1 Samuel 22:15
1 Samuel 22:15
Was that day the first time I inquired of God for him? Of course not! Let not the king accuse your servant or any of his father's family, for your servant knows nothing at all about this whole affair."

This was certainly not the first time I had consulted God for him! May the king not accuse me and my family in this matter, for I knew nothing at all of any plot against you."

Is today the first time that I have inquired of God for him? No! Let not the king impute anything to his servant or to all the house of my father, for your servant has known nothing of all this, much or little.”

"Did I just begin to inquire of God for him today? Far be it from me! Do not let the king impute anything to his servant or to any of the household of my father, for your servant knows nothing at all of this whole affair."

Did I then begin to inquire of God for him? be it far from me: let not the king impute any thing unto his servant, nor to all the house of my father: for thy servant knew nothing of all this, less or more.

Was today the first time I inquired of God for him? Of course not! Please don't let the king make an accusation against your servant or any of my father's household, for your servant didn't have any idea about all this."

Is today the first time I inquired of God for him? Absolutely not! The king shouldn't accuse his servant, or any of my father's family of anything, because your servant didn't know anything at all about this."

Was it just today that I began to inquire of God on his behalf? Far be it from me! The king should not accuse his servant or any of my father's house. For your servant is not aware of all this--not in whole or in part!"

Is this the first time I have prayed to God for him? Not at all! You shouldn't blame me or anyone in my family for this. I knew nothing at all about this."

Did I begin to enquire of God for him today? Be it far from me; let not the king impute any thing unto his slave nor to all the house of my father, for thy slave knew nothing of all this, less or more.

Did I then begin to inquire of God for him? be it far from me: let not the king impute any thing unto his servant, nor to all the house of my father: for your servant knew nothing of all this, less or more.

Did I then begin to inquire of God for him? be it far from me: let not the king impute any thing to his servant, nor to all the house of my father: for your servant knew nothing of all this, less or more.

Have I to-day begun to inquire of God for him? be it far from me: let not the king impute anything unto his servant, nor to all the house of my father; for thy servant knoweth nothing of all this, less or more.

Did I begin to day to consult the Lord for him? far be this from me: let not the king suspect such a thing against his servant, or any one in all my father's house: for thy servant knew nothing of this matter, either little or great.

Was it to-day that I began to inquire of God for him? be it far from me: let not the king charge anything to his servant, nor to all the house of my father; for thy servant knew nothing of all this, less or more.

Have I today begun to inquire of God for him? be it far from me: let not the king impute any thing unto his servant, nor to all the house of my father: for thy servant knoweth nothing of all this, less or more.

Did I then begin to inquire of God for him? be it far from me. Let not the king impute any thing to his servant, nor to all the house of my father: for thy servant knew nothing of all this, less or more.

Have I today begun to inquire of God for him? Be it far from me! Don't let the king impute anything to his servant, nor to all the house of my father; for your servant knows nothing of all this, less or more."

To-day have I begun to ask for him at God? far be it from me! let not the king lay anything against his servant, against any of the house of my father, for thy servant hath known nothing of all this, less or more.'

1 i Samuelit 22:15
Vallë sot kam filluar të këshillohem me Perëndinë për të? Mos qoftë kurrë, që mbreti të akuzojë për gjëra të tilla shërbëtorin e tij apo dikë nga shtëpia e atit tim, sepse shërbëtori yt nuk dinte asgjë nga tërë kjo, as pak e as shumë".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 22:15
فهل اليوم ابتدأت اسأل له من الله. حاشا لي. لا ينسب الملك شيئا لعبده ولا لجميع بيت ابي لان عبدك لم يعلم شيئا من كل هذا صغيرا او كبيرا.

Dyr Sämyheel A 22:15
Wie wenn dös dös eerste Maal gwösn wär, däß i für iem önn Herrgot gfraagt haet! Auf kain Weitn nit! Unterstöll myr nix, o Künig, und yn meinn Heiwisch aau nit; von de sölchern Sachenn haan y i glei überhaaupt nix gwisst!"

