1 Kings 3:2
1 Kings 3:2
The people, however, were still sacrificing at the high places, because a temple had not yet been built for the Name of the LORD.

At that time the people of Israel sacrificed their offerings at local places of worship, for a temple honoring the name of the LORD had not yet been built.

The people were sacrificing at the high places, however, because no house had yet been built for the name of the LORD.

The people were still sacrificing on the high places, because there was no house built for the name of the LORD until those days.

Only the people sacrificed in high places, because there was no house built unto the name of the LORD, until those days.

However, the people were sacrificing on the high places, because until that time a temple for the LORD's name had not been built.

The people were sacrificing at various high places because the Temple had not yet been built and dedicated to the LORD.

Now the people were offering sacrifices at the high places, because in those days a temple had not yet been built to honor the LORD.

The people were still sacrificing at other worship sites because a temple for the name of the LORD had not yet been built.

Until then the people sacrificed in high places because there was still no house built unto the name of the LORD until those days.

However the people sacrificed in high places, because there was no house built unto the name of the LORD, until those days.

Only the people sacrificed in high places, because there was no house built to the name of the LORD, until those days.

Only the people sacrificed in the high places, because there was no house built for the name of Jehovah until those days.

But yet the people sacrificed in the high places: far there was no temple built to the name of the Lord until that day.

Only, the people sacrificed on the high places; for there was no house built to the name of Jehovah, until those days.

Only the people sacrificed in the high places, because there was no house built for the name of the LORD until those days.

Only the people sacrificed in high places, because there was no house built to the name of the LORD, until those days.

Only the people sacrificed in the high places, because there was no house built for the name of Yahweh until those days.

Only, the people are sacrificing in high places, for there hath not been built a house for the name of Jehovah till those days.

1 i Mbretërve 3:2
Populli ofronte flijime në vendet e larta, sepse deri në atë ditë nuk ishte ndërtuar akoma një tempull në emër të Zotit.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 3:2
الا ان الشعب كانوا يذبحون في المرتفعات لانه لم يبن بيت لاسم الرب الى تلك الايام.

De Künig A 3:2
S Volk gopfert dyrselbn non auf de Nimetn obn, weil yn n Nam von n Herrn non kain Templ baut war.

3 Царе 3:2
Но людете жертвуваха по високите места, понеже до онова време нямаше дом съграден за Господното име.

列 王 紀 上 3:2
當 那 些 日 子 , 百 姓 仍 在 邱 壇 獻 祭 , 因 為 還 沒 有 為 耶 和 華 的 名 建 殿 。

当 那 些 日 子 , 百 姓 仍 在 邱 坛 献 祭 , 因 为 还 没 有 为 耶 和 华 的 名 建 殿 。



1 Kings 3:2
Narod je pak prinosio žrtve na uzvišicama, jer još nije bio sagrađen do toga vremena dom imenu Jahvinu.

První Královská 3:2
Toliko lid obětoval na výsostech, proto že nebyl vystaven dům jménu Hospodinovu až do těch dnů.

Første Kongebog 3:2
Kun ofrede Folket paa Offerhøjene, thi hidindtil var der ikke bygget HERRENS Navn et Hus.

1 Koningen 3:2
Alleenlijk offerde het volk op de hoogten, want geen huis was den Naam des HEEREN gebouwd, tot die dagen toe.

מלכים א 3:2
רַ֣ק הָעָ֔ם מְזַבְּחִ֖ים בַּבָּמֹ֑ות כִּ֠י לֹא־נִבְנָ֥ה בַ֙יִת֙ לְשֵׁ֣ם יְהוָ֔ה עַ֖ד הַיָּמִ֥ים הָהֵֽם׃ פ

ב רק העם מזבחים בבמות  כי לא נבנה בית לשם יהוה עד הימים ההם  {פ}

רק העם מזבחים בבמות כי לא־נבנה בית לשם יהוה עד הימים ההם׃ פ

1 Királyok 3:2
De a nép áldozik vala a magas helyeken; mert nem építtetett vala ház az Úr nevének mind ez ideig.

Reĝoj 1 3:2
Tamen la popolo alportadis ankoraux oferojn sur altajxoj, cxar gxis tiu tempo ankoraux ne estis konstruita domo al la nomo de la Eternulo.

Mutta kansa uhrasi silloin vielä korkeuksissa; sillä ei ollut vielä rakennettu huonetta Herran nimelle siihen aikaan asti.

1 Rois 3:2
Seulement le peuple sacrifiait sur les hauts lieux; car aucune maison ne fut bâtie pour le nom de l'Éternel jusqu'à ces jours-là.

