1 Samuel 14:15
1 Samuel 14:15
Then panic struck the whole army--those in the camp and field, and those in the outposts and raiding parties--and the ground shook. It was a panic sent by God.

Suddenly, panic broke out in the Philistine army, both in the camp and in the field, including even the outposts and raiding parties. And just then an earthquake struck, and everyone was terrified.

And there was a panic in the camp, in the field, and among all the people. The garrison and even the raiders trembled, the earth quaked, and it became a very great panic.

And there was a trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people. Even the garrison and the raiders trembled, and the earth quaked so that it became a great trembling.

And there was trembling in the host, in the field, and among all the people: the garrison, and the spoilers, they also trembled, and the earth quaked: so it was a very great trembling.

Terror spread through the Philistine camp and the open fields to all the troops. Even the garrison and the raiding parties were terrified. The earth shook, and terror spread from God.

There was terror in the camp, in the field, and among all the people. Even the garrison and the raiders were terrified. The earth shook, and there was even greater terror.

Then fear overwhelmed those who were in the camp, those who were in the field, all the army in the garrison, and the raiding bands. They trembled and the ground shook. This fear was caused by God.

There was panic among the army in the field and all the troops in the military post. The raiding party also trembled [in fear]. The earth shook, and there was a panic sent from God.

And there was trembling in the host, in the field, and among all the people of the garrison; and those who had gone out to destroy the land, they also trembled, and the earth quaked, and there was fear of God.

And there was trembling in the host, in the field, and among all the people: the garrison, and the raiders, they also trembled, and the earth quaked: so it was a very great trembling.

And there was trembling in the host, in the field, and among all the people: the garrison, and the spoilers, they also trembled, and the earth quaked: so it was a very great trembling.

And there was a trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people; the garrison, and the spoilers, they also trembled; and the earth quaked: so there was an exceeding great trembling.

And there was a miracle in the camp, through the fields: yea and all the people of their garrison, who had gone out to plunder, were amazed, and the earth trembled: and it happened as a miracle from God.

And there was trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people; the garrison, and the ravagers, they also trembled, and the earth quaked; for it was a trembling from God.

And there was a trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people; the garrison, and the spoilers, they also trembled: and the earth quaked; so there was an exceeding great trembling.

And there was trembling in the host, in the field, and among all the people: the garrison, and the spoilers, they also trembled, and the earth quaked: so it was a very great trembling.

There was a trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people; the garrison, and the spoilers, they also trembled; and the earth quaked: so there was an exceeding great trembling.

and there is a trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people, the station and the destroyers have trembled -- even they, and the earth shaketh, and it becometh a trembling of God.

1 i Samuelit 14:15
Tmerri u përhap në kamp, në fshatra dhe në gjithë popullin; edhe garnizoni dhe cubat u trembën gjithashtu; bile edhe toka u drodh dhe u shndërrua kështu në një llahtarë të Perëndisë.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 14:15
وكان ارتعاد في المحلّة في الحقل وفي جميع الشعب. الصفّ والمخرّبون ارتعدوا هم ايضا ورجفت الارض فكان ارتعاد عظيم

Dyr Sämyheel A 14:15
Ietz dyrkaamend de Pflister in n Löger und überall umaynand, s gantze Volk, ganz närrisch, und d Vorpostn und ienerne Raauberbändnen dyrmit. D Erdn fieng +aau non s Bibn an; ayn waarer Gotsschracht war s.

1 Царе 14:15
И стана трепет в стана, по нивите, и между всичките люде; гарнизона и грабителите също потрепераха, и земята се тресеше, така щото стана твърде голям трепет.

撒 母 耳 記 上 14:15
於 是 在 營 中 、 在 田 野 、 在 眾 民 內 都 有 戰 兢 , 防 兵 和 掠 兵 也 都 戰 兢 , 地 也 震 動 , 戰 兢 之 勢 甚 大 。

於 是 在 营 中 、 在 田 野 、 在 众 民 内 都 有 战 兢 , 防 兵 和 掠 兵 也 都 战 兢 , 地 也 震 动 , 战 兢 之 势 甚 大 。



1 Samuel 14:15
Tada se proširi strah po taboru i po polju, a i stražare i četu pljačkaša obuze strava; i zemlja zadrhta i bijaše to silan strah Božji.

První Samuelova 14:15
Protož byl strach v tom ležení a na tom poli, i na všem tom lidu; strážní i oni loupežníci děsili se též, až se země třásla, nebo byla v strachu Božím.

