1 Samuel 14:36
1 Samuel 14:36
Saul said, "Let us go down and pursue the Philistines by night and plunder them till dawn, and let us not leave one of them alive." "Do whatever seems best to you," they replied. But the priest said, "Let us inquire of God here."

Then Saul said, "Let's chase the Philistines all night and plunder them until sunrise. Let's destroy every last one of them." His men replied, "We'll do whatever you think is best." But the priest said, "Let's ask God first."

Then Saul said, “Let us go down after the Philistines by night and plunder them until the morning light; let us not leave a man of them.” And they said, “Do whatever seems good to you.” But the priest said, “Let us draw near to God here.”

Then Saul said, "Let us go down after the Philistines by night and take spoil among them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them." And they said, "Do whatever seems good to you." So the priest said, "Let us draw near to God here."

And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and spoil them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do whatsoever seemeth good unto thee. Then said the priest, Let us draw near hither unto God.

Saul said, "Let's go down after the Philistines tonight and plunder them until morning. Don't let even one remain!" "Do whatever you want," the troops replied. But the priest said, "We must consult God here."

Saul said, "Let's go down after the Philistines tonight and plunder them until dawn, and let's not leave a single one of them alive." They said, "Do whatever seems good to you!" But the priest said, "Let's draw near to God here."

Saul said, "Let's go down after the Philistines at night; we will rout them until the break of day. We won't leave any of them alive!" They replied, "Do whatever seems best to you." But the priest said, "Let's approach God here."

Saul said [to his men], "Let's attack the Philistines tonight and take their possessions until the light of dawn. And let's not leave any of them [alive]." "Do whatever you think is best," they responded. But the priest said, "Let's consult God first."

And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night and spoil them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do whatever seems good unto thee. Then the priest said, Let us draw near unto God here.

And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and plunder them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do whatsoever seems good unto you. Then said the priest, Let us draw near here unto God.

And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and spoil them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do whatever seems good to you. Then said the priest, Let us draw near here to God.

And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and take spoil among them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do whatsoever seemeth good unto thee. Then said the priest, Let us draw near hither unto God.

And Saul said: Let us fall upon the Philistines by night, and destroy them till the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And the people said: Do all that seemeth good in thy eyes. And the priest said: Let us draw near hither unto God.

And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and plunder them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do whatsoever is good in thy sight. Then said the priest, Let us come near hither to God.

And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and spoil them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do whatsoever seemeth good unto thee. Then said the priest, Let us draw near hither unto God.

And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and spoil them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do whatever seemeth good to thee. Then said the priest, Let us draw near hither to God.

Saul said, "Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and take spoil among them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them." They said, "Do whatever seems good to you." Then the priest said, "Let us draw near here to God."

And Saul saith, 'Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and we prey upon them till the light of the morning, and leave not a man of them.' And they say, 'All that is good in thine eyes do.' And the priest saith, 'Let us draw near hither unto God.'

1 i Samuelit 14:36
Pastaj Sauli tha: "Të zbresim natën për të ndjekur Filistejtë dhe t'i zhveshim deri në dritën e mëngjesit; dhe të mos lëmë asnjë prej tyre të gjallë". Populli u përgjegj: "Vepro si të të duket më

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 14:36
وقال شاول لننزل وراء الفلسطينيين ليلا وننهبهم الى ضوء الصباح ولا نبق منهم احدا. فقالوا افعل كل ما يحسن في عينيك. وقال الكاهن لنتقدم هنا الى الله.

Dyr Sämyheel A 14:36
Dyr Saul gsait: "Tröch myr bei dyr Nacht yn de Pflister naachhin und raaubn myr s gscheid aus, hinst däß s liecht werd. Kainn von ien laass myr übrig." D Leut gantwortnd: "Wiest mainst:" Dyr Priester aber gwenddt ein: "Trötn myr decht lieber zeerst vor n Herrgot hin!"

1 Царе 14:36
Тогава Саул каза: Да слезем подир филистимците през нощта, и да ги разграбим преди да се развидели и да не оставим ни един от тях. А те казаха: Направи каквото ти се вижда добро. Тогава рече свещеникът: Да се приближим тук при Бога.

