1 Kings 6:6
1 Kings 6:6
The lowest floor was five cubits wide, the middle floor six cubits and the third floor seven. He made offset ledges around the outside of the temple so that nothing would be inserted into the temple walls.

The complex was three stories high, the bottom floor being 7-1/2 feet wide, the second floor 9 feet wide, and the top floor 10-1/2 feet wide. The rooms were connected to the walls of the Temple by beams resting on ledges built out from the wall. So the beams were not inserted into the walls themselves.

The lowest story was five cubits broad, the middle one was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad. For around the outside of the house he made offsets on the wall in order that the supporting beams should not be inserted into the walls of the house.

The lowest story was five cubits wide, and the middle was six cubits wide, and the third was seven cubits wide; for on the outside he made offsets in the wall of the house all around in order that the beams would not be inserted in the walls of the house.

The nethermost chamber was five cubits broad, and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad: for without in the wall of the house he made narrowed rests round about, that the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the house.

The lowest chamber was 7 1/2 feet wide, the middle was nine feet wide, and the third was 10 1/2 feet wide. He also provided offset ledges for the temple all around the outside so that nothing would be inserted into the temple walls.

The lower structures were five cubits wide, the middle structures were six cubits wide and the third structures were seven cubits wide. Offsets were placed all around the Temple so that beams would not protrude through the walls of the Temple.

The bottom floor of the extension was seven and a half feet wide, the middle floor nine feet wide, and the third floor ten and a half feet wide. He made ledges on the temple's outer walls so the beams would not have to be inserted into the walls.

The [interior of] the lowest story of the annex was 71/2 feet wide, the second story was 9 feet wide, and the third story was 101/2 feet wide. Solomon made ledges all around the temple so that this annex would not be fastened to the walls of the temple.

The lower wing was five cubits wide, and the middle was six cubits wide, and the third was seven cubits wide, for without in the wall of the house, he had made narrowed rests round about, that the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the house.

The lowest chamber was five cubits broad, and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad: for outside in the wall of the house he made narrowed ledges round about, that the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the house.

The nethermost chamber was five cubits broad, and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad: for without in the wall of the house he made narrowed rests round about, that the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the house.

The nethermost story was five cubits broad, and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad; for on the outside he made offsets in the wall of the house round about, that the beams'should not have hold in the walls of the house.

The floor that was underneath, was five cubits in breadth, and the middle floor was six cubits in breadth, and the third door was seven cubits in breadth. And he put beams in the house round about on the outside, that they might not be fastened in the walls of the temple.

The lowest floor was five cubits broad, and the middle one was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad; for in the thickness of the wall of the house he made resets round about outside, that nothing should be fastened in the walls of the house.

The nethermost story was five cubits broad, and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad: for on the outside he made rebatements in the wall of the house round about, that the beams should not have hold in the walls of the house.

The nethermost chamber was five cubits broad, and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad: for without in the wall of the house he made narrowed rests round about, that the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the house.

The nethermost story was five cubits broad, and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad; for on the outside he made offsets [in the wall] of the house all around, that [the beams] should not have hold in the walls of the house.

The lowest couch, five by the cubit is its breadth; and the middle, six by the cubit is its breadth; and the third, seven by the cubit is its breadth, for withdrawings he hath put to the house round about, without -- not to lay hold on the walls of the house.

1 i Mbretërve 6:6
Dhomat e katit të parë ishin të gjera pesë kubitë, ato të katit të mesëm gjashtë kubitë dhe ato të katit të tretë shtatë kubitë; në fakt ai kishte ndërtuar dalje rreth e rrotull mureve të tempullit, në mënyrë që trarët e mbështetjes të mos futeshin në muret e tempullit.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 6:6
فالطبقة السفلى عرضها خمس اذرع والوسطى عرضها ست اذرع والثالثة عرضها سبع اذرع لانه جعل للبيت حواليه من خارج اخصاما لئلا تتمكن الجوائز في حيطان البيت.

De Künig A 6:6
S Erdgschoß dyrvon war zwaiaynhalb Elln brait, dyr eerste Stok drei Elln und dyr ober dreiaynhalb. D Aussnmauer von n Haus hiet yr abgstuefft, däß yr s dyrnaach nit nonmaal anbecken mueß.

