1 Kings 8:54
1 Kings 8:54
When Solomon had finished all these prayers and supplications to the LORD, he rose from before the altar of the LORD, where he had been kneeling with his hands spread out toward heaven.

When Solomon finished making these prayers and petitions to the LORD, he stood up in front of the altar of the LORD, where he had been kneeling with his hands raised toward heaven.

Now as Solomon finished offering all this prayer and plea to the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, where he had knelt with hands outstretched toward heaven.

When Solomon had finished praying this entire prayer and supplication to the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread toward heaven.

And it was so, that when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication unto the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven.

When Solomon finished praying this entire prayer and petition to the LORD, he got up from kneeling before the altar of the LORD, with his hands spread out toward heaven,

When Solomon had completed saying this entire prayer to the LORD, he got up from kneeling with his hands spread out toward heaven in the presence of the LORD's altar,

When Solomon finished presenting all these prayers and requests to the LORD, he got up from before the altar of the LORD where he had kneeled and spread out his hands toward the sky.

When Solomon finished praying this prayer for mercy to the LORD, he stood in front of the LORD's altar, where he had been kneeling with his hands stretched out toward heaven.

And it was so, that when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication unto the LORD he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands extended toward heaven.

And it was so, that when Solomon had finished praying all this prayer and supplication unto the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven.

And it was so, that when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication to the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven.

And it was so, that, when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication unto Jehovah, he arose from before the altar of Jehovah, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread forth toward heaven.

And it came to pass, when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication to the Lord, that he rose from before the altar of the Lord: for he had fixed both knees on the ground, and had spread his hands towards heaven.

And it was so, that when Solomon had ended praying all this prayer and supplication to Jehovah, he arose from before the altar of Jehovah, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread forth to the heavens,

And it was so, that when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication unto the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread forth toward heaven.

And it was so, that when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication to the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees, with his hands spread up to heaven.

It was so, that when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication to Yahweh, he arose from before the altar of Yahweh, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread forth toward heaven.

And it cometh to pass, at Solomon's finishing to pray unto Jehovah all this prayer and supplication, he hath risen from before the altar of Jehovah, from bending on his knees, and his hands spread out to the heavens,

1 i Mbretërve 8:54
Kur Salomoni mbaroi së drejtuari Zotit tërë këtë lutje dhe kërkesë, ai u ngrit para altarit të Zotit ku ishte gjunjëzuar me duart e shtrira në drejtim të qiellit.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 8:54
وكان لما انتهى سليمان من الصلاة الى الرب بكل هذه الصلاة والتضرع انه نهض من امام مذبح الرب من الجثو على ركبتيه ويداه مبسوطتان نحو السماء.

De Künig A 8:54
Wie dyr Salman mit dönn Fleehgebet zo n Trechtein förtig war, erhob yr si von seinn Plaz vor n Altter von n Herrn, daa wo yr si niderkniet und d Höndd gen Himml ausbraitt hiet.

3 Царе 8:54
И като свърши Соломон да принася цялата тая молитва и това моление към Господа, стана отпред Господния олтар, гдето бе коленичил с ръце прострени към небето.

列 王 紀 上 8:54
所 羅 門 在 耶 和 華 的 壇 前 屈 膝 跪 著 , 向 天 舉 手 , 在 耶 和 華 面 前 禱 告 祈 求 已 畢 , 就 起 來 ,

所 罗 门 在 耶 和 华 的 坛 前 屈 膝 跪 着 , 向 天 举 手 , 在 耶 和 华 面 前 祷 告 祈 求 已 毕 , 就 起 来 ,



1 Kings 8:54
Pošto je Salomon dovršio svu ovu molitvu i prošnju pred Jahvom, diže se s mjesta gdje je klečao, raširenih ruku prema nebu, pred žrtvenikom Jahvinim,

První Královská 8:54
Stalo se pak, když se přestal Šalomoun modliti Hospodinu vší modlitbou a prosbou touto, že vstal od oltáře Hospodinova, a přestal klečeti a pozdvihovati rukou svých k nebi.

Første Kongebog 8:54
Da Salomo var færdig med hele denne Bøn og Begæring til HERREN rejste han sig fra Pladsen foran HERRENS Alter, hvor han havde ligget paa Knæ med Hænderne udbredt mod Himmelen.

