1 Kings 2:27
1 Kings 2:27
So Solomon removed Abiathar from the priesthood of the LORD, fulfilling the word the LORD had spoken at Shiloh about the house of Eli.

So Solomon deposed Abiathar from his position as priest of the LORD, thereby fulfilling the prophecy the LORD had given at Shiloh concerning the descendants of Eli.

So Solomon expelled Abiathar from being priest to the LORD, thus fulfilling the word of the LORD that he had spoken concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

So Solomon dismissed Abiathar from being priest to the LORD, in order to fulfill the word of the LORD, which He had spoken concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the LORD; that he might fulfil the word of the LORD, which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

So Solomon banished Abiathar from being the LORD's priest, and it fulfilled the LORD's prophecy He had spoken at Shiloh against Eli's family.

So Solomon fired Abiathar as the LORD's priest, thus fulfilling the promise that the LORD had spoken in Shiloh concerning Eli's household.

Solomon dismissed Abiathar from his position as priest of the LORD, fulfilling the decree of judgment the LORD made in Shiloh against the family of Eli.

So Solomon removed Abiathar as the LORD's priest and fulfilled the LORD's word spoken at Shiloh about Eli's family.

So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the LORD that he might fulfil the word of the LORD, which he spoke concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the LORD; that he might fulfill the word of the LORD, which he spoke concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest to the LORD; that he might fulfill the word of the LORD, which he spoke concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto Jehovah, that he might fulfil the word of Jehovah, which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

So Solomon cast out Abiathar, from being the priest of the Lord, that the word of the Lord might be fulfilled, which he spoke concerning the house of Deli in Silo.

And Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest to Jehovah, to fulfil the word of Jehovah, which he had spoken concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the LORD; that he might fulfill the word of the LORD, which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

So Solomon removed Abiathar from being priest to the LORD; that he might fulfill the word of the LORD, which he spoke concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest to Yahweh, that he might fulfill the word of Yahweh, which he spoke concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

And Solomon casteth out Abiathar from being priest to Jehovah, to fulfil the word of Jehovah which He spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

1 i Mbretërve 2:27
Kështu Salomoni largoi Abiatharin nga funksioni i priftit të Zotit me qëllim që të shkonte në vend fjala që Zoti kishte shqiptuar lidhur me shtëpinë e Elit në Shiloh.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 2:27
وطرد سليمان ابياثار عن ان يكون كاهنا للرب لاتمام كلام الرب الذي تكلم به على بيت عالي في شيلوه.

De Künig A 2:27
Yso gsötzt dyr Salman önn Äbjätter als Priester von n Trechtein ab und gerfüllt dös Wort, wo dyr Herr über s Haus Eli z Schilo gsprochen hiet.

3 Царе 2:27
Така Соломон отблъсна Авиатара да не бъде свещеник Господу, за да се изпълни словото, което Господ бе говорил в Сило за Илиевия дом.

列 王 紀 上 2:27
所 羅 門 就 革 除 亞 比 亞 他 , 不 許 他 作 耶 和 華 的 祭 司 。 這 樣 , 便 應 驗 耶 和 華 在 示 羅 論 以 利 家 所 說 的 話 。

所 罗 门 就 革 除 亚 比 亚 他 , 不 许 他 作 耶 和 华 的 祭 司 。 这 样 , 便 应 验 耶 和 华 在 示 罗 论 以 利 家 所 说 的 话 。



1 Kings 2:27
I Salomon isključi Ebjatara iz svećenstva Jahvina da tako ispuni Jahvinu riječ koju je izrekao protiv doma Elijeva u Šilu.

První Královská 2:27
I svrhl Šalomoun Abiatara s kněžství Hospodinova, aby naplnil řeč Hospodinovu, kterouž byl mluvil proti domu Elí v Sílo.

Første Kongebog 2:27
Derpaa afsatte Salomo Ebjatar fra hans Stilling som HERRENS Præst for at opfylde det Ord, HERREN havde talet mod Elis Hus i Silo.

