1 Kings 8:23
1 Kings 8:23
and said: "LORD, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below--you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way.

and he prayed, "O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you in all of heaven above or on the earth below. You keep your covenant and show unfailing love to all who walk before you in wholehearted devotion.

and said, “O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping covenant and showing steadfast love to your servants who walk before you with all their heart;

He said, "O LORD, the God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping covenant and showing lovingkindness to Your servants who walk before You with all their heart,

And he said, LORD God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart:

He said: LORD God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven above or on earth below, keeping the gracious covenant with Your servants who walk before You with their whole heart.

and said: "LORD God of Israel, there is no one like you, God in heaven above or on the earth below, who watches over his covenant, showing gracious love to your servants who live their lives in your presence with all their hearts.

He prayed: "O LORD, God of Israel, there is no god like you in heaven above or on earth below! You maintain covenantal loyalty to your servants who obey you with sincerity.

and said, "LORD God of Israel, there is no god like you in heaven above or on earth below. You keep your promise of mercy to your servants, who obey you wholeheartedly.

he said, LORD God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in the heavens above or on earth beneath, who keeps the covenant and mercy with thy slaves that walk before thee with all their heart,

And he said, LORD God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keeps covenant and mercy with your servants that walk before you with all their heart:

And he said, LORD God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keep covenant and mercy with your servants that walk before you with all their heart:

and he said, O Jehovah, the God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath; who keepest covenant and lovingkindness with thy servants, that walk before thee with all their heart;

And said: Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee in heaven above, or on earth beneath: who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that have walked before thee with all their heart.

And he said, Jehovah, God of Israel! there is no God like thee, in the heavens above, or on the earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart;

and he said, O LORD, the God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath; who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants, that walk before thee with all their heart:

And he said, LORD God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart.

and he said, "Yahweh, the God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above, or on earth beneath; who keep covenant and loving kindness with your servants, who walk before you with all their heart;

and saith, 'Jehovah, God of Israel, there is not a God like Thee, in the heavens above, and on the earth beneath, keeping the covenant and the kindness for Thy servants, those walking before Thee with all their heart,

1 i Mbretërve 8:23
dhe tha: "O Zot, Perëndia i Izraelit, nuk ka asnjë Perëndi të ngjashëm me ty as atje lart në qiell, as këtu poshtë në tokë! Ti e ruan besëlidhjen dhe tregohesh shpirtmadh me shërbëtorët e tu që ecin para teje me gjithë zemër.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 8:23
وقال. ايها الرب اله اسرائيل ليس اله مثلك في السماء من فوق ولا على الارض من اسفل حافظ العهد والرحمة لعبيدك السائرين امامك بكل قلوبهم.

De Künig A 8:23
und gabett: "O Trechtein, Got von Isryheel, eyn n Himml obn und auf dyr Erdn herunt geit s kainn Got wie di. Du haltst önn Bund und bleibst yn deine Diener treu, wo si dir voll hingöbnd.

3 Царе 8:23
Господи Боже Израилев, няма горе на небето или долу на земята бог подобен на Тебе, Който пазиш завета и милостта към слугите Си, които ходят пред Тебе с цялото си сърце;

列 王 紀 上 8:23
耶 和 華 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 啊 , 天 上 地 下 沒 有   神 可 比 你 的 ! 你 向 那 盡 心 行 在 你 面 前 的 僕 人 守 約 施 慈 愛 ;

耶 和 华 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 啊 , 天 上 地 下 没 有   神 可 比 你 的 ! 你 向 那 尽 心 行 在 你 面 前 的 仆 人 守 约 施 慈 爱 ;



1 Kings 8:23
i reče: "Jahve, Bože Izraelov! Nijedan ti bog nije sličan ni na nebesima ni dolje na zemlji, tebi koji držiš Savez i ljubav svojim slugama što kroče pred tobom sa svim svojim srcem.

První Královská 8:23
A řekl: Hospodine, Bože Izraelský, neníť podobného tobě Boha na nebi svrchu, ani na zemi dole, kterýž ostříháš smlouvy a milosrdenství služebníkům svým, chodícím před tebou v celém srdci svém,

Første Kongebog 8:23
og sagde: »HERRE Israels Gud, der er ingen Gud som du i Himmelen oventil og paa Jorden nedentil, du, som holder fast ved din Pagt og din Miskundhed mod dine Tjenere, naar de af hele deres Hjerte vandrer for dit Aasyn,

1 Koningen 8:23
En hij zeide: HEERE, God van Israel, er is geen God, gelijk Gij, boven in den hemel, noch beneden op de aarde, houdende het verbond en de weldadigheid aan Uw knechten, die voor Uw aangezicht met hun ganse hart wandelen;

