1 Samuel 20:31
1 Samuel 20:31
As long as the son of Jesse lives on this earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Now send someone to bring him to me, for he must die!"

As long as that son of Jesse is alive, you'll never be king. Now go and get him so I can kill him!"

For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth, neither you nor your kingdom shall be established. Therefore send and bring him to me, for he shall surely die.”

"For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Therefore now, send and bring him to me, for he must surely die."

For as long as the son of Jesse liveth upon the ground, thou shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom. Wherefore now send and fetch him unto me, for he shall surely die.

Every day Jesse's son lives on earth you and your kingship are not secure. Now send for him and bring him to me--he deserves to die."

As long as Jesse's son lives on the earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established! Now send someone and bring David to me. He's a dead man!"

For as long as this son of Jesse is alive on the earth, you and your kingdom will not be established. Now, send some men and bring him to me. For he is as good as dead!"

As long as Jesse's son lives on earth, neither you nor your right to be king is secure. Now, send some men to bring him to me. He's a dead man!"

For as long as the son of Jesse lives upon the land, thou shalt not be established nor thy kingdom. Therefore, now send and bring him unto me, for he shall surely die.

For as long as the son of Jesse lives upon the ground, you shall not be established, nor your kingdom. Therefore now send and fetch him unto me, for he shall surely die.

For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the ground, you shall not be established, nor your kingdom. Why now send and fetch him to me, for he shall surely die.

For as long as the son of Jesse liveth upon the ground, thou shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom. Wherefore now send and fetch him unto me, for he shall surely die.

For as long as the son of Isai liveth upon earth, thou shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom. Therefore now presently send, and fetch him to me: for he is the son of death.

For as long as the son of Jesse lives upon earth, thou shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom. And now send and fetch him to me, for he must die.

For as long as the son of Jesse liveth upon the ground, thou shalt not be stablished, nor thy kingdom. Wherefore now send and fetch him unto me, for he shall surely die.

For as long as the son of Jesse liveth upon the earth, thou shalt not be established, nor thy kingdom. Wherefore now send and bring him to me, for he shall surely die.

For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth, you shall not be established, nor your kingdom. Therefore now send and bring him to me, for he shall surely die!"

for all the days that the son of Jesse liveth on the ground thou art not established, thou and thy kingdom; and now, send and bring him unto me, for he is a son of death.'

1 i Samuelit 20:31
Sepse për deri sa biri i Isait do të jetojë mbi tokë, nuk do të ketë qëndrueshmëri as për ty, as për mbretërinë tënde. Prandaj dërgo ta marrin dhe sille tek unë, sepse ai duhet të vdesë.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 20:31
لانه ما دام ابن يسّى حيّا على الارض لا تثبت انت ولا مملكتك. والآن ارسل وائت به اليّ لانه ابن الموت هو.

Dyr Sämyheel A 20:31
Aber dös sag i dyr: So lang wie dyr Jessennsun löbt, ist für di und dein Künigtuem kain Plaz nit! Schick also sofort öbbern drum; der mueß wögg!"

1 Царе 20:31
Защото, докато Есеевият син живее на земята, ни ти, ни царството ти, ще се утвърди. Затова прати сега та го доведи при мене, защото непременно ще умре.

撒 母 耳 記 上 20:31
耶 西 的 兒 子 若 在 世 間 活 著 , 你 和 你 的 國 位 必 站 立 不 住 。 現 在 你 要 打 發 人 去 , 將 他 捉 拿 交 給 我 ; 他 是 該 死 的 。

耶 西 的 儿 子 若 在 世 间 活 着 , 你 和 你 的 国 位 必 站 立 不 住 。 现 在 你 要 打 发 人 去 , 将 他 捉 拿 交 给 我 ; 他 是 该 死 的 。



1 Samuel 20:31
Jer dokle god bude živ na zemlji Jišajev sin, nećeš biti siguran ni ti ni tvoje kraljevstvo. Zato sad pošalji po njega i dovedi ga k meni jer je osuđen na smrt."

První Samuelova 20:31
Nebo po všecky dny, v nichž bude živ syn Izai na zemi, nebudeš upevněn ty, ani království tvé. Protož hned pošli a přiveď jej ke mně, nebť jest hoden smrti.

