1 Kings 19:10
1 Kings 19:10
He replied, "I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too."

Elijah replied, "I have zealously served the LORD God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too."

He said, “I have been very jealous for the LORD, the God of hosts. For the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword, and I, even I only, am left, and they seek my life, to take it away.”

He said, "I have been very zealous for the LORD, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars and killed Your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they seek my life, to take it away."

And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.

He replied, "I have been very zealous for the LORD God of Hosts, but the Israelites have abandoned Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left, and they are looking for me to take my life."

"I've been very zealous for the LORD God of the Heavenly Armies," he replied. "The Israelis have abandoned your covenant, demolished your altars, executed your prophets with swords, and I—that's right, just me!—am the only one left. Now they're seeking my life, to get rid of me!"

He answered, "I have been absolutely loyal to the LORD, the sovereign God, even though the Israelites have abandoned the agreement they made with you, torn down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword. I alone am left and now they want to take my life."

He answered, "LORD God of Armies, I have eagerly served you. The Israelites have abandoned your promises, torn down your altars, and executed your prophets. I'm the only one left, and they're trying to take my life."

And he replied, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of the hosts, for the sons of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left, and they seek me to take my life.

And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and slain your prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.

And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and slain your prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.

And he said, I have been very jealous for Jehovah, the God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword: and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.

And he answered: With zeal have I been zealous for the Lord God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant: they have thrown down thy altars, they have slain thy prophets with the sword, and I alone am left, and they seek my life to take it away.

And he said, I have been very jealous for Jehovah the God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I am left, I alone, and they seek my life, to take it away.

And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD, the God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword: and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.

And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thy altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, I only, am left; and they seek my life to take it away.

He said, "I have been very jealous for Yahweh, the God of Armies; for the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and slain your prophets with the sword. I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away."

And he saith, 'I have been very zealous for Jehovah, God of Hosts, for the sons of Israel have forsaken Thy covenant -- Thine altars they have thrown down, and Thy prophets they have slain by the sword, and I am left, I, by myself, and they seek my life -- to take it.'

1 i Mbretërve 19:10
Ai u përgjigj: "Më nxiti një zili e madhe për Zotin, Perëndinë e ushtrive, sepse bijtë e Izraelit e kanë braktisur besëlidhjen tënde, kanë prishur altarët e tu dhe kanë vrarë me shpatë profetët e tu. Kam mbetur vetëm unë dhe ata kërkojnë të më vrasin".

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 19:10
فقال قد غرت غيرة للرب اله الجنود لان بني اسرائيل قد تركوا عهدك ونقضوا مذابحك وقتلوا انبياءك بالسيف فبقيت انا وحدي وهم يطلبون نفسي ليأخذوها.

De Künig A 19:10
Er gaab an: "I haet mi mit Hertz und Seel yn deiner Sach gweiht ghaat, o Herr, allmächtiger Got. D Isryheeler hietnd önn Bund mit dir brochen, deine Ältter zstört und deine Weissagn umbrungen. Und ietz bin i yllain übrigblibn; und mir trachtnd s aau non naach n Löbn."

3 Царе 19:10
А той каза: Аз съм бил много ревнив за Господа Бога на Силите; защото израилтяните оставиха завета Ти, събориха олтарите Ти и избиха с меч пророците Ти; само аз останах, но и моя живот искат да отнемат.

列 王 紀 上 19:10
他 說 : 我 為 耶 和 華 ─ 萬 軍 之   神 大 發 熱 心 ; 因 為 以 色 列 人 背 棄 了 你 的 約 , 毀 壞 了 你 的 壇 , 用 刀 殺 了 你 的 先 知 , 只 剩 下 我 一 個 人 , 他 們 還 要 尋 索 我 的 命 。

他 说 : 我 为 耶 和 华 ─ 万 军 之   神 大 发 热 心 ; 因 为 以 色 列 人 背 弃 了 你 的 约 , 毁 坏 了 你 的 坛 , 用 刀 杀 了 你 的 先 知 , 只 剩 下 我 一 个 人 , 他 们 还 要 寻 索 我 的 命 。



1 Kings 19:10
On odgovori: "Revnovao sam gorljivo za Jahvu, Boga nad vojskama, jer su sinovi Izraelovi napustili tvoj Savez, srušili tvoje žrtvenike i pobili mačem tvoje proroke. Ostao sam sam, a oni traže da i meni uzmu život."

