1 Kings 22:3
1 Kings 22:3
The king of Israel had said to his officials, "Don't you know that Ramoth Gilead belongs to us and yet we are doing nothing to retake it from the king of Aram?"

During the visit, the king of Israel said to his officials, "Do you realize that the town of Ramoth-gilead belongs to us? And yet we've done nothing to recapture it from the king of Aram!"

And the king of Israel said to his servants, “Do you know that Ramoth-gilead belongs to us, and we keep quiet and do not take it out of the hand of the king of Syria?”

Now the king of Israel said to his servants, "Do you know that Ramoth-gilead belongs to us, and we are still doing nothing to take it out of the hand of the king of Aram?"

And the king of Israel said unto his servants, Know ye that Ramoth in Gilead is ours, and we be still, and take it not out of the hand of the king of Syria?

The king of Israel had said to his servants, "Don't you know that Ramoth-gilead is ours, but we have failed to take it from the hand of the king of Aram?"

The king of Israel asked his servants, "Were you aware that Ramoth-gilead belongs to us, but we aren't doing anything to remove it from the control of the king of Aram?"

The king of Israel said to his servants, "Surely you recognize that Ramoth Gilead belongs to us, though we are hesitant to reclaim it from the king of Syria."

The king of Israel asked his staff, "Do you know that Ramoth in Gilead belongs to us, and we are doing nothing to take it back from the king of Aram?"

And the king of Israel said unto his slaves, Know ye that Ramoth in Gilead is ours, and we are late in not taking it out of the hand of the king of Syria?

And the king of Israel said unto his servants, Know you that Ramoth in Gilead is ours, and we are still, and take it not out of the hand of the king of Syria?

And the king of Israel said to his servants, Know you that Ramoth in Gilead is ours, and we be still, and take it not out of the hand of the king of Syria?

And the king of Israel said unto his servants, Know ye that Ramoth-gilead is ours, and we are still, and take it not out of the hand of the king of Syria?

(And the king of Israel said to his servants: Know ye not that Ramoth Galaad is ours, and we neglect to take it out of the hand of the king of Syria?)

And the king of Israel said to his servants, Do ye know that Ramoth in Gilead is ours, and we keep quiet without taking it out of the hand of the king of Syria?

And the king of Israel said unto his servants, Know ye that Ramoth-gilead is ours, and we be still, and take it not out of the hand of the king of Syria?

And the king of Israel said to his servants, Know ye that Ramoth in Gilead is ours, and we are still, and take it not out of the hand of the king of Syria?

The king of Israel said to his servants, "You know that Ramoth Gilead is ours, and we are still, and don't take it out of the hand of the king of Syria?"

and the king of Israel saith unto his servants, 'Have ye not known that ours is Ramoth-Gilead? and we are keeping silent from taking it out of the hand of the king of Aram!'

1 i Mbretërve 22:3
Mbreti i Izraelit u kishte thënë shërbëtorëve të tij: "Ju nuk e dini që Ramothi i Galaadit është yni dhe ne po rrimë të qetë pa e rimarrë nga duart e mbretit të Sirisë?".

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 22:3
فقال ملك اسرائيل لعبيده أتعلمون ان راموت جلعاد لنا ونحن ساكتون عن اخذها من يد ملك ارام.

De Künig A 22:3
Und er gfraagt önn Josyfätt: "Zugst du mit mir mit gögn Rämott in Gilet?" Der Sel gantwortt yn n Künig von Isryheel: "Freilich ziegh i mit; mein Volk mit deinn Volk, meine Pfär mit deine Pfär!"

3 Царе 22:3
рече Израилевият цар на слугите си: Знаете ли, че Рамот-галаад е наш; а ние немарим да си го вземем от ръката на сирийския цар?

列 王 紀 上 22:3
以 色 列 王 對 臣 僕 說 : 你 們 不 知 道 基 列 的 拉 末 是 屬 我 們 的 麼 ? 我 們 豈 可 靜 坐 不 動 , 不 從 亞 蘭 王 手 裡 奪 回 來 麼 ?

以 色 列 王 对 臣 仆 说 : 你 们 不 知 道 基 列 的 拉 末 是 属 我 们 的 麽 ? 我 们 岂 可 静 坐 不 动 , 不 从 亚 兰 王 手 里 夺 回 来 麽 ?



