่านั้นเคยดีต่อเรามาก และเราไม่ต้องถูกทำร้ายอย่างใดเลย และไม่ขาดสิ่งไรตราบใดที่เราไปกับเขาเมื่อเราอยู่ในทุ่งนา

1 Samuel 25:15
Oysa adamlar bize çok iyi davrandılar. Bizi incitmediler. Kırda onlarla birlikte kaldığımız sürece hiçbir şeyimiz kaybolmadı.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 25:15
Song trọn lúc chúng tôi ở gần những người ấy tại trong đồng, thì họ rất tử tế cùng chúng tôi, chúng tôi không bị khuấy khuất, và chẳng thiếu mất vật chi hết.

1 Samuel 25:14
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