1 Samuel 14:52
1 Samuel 14:52
All the days of Saul there was bitter war with the Philistines, and whenever Saul saw a mighty or brave man, he took him into his service.

The Israelites fought constantly with the Philistines throughout Saul's lifetime. So whenever Saul observed a young man who was brave and strong, he drafted him into his army.

There was hard fighting against the Philistines all the days of Saul. And when Saul saw any strong man, or any valiant man, he attached him to himself.

Now the war against the Philistines was severe all the days of Saul; and when Saul saw any mighty man or any valiant man, he attached him to his staff.

And there was sore war against the Philistines all the days of Saul: and when Saul saw any strong man, or any valiant man, he took him unto him.

The conflict with the Philistines was fierce all of Saul's days, so whenever Saul noticed any strong or brave man, he enlisted him.

There was intense fighting against the Philistines during Saul's entire reign, and whenever Saul discovered a strong or valiant warrior, he would enlist him for service.

There was fierce war with the Philistines all the days of Saul. So whenever Saul saw anyone who was a warrior or a brave individual, he would conscript him.

There was intense warfare with the Philistines as long as Saul lived. Whenever any warrior or any skilled fighting man came to Saul's attention, Saul would enlist him in the army.

And there was intense war against the Philistines all the days of Saul, and when Saul saw any strong man or any valiant man, he took him unto him.

And there was bitter war against the Philistines all the days of Saul: and when Saul saw any strong man, or any valiant man, he took him unto him.

And there was sore war against the Philistines all the days of Saul: and when Saul saw any strong man, or any valiant man, he took him to him.

And there was sore war against the Philistines all the days of Saul: and when Saul saw any mighty man, or any valiant man, he took him unto him.

And there was a great war against the Philistines all the days of Saul. For whomsoever Saul saw to be a valiant man, and fit for war, he took him to himself.

And there was sore war against the Philistines all the days of Saul; and when Saul saw any mighty man, or any valiant man, he took him to himself.

And there was sore war against the Philistines all the days of Saul: and when Saul saw any mighty man, or any valiant man, he took him unto him.

And there was violent war against the Philistines all the days of Saul: and when Saul saw any strong man, or any valiant man, he took him to himself.

There was severe war against the Philistines all the days of Saul: and when Saul saw any mighty man, or any valiant man, he took him to him.

And the war is severe against the Philistines all the days of Saul; when Saul hath seen any mighty man, and any son of valour, then he doth gather him unto himself.

1 i Samuelit 14:52
Gjatë gjithë jetës së Saulit pati një luftë të pamëshirshme kundër Filistejve; çdo njeri të fortë dhe çdo të ri trim që Sauli shikonte, i merrte me vete.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 14:52
وكانت حرب شديدة على الفلسطينيين كل ايام شاول. واذا رأى شاول رجلا جبارا او ذا بأس ضمّه الى نفسه

Dyr Sämyheel A 14:52
Gögn de Pflister wurd nie ayn Rue, so lang wie dyr Saul glöbt. Aynn iedn tapfern und tüchtignen Mann, wo dyr Saul fandd, kunnt yr glei brauchen.

1 Царе 14:52
И през всичките дни на Саула се водеше силна война против филистимците; и когато Саул виждаше някой мъж силен или храбър вземаше го при себе си.

撒 母 耳 記 上 14:52
掃 羅 平 生 常 與 非 利 士 人 大 大 爭 戰 。 掃 羅 遇 見 有 能 力 的 人 或 勇 士 , 都 招 募 了 來 跟 隨 他 。

扫 罗 平 生 常 与 非 利 士 人 大 大 争 战 。 扫 罗 遇 见 有 能 力 的 人 或 勇 士 , 都 招 募 了 来 跟 随 他 。



1 Samuel 14:52
Žestok se rat vodio protiv Filistejaca svega Šaulova vijeka. Koga bi god hrabra ili bojovna čovjeka Šaul vidio, svakoga bi uzimao u svoju službu.