3 Царе 6:6
На по-долния етаж широчината бе пет лакътя, на средния широчината бе шест лакътя, а на третия широчината бе седем лакътя; защото на външната страна [на стената] на дома той направи стеснения изоколо, за да не влизат [гредите] в стените на дома.

列 王 紀 上 6:6
下 層 寬 五 肘 , 中 層 寬 六 肘 , 上 層 寬 七 肘 。 殿 外 旁 屋 的 梁 木 擱 在 殿 牆 坎 上 , 免 得 插 入 殿 牆 。

下 层 宽 五 肘 , 中 层 宽 六 肘 , 上 层 宽 七 肘 。 殿 外 旁 屋 的 梁 木 搁 在 殿 墙 坎 上 , 免 得 插 入 殿 墙 。



1 Kings 6:6
Donji kat bio je pet lakata širok, srednji šest, a treći sedam lakata, jer je zasjeke rasporedio s vanjske strane naokolo Hrama da ih ne bi morao ugrađivati u hramske zidove.

První Královská 6:6
Pavlače spodní širokost byla pěti loket, prostřední širokost šesti loket, a třetí širokost sedmi loket; nebo byl zdělal ústupky ve zdi domu zevnitř všudy vůkol, aby trámové nebyli vpouštíni do zdi domu.

Første Kongebog 6:6
Det nederste Rum var fem Alen bredt, det mellemste seks og det tredje syv, thi han byggede Fremspring i Templets Ydermur rundt om, for at man ikke skulde være nødt til at lade Bjælkerne gribe ind i Templets Mure.

1 Koningen 6:6
De onderste kamer was van vijf ellen in haar breedte, en de middelste van zes ellen in haar breedte, en de derde van zeven ellen in haar breedte; want hij had aan het huis rondom buitenwaarts inkortingen gemaakt, opdat zij zich niet hielden in de wanden van het huis.

מלכים א 6:6
[הַיָּצֹועַ כ] (הַיָּצִ֨יעַ ק) הַתַּחְתֹּנָ֜ה חָמֵ֧שׁ בָּאַמָּ֣ה רָחְבָּ֗הּ וְהַתִּֽיכֹנָה֙ שֵׁ֤שׁ בָּֽאַמָּה֙ רָחְבָּ֔הּ וְהַ֨שְּׁלִישִׁ֔ית שֶׁ֥בַע בָּאַמָּ֖ה רָחְבָּ֑הּ כִּ֡י מִגְרָעֹות֩ נָתַ֨ן לַבַּ֤יִת סָבִיב֙ ח֔וּצָה לְבִלְתִּ֖י אֲחֹ֥ז בְּקִֽירֹות־הַבָּֽיִת׃

ו היצוע (היציע) התחתנה חמש באמה רחבה והתיכנה שש באמה רחבה והשלישית שבע באמה רחבה  כי מגרעות נתן לבית סביב חוצה לבלתי אחז בקירות הבית

[היצוע כ] (היציע ק) התחתנה חמש באמה רחבה והתיכנה שש באמה רחבה והשלישית שבע באמה רחבה כי מגרעות נתן לבית סביב חוצה לבלתי אחז בקירות־הבית׃

1 Királyok 6:6
Az alsó emelet [belsõ] szélessége öt sing, a középsõ szélessége hat sing és a harmadik szélessége hét sing volt, és bemélyedéseket építe a ház körül kivülrõl, hogy az [emeletek gerendái] ne nyúljanak be a ház falaiba.

Reĝoj 1 6:6
La malsupra galerio havis la largxon de kvin ulnoj, la meza havis la largxon de ses ulnoj, kaj la tria havis la largxon de sep ulnoj; cxar cxirkaux la domo ekstere li faris sxtupajxojn, por ne enfortikigi en la muroj de la domo.

Se alimainen käytävä oli viisi kyynärää leviä, ja keskimäinen kuusi kyynärää leviä, ja kolmas seitsemän kyynärää leviä; sillä hän asetti malat ulkoa huonetta ympäri, niin ettei ne olis sattuneet huoneen seinään.

