1 Samuel 22:3
1 Samuel 22:3
From there David went to Mizpah in Moab and said to the king of Moab, "Would you let my father and mother come and stay with you until I learn what God will do for me?"

Later David went to Mizpeh in Moab, where he asked the king, "Please allow my father and mother to live here with you until I know what God is going to do for me."

And David went from there to Mizpeh of Moab. And he said to the king of Moab, “Please let my father and my mother stay with you, till I know what God will do for me.”

And David went from there to Mizpah of Moab; and he said to the king of Moab, "Please let my father and my mother come and stay with you until I know what God will do for me."

And David went thence to Mizpeh of Moab: and he said unto the king of Moab, Let my father and my mother, I pray thee, come forth, and be with you, till I know what God will do for me.

From there David went to Mizpeh of Moab where he said to the king of Moab, "Please let my father and mother stay with you until I know what God will do for me."

David went from there to Mizpah of Moab, and he told the king of Moab, "Please let my father and mother come and stay with you until I know what God is going to do for me."

Then David went from there to Mizpah in Moab, where he said to the king of Moab, "Please let my father and mother stay with you until I know what God is going to do for me."

From there David went to Mizpah in Moab. He asked the king of Moab, "Please let my father and mother stay with you until I know what God is going to do for me."

And David went from there to Mizpeh of Moab, and he said unto the king of Moab, Let my father and my mother, I pray thee, come forth and be with you until I know what God will make of me.

And David went from there to Mizpah of Moab: and he said unto the king of Moab, Let my father and my mother, I pray you, come forth, and be with you, till I know what God will do for me.

And David went there to Mizpeh of Moab: and he said to the king of Moab, Let my father and my mother, I pray you, come forth, and be with you, till I know what God will do for me.

And David went thence to Mizpeh of Moab: and he said unto the king of Moab, Let my father and my mother, I pray thee, come forth, and be with you, till I know what God will do for me.

And David departed from thence into Maspha of Moab: and he said to the king of Moab: Let my father and my mother tarry with you, I beseech thee, till I know what God will do for me.

And David went thence to Mizpeh in Moab, and said to the king of Moab, Let my father and my mother, I pray thee, come forth amongst you, till I know what God will do for me.

And David went thence to Mizpeh of Moab: and he said unto the king of Moab, Let my father and my mother, I pray thee, come forth, and be with you, till I know what God will do for me.

And David went thence to Mizpeh of Moab: and he said to the king of Moab, Let my father and my mother, I pray thee, come forth, and be with you, till I know what God will do for me.

David went there to Mizpeh of Moab, and he said to the king of Moab, "Please let my father and my mother come out with you, until I know what God will do for me."

And David goeth thence to Mizpeh of Moab, and saith unto the king of Moab, 'Let, I pray thee, my father and my mother go out with you, till that I know what God doth for me;'

1 i Samuelit 22:3
Që andej Davidi shkoi në Mitspah të Moabit dhe i tha mbretit të Moabit: "Lejo që ati dhe nëna ime të vijnë dhe të banojnë me ju, deri sa unë të mësoj se çfarë do të bëjë Perëndia për mua".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 22:3
وذهب داود من هناك الى مصفاة موآب وقال لملك موآب ليخرج ابي وامي اليكم حتى اعلم ماذا يصنع لي الله.

Dyr Sämyheel A 22:3
Von dort zog dyr Dafet auf Mobisch-Mispn und gabitt önn Künig von Mob: "Laaß diend meine Ölttern bei dir bleibn, hinst däß i myr klaar bin, was dyr Herrgot mit mir vorhaat!"

1 Царе 22:3
И от там Давид отиде в Масфа моавска, та рече на моавския цар: Нека дойдат, моля, баща ми и майка ми при вас, докато узная какво ще стори Бог с мене.

撒 母 耳 記 上 22:3
大 衛 從 那 裡 往 摩 押 的 米 斯 巴 去 , 對 摩 押 王 說 : 求 你 容 我 父 母 搬 來 , 住 在 你 們 這 裡 , 等 我 知 道   神 要 為 我 怎 樣 行 。

大 卫 从 那 里 往 摩 押 的 米 斯 巴 去 , 对 摩 押 王 说 : 求 你 容 我 父 母 搬 来 , 住 在 你 们 这 里 , 等 我 知 道   神 要 为 我 怎 样 行 。



1 Samuel 22:3
Odande ode David u Mispu u zemlji moapskoj i reče kralju moapskome: "Dopusti da se moj otac i moja mati sklonu kod vas dok ne vidim što će Bog učiniti sa mnom."

První Samuelova 22:3
Potom odšel odtud David do Masfa Moábského a řekl králi Moábskému: Prosím, nechť vcházejí k vám i vycházejí otec můj a matka má, dokudž nezvím, co se mnou učiní Bůh.