1 Samuel 20:31
Thi saa længe Isajs Søn er i Live paa Jorden, er hverken du eller dit Kongedømme i Sikkerhed. Send derfor Bud og hent ham til mig, thi han er dødsens!«

1 Samuël 20:31
Want al de dagen, die de zoon van Isai op den aardbodem leven zal, zo zult gij noch uw koninkrijk bevestigd worden; nu dan, schik heen, en haal hem tot mij, want hij is een kind des doods.

שמואל א 20:31
כִּ֣י כָל־הַיָּמִ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֤ר בֶּן־יִשַׁי֙ חַ֣י עַל־הָאֲדָמָ֔ה לֹ֥א תִכֹּ֖ון אַתָּ֣ה וּמַלְכוּתֶ֑ךָ וְעַתָּ֗ה שְׁלַ֨ח וְקַ֤ח אֹתֹו֙ אֵלַ֔י כִּ֥י בֶן־מָ֖וֶת הֽוּא׃ ס

לא כי כל הימים אשר בן ישי חי על האדמה לא תכון אתה ומלכותך ועתה שלח וקח אתו אלי--כי בן מות הוא  {ס}

כי כל־הימים אשר בן־ישי חי על־האדמה לא תכון אתה ומלכותך ועתה שלח וקח אתו אלי כי בן־מות הוא׃ ס

1 Sámuel 20:31
Mert mindaddig, míg Isainak fia él a földön, nem állhatsz fenn sem te, sem a te királyságod; most azért küldj érette, és hozasd ide õt hozzám, mert õ a halál fia.

Samuel 1 20:31
CXar tiel longe, kiel la filo de Jisxaj vivos sur la tero, ne fortikigxos vi nek via regno. Nun sendu, kaj venigu lin al mi, cxar li meritas la morton.

Sillä niinkauvan kuin Isain poika elää maan päällä, et sinä eikä sinun kuninkaanvaltakuntas ole seisova: lähetä siis nyt ja anna tuotaa häntä minun tyköni, sillä hänen pitää kuoleman.

1 Samuel 20:31
Car tous les jours que le fils d'Isaï sera vivant sur la terre, tu ne seras pas établi, ni toi ni ton règne; et maintenant, envoie, et amène-le-moi; car il mourra certainement.

Car aussi longtemps que le fils d'Isaï sera vivant sur la terre, il n'y aura point de sécurité ni pour toi ni pour ta royauté. Et maintenant, envoie-le chercher, et qu'on me l'amène, car il est digne de mort.

Car tout le temps que le fils d'Isaï vivra sur la terre tu ne seras point établi, ni toi, ni ton Royaume; c'est pourquoi envoie sur l'heure, et amène-le moi, car il est digne de mort.

1 Samuel 20:31
Denn solange der Sohn Isais lebet auf Erden, wirst du, dazu auch dein Königreich, nicht bestehen. So sende nun hin und laß ihn herholen zu mir; denn er muß sterben.

Denn solange der Sohn Isais lebt auf Erden, wirst du, dazu auch dein Königreich, nicht bestehen. So sende nun hin und laß ihn herholen zu mir; denn er muß sterben.

Denn solange überhaupt der Sohn Isais auf dem Erdboden lebt, wirst weder du noch dein Königtum feststehen. So schicke denn hin und laß ihn vor mich bringen, denn er ist ein Kind des Todes!

1 Samuele 20:31
Poiché, fino a tanto che il figliuol d’Isai avrà vita sulla terra, non vi sarà stabilità né per te né per il tuo regno. Or dunque mandalo a cercare e fallo venire da me, perché deve morire".

Perciocchè tutto il tempo che il figliuolo d’Isai viverà in su la terra, non sarai stabilito, nè tu, nè il tuo reame. Ora dunque, manda per esso, e fammelo venire; perciocchè convien ch’egli muoia.

1 SAMUEL 20:31
Karena pada segala hari bin Isai itu lagi hidup di atas bumi, niscaya engkau dan kerajaanmupun tiada dapat ditentukan; maka sekarang juga suruhkanlah orang mengambil dia dan membawa dia kepadaku, karena akan mati dibunuh adanya.

