1 Samuel 10:1
1 Samuel 10:1
Then Samuel took a flask of olive oil and poured it on Saul's head and kissed him, saying, "Has not the LORD anointed you ruler over his inheritance?

Then Samuel took a flask of olive oil and poured it over Saul's head. He kissed Saul and said, "I am doing this because the LORD has appointed you to be the ruler over Israel, his special possession.

Then Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it on his head and kissed him and said, “Has not the LORD anointed you to be prince over his people Israel? And you shall reign over the people of the LORD and you will save them from the hand of their surrounding enemies. And this shall be the sign to you that the LORD has anointed you to be prince over his heritage.

Then Samuel took the flask of oil, poured it on his head, kissed him and said, "Has not the LORD anointed you a ruler over His inheritance?

Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD hath anointed thee to be captain over his inheritance?

Samuel took the flask of oil, poured it out on Saul's head, kissed him, and said, "Hasn't the LORD anointed you ruler over His inheritance?

Samuel took a flask of oil, poured it on Saul's head, kissed him, and said, "The LORD has anointed you Commander-in-Chief over his inheritance, has he not?

Then Samuel took a small container of olive oil and poured it on Saul's head. Samuel kissed him and said, "The LORD has chosen you to lead his people Israel! You will rule over the LORD's people and you will deliver them from the power of the enemies who surround them. This will be your sign that the LORD has chosen you as leader over his inheritance.

Samuel took a flask of olive oil, poured it on Saul's head, kissed him, and said, "The LORD has anointed you to be ruler of his people Israel. You will rule his people and save them from all their enemies. This will be the sign that the LORD has anointed you to be ruler of his people.

Then Samuel took a vial of oil and poured it upon his head and kissed him and said, Is it not because the LORD has anointed thee to be captain over his inheritance?

Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD has anointed you to be ruler over his inheritance?

Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it on his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD has anointed you to be captain over his inheritance?

Then Samuel took the vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not that Jehovah hath anointed thee to be prince over his inheritance?

And Samuel took a little vial of oil and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said: Behold, the Lord hath anointed thee to be prince over his inheritance, and thou shalt deliver his people out of the hands of their enemies, that are round about them. And this shall be a sign unto thee, that God hath anointed thee to be prince.

Then Samuel took the vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because Jehovah has anointed thee prince over his inheritance?

Then Samuel took the vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not that the LORD hath anointed thee to be prince over his inheritance?

Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Is it not because the LORD hath anointed thee to be captain over his inheritance?

Then Samuel took the vial of oil, and poured it on his head, and kissed him, and said, "Isn't it that Yahweh has anointed you to be prince over his inheritance?

And Samuel taketh the vial of the oil, and poureth on his head, and kisseth him, and saith, 'Is it not because Jehovah hath appointed thee over His inheritance for leader?

1 i Samuelit 10:1
Atëherë Samueli mori një enë të vogël me vaj dhe e derdhi mbi kokën e tij; pastaj e puthi dhe tha: "A nuk të ka vajosur Zoti si kreu i trashëgimisë së tij?

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻷﻭﻝ 10:1
فاخذ صموئيل قنينة الدهن وصبّ على راسه وقبّله وقال أليس لان الرب قد مسحك على ميراثه رئيسا.

Dyr Sämyheel A 10:1
Dyr Sämyheel naam aynn Krueg mit Öl und goß s iem eyn s Haaupt aufhin, gabusst n und spraach: "Dyr Herr haat di zo n Fürstn über sein Örb gsalbt.

1 Царе 10:1
Тогава Самуил взе съда с миро та го изля на главата му, целуна го и каза: Не помаза ли те Господ за княз над наследството Си?

撒 母 耳 記 上 10:1
撒 母 耳 拿 瓶 膏 油 倒 在 掃 羅 的 頭 上 , 與 他 親 嘴 , 說 : 這 不 是 耶 和 華 膏 你 作 他 產 業 的 君 麼 ?

撒 母 耳 拿 瓶 膏 油 倒 在 扫 罗 的 头 上 , 与 他 亲 嘴 , 说 : 这 不 是 耶 和 华 膏 你 作 他 产 业 的 君 麽 ?



1 Samuel 10:1
Tada Samuel uze uljanicu s uljem te je izli na glavu Šaulu; zatim ga poljubi i reče: "Ovim te Jahve pomazao za kneza nad svojim narodom Izraelom. Ti ćeš vladati nad narodom Jahvinim i izbavit ćeš ga iz ruke njegovih neprijatelja unaokolo. I evo ti znaka da te Jahve pomazao za kneza nad svojom baštinom.