1 Rois 6:6
L'étage inférieur avait cinq coudées de largeur, et celui du milieu six coudées de largeur, et le troisième sept coudées de largeur; car il fit des retraites dans l'épaisseur du mur de la maison, tout à l'entour, en dehors, afin que la charpente n'entrât pas dans les murs de la maison.

L'étage inférieur était large de cinq coudées, celui du milieu de six coudées, et le troisième de sept coudées; car il ménagea des retraites à la maison tout autour en dehors, afin que la charpente n'entrât pas dans les murs de la maison.

La largeur de l'appentis d'en bas était de cinq coudées, et la largeur de celui du milieu était de six coudées, et la largeur du troisième était de sept coudées; car il avait fait des rétrécissements en la maison par dehors, afin que [la charpenterie des appentis] n'entrât pas dans les murailles de la maison.

1 Koenige 6:6
Der unterste Gang war fünf Ellen weit und der mittelste sechs Ellen weit und der dritte sieben Ellen weit; denn er legte Tramen außen am Hause umher, daß sie nicht an der Wand des Hauses sich hielten.

Der unterste Gang war fünf Ellen weit und der mittelste sechs Ellen weit und der dritte sieben Ellen weit; denn er machte Absätze außen am Hause umher, daß die Balken nicht in die Wände des Hauses eingriffen.

Das unterste Stockwerk dieses Anbaus war fünf Ellen breit, das mittlere war sechs Ellen breit und das dritte sieben Ellen breit; denn er hatte außen am Gebäude ringsum Absätze gemacht, daß kein Eingreifen in die Wände des Gebäudes stattfand.

1 Re 6:6
Il piano inferiore era largo cinque cubiti; quello di mezzo sei cubiti, e il terzo sette cubiti; perch’egli avea fatto delle sporgenze tutt’intorno ai muri esterni della casa, affinché le travi non fossero incastrate nei muri della casa.

La larghezza del palco da basso era di cinque cubiti, e la larghezza di quel di mezzo di sei, e la larghezza del terzo di sette; perciocchè egli fece delle ritratte alla Casa, di fuori; acciocchè que’ palchi non entrassero dentro alle mura della Casa.

Maka tingkat yang di bawah itu adalah lima hasta lebarnya, dan yang di tengah itu enam hasta lebarnya, dan yang ketiga itu tujuh hasta lebarnya; karena telah diperbuatkannya rimbat-rimbat di luar pada tembok rumah itu keliling, supaya jangan ia itu tertambat pada dinding rumah itu.

열왕기상 6:6
하층 다락의 광은 다섯 규빗이요, 중층 다락의 광은 여섯 규빗이요, 제 삼층 다락의 광은 일곱 규빗이라 전의 벽 바깥으로 돌아가며 턱을 내어 골방 들보들로 전의 벽에 박히지 않게 하였으며

I Regum 6:6
tabulatum quod subter erat quinque cubitos habebat latitudinis et medium tabulatum sex cubitorum latitudinis et tertium tabulatum septem habens cubitos latitudinis trabes autem posuit in domo per circuitum forinsecus ut non hererent muris templi

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 6:6
Apatinio aukšto šoniniai kambariai buvo penkių uolekčių pločio, vidurinio­šešių uolekčių ir trečiojo­septynių uolekčių pločio. Pastato išorėje buvo padaryti išsikišimai, kad nereikėtų rąstų įleisti į sienas.

1 Kings 6:6
E rima whatianga te whanui o to raro ruma, e ono whatianga te whanui o to waenganui, e whitu whatianga te whanui o te tuatoru: i whakapiritia hoki etahi pokohiwi ki waho o te whare a taka noa, kei whakaukia nga kurupae ki nga taha o te whare.

1 Kongebok 6:6
Det nederste stokkverk var fem alen bredt og det mellemste seks alen bredt og det tredje syv alen bredt; for han hadde gjort avsatser på huset rundt omkring på utsiden, så ikke bjelkene skulde gå inn i husets vegger.