1 Koningen 2:27
Salomo dan verdreef Abjathar, dat hij des HEEREN priester niet ware, om te vervullen het woord des HEEREN, hetwelk Hij over het huis van Eli te Silo gesproken had.

מלכים א 2:27
וַיְגָ֤רֶשׁ שְׁלֹמֹה֙ אֶת־אֶבְיָתָ֔ר מִהְיֹ֥ות כֹּהֵ֖ן לַֽיהוָ֑ה לְמַלֵּא֙ אֶת־דְּבַ֣ר יְהוָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר דִּבֶּ֛ר עַל־בֵּ֥ית עֵלִ֖י בְּשִׁלֹֽה׃ פ

כז ויגרש שלמה את אביתר מהיות כהן ליהוה למלא את דבר יהוה אשר דבר על בית עלי בשלה  {פ}

ויגרש שלמה את־אביתר מהיות כהן ליהוה למלא את־דבר יהוה אשר דבר על־בית עלי בשלה׃ פ

1 Királyok 2:27
És kiûzé Salamon Abjátárt, hogy ne legyen az Úrnak papja, hogy beteljesedjék az Úrnak beszéde, a melyet szólott vala az Éli háza felõl Silóban.

Reĝoj 1 2:27
Kaj Salomono forigis Ebjataron, ke li ne estu plu pastro al la Eternulo; por ke plenumigxu la vorto de la Eternulo, kiun Li diris pri la domo de Eli en SXilo.

Ja niin Salomo ajoi AbJatarin pois, ettei hän olisi Herran pappi; että Herran sana täyettäisiin, niinkuin hän Elin huoneesta puhunut oli Silossa.

1 Rois 2:27
Et Salomon chassa Abiathar de la sacrificature de l'Éternel, pour accomplir la parole de l'Éternel, qu'il prononça au sujet de la maison d'Éli, en Silo.

Ainsi Salomon dépouilla Abiathar de ses fonctions de sacrificateur de l'Eternel, afin d'accomplir la parole que l'Eternel avait prononcée sur la maison d'Eli à Silo.

Ainsi Salomon déposa Abiathar, afin qu'il ne fût plus Sacrificateur de l'Eternel; pour accomplir la parole de l'Eternel, qu'il avait prononcée en Silo contre la maison d'Héli.

1 Koenige 2:27
Also verstieß Salomo den Abjathar, daß er nicht mußte Priester des HERRN sein, auf daß erfüllet würde des HERRN Wort, das er über das Haus Elis geredet hatte zu Silo.

Also verstieß Salomo den Abjathar, daß er nicht durfte Priester des HERRN sein, auf daß erfüllet würde des HERRN Wort, das er über das Haus Elis geredet hatte zu Silo.

So verstieß Salomo den Abjathar, daß er nicht länger ein Priester Jahwes war, damit das Wort Jahwes erfüllt würde, das er zu Silo in betreff des Hauses Elis geredet hatte.

1 Re 2:27
Così Salomone depose Abiathar dalle funzioni di sacerdote dell’Eterno, adempiendo così la parola che l’Eterno avea pronunziata contro la casa di Eli a Sciloh.

Così Salomone depose Ebiatar, per non esser più sacerdote al Signore; per adempiere la parola del Signore, la quale egli avea detta contro alla casa di Eli, in Silo.

1 RAJA-RAJA 2:27
Maka dinyahkan Sulaiman akan Abyatar, supaya jangan lagi ia imam Tuhan, maka dalam itupun genaplah firman Tuhan, yang telah dikatakan-Nya dahulu di Silo akan hal orang isi rumah Eli itu.