撒 母 耳 記 上 14:36
掃 羅 說 : 我 們 不 如 夜 裡 下 去 追 趕 非 利 士 人 , 搶 掠 他 們 , 直 到 天 亮 , 不 留 他 們 一 人 。 眾 民 說 : 你 看 怎 樣 好 就 去 行 罷 ! 祭 司 說 : 我 們 先 當 親 近   神 。

扫 罗 说 : 我 们 不 如 夜 里 下 去 追 赶 非 利 士 人 , 抢 掠 他 们 , 直 到 天 亮 , 不 留 他 们 一 人 。 众 民 说 : 你 看 怎 样 好 就 去 行 罢 ! 祭 司 说 : 我 们 先 当 亲 近   神 。



1 Samuel 14:36
Nato reče Šaul: "Pođimo još noćas u potjeru za Filistejcima i plijenimo ih dok ne svane jutro! Nećemo im ostaviti nijednoga čovjeka!" A narod mu odgovori: "Čini sve što misliš da je dobro!" Ali svećenik reče: "Pristupimo ovdje k Bogu!"

První Samuelova 14:36
Potom řekl Saul: Pusťme se po Filistinských v noci, a budeme je loupiti až do jitra, aniž zůstavujme z nich koho. Kteříž řekli: Cožť se koli vidí za dobré, učiň. Ale kněz řekl: Přistupme sem k Bohu.

1 Samuel 14:36
Derpaa sagde Saul: »Lad os drage ned efter Filisterne i Nat og udplyndre dem, før Dagen gryr, og ikke lade nogen af dem blive tilbage!« De svarede: »Gør, hvad du under for godt!« Men Præsten sagde: »Lad os her træde frem for Gud!«

1 Samuël 14:36
Daarna zeide Saul: Laat ons aftrekken de Filistijnen na, bij nacht, en laat ons dezelve beroven, totdat het morgen licht worde, en laat ons niet een man onder hen overig laten. Zij nu zeiden: Doe al wat goed is in uw ogen; maar de priester zeide: Laat ons herwaarts tot God naderen.

שמואל א 14:36
וַיֹּ֣אמֶר שָׁא֡וּל נֵרְדָ֣ה אַחֲרֵי֩ פְלִשְׁתִּ֨ים ׀ לַ֜יְלָה וְֽנָבֹ֥זָה בָהֶ֣ם ׀ עַד־אֹ֣ור הַבֹּ֗קֶר וְלֹֽא־נַשְׁאֵ֤ר בָּהֶם֙ אִ֔ישׁ וַיֹּ֣אמְר֔וּ כָּל־הַטֹּ֥וב בְּעֵינֶ֖יךָ עֲשֵׂ֑ה ס וַיֹּ֙אמֶר֙ הַכֹּהֵ֔ן נִקְרְבָ֥ה הֲלֹ֖ם אֶל־הָאֱלֹהִֽים׃

לו ויאמר שאול נרדה אחרי פלשתים לילה ונבזה בהם עד אור הבקר ולא נשאר בהם איש ויאמרו כל הטוב בעיניך עשה  {ס}  ויאמר הכהן נקרבה הלם אל האלהים

ויאמר שאול נרדה אחרי פלשתים ׀ לילה ונבזה בהם ׀ עד־אור הבקר ולא־נשאר בהם איש ויאמרו כל־הטוב בעיניך עשה ס ויאמר הכהן נקרבה הלם אל־האלהים׃

1 Sámuel 14:36
És monda Saul: Menjünk le [ez] éjjel a Filiszteusok után, és foszszuk ki õket virradatig, és senkit se hagyjunk meg közülök. Azok pedig mondának: A [mint] néked tetszik, [úgy] cselekedjél mindent. De a pap [azt] mondá: Járuljunk ide az Istenhez.

Samuel 1 14:36
Kaj Saul diris:Ni postkuru la Filisxtojn en la nokto kaj ni prirabu ilin, gxis eklumos la mateno, kaj ni neniun restigu el ili. Kaj ili diris:Faru cxion, kio placxas al vi. Kaj la pastro diris:Ni turnu nin cxi tie al Dio.

Ja Saul sanoi: käykäämme alas Philistealaisten jälkeen yöllä ja ryöstäkäämme heitä, siihenasti kuin päivä valkenee, ettemme yhtäkään heistä jättäisi. He vastasivat: tee kaikki mitä sinulle kelpaa. Ja pappi sanoi: käykäämme tänne Jumalan tykö.

1 Samuel 14:36
Et Saül dit: Descendons de nuit après les Philistins, et pillons-les jusqu'à la lumière du matin, et n'en laissons pas un homme de reste. Et ils dirent: Fais tout ce qui est bon à tes yeux. Et le sacrificateur dit: Approchons-nous ici de Dieu.

Saül dit: Descendons cette nuit après les Philistins, pillons-les jusqu'à la lumière du matin, et n'en laissons pas un de reste. Ils dirent: Fais tout ce qui te semblera bon. Alors le sacrificateur dit: Approchons-nous ici de Dieu.

