1 Samuel 24:11
1 Samuel 24:11
See, my father, look at this piece of your robe in my hand! I cut off the corner of your robe but did not kill you. See that there is nothing in my hand to indicate that I am guilty of wrongdoing or rebellion. I have not wronged you, but you are hunting me down to take my life.

Look, my father, at what I have in my hand. It is a piece of the hem of your robe! I cut it off, but I didn't kill you. This proves that I am not trying to harm you and that I have not sinned against you, even though you have been hunting for me to kill me.

See, my father, see the corner of your robe in my hand. For by the fact that I cut off the corner of your robe and did not kill you, you may know and see that there is no wrong or treason in my hands. I have not sinned against you, though you hunt my life to take it.

"Now, my father, see! Indeed, see the edge of your robe in my hand! For in that I cut off the edge of your robe and did not kill you, know and perceive that there is no evil or rebellion in my hands, and I have not sinned against you, though you are lying in wait for my life to take it.

Moreover, my father, see, yea, see the skirt of thy robe in my hand: for in that I cut off the skirt of thy robe, and killed thee not, know thou and see that there is neither evil nor transgression in mine hand, and I have not sinned against thee; yet thou huntest my soul to take it.

See, my father! Look at the corner of your robe in my hand, for I cut it off, but I didn't kill you. Look and recognize that there is no evil or rebellion in me. I haven't sinned against you even though you are hunting me down to take my life.

Looke, my father, look! The corner of your robe is in my hand. Indeed, by my cutting off the corner of your robe and not killing you, you may know and understand that I have no evil intent or transgression—I haven't wronged you, even though you are hunting me to take my life.

Look, my father, and see the edge of your robe in my hand! When I cut off the edge of your robe, I didn't kill you. So realize and understand that I am not planning evil or rebellion. Even though I have not sinned against you, you are waiting in ambush to take my life.

My master, look at this! The border of your robe is in my hand! Since I cut off the border of your robe and didn't kill you, you should know and be able to see I mean no harm or rebellion. I haven't sinned against you, but you are trying to ambush me in order to take my life.

Moreover, my father, see; see the skirt of thy robe is even in my hand, for in that I cut off the skirt of thy robe and did not kill thee, know thou and see that there is neither evil nor transgression in my hand, and I have not sinned against thee; yet thou doest hunt my life to take it.

Moreover, my father, see, yea, see the skirt of your robe in my hand: for in that I cut off the skirt of your robe, and killed you not, know you and see that there is neither evil nor transgression in my hand, and I have not sinned against you; yet you hunt my soul to take it.

Moreover, my father, see, yes, see the skirt of your robe in my hand: for in that I cut off the skirt of your robe, and killed you not, know you and see that there is neither evil nor transgression in my hand, and I have not sinned against you; yet you hunt my soul to take it.

Moreover, my father, see, yea, see the skirt of thy robe in my hand; for in that I cut off the skirt of thy robe, and killed thee not, know thou and see that there is neither evil nor transgression in my hand, and I have not sinned against thee, though thou huntest after my life to take it.

Moreover see and know, O my father, the hem of thy robe in my hand, that when I cut, off the hem of thy robe, I would not put out my hand against thee. Reflect, and see, that there is no evil in my hand, nor iniquity, neither have I sinned against thee: but thou liest in wait for my life, to take it away.

And see, my father, yes, see the skirt of thy robe in my hand. For in that I cut off the skirt of thy robe, and killed thee not, know and see that there is neither evil nor transgression in my hand, and I have not sinned against thee; yet thou liest in wait for my life to take it.

Moreover, my father, see, yea, see the skirt of thy robe in my hand: for in that I cut off the skirt of thy robe, and killed thee not, know thou and see that there is neither evil nor transgression in mine hand, and I have not sinned against thee, though thou huntest after my soul to take it.

Moreover, my father, see, yes, see the skirt of thy robe in my hand: for in that I cut off the skirt of thy robe, and killed thee not, know thou and see that there is neither evil nor transgression in my hand, and I have not sinned against thee; yet thou huntest my soul to take it.

Moreover, my father, behold, yes, see the skirt of your robe in my hand; for in that I cut off the skirt of your robe, and didn't kill you, know and see that there is neither evil nor disobedience in my hand, and I have not sinned against you, though you hunt for my life to take it.

