1 Samuel 16:11
1 Samuel 16:11
So he asked Jesse, "Are these all the sons you have?" "There is still the youngest," Jesse answered. "He is tending the sheep." Samuel said, "Send for him; we will not sit down until he arrives."

Then Samuel asked, "Are these all the sons you have?" "There is still the youngest," Jesse replied. "But he's out in the fields watching the sheep and goats." "Send for him at once," Samuel said. "We will not sit down to eat until he arrives."

Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Are all your sons here?” And he said, “There remains yet the youngest, but behold, he is keeping the sheep.” And Samuel said to Jesse, “Send and get him, for we will not sit down till he comes here.”

And Samuel said to Jesse, "Are these all the children?" And he said, "There remains yet the youngest, and behold, he is tending the sheep." Then Samuel said to Jesse, "Send and bring him; for we will not sit down until he comes here."

And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither.

Samuel asked him, "Are these all the sons you have?" "There is still the youngest," he answered, "but right now he's tending the sheep." Samuel told Jesse, "Send for him. We won't sit down to eat until he gets here."

Then Samuel told Jesse, "Are these all the young men?" He said, "There yet remains the youngest one, and right now he's tending the sheep." Samuel told Jesse, "Send someone to get him, for we won't do anything else until he arrives here."

Then Samuel said to Jesse, "Is that all of the young men?" Jesse replied, "There is still the youngest one, but he's taking care of the flock." Samuel said to Jesse, "Send and get him, for we cannot turn our attention to other things until he comes here."

Are these all the sons you have?" "There's still the youngest one," Jesse answered. "He's tending the sheep." Samuel told Jesse, "Send someone to get him. We won't continue until he gets here."

And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are all thy young men here? And he said, There remains yet the youngest, and, behold, he keeps the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send for him, for we will not sit down to the table until he comes here.

And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all your children? And he said, There remains yet the youngest, and, behold, he keeps the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and bring him: for we will not sit down till he comes here.

And Samuel said to Jesse, Are here all your children? And he said, There remains yet the youngest, and, behold, he keeps the sheep. And Samuel said to Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come here.

And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he is keeping the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him; for we will not sit down till he come hither.

And Samuel said to Isai: Are here all thy sons? He answered: There remaineth yet a young one, who keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said to Isai: Send, and fetch him, for we will not sit down till he come hither.

And Samuel said to Jesse, Are these all the young men? And he said, There is yet the youngest remaining, and behold, he is feeding the sheep. And Samuel said to Jesse, Send and fetch him; for we will not sit at table till he come hither.

And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither.

And Samuel said to Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said to Jesse, Send and bring him: for we will not sit down till he hath come hither.

Samuel said to Jesse, "Are all your children here?" He said, "There remains yet the youngest, and behold, he is keeping the sheep." Samuel said to Jesse, "Send and get him; for we will not sit down until he comes here."

And Samuel saith unto Jesse, 'Are the young men finished?' and he saith, 'Yet hath been left the youngest; and lo, he delighteth himself among the flock;' and Samuel saith unto Jesse, 'Send and take him, for we do not turn round till his coming in hither.'

1 i Samuelit 16:11
Pastaj Samueli i tha Isait: "A janë këtu tërë bijtë e tu?". Ai u përgjigj: "Mungon më i riu që tani është duke kullotur delet". Samueli i tha Isait: "Dërgo ta sjellin, sepse nuk do të shtrohemi në tryezë para se ai të vijë këtu".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 16:11
وقال صموئيل ليسّى هل كملوا الغلمان. فقال بقي بعد الصغير وهوذا يرعى الغنم. فقال صموئيل ليسّى ارسل وائت به. لاننا لا نجلس حتى يأتي الى ههنا.

Dyr Sämyheel A 16:11
Und er gfraagt önn Jessenn weiter: "Seind ietz dös allsand gwösn von deine Sün?" Er gantwortt: "Nän; dyr jüngste ist non nit daagwösn, aber der ist grad bei n Schaafhüettn." Dyr Sämyheel wis önn Jessenn an: "Schick öbbern drum! Mir fangend nit an mit n Maal, bevor yr zueherkemmen ist."

1 Царе 16:11
Тогава Самуил рече на Есея: Присъствуват ли тук всичките ти чада? И той рече: Остава още най-младият; и, ето, пасе овцете. И Самуил каза на Есея: Прати да го доведат; защото няма да седнем около [трапезата] догде не дойде тук.