1 Samuel 22:3
Derfra drog David til Mizpe i Moab og sagde til Moabiternes Konge: »Lad min Fader og min Moder bo hos eder, indtil jeg faar at vide, hvad Gud har for med mig!«

1 Samuël 22:3
En David ging van daar naar Mizpa der Moabieten; en hij zeide tot den koning der Moabieten: Laat toch mijn vader en mijn moeder bij ulieden uitgaan, totdat ik weet, wat God mij doen zal.

שמואל א 22:3
וַיֵּ֧לֶךְ דָּוִ֛ד מִשָּׁ֖ם מִצְפֵּ֣ה מֹואָ֑ב וַיֹּ֣אמֶר ׀ אֶל־מֶ֣לֶךְ מֹואָ֗ב יֵֽצֵא־נָ֞א אָבִ֤י וְאִמִּי֙ אִתְּכֶ֔ם עַ֚ד אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֵדַ֔ע מַה־יַּֽעֲשֶׂה־לִּ֖י אֱלֹהִֽים׃

ג וילך דוד משם מצפה מואב ויאמר אל מלך מואב יצא נא אבי ואמי אתכם עד אשר אדע מה יעשה לי אלהים

וילך דוד משם מצפה מואב ויאמר ׀ אל־מלך מואב יצא־נא אבי ואמי אתכם עד אשר אדע מה־יעשה־לי אלהים׃

1 Sámuel 22:3
És elméne onnan Dávid Miczpába, Moáb [földére,] és monda Moáb királyának: Hadd jõjjön ide hozzátok az én atyám és anyám, míg megtudom, hogy mit fog cselekedni velem az Isten.

Samuel 1 22:3
Kaj de tie David iris en Micpen de Moab, kaj li diris al la regxo de Moab:Permesu al mia patro kaj al mia patrino resti cxe vi, gxis mi ekscios, kion faros al mi Dio.

Ja David meni sieltä Mitspaan Moabilaisten maakuntaan ja sanoi Moabilaisten kuninkaalle: anna isäni ja äitini käydä ulos ja sisälle teidän tykönänne, siihenasti että minä saan tietää, mitä Jumala tekee minun kanssani.

1 Samuel 22:3
Et David s'en alla de là à Mitspé de Moab, et il dit au roi de Moab: Je te prie, que mon père et ma mère se retirent chez vous jusqu'à ce que je sache ce que Dieu fera de moi.

De là David s'en alla à Mitspé dans le pays de Moab. Il dit au roi de Moab: Permets, je te prie, à mon père et à ma mère de se retirer chez vous, jusqu'à ce que je sache ce que Dieu fera de moi.

Et David s'en alla de là à Mitspé de Moab; et il dit au Roi de Moab : Je te prie que mon père et ma mère se retirent vers vous jusqu'à ce que je sache ce que Dieu fera de moi.

1 Samuel 22:3
Und David ging von dannen gen Mizpe, in der Moabiter Land, und sprach zu der Moabiter König: Laß meinen Vater und meine Mutter bei euch aus und ein gehen, bis ich erfahre, was Gott mit mir tun wird.

Und David ging von da gen Mizpe in der Moabiter Land und sprach zu der Moabiter König: Laß meinen Vater und meine Mutter bei euch aus und ein gehen, bis ich erfahre, was Gott mit mir tun wird.

Von da ging David nach Mizpe in Moab und bat den König von Moab: Dürften nicht mein Vater und meine Mutter bei euch wohnen, bis ich weiß, was Gott mit mit thut?

1 Samuele 22:3
Di là Davide andò a Mitspa di Moab, e disse al re di Moab: "Deh, permetti che mio padre e mia madre vengano a stare da voi, fino a tanto ch’io sappia quel che Iddio farà di me".

E di là Davide andò in Mispa di Moab; e disse al re di Moab: Deh! lascia che mio padre, e mia madre, vadano e vengano fra voi, finchè io sappia ciò che Iddio farà di me.

1 SAMUEL 22:3
Maka berpindahlah Daud dari sana ke Mizpai orang Moab, lalu sembahnya kepada raja orang Moab itu: Berilah kiranya ibu bapa patik tinggal serta dengan segala hamba tuanku, sampai patik mengetahui akan hal patik dipengapakan Allah kelak.