1 Царе 22:15
Днес ли съм почнал да се допитвам до Бога за него? Далеч от мене! Нека не приписва царят нищо на слугата си, нито на целия ми бащин дом; защото слугата ти не знае нищо за всичко това, ни малко ни много.

撒 母 耳 記 上 22:15
我 豈 是 從 今 日 才 為 他 求 問   神 呢 ? 斷 不 是 這 樣 ! 王 不 要 將 罪 歸 我 和 我 父 的 全 家 ; 因 為 這 事 , 無 論 大 小 , 僕 人 都 不 知 道 。

我 岂 是 从 今 日 才 为 他 求 问   神 呢 ? 断 不 是 这 样 ! 王 不 要 将 罪 归 我 和 我 父 的 全 家 ; 因 为 这 事 , 无 论 大 小 , 仆 人 都 不 知 道 。



1 Samuel 22:15
Zar sam danas prvi put tražio za njega savjet od Boga? Daleko od mene svaka druga misao! Neka kralj ništa ne okrivljuje svoga sluge i sve njegove obitelji, jer sluga njegov nije znao od svega toga ništa!"

První Samuelova 22:15
Zdaliž jsem se nyní počal tázati Boha o něj? Odstup to ode mne. Nesčítejž král takové věci na služebníka svého, ani na koho z čeledi otce mého, neboť neví služebník tvůj o ničemž o tom ani nejmenší věci.

1 Samuel 22:15
Er det første Gang, jeg har raadspurgt Gud for ham? Det være langt fra! Kongen maa ikke lægge sin Træl eller hele mit Fædrenehus noget til Last, thi din Træl kendte ikke det mindste til noget af dette!«

1 Samuël 22:15
Heb ik heden begonnen God voor hem te vragen? Dat zij verre van mij, de koning legge op zijn knecht geen ding, noch op het ganse huis mijns vader; want uw knecht heeft van al deze dingen niet geweten, klein noch groot.

שמואל א 22:15
הַיֹּ֧ום הַחִלֹּ֛תִי [לְשָׁאֹול־ כ] (לִשְׁאָל־לֹ֥ו ק) בֵאלֹהִ֖ים חָלִ֣ילָה לִּ֑י אַל־יָשֵׂם֩ הַמֶּ֨לֶךְ בְּעַבְדֹּ֤ו דָבָר֙ בְּכָל־בֵּ֣ית אָבִ֔י כִּ֠י לֹֽא־יָדַ֤ע עַבְדְּךָ֙ בְּכָל־זֹ֔את דָּבָ֥ר קָטֹ֖ן אֹ֥ו גָדֹֽול׃

טו היום החלתי לשאול (לשאל) לו באלהים חלילה לי  אל ישם המלך בעבדו דבר בכל בית אבי--כי לא ידע עבדך בכל זאת דבר קטן או גדול

היום החלתי [לשאול־ כ] (לשאל־לו ק) באלהים חלילה לי אל־ישם המלך בעבדו דבר בכל־בית אבי כי לא־ידע עבדך בכל־זאת דבר קטן או גדול׃

1 Sámuel 22:15
Vajjon csak ma kezdém-e az Istent õ érette megkérdezni? Távol legyen tõlem! Ne tulajdonítson olyat a király szolgájának, sem atyám egész háza[népének,] mert errõl a dologról semmit sem tud a te szolgád, sem kicsinyt, sem nagyot.

Samuel 1 22:15
cxu hodiaux mi komencis demandi pri li Dion? neniel mi tion farus! la regxo ne kulpigu pri tio sian sklavon, nek la tutan domon de mia patro; cxar via sklavo sciis pri cxio cxi tio nenion malgrandan nek grandan.

Olenko minä vasta tänäpänä ruvennut kysymään Jumalalta neuvoa hänen tähtensä? Pois se minusta, älkään kuningas luulko senkaltaista palveliastansa ja kaikesta minun isäni huoneesta: sillä sinun palvelias ei tietänyt mitään kaikista näistä, pienistä eli suuresta.

1 Samuel 22:15
Ai-je commencé aujourd'hui à interroger Dieu pour lui? Loin de moi! Que le roi ne mette aucune chose à la charge de son serviteur ni de personne de toute la maison de mon père, car de tout ceci ton serviteur ne sait aucune chose, ni petite, ni grande.