מלכים א 8:23
וַיֹּאמַ֗ר יְהוָ֞ה אֱלֹהֵ֤י יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ אֵין־כָּמֹ֣וךָ אֱלֹהִ֔ים בַּשָּׁמַ֣יִם מִמַּ֔עַל וְעַל־הָאָ֖רֶץ מִתָּ֑חַת שֹׁמֵ֤ר הַבְּרִית֙ וְֽהַחֶ֔סֶד לַעֲבָדֶ֕יךָ הַהֹלְכִ֥ים לְפָנֶ֖יךָ בְּכָל־לִבָּֽם׃

כג ויאמר יהוה אלהי ישראל אין כמוך אלהים בשמים ממעל ועל הארץ מתחת  שמר הברית והחסד לעבדיך ההלכים לפניך בכל לבם

ויאמר יהוה אלהי ישראל אין־כמוך אלהים בשמים ממעל ועל־הארץ מתחת שמר הברית והחסד לעבדיך ההלכים לפניך בכל־לבם׃

1 Királyok 8:23
És monda: Uram, Izráel Istene! nincsen hozzád hasonló Isten, sem az égben ott fenn, sem a földön itt alant, a ki megtartod a szövetséget és az irgalmasságot a te szolgáidnak, a kik te elõtted teljes szívvel járnak;

Reĝoj 1 8:23
kaj li parolis:Ho Eternulo, Dio de Izrael! ne ekzistas dio simila al Vi en la cxielo supre nek sur la tero malsupre; Vi konservas la interligon kaj la favorkorecon al Viaj servantoj, kiuj iradas antaux Vi per sia tuta koro;

Ja sanoi: Herra Israelin Jumala! ei ole yhtään Jumalaa sinun vertaistas, ylhäällä taivaasa taikka alhaalla maassa, joka pidät liiton ja laupiuden palvelioilles, jotka sinun edessäs kaikesta sydämestänsä vaeltavat,

1 Rois 8:23
et dit: Éternel, Dieu d'Israël! il n'y a point de Dieu comme toi, dans les cieux en haut, et sur la terre en bas, qui gardes l'alliance et la bonté envers tes serviteurs qui marchent devant toi de tout leur coeur,

et il dit: O Eternel, Dieu d'Israël! Il n'y a point de Dieu semblable à toi, ni en haut dans les cieux, ni en bas sur la terre: tu gardes l'alliance et la miséricorde envers tes serviteurs qui marchent en ta présence de tout leur coeur!

Il dit: Ô Eternel Dieu d'Israël! il n'y a point de Dieu semblable à toi dans les cieux en haut, ni sur la terre en bas; tu gardes l'alliance et la gratuité envers tes serviteurs, qui marchent de tout leur cœur devant ta face.

1 Koenige 8:23
Und sprach: HERR, Gott Israels, es ist kein Gott, weder droben im Himmel noch unten auf Erden, dir gleich, der du hältst den Bund und Barmherzigkeit deinen Knechten, die vor dir wandeln von ganzem Herzen:

und sprach: HERR, Gott Israels, es ist kein Gott, weder droben im Himmel noch unten auf der Erden, dir gleich, der du hältst den Bund und die Barmherzigkeit deinen Knechten, die vor dir wandeln von ganzem Herzen;

und sprach: Jahwe, du Gott Israels, es ist kein Gott, weder droben im Himmel, noch unten auf Erden, dir gleich, der du den Bund und die Gnade bewahrst deinen Knechten, die von ganzem Herzen vor dir wandeln,

1 Re 8:23
e disse: "O Eterno, Dio d’Israele! Non v’è Dio che sia simile a te né lassù in cielo, né quaggiù in terra! Tu mantieni il patto e la misericordia verso i tuoi servi che camminano in tua presenza con tutto il cuor loro.

e disse: O Signore Iddio d’Israele, ei non vi è, nè disopra ne’ cieli, nè disotto sopra la terra, alcun dio pari a te, che attieni il patto e la benignità inverso i tuoi servitori, che camminano davanti a te con tutto il cuor loro;

1 RAJA-RAJA 8:23
lalu katanya: Ya Tuhan, Allah orang Israel! tiada Allah melainkan Engkau, baik dalam langit di atas baik di atas bumi di bawah; Engkau juga yang menyampaikan perjanjian dan kemurahan kepada segala hamba-Mu, yang berjalan di hadapan hadirat-Mu dengan segenap hatinya.

열왕기상 8:23
가로되 이스라엘 하나님 여호와여 상천 하지에 주와 같은 신이 없나이다 주께서는 온 마음으로 주의 앞에서 행하는 종들에게 언약을 지키시고 은혜를 베푸시나이다

I Regum 8:23
et ait Domine Deus Israhel non est similis tui Deus in caelo desuper et super terra deorsum qui custodis pactum et misericordiam servis tuis qui ambulant coram te in toto corde suo

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 8:23
ir sakė: “Viešpatie, Izraelio Dieve, nei danguje, nei žemėje nėra dievo, kuris būtų lygus Tau, kuris būtų gailestingas ir laikytųsi sandoros su savo tarnais, kurie Tavimi visa širdimi pasitiki.