První Královská 19:10
Kterýž odpověděl: Velice jsem horlil pro Hospodina Boha zástupů; nebo opustili smlouvu tvou synové Izraelští, oltáře tvé zbořili a proroky tvé zmordovali mečem. I zůstal jsem já sám, teď pak hledají života mého, aby mi jej odjali.

Første Kongebog 19:10
Han svarede: »Jeg har været fuld af Nidkærhed for HERREN, Hærskarers Gud, fordi Israeliterne har forladt din Pagt; dine Altre har de nedbrudt, og dine Profeter har de ihjelslaaet med Sværd! Jeg alene er tilbage, og nu staar de mig efter Livet!«

1 Koningen 19:10
En hij zeide: Ik heb zeer geijverd voor den HEERE, den God der heirscharen; want de kinderen Israels hebben Uw verbond verlaten, Uw altaren afgebroken en Uw profeten met het zwaard gedood; en ik alleen ben overgebleven, en zij zoeken mijn ziel, om die weg te nemen.

מלכים א 19:10
וַיֹּאמֶר֩ קַנֹּ֨א קִנֵּ֜אתִי לַיהוָ֣ה ׀ אֱלֹהֵ֣י צְבָאֹ֗ות כִּֽי־עָזְב֤וּ בְרִֽיתְךָ֙ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֶת־מִזְבְּחֹתֶ֣יךָ הָרָ֔סוּ וְאֶת־נְבִיאֶ֖יךָ הָרְג֣וּ בֶחָ֑רֶב וָֽאִוָּתֵ֤ר אֲנִי֙ לְבַדִּ֔י וַיְבַקְשׁ֥וּ אֶת־נַפְשִׁ֖י לְקַחְתָּֽהּ׃

י ויאמר קנא קנאתי ליהוה אלהי צבאות כי עזבו בריתך בני ישראל--את מזבחתיך הרסו ואת נביאיך הרגו בחרב ואותר אני לבדי ויבקשו את נפשי לקחתה

ויאמר קנא קנאתי ליהוה ׀ אלהי צבאות כי־עזבו בריתך בני ישראל את־מזבחתיך הרסו ואת־נביאיך הרגו בחרב ואותר אני לבדי ויבקשו את־נפשי לקחתה׃

1 Királyok 19:10
Õ pedig monda: Nagy búsulásom van az Úrért, a Seregek Istenéért; mert elhagyták a te szövetségedet az Izráel fiai, a te oltáraidat lerontották, és a te prófétáidat fegyverrel megölték, és csak én egyedül maradtam, és engem is halálra keresnek.

Reĝoj 1 19:10
Kaj li respondis:Mi fervoris pro la Eternulo, Dio Cebaot, cxar la Izraelidoj forlasis Vian interligon, detruis Viajn altarojn, kaj mortigis Viajn profetojn per glavo; mi sola restis, sed oni sercxas mian animon, por forpreni gxin.

Hän vastasi: minä olen kiivauksella kiivannut Herran Jumalan Zebaotin tähden; sillä Israelin lapset ovat hyljänneet sinun liittos, ja sinun alttaris kukistaneet ja tappaneet sinun prophetas miekalla, ja minä yksinäni jäin, ja he etsivät minun henkeäni, ottaaksensa sitä pois.