Est-ce aujourd'hui que j'ai commencé à consulter Dieu pour lui? Loin de moi! Que le roi ne mette rien à la charge de son serviteur ni de personne de la maison de mon père, car ton serviteur ne connaît de tout ceci aucune chose, petite ou grande.

Ai-je commencé aujourd'hui à consulter Dieu pour lui? A Dieu ne plaise! Que le Roi ne charge donc d'aucune chose son serviteur, ni toute la maison de mon père; car ton serviteur ne sait chose ni petite ni grande de tout ceci.

1 Samuel 22:15
Habe ich denn heute erst angefangen, Gott für ihn zu fragen? Das sei ferne von mir! Der König lege solches seinem Knechte nicht auf in meines Vaters ganzem Hause; denn dein Knecht hat von all diesem nichts gewußt, weder Kleines noch Großes.

Habe ich denn heute erst angefangen Gott für ihn zu fragen? Das sei ferne von mir! Der König lege solches seinem Knecht nicht auf noch meines Vaters ganzem Hause; denn dein Knecht hat von allem diesem nichts gewußt, weder Kleines noch Großes.

Habe ich denn erst jetzt angefangen, Gott für ihn zu befragen? Durchaus nicht! Möge doch der König seinem Sklaven und meinem ganzen Geschlechte nichts unterlegen, denn dein Sklave hat um alles dieses nicht das Geringste gewußt!

1 Samuele 22:15
Ho io forse cominciato oggi a consultare Iddio per lui? Lungi da me il pensiero di tradirti! Non imputi il re nulla di simile al suo servo o a tutta la famiglia di mio padre; perché il tuo servo non sa cosa alcuna, piccola o grande, di tutto questo".

Ho io cominciato oggi a domandare Iddio per lui? tolga ciò Iddio da me; non apponga il re cosa alcuna al suo servitore, nè a tutta la famiglia di mio padre; perciocchè il tuo servitore non sa cosa alcuna, nè piccola nè grande, di tutto questo.

1 SAMUEL 22:15
Baharulah sekali ini jua patik bertanyakan Allah akan halnya? Dijauhkan Allah kiranya! Jangan apalah tuanku menanggungkan sesuatu itu kepada patik tuanku atau kepada orang isi rumah bapa patik, karena sedikit jua tiada patik ketahui akan perkara itu, baik besar baik kecil.

사무엘상 22:15
내가 그를 위하여 하나님께 물은 것이 오늘이 처음이니이까 ? 결단코 아니니이다 원컨대 왕은 종과 종의 아비의 온 집에 아무것도 돌리지 마옵소서 왕의 종은 이 모든 일의 대소간에 아는 것이 없나이다'

I Samuelis 22:15
num hodie coepi consulere pro eo Deum absit hoc a me ne suspicetur rex adversus servum suum rem huiuscemodi in universa domo patris mei non enim scivit servus tuus quicquam super hoc negotio vel modicum vel grande

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 22:15
Argi aš tik tada pradėjau klausti Dievą dėl jo? Tebūna tai toli nuo manęs. Nekaltink, karaliau, savo tarno ir mano tėvo namų, nes tavo tarnas nežinojo apie tai nei daug, nei mažai”.

1 Samuel 22:15
No tenei ra koia i timata ai ahau ki te ui mea mana i te Atua? kahore rapea! kaua tetahi mea e whakairia mai e te kingi ki tana pononga, ki tetahi ranei o te whare o toku papa: kahore hoki tau pononga i mohio ki tetahi aha o tenei, ahakoa iti, a hakoa rahi.

1 Samuels 22:15
Den dag var det da ikke første gang jeg adspurte Gud for ham. Det være langt fra mig å gjøre sådant! Kongen må ikke legge sin tjener eller hele min fars hus noget til last! For din tjener har ikke visst det minste grand om alt dette.

1 Samuel 22:15
¿Acaso comencé hoy a consultar a Dios por él? Lejos esté esto de mí. No culpe el rey de nada a su siervo ni a ninguno de la casa de mi padre, porque tu siervo no sabe nada de todo este asunto.