Puis Saül dit : Descendons et poursuivons de nuit les Philistins, et les pillons jusqu'à ce que le matin soit venu, et n'en laissons pas un de reste. Et ils dirent : Fais tout ce qui te semble bon; mais le Sacrificateur dit : Approchons-nous ici vers Dieu.

1 Samuel 14:36
Und Saul sprach: Laßt uns hinabziehen den Philistern nach bei der Nacht und sie berauben, bis daß licht Morgen wird, daß wir niemand von ihnen überlassen. Sie antworteten: Tue alles, was dir gefällt. Aber der Priester sprach: Laßt uns hieher zu Gott nahen!

Und Saul sprach: Laßt uns hinabziehen den Philistern nach bei der Nacht und sie berauben, bis daß es lichter Morgen wird, daß wir niemand von ihnen übriglassen. Sie antworteten: Tue alles, was dir gefällt. Aber der Priester sprach: Laßt uns hierher zu Gott nahen.

Da schlug Saul vor: Wir wollen den Philistern in der Nacht nachsetzen, damit wir bis zum Tagesanbruch unter ihnen plündern und keinen von ihnen übrig lassen! Sie riefen: Thue ganz, wie es dir gutdünkt! Der Priester aber sprach: Wir wollen hierher vor Gott treten.

1 Samuele 14:36
Poi Saul disse: "Scendiamo nella notte a inseguire i Filistei; saccheggiamoli fino alla mattina, e facciamo che non ne scampi uno". Il popolo rispose: "Fa’ tutto quello che ti par bene". Allora disse il sacerdote: "Accostiamoci qui a Dio".

Poi Saulle disse: Scendiamo dietro ai Filistei di notte, e saccheggiamoli fino allo schiarir della mattina, e non ne lasciamo scampare alcuno. E il popolo disse: Fa’ tutto ciò che ti piace. Ma il Sacerdote disse: Accostiamoci qua a Dio.

1 SAMUEL 14:36
Kemudian titah Saul: Mari kita turun mengusir orang Filistin pada malam dan menjarahi dia sampai pagi terbit fajar, dan jangan kita tinggalkan barang seorang juapun dari padanya. Maka sembah mereka itu: Baiklah tuanku berbuat barang yang benar kepada pemandangan tuanku; tetapi kata imam: Mari, sekarang kita menghadap Allah.

사무엘상 14:36
사울이 가로되 `우리가 밤에 블레셋 사람을 쫓아 내려가서 동틀 때까지 그들 중에서 탈취하고 한 사람도 남기지 말자 무리가 가로되 `왕의 소견에 좋은 대로 하소서' 할 때에 제사장이 가로되 `이리로 와서 하나님께로 나아가사이다' 하매

I Samuelis 14:36
et dixit Saul inruamus super Philisthim nocte et vastemus eos usque dum inlucescat mane nec relinquamus de eis virum dixitque populus omne quod bonum videtur in oculis tuis fac et ait sacerdos accedamus huc ad Deum

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 14:36
Saulius sakė: “Pulkime filistinus naktį, plėškime iki ryto ir nepalikime jų nė vieno gyvo”. Jie atsakė: “Daryk, kaip tau atrodo tinkama”. Tada kunigas tarė: “Artinkimės čia prie Dievo”.

1 Samuel 14:36
Na ka mea a Haora, Tatou ka haere ki raro, ka whai i nga Pirihitini i te po, ka pahua i a ratou a marama noa te ata; kaua ano e waiho tetahi tangata o ratou. Na ka mea ratou, Meatia ra nga mea katoa e pai ana ki tou whakaaro. Na ka mea ake te to hunga, Kia whakatata tatou ki a Ihowa.

1 Samuels 14:36
Derefter sa Saul: La oss inatt dra nedover og sette efter filistrene og plyndre blandt dem til morgenen lyser frem, og ikke la en eneste mann blandt dem bli i live. De svarte: Gjør aldeles som du synes! Da sa presten: La oss trede hit frem for Gud!

1 Samuel 14:36
Entonces Saúl dijo: Descendamos contra los filisteos de noche, tomemos despojo de entre ellos hasta el amanecer, y no dejemos ni uno de ellos. Y ellos dijeron: Haz lo que te parezca bien. Entonces el sacerdote dijo: Acerquémonos a Dios aquí.

Entonces Saúl dijo: "Descendamos contra los Filisteos de noche, tomemos despojo de entre ellos hasta el amanecer, y no dejemos ni uno de ellos." Y ellos dijeron: "Haz lo que te parezca bien." Entonces el sacerdote dijo: "Acerquémonos a Dios aquí."