열왕기상 2:27
아비아달을 쫓아내어 여호와의 제사장 직분을 파면하니 여호와께서 실로에서 엘리의 집에 대하여 하신 말씀을 응하게 함이더라

I Regum 2:27
eiecit ergo Salomon Abiathar ut non esset sacerdos Domini ut impleretur sermo Domini quem locutus est super domum Heli in Silo

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 2:27
Saliamonas pašalino Abjatarą iš kunigo tarnystės. Taip išsipildė Viešpaties žodis, kurį Jis kalbėjo apie Elio giminę Šilojuje.

1 Kings 2:27
Heoi peia ana a Apiatara e Horomona i te mahi tohunga ki a Ihowa; kia tutuki ai te kupu a Ihowa i korero ai ki Hiro mo te whare o Eri.

1 Kongebok 2:27
Så drev Salomo Abjatar bort og lot ham ikke få være Herrens prest lenger, forat Herrens ord skulde bli opfylt, det som han hadde talt mot Elis hus i Silo.

1 Reyes 2:27
Así Salomón privó a Abiatar de ser sacerdote del SEÑOR, para que se cumpliera la palabra que el SEÑOR había hablado acerca de la casa de Elí en Silo.

Así Salomón privó a Abiatar de ser sacerdote del SEÑOR, para que se cumpliera la palabra que el SEÑOR había hablado acerca de la casa de Elí en Silo.

Así echó Salomón a Abiatar del sacerdocio de Jehová, para que se cumpliese la palabra de Jehová que había dicho sobre la casa de Elí en Silo.

Así echó Salomón á Abiathar del sacerdocio de Jehová, para que se cumpliese la palabra de Jehová que había dicho sobre la casa de Eli en Silo.

Así echó Salomón a Abiatar del sacerdocio del SEÑOR, para que se cumpliese la palabra del SEÑOR que había dicho sobre la casa de Elí en Silo.

1 Reis 2:27
E Salomão excluiu Abiatar do sacerdócio de Yahweh, cumprindo-se deste modo a palavra que o SENHOR tinha dito em Siló a respeito da família de Eli.

Salomão, pois, expulsou Abiatar, para que não fosse sacerdote do Senhor, assim cumprindo a palavra que o Senhor tinha dito acerca da casa de Eli em Siló.   

1 Imparati 2:27
Astfel Solomon a scos pe Abiatar din slujba de preot al Domnului, ca să împlinească cuvîntul rostit de Domnul asupra casei lui Eli în Silo.

3-я Царств 2:27
И удалил Соломон Авиафара от священства Господня, и исполнилосьслово Господа, которое сказал Он о доме Илия в Силоме.

И удалил Соломон Авиафара от священства Господня, и исполнилось слово Господа, которое сказал Он о доме Илия в Силоме.[]

1 Kungaboken 2:27
Så drev Salomo bort Ebjatar och lät honom icke längre vara HERRENS präst, för att HERRENS ord skulle uppfyllas, det som han hade talat i Silo över Elis hus.

1 Kings 2:27
Sa gayo'y inalis ni Salomon si Abiathar sa pagkasaserdote sa Panginoon upang kaniyang tuparin ang salita ng Panginoon, na kaniyang sinalita tungkol sa sangbahayan ni Eli, sa Silo.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 2:27
ซาโลมอนจึงทรงขับไล่อาบียาธาร์เสียจากหน้าที่ปุโรหิตของพระเยโฮวาห์ กระทำให้สำเร็จตามพระวจนะของพระเยโฮวาห์ซึ่งพระองค์ตรัสเกี่ยวกับวงศ์วานของเอลีที่เมืองชีโลห์

1 Krallar 2:27
Elinin ailesi hakkında RABbin Şiloda söylediği sözün gerçekleşmesi için, Süleyman Aviyatarı RABbin kâhinliğinden uzaklaştırdı.[]

1 Caùc Vua 2:27
Như vậy, Sa-lô-môn đuổi A-bia-tha ra đi không cho làm thầy tế lễ của Ðức Giê-hô-va nữa, hầu cho lời của Ðức Giê-hô-va đã phán về nhà Hê-li, tại Si-lô, được ứng nghiệm.

1 Kings 2:26
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