'And, my father, see, yea see the skirt of thine upper robe in my hand; for by cutting off the skirt of thy upper robe, and I have not slain thee, know and see that there is not in my hand evil and transgression, and I have not sinned against thee, and thou art hunting my soul to take it!

1 i Samuelit 24:11
Veç kësaj, o ati im, shiko në dorën time cepin e mantelit tënd. Në rast se kam prerë cepin e mantelit tënd dhe nuk të kam vrarë, mund të kuptosh dhe të bindesh që nuk ka në veprimet e mia ligësi, as rebelim dhe se nuk kam mëkatuar kundër teje; por ti po më kurdis gracka për të më hequr jetën!

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 24:11
فانظر يا ابي انظر ايضا طرف جبّتك بيدي. فمن قطعي طرف جبّتك وعدم قتلي اياك اعلم وانظر انه ليس في يدي شر ولا جرم ولم اخطئ اليك وانت تصيد نفسي لتاخذها.

Dyr Sämyheel A 24:11
Daa schaug her, mein Vater! Daa, dönn Zipfl von deinn Mantl haan i von dir dyrwischt! Wenn i dyr aynn Mantlzipfl abgschnitn und di nit umbrungen haan, naacherd kennst diend, däß i kain Booset und kainn Aufruer eyn n Sin haan. Nän, i haan mi nit gögn di versündigt, du aber verfolgst mi und mechetst mi um s Löbn bringen."

1 Царе 24:11
Виж още, отче мой, виж и полата на мантията ти в ръката ми; и от това, че отрязах полата на мантията ти, но не те убих, познай и виж, че няма ни злоба, ни престъпление в ръката ми, и че не съм съгрешил против тебе, при все че ти гониш живота ми, за да го отнемеш.

撒 母 耳 記 上 24:11
我 父 啊 , 看 看 你 外 袍 的 衣 襟 在 我 手 中 。 我 割 下 你 的 衣 襟 , 沒 有 殺 你 ; 你 由 此 可 以 知 道 我 沒 有 惡 意 叛 逆 你 。 你 雖 然 獵 取 我 的 命 , 我 卻 沒 有 得 罪 你 。

我 父 啊 , 看 看 你 外 袍 的 衣 襟 在 我 手 中 。 我 割 下 你 的 衣 襟 , 没 有 杀 你 ; 你 由 此 可 以 知 道 我 没 有 恶 意 叛 逆 你 。 你 虽 然 猎 取 我 的 命 , 我 却 没 有 得 罪 你 。



1 Samuel 24:11
O, moj oče, pogledaj i vidi skut od svoga plašta u mojoj ruci: odsjekao sam skut od tvoga plašta, a tebe nisam ubio; spoznaj i vidi da u mojoj ruci nema ni zlobe ni opačine. Ja nisam zgriješio protiv tebe, a ti vrebaš na moj život da mi ga uzmeš!

První Samuelova 24:11
Nýbrž, otče můj, pohleď a viz kus pláště svého v ruce mé, a žeť jsem nechtěl, odřezuje křídlo pláště tvého, zabiti tebe. Poznejž tedy a viz, žeť není v úmysle mém nic zlého, ani jaké převrácenosti, a žeť jsem nezhřešil proti tobě; ty pak číháš na duši mou, abys mi ji odjal.

1 Samuel 24:11
Og se, Fader, se, her har jeg Fligen af din Kappe i min Haand! Naar jeg skar din Kappeflig af og ikke dræbte dig, saa indse dog, at jeg ikke har haft noget ondt eller nogen Forbrydelse i Sinde eller har forsyndet mig imod dig, skønt du lurer paa mig for at tage mit Liv.

1 Samuël 24:11
Zie toch, mijn vader, ja, zie de slip uws mantels in mijn hand; want als ik de slip uws mantels afgesneden heb, zo heb ik u niet gedood; beken en zie, dat er in mijn hand geen kwaad, noch overtreding is, en ik tegen u niet gezondigd heb; nochtans jaagt gij mijn ziel, dat gij ze wegneemt.