První Samuelova 10:1
Tedy vzal Samuel nádobku oleje, a vylil na hlavu jeho, a políbil ho, i řekl: Aj, teď pomazal tě Hospodin nad dědictvím svým za vůdce.

1 Samuel 10:1
Da tog Samuel Olieflasken og udgød Olien over hans Hoved, kyssede ham og sagde: »Har HERREN ikke salvet dig til Fyrste over sit Folk Israel? Du skal herske over HERRENS Folk og frelse det fra dets Fjender. Og dette skal være dig Tegnet paa, at HERREN har salvet dig til Fyrste over sin Arv:

1 Samuël 10:1
Toen nam Samuel een oliekruik, en goot ze uit op zijn hoofd, en kuste hem, en zeide: Is het niet alzo, dat de HEERE u tot een voorganger over Zijn erfdeel gezalfd heeft?

שמואל א 10:1
וַיִּקַּ֨ח שְׁמוּאֵ֜ל אֶת־פַּ֥ךְ הַשֶּׁ֛מֶן וַיִּצֹ֥ק עַל־רֹאשֹׁ֖ו וַיִּשָּׁקֵ֑הוּ וַיֹּ֕אמֶר הֲלֹ֗וא כִּֽי־מְשָׁחֲךָ֧ יְהוָ֛ה עַל־נַחֲלָתֹ֖ו לְנָגִֽיד׃

א ויקח שמואל את פך השמן ויצק על ראשו--וישקהו ויאמר--הלוא כי משחך יהוה על נחלתו לנגיד

ויקח שמואל את־פך השמן ויצק על־ראשו וישקהו ויאמר הלוא כי־משחך יהוה על־נחלתו לנגיד׃

1 Sámuel 10:1
Akkor elõvevé Sámuel az olajos szelenczét, és az õ fejére tölté, és megcsókolá õt, és monda: Nem úgy van-é, hogy fejedelemmé kent fel az Úr téged az õ öröksége felett?

Samuel 1 10:1
Tiam Samuel prenis krucxeton kun oleo kaj versxis sur lian kapon, kaj kisis lin, kaj diris:Vidu, la Eternulo sanktoleis vin kiel cxefon super Sia heredajxo.

Niin otti Samuel öljyastian ja kaasi hänen päänsä päälle, ja antoi suuta hänen ja sanoi: näetkös, että Herra on sinun voidellut päämieheksi perimisensä päälle?

1 Samuel 10:1
Et Samuel prit une fiole d'huile et la versa sur la tête de Saül, et il le baisa, et dit: L'Éternel ne t'a-t-il pas oint pour prince sur son héritage?

Samuel prit une fiole d'huile, qu'il répandit sur la tête de Saül. Il le baisa, et dit: L'Eternel ne t'a-t-il pas oint pour que tu sois le chef de son héritage?

Or Samuel avait pris une fiole d'huile, laquelle il répandit sur la tête de Saül, puis il le baisa, et lui dit : L'Eternel ne t'a-t-il pas oint sur son héritage, pour en être le conducteur?

1 Samuel 10:1
Da nahm Samuel ein Ölglas und goß auf sein Haupt und küssete ihn und sprach: Siehest du, daß dich der HERR zum Fürsten über sein Erbteil gesalbet hat?

Da nahm Samuel ein Ölglas und goß auf sein Haupt und küßte ihn und sprach: Siehst du, daß dich der HERR zum Fürsten über sein Erbteil gesalbt hat?

Da ergriff Samuel die Ölflasche und goß sie über sein Haupt aus; sodann küßte er ihn und sprach: Damit hat dich Jahwe zum Fürsten über sein Volk Israel gesalbt. Du sollst über das Volk Jahwes herrschen und sollst es aus der Gewalt seiner Feinde befreien. Und dies mag dir als Zeichen dafür dienen, daß dich Jahwe zum Fürsten über sein Erbe gesalbt hat:

1 Samuele 10:1
Allora Samuele prese un vasetto d’olio, lo versò sul capo di lui, baciò Saul e disse: "L’Eterno non t’ha egli unto perché tu sia il capo della sua eredità?

Or Samuele avea preso un piccol vaso d’olio, e lo versò in sul capo di esso, e lo baciò, e disse: Non è egli vero che il Signore ti ha unto per conduttore sopra la sua eredità?

1 SAMUEL 10:1
Maka oleh Semuel diambil akan sebuah buli-buli berisi minyak bau-bauan, dicurahkannya isinya pada kepala Saul dan diciumnya akan dia sambil katanya: Bukankah Tuhan sudah menyiram engkau dengan minyak bau-bauan akan menjadi penganjur bahagiannya pusaka?