Le peuple ne sacrifiait que sur les hauts lieux, car jusqu'à cette époque il n'avait point été bâti de maison au nom de l'Eternel.

Seulement le peuple sacrifiait dans les hauts lieux, parce que jusques alors on n'avait point bâti de maison au Nom de l'Eternel.

1 Koenige 3:2
Aber das Volk opferte noch auf den Höhen; denn es war noch kein Haus gebauet dem Namen des HERRN bis auf die Zeit.

Aber das Volk opferte noch auf den Höhen; denn es war noch kein Haus gebaut dem Namen des HERRN bis auf die Zeit.

Nur opferte das Volk noch auf den Höhen; denn bis zu dieser Zeit war dem Namen Jahwes noch kein Wohnsitz gebaut.

1 Re 3:2
Intanto il popolo non offriva sacrifizi che sugli alti luoghi, perché fino a que’ giorni non era stata edificata casa al nome dell’Eterno.

Solo il popolo sacrificava sopra gli alti luoghi; perciocchè fino a que’ dì non era stata edificata Casa al Nome del Signore.

Maka pada masa itu orang banyak lagi mempersembahkan korban di atas panggung jua, sebab datang kepada masa itulah belum dibangunkan sebuah rumah akan nama Tuhan.

열왕기상 3:2
그 때까지 여호와의 이름을 위하여 전을 아직 건축하지 아니하였으므로 백성들이 산당에서 제사하며

I Regum 3:2
et tamen populus immolabat in excelsis non enim aedificatum erat templum nomini Domini usque in die illo

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 3:2
Tačiau žmonės vis dar aukojo aukštumose, nes nebuvo pastatyti namai Viešpaties vardui.

1 Kings 3:2
Ko te iwi ia patu whakahere ai i runga i nga wahi tiketike; kiano hoki i hanga noatia te whare mo te ingoa o Ihowa a tae noa ki aua ra.

1 Kongebok 3:2
Folket ofret dengang bare på haugene; for på den tid var det ennu ikke bygget noget hus for Herrens navn.

1 Reyes 3:2
Sólo que el pueblo sacrificaba en los lugares altos, porque en aquellos días aún no se había edificado casa al nombre del SEÑOR.

Sólo que el pueblo sacrificaba en los lugares altos, porque en aquellos días aún no se había edificado casa al nombre del SEÑOR.

Hasta entonces el pueblo sacrificaba en los lugares altos; porque no había casa edificada al nombre de Jehová hasta aquellos tiempos.

Hasta entonces el pueblo sacrificaba en los altos; porque no había casa edificada al nombre de Jehová hasta aquellos tiempos.

Hasta entonces el pueblo sacrificaba en los altos; porque aún no había casa edificada al nombre del SEÑOR hasta aquellos tiempos.

1 Reis 3:2
Ainda não havia sido edificado um templo para Yahweh, o Nome do Eterno, e por este motivo o povo ainda continuava oferecendo sacrifícios em vários altares, nos montes.

Entretanto o povo oferecia sacrifícios sobre os altos, porque até aqueles dias ainda não se havia edificado casa ao nome do Senhor.   

1 Imparati 3:2
Poporul nu aducea jertfe decît pe înălţimi, căci pînă pe vremea aceasta nu se zidise încă o casă în Numele Domnului.

3-я Царств 3:2
Народ еще приносил жертвы на высотах, ибо не был построен дом имени Господа до того времени.

Народ еще приносил жертвы на высотах, ибо не был построен дом имени Господа до того времени.[]

1 Kungaboken 3:2
Emellertid offrade folket på höjderna, eftersom ännu vid denna tid intet hus hade blivit byggt åt HERRENS namn.

1 Kings 3:2
Ang bayan ay naghahain lamang sa mga mataas na dako, sapagka't walang bahay na itinayo sa pangalan ng Panginoon hanggang sa mga araw na yaon.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 3:2
อย่างไรก็ตาม ประชาชนได้ถวายสัตวบูชา ณ ปูชนียสถานสูง เพราะในเวลานั้นยังไม่ได้สร้างพระนิเวศเพื่อพระนามของพระเยโฮวาห์

1 Krallar 3:2
Halk, hâlâ çeşitli tapınma yerlerinde RABbe kurban sunuyordu. Çünkü o güne dek RABbin adına yapılmış bir tapınak yoktu.[]

1 Caùc Vua 3:2
Dân sự hãy còn dâng của lễ trên các nơi cao, vì cho đến bấy giờ chưa có xây cất đền nào cho danh Ðức Giê-hô-va.

1 Kings 3:1
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