První Samuelova 14:52
Byla pak válka veliká s Filistinskými po všecky dny Saulovy, protož kohožkoli Saul viděl muže silného, a kohokoli udatného, bral ho k sobě.

1 Samuel 14:52
Men Krigen med Filisterne var haard, lige saa længe Saul levede; og hver Gang Saul traf en heltemodig og tapper Mand, knyttede han ham til sig.

1 Samuël 14:52
En er was een sterke krijg tegen de Filistijnen al de dagen van Saul; daarom alle helden en alle kloeke mannen, die Saul zag, die vergaderde hij tot zich.

שמואל א 14:52
וַתְּהִ֤י הַמִּלְחָמָה֙ חֲזָקָ֣ה עַל־פְּלִשְׁתִּ֔ים כֹּ֖ל יְמֵ֣י שָׁא֑וּל וְרָאָ֨ה שָׁא֜וּל כָּל־אִ֤ישׁ גִּבֹּור֙ וְכָל־בֶּן־חַ֔יִל וַיַּאַסְפֵ֖הוּ אֵלָֽיו׃ ס

נב ותהי המלחמה חזקה על פלשתים כל ימי שאול וראה שאול כל איש גבור וכל בן חיל ויאספהו אליו  {פ}

ותהי המלחמה חזקה על־פלשתים כל ימי שאול וראה שאול כל־איש גבור וכל־בן־חיל ויאספהו אליו׃ ס

1 Sámuel 14:52
A Filiszteusok elleni háború pedig igen heves volt Saulnak egész életében; azért, a hol csak látott Saul egy-egy erõs vagy egy-egy bátor férfit, azt magához fogadta.

Samuel 1 14:52
Forta estis la milito kontraux la Filisxtoj dum la tuta vivo de Saul. Kaj cxiufoje, kiam Saul vidis ian viron fortan kaj bravan, li prenis lin al si.

Ja suuri sota oli Philistealaisia vastaan niinkauvan kuin Saul eli. Ja kussa ikinä Saul näki jalon ja väkevän sotamiehen, otti hän sen tykönsä.

1 Samuel 14:52
Et la guerre fut forte contre les Philistins durant tous les jours de Saül; et quand Saül voyait quelque homme fort et quelque homme vaillant, il le prenait auprès de lui.

Pendant toute la vie de Saül, il y eut une guerre acharnée contre les Philistins; et dès que Saül apercevait quelque homme fort et vaillant, il le prenait à son service.

Et il y eut une forte guerre contre les Philistins durant tout le temps de Saül; et aussitôt que Saül voyait quelque homme fort, et quelque homme vaillant, il le prenait auprès de lui.

1 Samuel 14:52
Es war aber ein harter Streit wider die Philister, solange Saul lebte. Und wo Saul sah einen starken und rüstigen Mann, den nahm er zu sich.

Es war aber ein harter Streit wider die Philister, solange Saul lebte. Und wo Saul sah einen starken und rüstigen Mann, den nahm er zu sich.

Aber der Krieg gegen die Philister tobte heftig, solange Saul lebte, und sah Saul irgend einen Tapfern oder einen kriegstüchtigen Mann, den gesellte er sich zu.

1 Samuele 14:52
Per tutto il tempo di Saul, vi fu guerra accanita contro i Filistei; e, come Saul scorgeva un uomo forte e valoroso, lo prendeva seco.

E tutto il tempo di Saulle vi fu aspra guerra contro a’ Filistei; e Saulle accoglieva appresso di sè qualunque uomo prode, e qualunque persona di valore egli vedeva.

1 SAMUEL 14:52
Maka pada segala hari umur hidup Saul itu adalah perang besar dengan orang Filistin, maka sebab itu dihimpunkanlah Saul kepadanya segala orang perwira dan segala orang perkasa yang dilihatnya.