1 Kings 8:23
A ka mea, E Ihowa, e te Atua o Iharaira, kahore he Atua hei rite mou i te rangi i runga, i te whenua ranei i raro, e pupuri nei i te kawenata, i te aroha ki au pononga, ina whakapaua o ratou ngakau ki te haere i tou aroaro:

1 Kongebok 8:23
og sa: Herre, Israels Gud! Det er ikke nogen Gud som du, hverken i himmelen der oppe eller på jorden her nede, du som holder din pakt og bevarer din miskunnhet mot dine tjenere, når de vandrer for ditt åsyn av alt sitt hjerte,

1 Reyes 8:23
Y dijo: Oh SEÑOR, Dios de Israel, no hay Dios como tú ni arriba en los cielos ni abajo en la tierra, que guardas el pacto y muestras misericordia a tus siervos que andan delante de ti con todo su corazón,

Y dijo: "Oh SEÑOR, Dios de Israel, no hay Dios como Tú ni arriba en los cielos ni abajo en la tierra, que guardas el pacto y muestras misericordia a Tus siervos que andan delante de Ti con todo su corazón,

dijo: Jehová Dios de Israel, no hay Dios como tú, ni arriba en el cielo ni abajo en la tierra, que guardas el pacto y la misericordia a tus siervos, los que andan delante de ti de todo su corazón;

Dijo: Jehová Dios de Israel, no hay Dios como tú, ni arriba en los cielos ni abajo en la tierra, que guardas el pacto y la misericordia á tus siervos, los que andan delante de ti de todo su corazón;

dijo: SEÑOR Dios de Israel, no hay Dios como tú, ni arriba en los cielos ni abajo en la tierra, que guardas el pacto y la misericordia a tus siervos, los que andan delante de ti de todo su corazón;

1 Reis 8:23
e orou: “Yahweh, Deus de Israel! Não existe nenhum Deus semelhante a ti lá nos mais altos céus, nem cá embaixo sobre toda a terra! Tu que preservas a tua Aliança de Amor com os teus servos que, de todo o coração, andam segundo a tua vontade.

disse: ç Senhor, Deus de Israel, não há Deus como tu, em cima no céu nem em baixo na terra, que guardas o pacto e a benevolência para com os teus servos que andam diante de ti com inteireza de coração;   

1 Imparati 8:23
şi a zis: ,,Doamne, Dumnezeul lui Israel! Nu este Dumnezeu ca Tine, nici sus în ceruri, nici jos pe pămînt: Tu ţii legămîntul şi îndurarea faţă de robii Tăi, cari umblă înaintea Ta din toată inima lor!

3-я Царств 8:23
и сказал: Господи Боже Израилев! нет подобного Тебе Бога на небесах вверху и на земле внизу; Ты хранишь завет и милость к рабам Твоим, ходящим пред Тобою всем сердцем своим.

и сказал: Господи Боже Израилев! нет подобного Тебе Бога на небесах вверху и на земле внизу; Ты хранишь завет и милость к рабам Твоим, ходящим пред Тобою всем сердцем своим.[]

1 Kungaboken 8:23
och sade: »HERRE, Israels Gud, ingen gud är dig lik, uppe i himmelen eller nere på jorden, du som håller förbund och bevarar nåd mot dina tjänare, när de vandra inför dig av allt sitt hjärta,

1 Kings 8:23
At kaniyang sinabi, Oh Panginoong Dios ng Israel, walang Dios na gaya mo, sa langit sa itaas, o sa lupa sa ibaba; na siyang nagiingat ng tipan at ng kaawaan sa iyong mga lingkod, na lumalakad sa harap mo ng kanilang buong puso.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 8:23
และทูลว่า "ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าแห่งอิสราเอล ไม่มีพระเจ้าองค์ใดเหมือนพระองค์ ในฟ้าสวรรค์เบื้องบน หรือที่แผ่นดินเบื้องล่าง ผู้ทรงรักษาพันธสัญญา และทรงสำแดงความเมตตาแก่ผู้รับใช้ของพระองค์ ซึ่งดำเนินอยู่ต่อพระพักตร์พระองค์ด้วยสิ้นสุดใจของเขา

1 Krallar 8:23
‹‹Ya RAB, İsrailin Tanrısı, yerde ve gökte sana benzer başka tanrı yoktur›› dedi, ‹‹Bütün yürekleriyle yolunu izleyen kullarınla yaptığın antlaşmaya bağlı kalırsın.[]

1 Caùc Vua 8:23
Lạy Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời của Y-sơ-ra-ên! hoặc trên trời cao kia, hoặc dưới đất thấp này, chẳng có một thần nào giống như Chúa. Chúa giữ sự giao ước và lòng nhơn từ với kẻ tôi tớ Chúa, là kẻ nào hết lòng đi ở trước mặt Chúa.

1 Kings 8:22
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