1 Samuel 14:15
Da opstod der Rædsel baade i og uden for Lejren, og alle Krigerne, baade Forposten og Strejfskaren, sloges med Rædsel; tilmed kom der et Jordskælv, og det fremkaldte en Guds Rædsel.

1 Samuël 14:15
En er was een beving in het leger, op het veld en onder het ganse volk; de bezetting en de verdervers beefden ook zelven; ja, het land werd beroerd, want het was een beving Gods.

שמואל א 14:15
וַתְּהִי֩ חֲרָדָ֨ה בַמַּחֲנֶ֤ה בַשָּׂדֶה֙ וּבְכָל־הָעָ֔ם הַמַּצָּב֙ וְהַמַּשְׁחִ֔ית חָרְד֖וּ גַּם־הֵ֑מָּה וַתִּרְגַּ֣ז הָאָ֔רֶץ וַתְּהִ֖י לְחֶרְדַּ֥ת אֱלֹהִֽים׃

טו ותהי חרדה במחנה בשדה ובכל העם--המצב והמשחית חרדו גם המה ותרגז הארץ ותהי לחרדת אלהים

ותהי חרדה במחנה בשדה ובכל־העם המצב והמשחית חרדו גם־המה ותרגז הארץ ותהי לחרדת אלהים׃

1 Sámuel 14:15
És félelem támada a táborban, a mezõn és az egész nép között; az elõõrs és a dúló sereg - azok is megrémülének - és a föld megrendüle; és Istentõl való rettegés lõn.

Samuel 1 14:15
Tiam farigxis teruro en la tendaro, sur la kampo, kaj inter la tuta popolo; la garnizonanoj kaj la vagatakistoj ankaux ektimis, kaj la tero ektremis, kaj ekregis tumulto, farita de Dio.

Ja pelko tuli leiriin, kedolle ja koko kansan sekaan leirissä, ja hävittäjät myös peljätettiin, että maa vapisi siitä; sillä se hämmästys oli Jumalalta.

1 Samuel 14:15
Et l'épouvante fut dans le camp, dans la campagne et parmi tout le peuple; le poste et les ravageurs, eux aussi, furent saisis d'épouvante; et le pays trembla, et ce fut une frayeur de Dieu.

L'effroi se répandit au camp, dans la contrée et parmi tout le peuple; le poste et ceux qui ravageaient furent également saisis de peur; le pays fut dans l'épouvante. C'était comme une terreur de Dieu.

Et il y eut un [grand] effroi au camp, à la campagne, et parmi tout le peuple; le corps de garde aussi, et ceux qui [étaient allés] ravager, furent effrayés, et le pays fut en trouble, tellement que ce fut comme une frayeur [envoyée] de Dieu.

1 Samuel 14:15
Und es kam ein Schrecken ins Lager auf dem Felde und im ganzen Volk des Lagers, und die streifenden Rotten erschraken auch, also daß das Land erbebete; denn es war ein Schrecken von Gott.

Und es kam ein Schrecken ins Lager auf dem Felde und ins ganze Volk; die Wache und die streifenden Rotten erschraken auch, also daß das Land erbebte; denn es war ein Schrecken von Gott. {~}

Da entstand Schrecken im Feldlager und unter allem Kriegsvolk; ebenso erschraken der Posten und die plündernde Schar. Dazu bebte die Erde und erzeugte einen Gottesschrecken.

1 Samuele 14:15
E lo spavento si sparse nell’accampamento, nella campagna e fra tutto il popolo; la guarnigione e i guastatori furono anch’essi spaventati; il paese tremò; fu uno spavento di Dio.

E vi fu spavento nell’oste, e nella campagna, e fra tutta la gente; la guernigione anch’essa, e quelli che facevano il guasto furono spaventati, e il paese fu commosso; e questo fu come uno spavento mandato da Dio.

1 SAMUEL 14:15
Maka jadilah suatu kegentaran dalam balatentara yang di padang itu, dan di antara segenap orang banyak, dan lagipun terkejutlah orang kawal negeri dan segala orang penjarah, bahkan, gemparlah seluruh negeri, karena ia itu menjadi suatu kegentaran dari pada Allah.