1 Koningen 8:54
Het geschiedde nu, als Salomo voleind had dit ganse gebed, en deze smeking tot den HEERE te bidden, dat hij van voor het altaar des HEEREN opstond, van het knielen op zijn knieen, met zijn handen uitgebreid naar den hemel;

מלכים א 8:54
וַיְהִ֣י ׀ כְּכַלֹּ֣ות שְׁלֹמֹ֗ה לְהִתְפַּלֵּל֙ אֶל־יְהוָ֔ה אֵ֛ת כָּל־הַתְּפִלָּ֥ה וְהַתְּחִנָּ֖ה הַזֹּ֑את קָ֞ם מִלִּפְנֵ֨י מִזְבַּ֤ח יְהוָה֙ מִכְּרֹ֣עַ עַל־בִּרְכָּ֔יו וְכַפָּ֖יו פְּרֻשֹׂ֥ות הַשָּׁמָֽיִם׃

נד ויהי ככלות שלמה להתפלל אל יהוה את כל התפלה והתחנה הזאת קם מלפני מזבח יהוה מכרע על ברכיו וכפיו פרשות השמים

ויהי ׀ ככלות שלמה להתפלל אל־יהוה את כל־התפלה והתחנה הזאת קם מלפני מזבח יהוה מכרע על־ברכיו וכפיו פרשות השמים׃

1 Királyok 8:54
És mikor elvégezte Salamon az Úr elõtt való minden imádságát és könyörgését, felkele az Úr oltára elõl, és megszünék az õ térdein való állástól, és kezeinek az égbe felemelésétõl.

Reĝoj 1 8:54
Kiam Salomono finis pregxi antaux la Eternulo tiun tutan pregxon kaj petegon, li levigxis de sia genuado antaux la altaro de la Eternulo, kaj liaj manoj estis etenditaj al la cxielo.

Ja koska Salomo oli kaiken tämän rukouksen ja anomisen lopettanut Herran edessä, nousi hän Herran alttarin edestä polviansa kumartamasta ja hajoittamasta käsiänsä taivaasen päin,

1 Rois 8:54
Et il arriva que, quand Salomon eut achevé d'adresser à l'Éternel toute cette prière et cette supplication, il se leva de devant l'autel de l'Éternel, où il était à genoux, ses mains étendues vers les cieux;

Lorsque Salomon eut achevé d'adresser à l'Eternel toute cette prière et cette supplication, il se leva de devant l'autel de l'Eternel, où il était agenouillé, les mains étendues vers le ciel.

Or aussitôt que Salomon eut achevé de faire toute cette prière, et cette supplication à l'Eternel, il se leva de devant l'autel de l'Eternel, et n'étant plus à genoux, mais ayant [encore] les mains étendues vers les cieux;

1 Koenige 8:54
Und da Salomo all dies Gebet und Flehen hatte vor dem HERRN ausgebetet, stund er auf von dem Altar des HERRN und ließ ab von Knieen und Händeausbreiten gen Himmel.

Und da Salomo all dieses Gebet und Flehen hatte vor dem HERRN ausgebetet, stand er auf von dem Altar des HERRN und ließ ab vom Knieen und Hände-Ausbreiten gen Himmel

Und als Salomo all' dieses Gebet und Flehen zu Jahwe ausgebetet hatte, erhob er sich von dem Platze vor dem Altare Jahwes, wo er mit gen Himmel ausgebreiteten Händen auf den Knieen gelegen hatte,

1 Re 8:54
Or quando Salomone ebbe finito di rivolgere all’Eterno tutta questa preghiera e questa supplicazione, s’alzò di davanti all’altare dell’Eterno dove stava inginocchiato tenendo le mani stese verso il cielo.

Ora, quando Salomone ebbe finito di far tutta questa orazione, e supplicazione al Signore, egli si levò su d’innanzi all’Altare del Signore, dove era stato inginocchione, con le palme delle mani aperte verso il cielo.

1 RAJA-RAJA 8:54
Hata, setelah sudah raja Sulaiman berhenti dari pada mempersembahkan segala permintaan doa dan sembah ini kepada Tuhan, maka bangkitlah berdiri baginda di hadapan mezbah Tuhan dari pada bertelut dengan kedua belah kakinya sambil menadahkan tangannya ke langit.