1 Kings 22:3
Kralj Izraela reče svojim dvoranima: "Znate li da je Ramot Gilead naš? A mi ne poduzimamo ništa da ga otmemo iz ruke aramejskog kralja."

První Královská 22:3
Mluvil pak byl král Izraelský služebníkům svým: Víte-li, že naše bylo Rámot Galád, a my zanedbáváme vzíti ho zase z moci krále Syrského?

Første Kongebog 22:3
Da sagde Israels Konge til sine Folk: »I ved jo, at Ramot i Gilead hører os til, og dog rører vi os ikke for at tage det fra Arams Konge!«

1 Koningen 22:3
Dat de koning van Israel tot zijn knechten zeide: Weet gij, dat Ramoth in Gilead onze is? En wij zijn stil, zonder dat te nemen uit de hand van den koning van Syrie.

מלכים א 22:3
וַיֹּ֤אמֶר מֶֽלֶךְ־יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ אֶל־עֲבָדָ֔יו הַיְדַעְתֶּ֕ם כִּֽי־לָ֖נוּ רָמֹ֣ת גִּלְעָ֑ד וַאֲנַ֣חְנוּ מַחְשִׁ֔ים מִקַּ֣חַת אֹתָ֔הּ מִיַּ֖ד מֶ֥לֶךְ אֲרָֽם׃

ג ויאמר מלך ישראל אל עבדיו הידעתם כי לנו רמת גלעד ואנחנו מחשים--מקחת אתה מיד מלך ארם

ויאמר מלך־ישראל אל־עבדיו הידעתם כי־לנו רמת גלעד ואנחנו מחשים מקחת אתה מיד מלך ארם׃

1 Királyok 22:3
Akkor monda az Izráel királya az õ szolgáinak: Nem tudjátok-é, hogy Rámoth Gileád a miénk? És mi hallgatunk és nem veszszük vissza azt Siria királyától?

Reĝoj 1 22:3
La regxo de Izrael diris al siaj servantoj:CXu vi scias, ke Ramot en Gilead apartenas al ni? kaj ni ne zorgas preni gxin el la manoj de la regxo de Sirio!

Ja Israelin kuningas sanoi palvelioillensa: ettekö te tiedä Gileadin Ramotia olevan meidän omamme? ja me istumme ääneti ja emme ota sitä Syrian kuninkaan kädestä?

1 Rois 22:3
Et le roi d'Israël dit à ses serviteurs: Savez-vous que Ramoth de Galaad est à nous? Et nous nous taisons, sans la reprendre de la main du roi de Syrie!

Le roi d'Israël dit à ses serviteurs: Savez-vous que Ramoth en Galaad est à nous? Et nous ne nous inquiétons pas de la reprendre des mains du roi de Syrie!

Le Roi d'Israël dit à ses serviteurs : Ne savez-vous pas bien que Ramoth de Galaad nous appartient, et nous ne nous mettons point en devoir pour la retirer d'entre les mains du Roi de Syrie?

1 Koenige 22:3
Und der König Israels sprach zu seinen Knechten: Wisset ihr nicht, daß Ramoth in Gilead unser ist; und wir sitzen stille und nehmen sie nicht von der Hand des Königs zu Syrien?

Und der König Israels sprach zu seinen Knechten: Wißt ihr nicht, daß Ramoth in Gilead unser ist; und wir sitzen still und nehmen es nicht von der Hand des Königs von Syrien?

Und der König von Israel sprach zu seinen Dienern: Ihr wißt ja doch, daß Ramoth in Gilead uns gehört; wir aber sitzen müßig, anstatt es dem Könige von Aram zu entreißen!

1 Re 22:3
Or il re d’Israele avea detto ai suoi servi: "Non sapete voi che Ramoth di Galaad è nostra, e noi ce ne stiam lì tranquilli senza levarla di mano al re di Siria?"

il re d’Israele disse a’ suoi servitori: Non sapete voi che Ramot di Galaad è nostra? e pur noi non parliamo di ripigliarla dalle mani del re di Siria.

1 RAJA-RAJA 22:3
bertitahlah raja orang Israel kepada segala hambanya demikian: Tahukah kamu bahwa Ramot yang di Gilead itu kita punya? Maka diam juga kita, tiada kita rampas negeri itu dari pada tangan raja benua Syam!