Y dijo Saúl: Descendamos de noche contra los filisteos, y los saquearemos hasta la mañana, y no dejaremos de ellos ninguno. Y ellos dijeron: Haz lo que bien te pareciere. Dijo luego el sacerdote: Acerquémonos aquí a Dios.

Y dijo Saúl: Descendamos de noche contra los Filisteos, y los saquearemos hasta la mañana, y no dejaremos de ellos ninguno. Y ellos dijeron: Haz lo que bien te pareciere. Dijo luego el sacerdote: Lleguémonos aquí á Dios.

Y dijo Saúl: Descendamos de noche contra los filisteos, y los saquearemos hasta la mañana, y no dejaremos de ellos ninguno. Y ellos dijeron: Haz lo que bien te pareciere. Dijo luego el sacerdote: Acerquémonos aquí a Dios.

1 Samuel 14:36
Ordenou Saul: “Desçamos durante a noite para perseguir os filisteus, e saqueemo-los até ao romper do dia; não deixemos um único homem deles sobreviver!” E os guerreiros responderam: “Faze tudo o que te parecer bem!” Contudo, o sacerdote sugeriu: “Melhor é primeiro consultarmos a Deus!”

Depois disse Saul: Desçamos de noite atrás dos filisteus, e despojemo-los, até e amanhecer, e não deixemos deles um só homem. E o povo disse: Faze tudo o que parecer bem aos teus olhos. Disse, porém, o sacerdote: Cheguemo-nos aqui a Deus.   

1 Samuel 14:36
Saul a zis: ,,Să ne pogorîm în noaptea aceasta după Filisteni, să -i jefuim pînă la lumina zilei, şi să nu lăsăm să rămînă unul măcar.`` Ei au zis: ,,Fă tot ce vei crede.`` Atunci preotul a zis: ,,Să ne apropiem aici de Dumnezeu``.

1-я Царств 14:36
И сказал Саул: пойдем в погоню за Филистимлянами ночью иоберем их до рассвета и не оставим у них ни одного человека. И сказали:делай все, что хорошо в глазах твоих. Священник же сказал: приступимздесь к Богу.

И сказал Саул: пойдем [в погоню] за Филистимлянами ночью и оберем их до рассвета и не оставим у них ни одного человека. И сказали: делай все, что хорошо в глазах твоих. Священник же сказал: приступим здесь к Богу.[]

1 Samuelsboken 14:36
Och Saul sade: »Låt oss i natt draga ned och förfölja filistéerna och anställa plundring bland dem, ända till dess det bliver dager i morgon, och låt oss laga så, att ingen av dem bliver kvar.» De svarade: »Gör allt vad dig täckes.» Men prästen sade: »Låt oss träda fram hit till Gud.»

1 Samuel 14:36
At sinabi ni Saul, Ating lusungin na sundan ang mga Filisteo sa kinagabihan, at atin silang samsaman hanggang sa pagliliwanag sa umaga, at huwag tayong maglabi ng isang tao sa kanila. At kanilang sinabi, Gawin mo ang inaakala mong mabuti sa iyo. Nang magkagayo'y sinabi ng saserdote, Tayo'y lumapit dito sa Dios.

1 ซามูเอล 14:36
แล้วซาอูลรับสั่งว่า "ให้เราลงไปตามคนฟีลิสเตียทั้งกลางคืน แล้วริบข้าวของของเขาเสียจนรุ่งเช้า อย่าให้เหลือสักคนเดียวเลย" และเขาทั้งหลายตอบว่า "จงกระทำตามที่พระองค์ทรงเห็นชอบทุกประการเถิด" แต่ปุโรหิตกล่าวว่า "ให้เราเข้ามาเฝ้าพระเจ้าที่นี่เถิด"

1 Samuel 14:36
Saul adamlarına, ‹‹Haydi, bu gece Filistlilere saldıralım›› dedi, ‹‹Tan ağarıncaya dek mallarını yağmalayalım, onlardan bir tekini bile sağ bırakmayalım.›› Adamlar, ‹‹Sence uygun olan neyse onu yap›› diye karşılık verdiler. Ama kâhin, ‹‹Burada Tanrıya danışalım›› dedi.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 14:36
Ðoạn, Sau-lơ nói: Chúng ta hãy đi xuống đuổi theo dân Phi-li-tin trong khi ban đêm, cướp phá chúng nó cho đến sáng sớm, và chớ để sống một ai. Chúng thưa rằng: Hãy làm mọi điều vua lấy làm phải. Thầy tế lễ bèn nói: Chúng ta hãy đến gần Ðức Chúa Trời.

1 Samuel 14:35
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