撒 母 耳 記 上 16:11
撒 母 耳 對 耶 西 說 : 你 的 兒 子 都 在 這 裡 麼 ? 他 回 答 說 : 還 有 個 小 的 , 現 在 放 羊 。 撒 母 耳 對 耶 西 說 : 你 打 發 人 去 叫 他 來 ; 他 若 不 來 , 我 們 必 不 坐 席 。

撒 母 耳 对 耶 西 说 : 你 的 儿 子 都 在 这 里 麽 ? 他 回 答 说 : 还 有 个 小 的 , 现 在 放 羊 。 撒 母 耳 对 耶 西 说 : 你 打 发 人 去 叫 他 来 ; 他 若 不 来 , 我 们 必 不 坐 席 。



1 Samuel 16:11
Potom zapita Jišaja: "Jesu li to svi tvoji sinovi?" A on odgovori: "Ostao je još najmlađi, on je na paši, za stadom." Tada Samuel reče Jišaju: "Pošalji po njega, jer nećemo sjedati za stol dok on ne dođe."

První Samuelova 16:11
Potom řekl Samuel Izai:Jsou-li to již všickni synové? Odpověděl: Ještěť zůstává nejmladší, a aj, pase ovce. Tedy řekl Samuel Izai:Pošli a vezmi jej; nebo aniž sedneme za stůl, dokudž on sem nepřijde.

1 Samuel 16:11
Samuel spurgte da Isaj: »Er det alle de unge Mænd?« Han svarede: »Endnu er den yngste tilbage; men han vogter Smaakvæget!« Da sagde Samuel til Isaj: »Send Bud efter ham! thi vi sætter os ikke til Bords, før han kommer!«

1 Samuël 16:11
Voorts zeide Samuel tot Isai: Zijn dit al de jongelingen? En hij zeide: De kleinste is nog overig, en zie, hij weidt de schapen. Samuel nu zeide tot Isai: Zend heen en laat hem halen; want wij zullen niet rondom aanzitten, totdat hij hier zal gekomen zijn.

שמואל א 16:11
וַיֹּ֨אמֶר שְׁמוּאֵ֣ל אֶל־יִשַׁי֮ הֲתַ֣מּוּ הַנְּעָרִים֒ וַיֹּ֗אמֶר עֹ֚וד שָׁאַ֣ר הַקָּטָ֔ן וְהִנֵּ֥ה רֹעֶ֖ה בַּצֹּ֑אן וַיֹּ֨אמֶר שְׁמוּאֵ֤ל אֶל־יִשַׁי֙ שִׁלְחָ֣ה וְקָחֶ֔נּוּ כִּ֥י לֹא־נָסֹ֖ב עַד־בֹּאֹ֥ו פֹֽה׃

יא ויאמר שמואל אל ישי התמו הנערים ויאמר עוד שאר הקטן והנה רעה בצאן ויאמר שמואל אל ישי שלחה וקחנו כי לא נסב עד באו פה

ויאמר שמואל אל־ישי התמו הנערים ויאמר עוד שאר הקטן והנה רעה בצאן ויאמר שמואל אל־ישי שלחה וקחנו כי לא־נסב עד־באו פה׃

1 Sámuel 16:11
Akkor monda Sámuel Isainak: Mind itt vannak-é már az ifjak? Õ pedig felele: Hátra van még a kisebbik, és ímé õ a juhokat õrzi. És monda Sámuel Isainak: Küldj el, és hozasd ide õt, mert addig nem fogunk leülni, míg õ ide nem jön.

Samuel 1 16:11
Kaj Samuel diris al Jisxaj:CXu tio estas jam cxiuj knaboj? Kaj cxi tiu diris:Restas ankoraux la plej juna, li pasxtas nun la sxafojn. Kaj Samuel diris al Jisxaj:Sendu, kaj venigu lin, cxar ni ne sidigxos al la tablo, antaux ol li venos cxi tien.

Ja Samuel sanoi Isaille: joko nyt täällä kaikki pojat ovat? Hän sanoi: vielä nuorin jäljellä on, ja katso, hän kaitsee lampaita. Niin sanoi Samuel Isaille: lähetä hänen peräänsä ja anna noutaa tänne; sillä ei meidän pidä istuman ennen kuin hän tulee.

1 Samuel 16:11
Et Samuel dit à Isaï: Sont-ce là tous les jeunes gens? Et il dit: Il reste encore le plus jeune, et voici, il paît le menu bétail. Et Samuel dit à Isaï: Envoie, et fais-le amener; car nous ne nous placerons point autour de la table, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit venu ici.