1 Rois 19:10
Et il dit: J'ai été très-jaloux pour l'Éternel, le Dieu des armées; car les fils d'Israël ont abandonné ton alliance, ils ont renversé tes autels et ils ont tué tes prophètes par l'épée, et je suis resté, moi seul, et ils cherchent ma vie pour me l'ôter.

Il répondit: J'ai déployé mon zèle pour l'Eternel, le Dieu des armées; car les enfants d'Israël ont abandonné ton alliance, ils ont renversé tes autels, et ils ont tué par l'épée tes prophètes; je suis resté, moi seul, et ils cherchent à m'ôter la vie.

Et il répondit : J'ai été extrêmement ému à jalousie pour l'Eternel le Dieu des armées, parce que les enfants d'Israël ont abandonné ton alliance; ils ont démoli tes autels, ils ont tué tes Prophètes avec l'épée, je suis resté moi seul, et ils cherchent ma vie pour me l'ôter.

1 Koenige 19:10
Er sprach: Ich habe geeifert um den HERRN, den Gott Zeboath; denn die Kinder Israel haben deinen Bund verlassen und deine Altäre zerbrochen und deine Propheten mit dem Schwert erwürget; und ich bin allein überblieben, und sie stehen danach, daß sie mir mein Leben nehmen.

Er sprach: Ich habe geeifert um den HERRN, den Gott Zebaoth; denn die Kinder Israel haben deinen Bund verlassen und deine Altäre zerbrochen und deine Propheten mit dem Schwert erwürgt, und ich bin allein übriggeblieben, und sie stehen darnach, daß sie mir mein Leben nehmen.

Er antwortete: Geeifert habe ich für Jahwe, den Gott der Heerscharen; denn die Israeliten haben deine Verordnungen außer Acht gelassen, deine Altäre niedergerissen und deine Propheten mit dem Schwerte getötet, so daß ich allein übrig geblieben bin, und sie trachten darnach, mir das Leben zu nehmen!

1 Re 19:10
Egli rispose: "Io sono stato mosso da una gran gelosia per l’Eterno, per l’Iddio degli eserciti, perché i figliuoli d’Israele hanno abbandonato il tuo patto, han demolito i tuoi altari, e hanno ucciso colla spada i tuoi profeti; son rimasto io solo, e cercano di togliermi la vita".

Ed egli disse: Io sono stato commosso a gran gelosia per lo Signore Iddio degli eserciti; perciocchè i figliuoli d’Israele hanno abbandonato il tuo patto, han disfatti i tuoi altari, ed hanno uccisi con la spada i tuoi profeti; ed io son restato solo, e pure anche cercano di tormi la vita.

1 RAJA-RAJA 19:10
Maka sahutnya: Bahwa aku sudah mencemburukan sangat perkara Tuhan, Allah serwa sekalian alam, karena segala bani Israel telah meninggalkan perjanjian-Mu dan dirombaknya segala mezbah-Mu dan dibunuhnya segala nabi-Mu dengan pedang, maka aku tinggal seorangku jua dan mereka itupun menuntut nyawaku hendak diambilnya.

열왕기상 19:10
저가 대답하되 내가 만군의 하나님 여호와를 위하여 열심이 특심하오니 이는 이스라엘 자손이 주의 언약을 버리고 주의 단을 헐며 칼로 주의 선지자들을 죽였음이오며 오직 나만 남았거늘 저희가 내 생명을 찾아 취하려 하나이다

I Regum 19:10
at ille respondit zelo zelatus sum pro Domino Deo exercituum quia dereliquerunt pactum Domini filii Israhel altaria tua destruxerunt et prophetas tuos occiderunt gladio et derelictus sum ego solus et quaerunt animam meam ut auferant eam

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 19:10
Jis atsakė: “Aš buvau labai uolus dėl Viešpaties, kareivijų Dievo, nes izraelitai sulaužė Tavo sandorą, išgriovė Tavo aukurus ir išžudė Tavo pranašus. Aš vienas likau, ir jie ieško mano gyvybės”.

