1 Samuel 20:6
1 Samuel 20:6
If your father misses me at all, tell him, 'David earnestly asked my permission to hurry to Bethlehem, his hometown, because an annual sacrifice is being made there for his whole clan.'

If your father asks where I am, tell him I asked permission to go home to Bethlehem for an annual family sacrifice.

If your father misses me at all, then say, ‘David earnestly asked leave of me to run to Bethlehem his city, for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the clan.’

"If your father misses me at all, then say, 'David earnestly asked leave of me to run to Bethlehem his city, because it is the yearly sacrifice there for the whole family.'

If thy father at all miss me, then say, David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem his city: for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the family.

If your father misses me at all, say, 'David urgently requested my permission to quickly go to his town Bethlehem for an annual sacrifice there involving the whole clan.'

If your father actually notices that I'm not there, then you are to say, 'David urgently requested that I allow him to run to his hometown of Bethlehem because the yearly sacrifice for the entire family was taking place there.'

If your father happens to miss me, you should say, 'David urgently requested me to let him go to his city Bethlehem, for there is an annual sacrifice there for his entire family.'

If your father really misses me, tell him, 'David repeatedly begged me to let him run to Bethlehem, his hometown, because his relatives are offering the annual sacrifice there.'

If thy father at all misses me, then say, David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem, his city, for all those of his lineage have an anniversary sacrifice.

If your father at all misses me, then say, David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem his city: for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the family.

If your father at all miss me, then say, David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem his city: for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the family.

If thy father miss me at all, then say, David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Beth-lehem his city; for it is the yearly sacrifice there for all the family.

If thy father look and inquire for me, thou shalt answer him: David asked me that he might run to Bethlehem his own city: because there are solemn sacrifices there for all his tribe.

If thy father should actually miss me, then say, David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem his city; for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the family.

If thy father miss me at all, then say, David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Beth-lehem his city: for it is the yearly sacrifice there for all the family.

If thy father shall at all miss me, then say, David earnestly asked leave of me, that he might run to Beth-lehem his city: for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the family.

If your father miss me at all, then say, 'David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem his city; for it is the yearly sacrifice there for all the family.'

if thy father at all look after me, and thou hast said, David asked earnestly of me to run to Beth-Lehem his city, for a sacrifice of the days is there for all the family.

1 i Samuelit 20:6
Në qoftë se atit tënd i bie në sy mungesa ime, ti do t'i thuash: "Davidi më është lutur me insistim të hidhet për pak kohë deri në Betlem, në qytetin e tij, sepse aty kremtohet flijimi për tërë familjen e tij".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 20:6
واذا افتقدني ابوك فقل قد طلب داود مني طلبة ان يركض الى بيت لحم مدينته لان هناك ذبيحة سنوية لكل العشيرة.

Dyr Sämyheel A 20:6
Wenn i yn deinn Vatern abgee, sagst iem halt: 'Dyr Dafet haat mi um Verlaaub gfraagt, däß yr auf Bettlham zo n Jaarsopfer von seiner Sippn geen derf.'

1 Царе 20:6
Ако баща ти забележи, че ме няма, тогава кажи: Давид настоятелно поиска позволение от мене да отиде бърже в града си Витлеем, защото там става годишната жертва за цялото му семейство.

撒 母 耳 記 上 20:6
你 父 親 若 見 我 不 在 席 上 , 你 就 說 : 大 衛 切 求 我 許 他 回 本 城 伯 利 恆 去 , 因 為 他 全 家 在 那 裡 獻 年 祭 。

你 父 亲 若 见 我 不 在 席 上 , 你 就 说 : 大 卫 切 求 我 许 他 回 本 城 伯 利 恒 去 , 因 为 他 全 家 在 那 里 献 年 祭 。



1 Samuel 20:6
Ako tvoj otac opazi da me nema, reći ćeš mu ovako: 'David me uporno molio da ga pustim da skokne u svoj grad Betlehem, jer se ondje slavi godišnja žrtva za svu njegovu obitelj.'

První Samuelova 20:6
Jestliže by se zvláštně na mne ptal otec tvůj, řekneš: Prosil mne velice David, aby sběhl do Betléma města svého; nebo obět výroční tam míti má všecka jeho rodina.

1 Samuel 20:6
Hvis din Fader savner mig, saa sig: David har bedt mig om Lov til at skynde sig til Betlehem, sin Fødeby, da hele hans Slægt har sit aarlige Slagtoffer der.