1 Reyes 6:6
El piso inferior tenía cinco codos de ancho, y el del medio tenía seis codos de ancho, y el tercero tenía siete codos de ancho; porque por fuera hizo rebajos en la pared de la casa por todo alrededor para no empotrar las vigas en las paredes de la casa.

El piso inferior tenía 2.25 metros de ancho, el del medio tenía 2.7 metros de ancho, y el tercero tenía 3.2 metros de ancho; porque por fuera hizo rebajos en la pared de la casa por todo alrededor para no empotrar las vigas en las paredes de la casa.

El aposento de abajo era de cinco codos de ancho, y el de en medio de seis codos de ancho, y el tercero de siete codos de ancho; porque por fuera había hecho ranuras a la casa en derredor, para no trabar las vigas de las paredes de la casa.

El aposento de abajo era de cinco codos de ancho, y el de en medio de seis codos de ancho, y el tercero de siete codos de ancho: porque por de fuera había hecho disminuciones á la casa en derredor, para no trabar las vigas de las paredes de la casa.

El colgadizo de abajo era de cinco codos de ancho, y el de en medio de seis codos de ancho, y el tercero de siete codos de ancho; porque por fuera había hecho disminuciones a la casa en derredor, para no trabar las vigas de las paredes de la Casa.

1 Reis 6:6
O andar térreo tinha dois metros e setenta centímetros e o terceiro andar tinha três metros e quinze centímetros. Ele orientou que se produzissem saliências de apoio nas paredes externas do Templo, e por esse motivo não foi preciso perfurar as paredes.

A câmara de baixo era de cinco côvados, a do meio de seis côvados, e a terceira de sete côvados de largura. E do lado de fora, ao redor da casa, fez pilastras de reforço, para que as vigas não se apoiassem nas paredes da casa.   

1 Imparati 6:6
Catul de jos era lat de cinci coţi, cel dela mijloc de şase coţi, iar al treilea de şapte coţi; căci pe partea deafară a casei a făcut arcade strîmte împrejur ca grinzile să nu fie prinse în zidurile casei.

3-я Царств 6:6
Нижний ярус пристройки шириною был в пять локтей, средний шириною в шесть локтей, а третий шириною в семь локтей; ибо вокруг храма извне сделаны были уступы, дабы пристройка не прикасалась к стенам храма.

Нижний [ярус] пристройки шириною был в пять локтей, средний шириною в шесть локтей, а третий шириною в семь локтей; ибо вокруг храма извне сделаны были уступы, дабы пристройка не прикасалась к стенам храма.[]

1 Kungaboken 6:6
Den nedersta våningen i ytterbyggnaden var fem alnar bred, den mellersta sex alnar bred och den tredje sju alnar bred; ty han hade gjort avsatser på huset runt omkring utvändigt, för att icke behöva göra fästhål i husets väggar.

1 Kings 6:6
Ang kababababaan ay may limang siko ang luwang, at ang pangalawang grado ay may anim na siko ang luwang, at ang ikatlo ay may pitong siko ang luwang: sapagka't siya'y gumawa ng mga tungtungan sa labas ng bahay sa palibot, upang ang mga sikang ay huwag kumapit sa mga pader ng bahay.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 6:6
ห้องชั้นล่างที่สุดกว้างห้าศอก ชั้นกลางกว้างหกศอก และชั้นที่สามกว้างเจ็ดศอก เพราะรอบด้านนอกของพระนิเวศพระองค์ทรงสร้างหยักบ่าไว้ที่ผนัง เพื่อว่าไม้รอดจะไม่ได้ทะลวงเข้าไปในผนังพระนิเวศ

1 Krallar 6:6
Alt kat beş arşın, orta kat altı arşın, üst kat yedi arşın genişliğindeydi. Kirişler tapınağın duvarlarına girmesin diye duvarların çevresinde dışarıya doğru çıkıntılar bıraktı.[]

1 Caùc Vua 6:6
Từng dưới rộng năm thước, từng giữa rộng sáu thước; và từng trên rộng bảy thước, vì vua cất sụt lui các vách vòng ngoài nhà, đặng tránh sườn xà hoành đâm vào vách đền.

1 Kings 6:5
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