열왕기상 8:54
솔로몬이 무릎을 끓고 손을 펴서 하늘을 향하여 이 기도와 간구로 여호와께 아뢰기를 마치고 여호와의 단 앞에서 일어나

I Regum 8:54
factum est autem cum conplesset Salomon orans Dominum omnem orationem et deprecationem hanc surrexit de conspectu altaris Domini utrumque enim genu in terram fixerat et manus expanderat ad caelum

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 8:54
Kai Saliamonas baigė šitą maldą, jis atsikėlė nuo Viešpaties aukuro, kur jis klūpojo iškeltomis rankomis,

1 Kings 8:54
A, i te mutunga o ta Horomona inoi i tenei inoi katoa, i tenei karanga ki a Ihowa, ka whakatika ake ia i mua i te aata a Ihowa i a ia i tuturi ra i runga i ona turi, me te tuwhera tonu ano ona ringa whaka te rangi.

1 Kongebok 8:54
Efterat Salomo hadde frembåret hele denne bønn og ydmyke begjæring for Herren, stod han op fra Herrens alter, hvor han hadde ligget på sine knær med hendene utbredt mot himmelen.

1 Reyes 8:54
Y sucedió que cuando Salomón terminó de decir toda esta oración y súplica al SEÑOR, se levantó de delante del altar del SEÑOR, de estar de rodillas con sus manos extendidas hacia el cielo.

Cuando Salomón terminó de decir toda esta oración y súplica al SEÑOR, se levantó de delante del altar del SEÑOR, de estar de rodillas con sus manos extendidas hacia el cielo.

Y fue que cuando Salomón acabó de hacer toda esta oración y súplica a Jehová, se levantó de estar de rodillas delante del altar de Jehová con sus manos extendidas al cielo;

Y fué, que como acabó Salomón de hacer á Jehová toda esta oración y súplica, levantóse de estar de rodillas delante del altar de Jehová con sus manos extendidas al cielo;

Y fue, que cuando acabó Salomón de orar al SEÑOR toda esta oración y súplica, se levantó de estar de rodillas delante del altar del SEÑOR con sus manos extendidas al cielo;

1 Reis 8:54
Assim que Salomão acabou de dirigir a Yahweh, o SENHOR Deus, toda essa oração e essa súplica, levantou-se do lugar onde estava ajoelhado, de mãos erguidas para o céu, diante do altar de Yahweh,

Sucedeu pois que, acabando Salomão de fazer ao Senhor esta oração e esta súplica, estando de joelhos e com as mãos estendidas para o céu, se levantou de diante do altar do Senhor,   

1 Imparati 8:54
Cînd a isprăvit Solomon de spus Domnului toată rugăciunea aceasta şi cererea aceasta, s'a sculat dinaintea altarului Domnului, unde îngenunchiase, cu mînile întinse spre cer.

3-я Царств 8:54
Когда Соломон произнес все сие моление и прошение к Господу,тогда встал с колен от жертвенника Господня, руки же его были распростерты к небу.

Когда Соломон произнес все сие моление и прошение к Господу, тогда встал с колен от жертвенника Господня, [руки же] его были распростерты к небу.[]

1 Kungaboken 8:54
När Salomo hade slutat att med dessa ord bedja och åkalla HERREN, stod han upp från HERRENS altare, där han hade legat på sina knän med händerna uträckta mot himmelen,

1 Kings 8:54
At nangyari, na pagkatapos ni Salomon na makapanalangin nitong lahat na dalangin at pamanhik sa Panginoon, siya'y tumindig mula sa harap ng dambana ng Panginoon, sa pagkaluhod ng kaniyang mga tuhod na ang kaniyang mga kamay ay nakagawad sa dakong langit.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 8:54
ครั้นซาโลมอนทรงจบคำอธิษฐาน และคำวิงวอนทั้งสิ้นนี้ต่อพระเยโฮวาห์แล้ว ก็ทรงลุกขึ้นจากหน้าแท่นบูชาของพระเยโฮวาห์ ที่ซึ่งทรงคุกเข่าพร้อมกับกางพระหัตถ์สู่ฟ้าสวรรค์

1 Krallar 8:54
Süleyman, RABbe duasını ve yalvarışını bitirince, elleri göklere açık, dizleri üzerine çökmüş olduğu RABbin sunağının önünden kalktı.[]

1 Caùc Vua 8:54
Khi Sa-lô-môn đã cầu với Ðức Giê-hô-va những lời khẩn nguyện nài xin này xong, bèn đứng dậy trước bàn thờ Ðức Giê-hô-va, khỏi nơi người đã quì, tay giơ lên trời.

1 Kings 8:53
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