사무엘상 14:15
들에 있는 진과 모든 백성 중에 떨림이 일어났고 부대와 노략군들도 떨었으며 땅도 진동하였으니 이는 큰 떨림이었더라

I Samuelis 14:15
et factum est miraculum in castris per agros sed et omnis populus stationis eorum qui ierant ad praedandum obstipuit et conturbata est terra et accidit quasi miraculum a Deo

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 14:15
Kilo panika stovykloje, laukuose ir tarp visų žmonių. Būriai, naikinę kraštą, taip tirtėjo, kad net žemė ėmė drebėti. Visus apėmė didelė baimė.

1 Samuel 14:15
Na ka pa te wiri ki te puni, ki era i te parae, ki te iwi katoa ano hoki: ko nga hoia, me nga kaipahua, i wiri ano hoki ratou; i ru ano te whenua: nui rawa te wiri.

1 Samuels 14:15
Da blev det redsel i leiren, på marken omkring og blandt alt folket; også forposten og herjeflokken blev grepet av redsel. Jorden skalv, og det kom en redsel fra Gud.

1 Samuel 14:15
Y hubo estremecimiento en el campamento, en el campo y entre todo el pueblo. Aun la guarnición y los merodeadores se estremecieron, y la tierra tembló; fue un gran temblor.

Hubo estremecimiento en el campamento, en el campo y entre todo el pueblo. Aun la guarnición y los de la avanzada se estremecieron, y la tierra tembló; fue un gran temblor.

Y hubo temblor en el campamento y por el campo, y entre toda la gente de la guarnición; y los que habían ido a hacer correrías, también ellos temblaron, y la tierra tembló; hubo, pues, gran consternación.

Y hubo temblor en el real y por el campo, y entre toda la gente de la guarnición; y los que habían ido á hacer correrías, también ellos temblaron, y alborotóse la tierra: hubo pues gran consternación.

Y hubo miedo en el real y por la tierra, y por todo el pueblo de la guarnición; y los que habían ido a destruir la tierra, también ellos temblaron, y la tierra fue alborotada, y hubo miedo de Dios.

1 Samuel 14:15
Então um terrível pavor tomou conta de todo o exército filisteu, tanto sobre os que estavam no acampamento e no campo, como sobre os que estavam nos destacamentos e até mesmo junto às tropas de ataque. Ocorreu um terremoto e grande medo de Deus caiu sobre todos.

Pelo que houve tremor no arraial, no campo e em todo o povo; também a própria guarnição e os saqueadores tremeram; e até a terra estremeceu; de modo que houve grande pânico.   

1 Samuel 14:15
A intrat groaza în tabără, în ţară şi în tot poporul; straja şi chiar şi prădătorii s'au spăimîntat; ţara s'a îngrozit. Era groaza... lui Dumnezeu.

1-я Царств 14:15
И произошел ужас в стане на поле и во всем народе; передовые отряды и опустошавшиеземлю пришли в трепет; дрогнула вся земля, и был ужас великий от Господа.

И произошел ужас в стане на поле и во всем народе; передовые отряды и опустошавшие землю пришли в трепет; дрогнула вся земля, и был ужас великий от Господа.[]

1 Samuelsboken 14:15
Då uppstod förskräckelse i lägret på fältet och bland allt folket; utposterna och de som hade gått ut för att härja grepos ock av förskräckelse. Och marken darrade, så att en förskräckelse ifrån Gud uppstod.

1 Samuel 14:15
At nagkaroon ng panginginig sa kampamento, sa parang, at sa buong bayan: ang pulutong at ang mga mananamsam ay nagsipanginig din; lumindol; sa gayo'y nagkaroon ng totoong malaking pagkayanig.

1 ซามูเอล 14:15
และบังเกิดการสั่นสะท้านในค่าย ในทุ่งนาและในหมู่ประชาชนทั้งหมด กองทหารนั้นและถึงกองปล้นก็ตกใจตัวสั่น แผ่นดินได้ไหว กระทำให้เกิดการสั่นสะท้านมากยิ่งนัก

1 Samuel 14:15
Ordugahta ve kırsal alanda bütün Filist halkı arasında dehşet hüküm sürüyordu. Askerlerle akıncılar bile titriyordu. Derken yer sarsıldı; sanki Tanrıdan gelen bir titremeydi bu.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 14:15
Sự hãi hùng tràn ra trong trại quân, trong đồng, và trong cả dân Phi-li-tin. Quân đồn và đảng cướp giựt đều bị kinh khủng; đất bị rúng động; ấy như một sự kinh khiếp của Ðức Chúa Trời vậy.

1 Samuel 14:14
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