שמואל א 24:11
וְאָבִ֣י רְאֵ֔ה גַּ֗ם רְאֵ֛ה אֶת־כְּנַ֥ף מְעִילְךָ֖ בְּיָדִ֑י כִּ֡י בְּכָרְתִי֩ אֶת־כְּנַ֨ף מְעִֽילְךָ֜ וְלֹ֣א הֲרַגְתִּ֗יךָ דַּ֤ע וּרְאֵה֙ כִּי֩ אֵ֨ין בְּיָדִ֜י רָעָ֤ה וָפֶ֙שַׁע֙ וְלֹא־חָטָ֣אתִי לָ֔ךְ וְאַתָּ֛ה צֹדֶ֥ה אֶת־נַפְשִׁ֖י לְקַחְתָּֽהּ׃

יא ואבי ראה--גם ראה את כנף מעילך בידי  כי בכרתי את כנף מעילך ולא הרגתיך דע וראה כי אין בידי רעה ופשע ולא חטאתי לך--ואתה צדה את נפשי לקחתה

ואבי ראה גם ראה את־כנף מעילך בידי כי בכרתי את־כנף מעילך ולא הרגתיך דע וראה כי אין בידי רעה ופשע ולא־חטאתי לך ואתה צדה את־נפשי לקחתה׃

1 Sámuel 24:11
Azért atyám! nézd, ugyan nézd felsõ ruhádnak szárnyát kezemben, mert mikor levágtam felsõ ruhádnak szárnyát, nem öltelek meg téged! Azért tudd meg és lássad, hogy nincsen az én kezemben hamisság és semmi gonoszság és nem vétkeztem ellened, de te mégis életem után leselkedel, hogy elveszessed azt.

Samuel 1 24:11
Mia patro, rigardu kaj vidu la anguleton de via vesto en mia mano; el tio, ke mi detrancxis la anguleton de via vesto, sed ne mortigis vin, sciu kaj vidu, ke mi ne havas malbonon nek krimon en mia mano kaj mi ne pekis kontraux vi; sed vi postkuras mian animon, por preni gxin.

(H24:12) Katso, minun isäni, katso kuitenkin tätä tilkkaa sinun hameestas minun kädessäni, etten minä tahtonut tappaa sinua, koska minä sen tilkan leikkasin hameestas. Tunne ja katso, ettei yhtään pahuutta eli vääryyttä ole minun kädessäni, en minä myös ole syntiä tehnyt sinua vastaan, ja sinä seisot minun henkeni perään, ottaakses sen pois.

1 Samuel 24:11
(24:12) Et regarde, mon père, regarde le pan de ta robe dans ma main; car en ce que j'ai coupé le pan de ta robe et ne t'ai point tué, sache et vois qu'il n'y a point de mal en ma main, ni de transgression, et que je n'ai pas péché contre toi; et toi, tu fais la chasse à mon âme pour la prendre.

Vois, mon père, vois donc le pan de ton manteau dans ma main. Puisque j'ai coupé le pan de ton manteau et que je ne t'ai pas tué, sache et reconnais qu'il n'y a dans ma conduite ni méchanceté ni révolte, et que je n'ai point péché contre toi. Et toi, tu me dresses des embûches, pour m'ôter la vie!

Regarde donc, mon père, regarde, dis-je, le pan de ton manteau qui est en ma main; car quand je coupais le pan de ton manteau, je ne t'ai point tué. Sache et connais qu'il n'y a point de mal ni d'injustice en ma main; et que je n'ai point péché contre toi; et cependant tu épies ma vie pour me l'ôter.

1 Samuel 24:11
Mein Vater, sieh doch den Zipfel von deinem Rock in meiner Hand, daß ich dich nicht erwürgen wollte, da ich den Zipfel von deinem Rock schnitt. Erkenne und sieh, daß nichts Böses in meiner Hand ist, noch keine Übertretung. Ich habe auch an dir nicht gesündiget; und du jagest meine Seele, daß du sie wegnehmest.

Mein Vater, siehe doch den Zipfel von deinem Rock in meiner Hand, daß ich dich nicht erwürgen wollte, da ich den Zipfel von deinem Rock schnitt. Erkenne und sieh, daß nichts Böses in meiner Hand ist noch keine Übertretung. Ich habe auch an dir nicht gesündigt, und du jagst meine Seele, daß du sie wegnehmest. {~}

Aber bitte, sieh, ja sieh den Zipfel deines Mantels in meiner Hand! Daran, daß ich den Zipfel deines Mantels abschnitt, ohne dich niederzustoßen, magst du genugsam erkennen, daß ich nicht Bosheit und Verrat im Schilde führe und mich an dir nicht vergangen habe. Du aber trachtest darnach, mir das Leben zu nehmen.