1 Samuël 20:6
Indien uw vader mij gewisselijk mist, zo zult gij zeggen: David heeft van mij zeer begeerd, dat hij tot zijn stad Bethlehem mocht lopen; want aldaar is een jaarlijks offer voor het ganse geslacht.

שמואל א 20:6
אִם־פָּקֹ֥ד יִפְקְדֵ֖נִי אָבִ֑יךָ וְאָמַרְתָּ֗ נִשְׁאֹל֩ נִשְׁאַ֨ל מִמֶּ֤נִּי דָוִד֙ לָרוּץ֙ בֵּֽית־לֶ֣חֶם עִירֹ֔ו כִּ֣י זֶ֧בַח הַיָּמִ֛ים שָׁ֖ם לְכָל־הַמִּשְׁפָּחָֽה׃

ו אם פקד יפקדני אביך  ואמרת נשאל נשאל ממני דוד לרוץ בית לחם עירו--כי זבח הימים שם לכל המשפחה

אם־פקד יפקדני אביך ואמרת נשאל נשאל ממני דוד לרוץ בית־לחם עירו כי זבח הימים שם לכל־המשפחה׃

1 Sámuel 20:6
Ha kérdezõsködnék atyád utánam, [ezt] mondjad: Sürgõsen kéredzett Dávid tõlem, hogy elmehessen Bethlehembe, az õ városába, mert ott az egész nemzetségnek esztendõnként való áldozatja van [most.]

Samuel 1 20:6
Se via patro demandos pri mi, tiam diru:David forte petis min, ke li kuru al sia urbo Bet-Lehxem, cxar tie estas cxiujara oferado de la tuta familio.

Jos isäs minua kovasti kaipaa, niin sano: David rukoili suuresti minulta juostaksensa kaupunkiinsa Betlehemiin; sillä siellä pidetään ajastaikainen uhri koko sukukunnalta.

1 Samuel 20:6
Si ton père s'aperçoit de mon absence, tu diras: David m'a demandé instamment de courir à Bethléhem, sa ville, car il y a là un sacrifice annuel pour toute la famille.

Si ton père remarque mon absence, tu diras: David m'a prié de lui laisser faire une course à Bethléhem, sa ville, parce qu'il y a pour toute la famille un sacrifice annuel.

Si ton père vient à s'informer de moi, tu lui répondras : On m'a demandé instamment que David allât en diligence à Bethléhem sa ville, parce que toute sa famille fait un sacrifice solennel.

1 Samuel 20:6
Wird dein Vater nach mir fragen, so sprich: David bat mich, daß er gen Bethlehem, zu seiner Stadt, laufen möchte; denn es ist ein jährlich Opfer daselbst dem ganzen Geschlechte.

Wird dein Vater nach mir fragen, so sprich: David bat mich, daß er gen Bethlehem, zu seiner Stadt, laufen möchte; denn es ist ein jährlich Opfer daselbst dem ganzen Geschlecht. {~}

sollte dein Vater mich etwa vermissen, so sage: David hat sich von mir die Erlaubnis erbeten, geschwind nach seiner Vaterstadt Bethlehem gehen zu dürfen, weil dort das Jahresopfer für das ganze Geschlecht stattfindet.

1 Samuele 20:6
Se tuo padre nota la mia assenza, tu gli dirai: Davide mi ha pregato istantemente di poter fare una corsa fino a Bethlehem, sua città, perché v’è il sacrifizio annuo per tutta la sua famiglia.

Se pur tuo padre domanda di me, di’: Davide mi ha istantemente richiesto di poter andar correndo in Bet-lehem, sua città; perciocchè tutta la sua nazione fa quivi un sacrificio solenne.

1 SAMUEL 20:6
Maka jikalau kiranya dilihat ayahmu bahwa sebenarnya tiada aku, hendaklah engkau bersembah demikian: Bahwa Daud sudah meminta izin kepada patik pergi dengan segera ke Betlehem, yaitu negerinya, sebab di sana adalah korban karena segenap bangsa itu seperti biasa pada tiap-tiap tahun.