Puis Samuel dit à Isaï: Sont-ce là tous tes fils? Et il répondit: Il reste encore le plus jeune, mais il fait paître les brebis. Alors Samuel dit à Isaï: Envoie-le chercher, car nous ne nous placerons pas avant qu'il ne soit venu ici.

Puis Samuel dit à Isaï : Sont-ce là tous tes enfants? Et il dit : Il reste encore le plus petit ; mais voici, il paît les brebis. Alors Samuel dit à Isaï : Envoie-le chercher; car nous ne nous mettrons point à table jusqu'à ce qu'il soit venu ici.

1 Samuel 16:11
Und Samuel sprach zu Isai: Sind das die Knaben alle? Er sprach: Es ist noch übrig der Kleinste; und siehe, er hütet der Schafe. Da sprach Samuel zu Isai: Sende hin und laß ihn holen; denn wir werden uns nicht setzen, bis er hieher komme.

Und Samuel sprach zu Isai: Sind das die Knaben alle? Er aber sprach: Es ist noch übrig der jüngste; und siehe, er hütet die Schafe. Da sprach Samuel zu Isai; Sende hin und laß ihn holen; denn wir werden uns nicht setzen, bis er hierherkomme.

Da fragte Samuel Isai: Sind das die jungen Leute alle? Er entgegnete: Es fehlt noch der Jüngste, der hütet die Schafe. Samuel gebot Isai: Sende hin und laß ihn holen; denn wir setzen uns nicht, bevor er herkommt!

1 Samuele 16:11
Poi Samuele disse ad Isai: "Sono questi tutti i tuoi figli?" Isai rispose: "Resta ancora il più giovane, ma è a pascere le pecore".

E Samuele disse ad Isai: I giovani sono eglino tutti passati? Ed Isai disse: Ei vi resta ancora il più piccolo, ma ecco, egli pastura la greggia. E Samuele disse ad Isai: Manda per lui; perciocchè noi non ci metteremo a tavola, ch’egli non sia venuto qua.

1 SAMUEL 16:11
Dan lagi kata Semuel kepada Isai: Sudahkah ini segala orang muda-muda itu? Maka sahutnya: Tinggal lagi yang bungsunya, bahwasanya ia menggembalakan kambing. Maka kata Semuel kepada Isai: Suruhkanlah orang memanggil dia, karena tiada kita akan duduk makan sehidangan jikalau sebelum ia ke mari.

사무엘상 16:11
또 이새에게 이르되 네 아들들이 다 여기 있느냐 이새가 가로되 아직 말째가 남았는데 그가 양을 지키나이다 사무엘이 이새에게 이르되 보내어 그를 데려오라 그가 여기 오기까지는 우리가 식사자리에 앉지 아니하겠노라

I Samuelis 16:11
dixitque Samuhel ad Isai numquid iam conpleti sunt filii qui respondit adhuc reliquus est parvulus et pascit oves et ait Samuhel ad Isai mitte et adduc eum nec enim discumbemus priusquam ille huc venerit

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 16:11
Ir Samuelis sakė Jesei: “Ar čia jau visi tavo sūnūs?” Jesė atsakė: “Liko dar jauniausias, jis gano avis”. Samuelis tarė: “Pasiųsk ir atvesk jį, nes mes nesėsime, kol jis neateis”.

1 Samuel 16:11
Na ka mea a Hamuera ki a Hehe, Kei konei katoa ranei au tamariki? A ka mea ia, Tenei ano tetahi, to muri rawa; na kei te tiaki hipi ia. Ano ra ko Hamuera ki a Hehe, Tonoa atu he tangata ki te tiki i a ia: e kore hoki tatou e noho ki te kai kia t ae mai ra ano ia ki konei.

1 Samuels 16:11
Og Samuel sa til Isai: Var dette alle de gutter du har? Han svarte: Ennu er den yngste tilbake; han vokter småfeet. Da sa Samuel til Isai: Send bud efter ham! Vi setter oss ikke til bords før han kommer.

1 Samuel 16:11
Y Samuel dijo a Isaí: ¿Son éstos todos tus hijos? Y él respondió: Aún queda el menor, que está apacentando las ovejas. Entonces Samuel dijo a Isaí: Manda a buscarlo, pues no nos sentaremos a la mesa hasta que él venga acá.

Samuel preguntó: "¿Son éstos todos tus hijos?" Isaí respondió: "Aún queda el menor, es el que está apacentando las ovejas." Samuel insistió: "Manda a buscarlo, pues no nos sentaremos a la mesa hasta que él venga acá."