사무엘상 22:3
다윗이 거기서 모압 미스베로 가서 모압 왕에게 이르되 `하나님이 나를 위하여 어떻게 하실 것을 내가 알기까지 나의 부모로 나와서 당신들과 함께 있게 하기를 청하나이다' 하고

I Samuelis 22:3
et profectus est David inde in Maspha quae est Moab et dixit ad regem Moab maneat oro pater meus et mater mea vobiscum donec sciam quid faciat mihi Deus

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 22:3
Iš ten Dovydas nuėjo į Moabo Micpą. Ir jis sakė Moabo karaliui: “Prašau, leisk mano tėvui ir motinai apsistoti pas jus, kol sužinosiu, ką Dievas darys su manimi”.

1 Samuel 22:3
Na ka haere atu a Rawiri i reira ki Mihipa o Moapa, ka mea ki te kingi Moapa, Tukua toku papa me toku whaea kia haere mai ki a koutou, kia mohio ra ano ahau ki ta te Atua e mea ai ki ahau.

1 Samuels 22:3
Derfra drog David til Mispe i Moab; og han sa til Moabs konge: La min far og min mor få komme hit og bli hos eder til jeg får se hvad Gud vil gjøre med mig!

1 Samuel 22:3
De allí fue David a Mizpa de Moab, y dijo al rey de Moab: Permite que mi padre y mi madre vengan y se queden con vosotros hasta que yo sepa lo que Dios hará por mí.

De allí David fue a Mizpa de Moab, y dijo al rey de Moab: "Permite que mi padre y mi madre vengan y se queden con ustedes hasta que yo sepa lo que Dios hará por mí."

Y se fue David de allí a Mizpa de Moab, y dijo al rey de Moab: Yo te ruego que mi padre y mi madre estén con vosotros, hasta que sepa lo que Dios hará de mí.

Y fuése David de allí á Mizpa de Moab, y dijo al rey de Moab: Yo te ruego que mi padre y mi madre estén con vosotros, hasta que sepa lo que Dios hará de mí.

Y se fue David de allí a Mizpa de Moab, y dijo al rey de Moab: Yo te ruego que mi padre y mi madre estén con vosotros, hasta que sepa lo que Dios hará de mí.

1 Samuel 22:3
De lá Davi partiu para Mispá, em Moabe, e solicitou ao rei de Moabe: “Permite que meu pai e minha mãe fiquem aqui até que eu saiba o que Deus fará por mim?”

Dali passou Davi para Mizpe de Moabe; e disse ao rei de Moabe: Deixa, peço-te, que meu pai e minha mãe fiquem convosco, até que eu saiba o que Deus há de fazer de mim.   

1 Samuel 22:3
De acolo David s'a dus la Miţpe în ţara Moabului. El a zis împăratului Moabului: ,,Dă voie, te rog, tatălui meu şi mamei mele să vină la voi, pînă voi şti ce va face Dumnezeu cu mine.``

1-я Царств 22:3
Оттуда пошел Давид в Массифу Моавитскую и сказал царю Моавитскому: пусть отец мой и мать моя побудут у вас, доколе я не узнаю, что сделаетсо мною Бог.

Оттуда пошел Давид в Массифу Моавитскую и сказал царю Моавитскому: пусть отец мой и мать моя побудут у вас, доколе я не узнаю, что сделает со мною Бог.[]

1 Samuelsboken 22:3
Därifrån begav sig David till Mispe i Moab. Och han sade till konungen i Moab: »Låt min fader och min moder få komma hitöver och vara hos eder till dess jag får veta vad Gud vill göra med mig.»

1 Samuel 22:3
At naparoon si David mula roon sa Mizpa ng Moab, at kaniyang sinabi sa hari sa Moab: Isinasamo ko sa iyo na ang aking ama at aking ina ay makalabas, at mapasama sa inyo, hanggang sa aking maalaman kung ano ang gagawin ng Dios sa akin.

1 ซามูเอล 22:3
ดาวิดก็ออกจากที่นั่นไปยังเมืองมิสปาห์ในแผ่นดินโมอับ และท่านทูลกษัตริย์เมืองโมอับว่า "ขอโปรดให้บิดามารดาของข้าพเจ้ามาอยู่กับพระองค์เถิด จนกว่าข้าพเจ้าจะทราบว่าพระเจ้าจะทรงกระทำประการใดเพื่อข้าพเจ้า"

1 Samuel 22:3
Davut oradan Moavdaki Mispa Kentine gitti. Moav Kralından, ‹‹Tanrının bana ne yapacağı belli oluncaya dek annemle babamın gelip yanınızda kalmasına izin verir misin?›› diye bir istekte bulundu.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 22:3
Từ đó Ða-vít đi đến Mít-bê trong xứ Mô-áp, và người nói cùng vua xứ Mô-áp rằng: Xin cho phép cha mẹ tôi đến ở với vua cho đến chừng tôi biết điều Ðức Chúa Trời sẽ làm cho tôi.

1 Samuel 22:2
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