"¿Acaso comencé hoy a consultar a Dios por él? Lejos esté esto de mí. No culpe el rey de nada a su siervo ni a ninguno de la casa de mi padre, porque su siervo no sabe nada de todo este asunto."

¿He comenzado yo desde hoy a consultar por él a Dios? Lejos sea de mí; no impute el rey cosa alguna a su siervo, ni a toda la casa de mi padre; porque tu siervo ninguna cosa sabe de este asunto, grande ni chica.

¿He comenzado yo desde hoy á consultar por él á Dios? lejos sea de mí: no impute el rey cosa alguna á su siervo, ni á toda la casa de mi padre; porque tu siervo ninguna cosa sabe de este negocio, grande ni chica.

¿He comenzado yo desde hoy a consultar por él a Dios? Lejos sea de mí; no impute el rey cosa alguna a su siervo, ni a toda la casa de mi padre; porque tu siervo ninguna cosa sabe de este negocio, grande ni chica.

1 Samuel 22:15
Acaso hoje foi a primeira vez que consultei a Deus em favor dele? É certo que não! Que o rei não atribua nenhuma acusação contra mim, teu servo, tampouco condene alguém da casa de meu pai, pois teu servo não soube nada de tudo o que está acontecendo, nem uma só palavra!”

Porventura é de hoje que comecei a consultar por ele a Deus? Longe de mim tal coisa! Não impute o rei coisa nenhuma a mim seu servo, nem a toda a casa de meu pai, pois o teu servo não soube nada de tudo isso, nem muito nem pouco.   

1 Samuel 22:15
Oare de astăzi am început eu să întreb pe Dumnezeu pentru el? Departe de mine aşa ceva! Să nu arunce împăratul nici o vină asupra robului său, nici asupra nimănui din casa tatălui meu, căci robul tău nu ştie nimic din toate acestea, nici lucru mic nici lucru mare.``

1-я Царств 22:15
Теперь ли я стал вопрошать для него Бога? Нет, не обвиняй в этом,царь, раба твоего и весь дом отца моего, ибо во всем этом деле не знает раб твой ни малого, ни великого.

Теперь ли я стал вопрошать для него Бога? Нет, не обвиняй в этом, царь, раба твоего и весь дом отца моего, ибо во всем этом деле не знает раб твой ни малого, ни великого.[]

1 Samuelsboken 22:15
Är det då nu för första gången som jag har frågat Gud för honom? Bort det! Icke må konungen lägga mig, sin tjänare, och hela min faders hus något till last, ty din tjänare visste alls intet om allt detta.»

1 Samuel 22:15
Pinasimulan ko bang isangguni siya ngayon sa Dios? malayo sa akin: huwag ibintang ng hari ang anomang bagay sa kaniyang lingkod, o sa buong sangbahayan man ng aking ama: sapagka't walang nalalamang bagay ang iyong lingkod tungkol sa lahat na ito, munti o malaki.

1 ซามูเอล 22:15
แล้วข้าพระองค์ได้ทูลขอพระเจ้าเพื่อเขาจริงหรือ เปล่าเลย ขอกษัตริย์อย่าทรงกล่าวโทษสิ่งใดต่อผู้รับใช้ของพระองค์ หรือวงศ์วานของบิดาของข้าพระองค์ทั้งสิ้น เพราะผู้รับใช้ของพระองค์ไม่ทราบเรื่องนี้เลย ไม่ว่ามากหรือน้อย"

1 Samuel 22:15
Ben Davut için Tanrıya danışmaya o gün mü başladım? Kesinlikle hayır! Kral ben kulunu ve babasının ailesini suçlamasın. Çünkü kulun bu konuda hiçbir şey bilmiyor.››[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 22:15
Có phải ngày nay tôi mới khởi cầu vấn Ðức Chúa Trời cho người sao? Tôi quyết không làm như vậy! Xin vua chớ ngờ một lời nào cho tôi tớ vua hoặc cho người nào trong nhà cha tôi; vì kẻ tôi tớ vua chẳng biết gì, hoặc ít hay nhiều về điều đó.

1 Samuel 22:14
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