사무엘상 14:52
사울의 사는 날 동안에 블레셋 사람과 큰 싸움이 있었으므로 사울이 힘 있는 자나 용맹 있는 자를 보면 그들을 불러 모았더라

I Samuelis 14:52
erat autem bellum potens adversum Philistheos omnibus diebus Saul nam quemcumque viderat Saul virum fortem et aptum ad proelium sociabat eum sibi

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 14:52
Per visas Sauliaus dienas vyko smarkus karas su filistinais. Pamatęs tvirtą ir narsų vyrą, Saulius paimdavo jį pas save.

1 Samuel 14:52
A he nui te whawhai ki nga Pirihitini i nga ra katoa o Haora; a ka kite a Haora i tetahi marohirohi, i tetahi maia, na ka tangohia e ia mana.

1 Samuels 14:52
Krigen mot filistrene var hård alle Sauls dager, og hvor Saul så en sterk og krigsdyktig mann, tok han ham i sin tjeneste.

1 Samuel 14:52
La guerra contra los filisteos fue encarnizada todos los días de Saúl. Cuando Saúl veía algún hombre fuerte o valiente, lo unía a su servicio.

La guerra contra los Filisteos fue encarnizada todos los días de Saúl. Cuando Saúl veía algún hombre fuerte o valiente, lo unía a su servicio.

Y la guerra fue fuerte contra los filisteos todo el tiempo de Saúl; y cuando Saúl veía algún hombre valiente o algún hombre esforzado, lo juntaba consigo.

Y la guerra fué fuerte contra los Filisteos todo el tiempo de Saúl; y á cualquiera que Saúl veía hombre valiente y hombre de esfuerzo, juntábale consigo.

Y la guerra fue fuerte contra los filisteos todo el tiempo de Saúl; y a cualquiera que Saúl veía que era hombre valiente e hijo de virtud, le juntaba consigo.

1 Samuel 14:52
Durante todos os anos em que Saul viveu, houve guerra encarniçada contra os filisteus. Todos os bravos e valentes que Saul ia conhecendo, imediatamente, os recrutava para seu exército.

E houve forte guerra contra os filisteus, por todos os dias de Saul; e sempre que Saul via algum homem poderoso e valente, o agregava a si.   

1 Samuel 14:52
În tot timpul vieţii lui Saul a fost un război înverşunat împotriva Filistenilor; şi de îndată ce Saul zărea vreun om tare şi voinic, îl lua cu el.

1-я Царств 14:52
И была упорная война против Филистимлян во все время Саулово. И когда Саул видел какого-либо человека сильного и воинственного, брал его к себе.

И была упорная война против Филистимлян во все время Саулово. И когда Саул видел какого-либо человека сильного и воинственного, брал его к себе.[]

1 Samuelsboken 14:52
Men kriget mot filistéerna pågick häftigt, så länge Saul levde. Och varhelst Saul såg någon rask och krigsduglig man tog han honom i sin tjänst.

1 Samuel 14:52
At nagkaroon ng mahigpit na pagbabaka laban sa mga Filisteo sa lahat ng mga araw ni Saul: at sa tuwing nakakakita si Saul ng sinomang makapangyarihang lalake, o ng sinomang matapang na lalake ay kaniyang ipinagsasama.

1 ซามูเอล 14:52
ตลอดรัชกาลของซาอูลมีสงครามอย่างรุนแรงกับคนฟีลิสเตียอยู่เสมอ เมื่อซาอูลทรงเห็นผู้ใดเป็นคนแข็งแรงหรือเป็นคนแกล้วกล้า ก็ทรงนำมาไว้ใช้ใกล้พระองค์

1 Samuel 14:52
Saul yaşamı boyunca Filistliler'le kıyasıya savaştı. Nerede yiğit, güçlü birini görse kendi ordusuna kattı.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 14:52
Trọn đời Sau-lơ có sự tranh chiến dữ dội cùng dân Phi-li-tin; hễ khi Sau-lơ thấy người mạnh mẽ và bạo dạn, thì chiêu mộ người theo mình.

1 Samuel 14:51
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