1 Samuele 24:11
(H24-12) Ora guarda, padre mio, guarda qui nella mia mano il lembo del tuo mantello. Se io t’ho tagliato il lembo del mantello e non t’ho ucciso, puoi da questo veder chiaro che non v’è nella mia condotta né malvagità né ribellione, e che io non ho peccato contro di te, mentre tu mi tendi insidie per tormi la vita!

(H24-12) Ora, padre mio, vedi, vedi pure il lembo del tuo ammanto che io ho in mano mia; e poichè, quando io tagliai il lembo del tuo ammanto, non ti uccisi, sappi e vedi che nella mia mano non vi è male, nè misfatto alcuno, e che io non ho peccato contro a te; e pur tu vai a caccia della vita mia, per tormela.

1 SAMUEL 24:11
Lihat apalah, ya ayahku! bahkan, lihat apalah punca baju selimut tuanku pada tangan patik; karena tatkala patik mengerat punca ini dari pada baju selimut tuanku, tiada tuanku patik bunuh; maka hendaklah diketahui dan dilihat oleh tuanku, bahwa tiada jahat atau salah dalam tangan patik, dan tiada juga patik berdosa kepada tuanku, maka tuanku juga mengejar nyawa patik hendak mengumbut dia.

사무엘상 24:11
나의 아버지여 ! 보소서 내 손에 있는 왕의 옷자락을 보소서 내가 왕을 죽이지 아니하고 겉옷자락만 베었은즉 나의 손에 악이나 죄과가 없는 줄을 아실지니이다 왕은 내 생명을 찾아 해하려 하시나 나는 왕에게 범죄한 일이 없나이다

I Samuelis 24:11
(24-12) quin potius pater mi vide et cognosce oram clamydis tuae in manu mea quoniam cum praeciderem summitatem clamydis tuae nolui extendere manum meam in te animadverte et vide quoniam non est in manu mea malum neque iniquitas neque peccavi in te tu autem insidiaris animae meae ut auferas eam

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 24:11
Pažvelk, mano tėve, į savo apsiausto skverną mano rankoje. Iš to, kad aš, atpjaudamas tavo apsiausto skverną, tavęs nenužudžiau, suprask ir žinok, kad manyje nėra nieko pikto ir aš nesu tau nusidėjęs. Bet tu ieškai mano gyvybės, kad ją atimtum.

1 Samuel 24:11
Titiro mai ano hoki, e toku papa, ae ra, tirohia mai te pito o tou koroka i toku ringa nei; ta te mea i ahau nei i tapahi ai i te pito o tou koroka, a kihai i patu i a koe, na ka mohio koe, ka kite, kahore he kino, he tutu ranei i toku ringa; ka hore ano oku hara ki a koe; heoi e whaia nei ahau e koe kia whakamatea.

1 Samuels 24:11
Men se, min far, se, her er fliken av din kappe i min hånd! For når jeg skar fliken av din kappe og ikke drepte dig, så kan du vel skjønne og se at jeg ikke har hatt noget ondt eller nogen misgjerning i sinne og ikke har forsyndet mig mot dig, enda du efterstreber mig og vil ta mitt liv.

1 Samuel 24:11
Y mira, padre mío, mira la orilla de tu manto en mi mano. Puesto que corté la orilla de tu manto y no te maté, reconoce y ve que no hay maldad ni rebelión en mis manos y que no he pecado contra ti, a pesar de que tú acechas mi vida para quitármela.

"Mire, padre mío, mire la orilla de su manto en mi mano. Puesto que corté la orilla de su manto y no lo maté, reconozca y vea que no hay maldad ni rebelión en mis manos y que no he pecado contra usted, a pesar de que usted acecha mi vida para quitármela.

Y mira, padre mío, mira el borde de tu manto en mi mano; porque yo corté el borde de tu manto, y no te maté. Conoce, pues, y ve que no hay mal ni traición en mi mano, ni he pecado contra ti; con todo, tú andas a caza de mi vida para quitármela.

(H24-12) Y mira, padre mío, mira aún la orilla de tu manto en mi mano: porque yo corté la orilla de tu manto, y no te maté. Conoce pues y ve que no hay mal ni traición en mi mano, ni he pecado contra ti; con todo, tú andas á caza de mi vida para quitármel

Y mira, padre mío, mira aún la orilla de tu ropa en mi mano; porque yo corté la orilla de tu manto, y no te maté. Conoce, pues, y ve que no hay mal ni traición en mi mano, ni he pecado contra ti; con todo , tú andas a caza de mi vida para quitármela.