사무엘상 20:31
이새의 아들이 땅에 사는 동안은 너와 네 나라가 든든히 서지 못하리라 그런즉 이제 보내어 그를 내게로 끌어오라 그는 죽어야 할 자니라'

I Samuelis 20:31
omnibus enim diebus quibus filius Isai vixerit super terram non stabilieris tu neque regnum tuum itaque iam nunc mitte et adduc eum ad me quia filius mortis est

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 20:31
Kol Jesės sūnus bus gyvas, tu nebūsi karaliumi ir neturėsi karalystės. Pasiųsk, kad jis būtų atvestas pas mane, nes jis turi mirti”.

1 Samuel 20:31
I nga ra katoa e ora ai te tama a Hehe ki runga ki te whenua, e kore koe e tu, me tou rangatiratanga. Na, tonoa kia tikina ia ki ahau, kua tino takoto hoki te mate mona.

1 Samuels 20:31
For så lenge Isais sønn er til på jorden, er hverken du eller din kongemakt trygg. Send derfor bud og hent ham hit til mig, for han er dødsens.

1 Samuel 20:31
Pues mientras viva sobre la tierra el hijo de Isaí, ni tú ni tu reino serán establecidos. Ahora pues, manda a traérmelo, porque ciertamente ha de morir.

"Pues mientras viva sobre la tierra el hijo de Isaí, ni tú ni tu reino serán establecidos. Ahora pues, manda a traérmelo, porque ciertamente ha de morir."

Porque todo el tiempo que el hijo de Isaí viviere sobre la tierra, ni tú serás firme, ni tu reino. Envía pues, ahora, y tráemelo, porque ha de morir.

Porque todo el tiempo que el hijo de Isaí viviere sobre la tierra, ni tú serás firme, ni tu reino. Envía pues ahora, y traémelo, porque ha de morir.

Porque todo el tiempo que el hijo de Isaí viviere sobre la tierra, ni tú serás firme, ni tu reino. Envía pues ahora, y tráemelo, porque ha de morir.

1 Samuel 20:31
Enquanto o filho de Jessé estiver com vida na terra, tu não estarás em segurança, nem o teu reino. Trata, pois, de encontrá-lo e traze-o à minha presença, pois eis que ele está condenado à pena de morte!”

Pois por todo o tempo em que o filho de Jessé viver sobre a terra, nem tu estarás seguro, nem o teu reino; pelo que envia agora, e traze-mo, porque ele há de morrer.   

1 Samuel 20:31
Căci cîtă vreme va trăi fiul lui Isai pe pămînt, nu va fi linişte nici pentru tine, nici pentru împărăţia ta. Şi acum trimete să -l caute, şi să mi -l aducă, fiindcă este vrednic de moarte``.

1-я Царств 20:31
ибо во все дни, доколе сын Иессеев будет жить наземле, не устоишь ни ты, ни царство твое; теперь же пошли и приведи его ко мне, ибо онобречен на смерть.

ибо во все дни, доколе сын Иессеев будет жить на земле, не устоишь ни ты, ни царство твое; теперь же пошли и приведи его ко мне, ибо он обречен на смерть.[]

1 Samuelsboken 20:31
Ty så länge Isais son lever på jorden, är varken du eller din konungamakt säker. Sänd därför nu åstad och låt hämta honom hit till mig, ty han är dödens barn.»

1 Samuel 20:31
Sapagka't habang nabubuhay ang anak ni Isai sa ibabaw ng lupa, ikaw ay hindi mapapanatag ni ang iyong kaharian man. Kaya ngayo'y iyong ipasundo at dalhin siya sa akin, sapagka't siya'y walang pagsalang mamamatay.

1 ซามูเอล 20:31
ตราบใดที่ลูกของเจสซีมีชีวิตอยู่บนดิน ตัวเจ้าหรือราชอาณาจักรของเจ้าก็จะตั้งอยู่ไม่ได้ เพราะฉะนั้นจงใช้คนไปตามเขามาให้เรา เพราะเขาจะต้องตายแน่"

1 Samuel 20:31
Çünkü İşayın oğlu yeryüzünde yaşadıkça ne sen güvenlikte olabilirsin, ne de krallığın. Şimdi adam gönder, onu bana getir. O ölmeli!››[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 20:31
Thật, hễ con trai Y-sai sống lâu trên mặt đất chừng nào, thì mầy và nước mầy chẳng vững bền chừng nấy. Vậy bây giờ, hãy sai đi kiếm nó, dẫn nó về cho ta; vì nó phải chết hẳn.

1 Samuel 20:30
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