열왕기상 22:3
이스라엘 왕이 그 신복에게 이르되 길르앗 라못은 본래 우리의 것인줄을 너희가 알지 못하느냐 우리가 어찌 아람 왕의 손에서 취하지 아니하고 잠잠히 있으리요 하고

I Regum 22:3
dixitque rex Israhel ad servos suos ignoratis quod nostra sit Ramoth Galaad et neglegimus tollere eam de manu regis Syriae

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 22:3
Izraelio karalius kalbėjo savo tarnams: “Ar žinote, kad Ramot Gileadas mums priklauso, o mes delsiame jį atsiimti iš Sirijos karaliaus?”

1 Kings 22:3
Na ka mea te kingi o Iharaira ki ana tangata, E mohio ana ranei koutou no tatou Ramoto Kireara, a e ata noho nei tatou, kahore e tangohia e tatou i te ringa o te kingi o Hiria?

1 Kongebok 22:3
Da sa Israels konge til sine tjenere: Vet I ikke at Ramot i Gilead hører oss til? Og vi sitter stille og tar det ikke fra kongen i Syria!

1 Reyes 22:3
Y el rey de Israel dijo a sus siervos: ¿Sabéis que Ramot de Galaad nos pertenece, y no estamos haciendo nada para quitarla de mano del rey de Aram?

El rey de Israel dijo a sus siervos: "¿Saben que Ramot de Galaad nos pertenece, y no estamos haciendo nada para quitarla de mano del rey de Aram?"

Y el rey de Israel dijo a sus siervos: ¿No sabéis que Ramot de Galaad es nuestra, y nosotros no hemos hecho nada para tomarla de mano del rey de Siria?

Y el rey de Israel dijo á sus siervos: ¿No sabéis que es nuestra Ramoth de Galaad? y nosotros callamos en orden á tomarla de mano del rey de Siria.

Y el rey de Israel dijo a sus siervos: ¿No sabéis que es nuestra Ramot de Galaad? Y nosotros estamos quedados a tomarla de mano del rey de Siria.

1 Reis 22:3
Acabe questionou aos seus oficiais e servos: “Bem sabeis que Ramot-Guilad, Ramote-Gileade, nos pertence e nós nada fizemos para tomá-la das mãos do rei da Síria!”

E o rei de Israel disse aos seus servos: Não sabeis vós que Ramote-Gileade é nossa, e nós estamos quietos, sem a tomar da mão do rei da Síria?   

1 Imparati 22:3
Împăratul lui Israel a zis slujitorilor săi: ,,Ştiţi că Ramot din Galaad este al nostru. Şi noi stăm fără grijă, în loc să -l luăm înapoi din mînile împăratului Siriei.``

3-я Царств 22:3
И сказал царь Израильский слугам своим: знаете ли, что Рамоф Галаадский наш? А мы так долго молчим, и не берем его из руки царя Сирийского.

И сказал царь Израильский слугам своим: знаете ли, что Рамоф Галаадский наш? А мы так долго молчим, и не берем его из руки царя Сирийского.[]

1 Kungaboken 22:3
Och Israels konung sade till sina tjänare: »I veten ju att Ramot i Gilead tillhör oss. Och likväl sitta vi stilla och taga det icke ifrån konungen i Aram.»

1 Kings 22:3
At sinabi ng hari sa Israel sa kaniyang mga lingkod, Di ba talastas ninyo na ang Ramoth-galaad ay atin, at tayo'y tatahimik, at hindi natin aagawin sa kamay ng hari sa Siria?

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 22:3
และกษัตริย์แห่งอิสราเอลตรัสถามบรรดาข้าราชการของพระองค์ว่า "ท่านทราบกันหรือไม่ว่าราโมทกิเลอาดเป็นของเรา และเราได้นิ่งอยู่มิได้เอาออกมาจากมือของกษัตริย์แห่งซีเรีย"

1 Krallar 22:3
İsrail Kralı Ahav, görevlilerine, ‹‹Ramot-Gilatın bize ait olduğunu bilmiyor musunuz?›› dedi, ‹‹Biz onu Aram Kralından geri almak için bir şey yapmadık.››[]

1 Caùc Vua 22:3
Vua Y-sơ-ra-ên nói với tôi tớ mình rằng: Các ngươi há chẳng biết rằng Ra-mốt trong Ga-la-át thuộc về chúng ta sao? Chúng ta lại làm thinh chẳng rứt nó khỏi tay vua Sy-ri sao!

1 Kings 22:2
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