사무엘상 20:6
네 부친이 만일 나를 자세히 묻거든 그 때에 너는 말하기를 다윗이 자기 성 베들레헴으로 급히 가기를 내게 허하라 간청하였사오니 이는 온 가족을 위하여 거기서 매년제를 드릴 때가 됨이니이다 하라

I Samuelis 20:6
si requisierit me pater tuus respondebis ei rogavit me David ut iret celeriter in Bethleem civitatem suam quia victimae sollemnes ibi sunt universis contribulibus eius

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 20:6
Jei tavo tėvas pasiges manęs, sakyk: ‘Dovydas labai prašė manęs leisti jam eiti į savo miestą Betliejų, kur jo visa šeima aukos kasmetinę auką’.

1 Samuel 20:6
Ki te ui ia tou papa mo toku ngaro, ko reira koe ka ki atu, I tono kaha a Rawiri ki ahau kia tukua ia kia rere ki tona pa, ki Peterehema: kei reira hoki te patunga tapu o te tau ma te hapu katoa.

1 Samuels 20:6
Dersom da din far savner mig, så skal du si: David bad mig inntrengende om han måtte få gå hjem til Betlehem i all hast; for hele ætten holder nu sin årlige ofring der.

1 Samuel 20:6
Si tu padre me echa de menos, entonces di: ``David me rogó mucho que le dejara ir a toda prisa a Belén su ciudad, porque allá se celebra el sacrificio anual por toda la familia.

"Si tu padre me echa de menos, entonces dile: 'David me rogó mucho que le dejara ir a toda prisa a Belén (Casa del Pan) su ciudad, porque allá se celebra el sacrificio anual por toda la familia.'

Si tu padre hiciere mención de mí, dirás: Me rogó mucho que lo dejase ir corriendo a Belén su ciudad, porque todos los de su familia celebran allá el sacrificio anual.

Si tu padre hiciere mención de mí, dirás: Rogóme mucho que lo dejase ir presto á Beth-lehem su ciudad, porque todos los de su linaje tienen allá sacrificio aniversario.

Si tu padre hiciere mención de mí, dirás: Me rogó mucho que lo dejase ir presto a Belén su ciudad, porque todos los de su linaje tienen allá sacrificio aniversario.

1 Samuel 20:6
Se o teu pai reclamar a minha ausência, dirás: ‘Davi rogou que o permitisse ir correndo a Belém, sua cidade natal, porque ali se celebra o sacrifício anual por toda a sua família.’

Se teu pai notar a minha ausência, dirás: Davi me pediu muito que o deixasse ir correndo a Belém, sua cidade, porquanto se faz lá o sacrifício anual para toda a parentela.   

1 Samuel 20:6
Dacă tatăl tău va băga de seamă lipsa mea, să -i spui: ,David m'a rugat să -l las să se ducă pînă la Betleem în cetatea lui, pentrucă acolo se aduce pentru toată familia o jertfă de peste an`.

1-я Царств 20:6
Если отец твой спросит обо мне, ты скажи: „Давид выпросился у менясходить в свой город Вифлеем; потому что там годичное жертвоприношение всего родства его".

Если отец твой спросит обо мне, ты скажи: `Давид выпросился у меня сходить в свой город Вифлеем; потому что там годичное жертвоприношение всего родства его`.[]

1 Samuelsboken 20:6
Om då din fader saknar mig, så säg: 'David utbad sig tillstånd av mig att få göra ett hastigt besök i sin stad, Bet-Lehem, där hela släkten nu firar sin årliga offerfest.'

1 Samuel 20:6
Kung ako'y punahin ng iyong ama, iyo ngang sabihing, Hiniling na mainam sa akin ni David na siya'y patakbuhin sa Bethlehem na kaniyang bayan: sapagka't siyang paghahain na taonan sa lahat ng angkan.

1 ซามูเอล 20:6
ถ้าเสด็จพ่อของท่านเห็นข้าพเจ้าขาดไป ก็ขอโปรดทูลพระองค์ว่า `ดาวิดได้วิงวอนขอลาข้าพระองค์รีบกลับไปเมืองเบธเลเฮมเมืองของตน เพราะที่นั่นทั้งครอบครัวทำการถวายสัตวบูชาประจำปี'

1 Samuel 20:6
Eğer baban yokluğumu sezerse ona, ‹Davut aceleyle kendi kenti Beytleheme gitmek için benden ısrarla izin istedi; orada bütün ailenin yıllık kurban töreni var› dersin.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 20:6
Nếu cha anh thấy tôi vắng mặt, thì hãy nói cùng người rằng: Ða-vít có cố nài xin tôi cho nó đi về Bết-lê-hem, quê hương nó, vì đó cả nhà nó dâng của lễ hằng năm.

1 Samuel 20:5
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