사무엘상 10:1
이에 사무엘이 기름병을 취하여 사울의 머리에 붓고 입맞추어 가로되 `여호와께서 네게 기름을 부으사 그 기업의 지도자를 삼지 아니하셨느냐 ?

I Samuelis 10:1
tulit autem Samuhel lenticulam olei et effudit super caput eius et deosculatus eum ait ecce unxit te Dominus super hereditatem suam in principem

Pirmoji Samuelio knyga 10:1
Samuelis išliejo indą aliejaus Sauliui ant galvos, pabučiavo jį ir tarė: “Viešpats patepė tave savo paveldėjimo vadu.

1 Samuel 10:1
Katahi ka mau a Hamuera ki te pounamu hinu, ringihia ana e ia ki runga ki tona matenga; na ka kihi ia i a ia, ka mea, Ehara ianei i te mea na Ihowa koe i whakawahi hei rangatira mo tona wahi tupu?

1 Samuels 10:1
Og Samuel tok en oljekrukke og helte den ut over hans hode, og han kysset ham og sa: Nu har Herren salvet dig til fyrste over sin arv.

1 Samuel 10:1
Tomó entonces Samuel la redoma de aceite, la derramó sobre la cabeza de Saúl, lo besó y le dijo: ¿No te ha ungido el SEÑOR por príncipe sobre su heredad?

Entonces Samuel tomó el frasco de aceite, la derramó sobre la cabeza de Saúl, lo besó y le dijo: "¿No te ha ungido el SEÑOR por príncipe sobre Su heredad?

Tomando entonces Samuel un frasco de aceite, lo derramó sobre su cabeza, y lo besó, y le dijo: ¿No te ha ungido Jehová por príncipe sobre su heredad?

TOMANDO entonces Samuel una ampolla de aceite, derramóla sobre su cabeza, y besólo, y díjole: ¿No te ha ungido Jehová por capitán sobre su heredad?

Tomando entonces Samuel una ampolla de aceite, la derramó sobre su cabeza, y lo besó, y le dijo: ¿No te ha ungido el SEÑOR por capitán sobre su heredad?

1 Samuel 10:1
Samuel havia trazido consigo um frasco de azeite e o derramou sobre a cabeça de Saul, beijou-lhe uma das faces e declarou: “Porventura Yahweh não te ungiu para seres príncipe sobre a sua herança?

Então Samuel tomou um vaso de azeite, e o derramou sobre a cabeça de Saul, e o beijou, e disse: Porventura não te ungiu o Senhor para ser príncipe sobre a sua herança?   

1 Samuel 10:1
Samuel a luat sticluţa cu untdelemn, şi a turnat -o pe capul lui Saul. Apoi l -a sărutat, şi a zis: ,,Nu te -a uns Domnul... ca să fii căpetenia moştenirii...... Lui?

1-я Царств 10:1
И взял Самуил сосуд с елеем и вылил на голову его, и поцеловал его и сказал: вот, Господь помазывает тебя в правителя наследия Своего:

И взял Самуил сосуд с елеем и вылил на голову его, и поцеловал его и сказал: вот, Господь помазывает тебя в правителя наследия Своего:[]

1 Samuelsboken 10:1
Och Samuel tog sin oljeflaska och göt olja på hans huvud och kysste honom och sade: »Se, HERREN har smort dig till furste över sin arvedel.

1 Samuel 10:1
Nang magkagayo'y kinuha ni Samuel ang sisidlan ng langis, at ibinuhos sa ulo niya, at hinagkan niya siya, at sinabi, Hindi ba ang Panginoon ang nagpahid sa iyo ng langis upang maging prinsipe ka sa kaniyang mana?

1 ซามูเอล 10:1
แล้วซามูเอลก็หยิบขวดน้ำมันเทลงบนศีรษะของซาอูล และจุบท่านแล้วกล่าวว่า "พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงเจิมท่านไว้ให้เป็นเจ้านายเหนือมรดกของพระองค์แล้วมิใช่หรือ

1 Samuel 10:1
Sonra Samuel yağ kabını alıp yağı Saulun başına döktü. Onu öpüp şöyle dedi: ‹‹RAB seni kendi halkına önder olarak meshetti.[]

1 Sa-mu-eân 10:1
Sa-mu-ên lấy một ve nhỏ đựng dầu, đổ trên đầu Sau-lơ, hôn người, mà nói rằng: Nầy Ðức Giê-hô-va đã xức dầu cho ngươi đặng ngươi làm vua của cơ nghiệp Ngài.

1 Samuel 9:27
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