1 Samuel 24:11
Ó meu pai! Vê aqui na minha mão um pedaço da orla do teu manto. Se cortei a orla do teu manto e não te matei, reconhece que não há maldade nem crime em mim! Não pequei contra ti jamais, enquanto tu andas no meu encalço com o firme propósito de tirar a minha vida.

Olha, meu pai, vê aqui a orla do teu manto na minha mão, pois cortando-te eu a orla do manto, não te matei. Considera e vê que não há na minha mão nem mal nem transgressão alguma, e que não pequei contra ti, ainda que tu andes à caça da minha vida para ma tirares.   

1 Samuel 24:11
Uite, părintele meu, uite colţul hainei tale în mîna mea. Fiindcă ţi-am tăiat colţul hainei, şi nu te-am ucis, să ştii şi să vezi că în purtarea mea nu este nici răutate nici răzvrătire, şi că n'am păcătuit împotriva ta. Totuş tu îmi întinzi curse, ca să-mi iei viaţa.

1-я Царств 24:11
(24:12) Отец мой! посмотри на край одежды твоей в руке моей; я отрезал край одежды твоей, а тебя не убил: узнай и убедись, что нет в руке моей зла, ни коварства, и я не согрешил против тебя; а ты ищешь души моей, чтоб отнять ее.

(24-12) Отец мой! посмотри на край одежды твоей в руке моей; я отрезал край одежды твоей, а тебя не убил: узнай и убедись, что нет в руке моей зла, ни коварства, и я не согрешил против тебя; а ты ищешь души моей, чтоб отнять ее.[]

1 Samuelsboken 24:11
Se själv, min fader, ja, se här fliken av din mantel i min hand. Ty därav att jag skar av fliken på din mantel, men icke dräpte dig, må du märka och se att jag icke har velat göra något ont eller begå någon förbrytelse, och att jag icke har försyndat mig mot dig, fastän du traktar efter att taga mitt liv.

1 Samuel 24:11
Bukod dito'y iyong tingnan, ama ko, oo, tingnan mo ang laylayan ng iyong balabal sa aking kamay: sapagka't sa pagputol ko ng laylayan ng iyong balabal ay hindi kita pinatay, talastasin mo at tingnan mo na wala kahit kasamaan o pagsalangsang man sa aking kamay, at hindi ako nagkasala laban sa iyo, bagaman iyong pinag-uusig ang aking kaluluwa upang kunin.

1 ซามูเอล 24:11
ยิ่งกว่านั้นเสด็จพ่อของข้าพระองค์ได้ขอดูชายฉลองพระองค์ในมือของข้าพระองค์ โดยเหตุที่ว่าข้าพระองค์ได้ตัดชายฉลองพระองค์ออก และมิได้ประหารพระองค์เสีย ขอพระองค์ทรงทราบและทรงเห็นเถิดว่า ในมือของข้าพระองค์ไม่มีความชั่วร้ายหรือการละเมิด ข้าพระองค์มิได้กระทำบาปต่อพระองค์ แม้ว่าพระองค์จะล่าชีวิตของข้าพระองค์เพื่อจะเอาชีวิตข้าพระองค์

1 Samuel 24:11
Ey baba, cüppenin eteğinden kesilmiş, elimdeki şu parçaya bak; evet, bak! Cüppenden bir parça kestim, ama seni öldürmedim. Bundan ötürü içimde kötülük ve başkaldırma düşüncesi olmadığını iyice bilesin. Sana kötülük yapmadığım halde sen beni öldürmeye çalışıyorsun.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 24:11
(24:12) Vậy, cha ôi! hãy xem cái vạt áo tơi cha mà tôi cầm trong tay; bởi vì tôi có vạt ái tơi của cha, mà không giết cha, thì nhơn đó khá biết và nhận rằng nơi tôi chẳng có sự ác, hoặc sự phản nghịch, tôi chẳng có phạm tội gì với cha. Còn cha, lại săn mạng sống tôi để cất nó đi. Ðức Giê-hô-va sẽ đoán xét cha và tôi.

1 Samuel 24:10
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