Entonces dijo Samuel a Isaí: ¿Están aquí todos tus hijos? Y él respondió: Aún queda el menor, que apacienta las ovejas. Y dijo Samuel a Isaí: Envía por él, porque no nos sentaremos a la mesa hasta que él venga aquí.

Entonces dijo Samuel á Isaí: ¿Hanse acabado los mozos? Y él respondió: Aun queda el menor, que apacienta las ovejas. Y dijo Samuel á Isaí: Envía por él, porque no nos asentaremos á la mesa hasta que él venga aquí.

Entonces dijo Samuel a Isaí: ¿Se han acabado los jóvenes? Y él respondió: Aún queda el menor, que apacienta las ovejas. Y dijo Samuel a Isaí: Envía por él, porque no nos sentaremos a la mesa hasta que él venga aquí.

1 Samuel 16:11
Então Samuel questionou a Jessé: “Estes são todos os filhos que tens?” Ao que Jessé respondeu: “Bem, ainda tenho o caçula, mas ele ficou cuidando das ovelhas.” Então Samuel prontamente ordenou a Jessé: “Manda buscá-lo, porque não nos sentaremos para comer enquanto ele não estiver presente!”

Disse mais Samuel a Jessé: São estes todos os teus filhos? Respondeu Jessé: Ainda falta o menor, que está apascentando as ovelhas. Disse, pois, Samuel a Jessé: Manda trazê-lo, porquanto não nos sentaremos até que ele venha aqui.   

1 Samuel 16:11
Apoi Samuel a zis lui Isai: ,,Aceştia sînt toţi fiii tăi?``. Şi el a răspuns: ,,A mai rămas cel mai tînăr, dar paşte oile.`` Atunci Samuel a zis lui Isai: ,,Trimite să -l aducă, fiindcă nu vom şedea la masă pînă nu va veni aici.``

1-я Царств 16:11
И сказал Самуил Иессею: все ли дети здесь? И отвечал Иессей: есть еще меньший; он пасет овец. И сказал Самуил Иессею: пошли и возьми его, ибо мы не сядем обедать, доколе не придет он сюда.

И сказал Самуил Иессею: все ли дети здесь? И отвечал Иессей: есть еще меньший; он пасет овец. И сказал Самуил Иессею: пошли и возьми его, ибо мы не сядем обедать, доколе не придет он сюда.[]

1 Samuelsboken 16:11
Och Samuel frågade Isai: »Är detta alla ynglingarna?» Han svarade: »Ännu återstår den yngste, men han går nu i vall med fåren.» Då sade Samuel till Isai: »Sänd åstad och hämta hit honom, ty vi skola icke sätta oss till bords, förrän han kommer hit.»

1 Samuel 16:11
At sinabi ni Samuel kay Isai, Narito ba ang iyong lahat na anak? At kaniyang sinabi, Natitira pa ang bunso, at, narito, siya'y nag-aalaga sa mga tupa. At sinabi ni Samuel kay Isai, Ipasundo mo siya; sapagka't hindi tayo uupo hanggang sa siya'y dumating dito.

1 ซามูเอล 16:11
แล้วซามูเอลกล่าวแก่เจสซีว่า "บุตรชายของท่านอยู่ที่นี่หมดแล้วหรือ" เจสซีตอบว่า "ยังมีคนสุดท้องอีกคนหนึ่ง ดูเถิด เขากำลังเลี้ยงแกะอยู่" และซามูเอลกล่าวแก่เจสซีว่า "จงใช้คนไปตามเขามา เพราะเราจะไม่ยอมนั่งจนกว่าเขาจะมาที่นี่"

1 Samuel 16:11
Sonra İşaya, ‹‹Oğullarının hepsi bunlar mı?›› diye sordu. İşay, ‹‹Bir de en küçüğü var›› dedi, ‹‹Sürüyü güdüyor.›› Samuel, ‹‹Birini gönder de onu getirsin›› dedi, ‹‹O buraya gelmeden yemeğe oturmayacağız.››[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 16:11
Ðoạn, Sa-mu-ên nói cùng Y-sai rằng: Hết thảy con trai ngươi là đó sao? Y-sai đáp rằng: Hãy còn đứa con út, nhưng nó đi chăn chiên. Sa-mu-ên nói: Hãy sai gọi nó; chúng ta không ngồi ăn trước khi nó đến.

1 Samuel 16:10
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