1 Kings 19:10
A ka mea tera, Nui atu toku hae mo Ihowa, mo te Atua o nga mano; kua whakarerea hoki tau kawenata e nga tama a Iharaira, a ko au aata, wahia iho e ratou, patua iho hoki e ratou au poropiti ki te hoari; a ko ahau, ko ahau rawa anake i mahue; a ke i te rapu ratou i ahau kia whakamatea.

1 Kongebok 19:10
Han svarte: Jeg har vært nidkjær for Herren, hærskarenes Gud; for Israels barn har forlatt din pakt; dine alter har de revet ned, og dine profeter har de drept med sverdet; jeg er alene tilbake, og de står mig efter livet.

1 Reyes 19:10
Y él respondió: He tenido mucho celo por el SEÑOR, Dios de los ejércitos; porque los hijos de Israel han abandonado tu pacto, han derribado tus altares y han matado a espada a tus profetas. He quedado yo solo y buscan mi vida para quitármela.

Y él respondió: "He tenido mucho celo por el SEÑOR, Dios de los ejércitos; porque los Israelitas han abandonado Tu pacto, han derribado Tus altares y han matado a espada a Tus profetas. He quedado yo solo y buscan mi vida para quitármela."

Y él respondió: He sentido un vivo celo por Jehová Dios de los ejércitos; porque los hijos de Israel han dejado tu pacto, han derribado tus altares, y han matado a espada a tus profetas: y sólo yo he quedado, y me buscan para quitarme la vida.

Y él respondió: Sentido he un vivo celo por Jehová Dios de los ejércitos; porque los hijos de Israel han dejado tu alianza, han derribado tus altares, y han muerto á cuchillo tus profetas: y yo solo he quedado, y me buscan para quitarme la vida.

Y él respondió: He sentido un vivo celo por el SEÑOR Dios de los ejércitos; porque los hijos de Israel han dejado tu alianza, han derribado tus altares, y han matado a cuchillo tus profetas; y yo solo he quedado, y me buscan para quitarme la vida.

1 Reis 19:10
Ao que ele respondeu: “Sinto minhas entranhas serem consumidas por causa do ardente zelo que tenho por Yahweh, o SENHOR Deus dos Exércitos, porquanto os israelitas abandonaram a tua Aliança, destruíram os teus altares e mataram os teus profetas ao fio de espada; e fiquei solitário, restou somente eu, e agora procuram também tirar minha vida”.

Respondeu ele: Tenho sido muito zeloso pelo Senhor Deus dos exércitos; porque os filhos de Israel deixaram o teu pacto, derrubaram os teus altares, e mataram os teus profetas à espada; e eu, somente eu, fiquei, e buscam a minha vida para ma tirarem.   

1 Imparati 19:10
El a răspuns: ,,Am fost plin de rîvnă pentru Domnul, Dumnezeul oştirilor; căci copiii lui Israel au părăsit legămîntul Tău, au sfărîmat altarele Tale, şi au ucis cu sabia pe proorocii Tăi; am rămas numai eu singur, şi caută să-mi ia viaţa!``

3-я Царств 19:10
Он сказал: возревновал я о Господе Боге Саваофе, ибо сыны Израилевы оставили завет Твой, разрушили Твои жертвенники и пророков Твоих убили мечом; остался я один, но и моей души ищут, чтобы отнять ее.

Он сказал: возревновал я о Господе Боге Саваофе, ибо сыны Израилевы оставили завет Твой, разрушили Твои жертвенники и пророков Твоих убили мечом; остался я один, но и моей души ищут, чтобы отнять ее.[]

1 Kungaboken 19:10
Han svarade: »Jag har nitälskat för HERREN, härskarornas Gud. Ty Israels barn hava övergivit ditt förbund, rivit ned dina altaren och dräpt dina profeter med svärd; jag allena är kvar, och de stå efter att taga mitt liv.»

1 Kings 19:10
At sinabi niya, Ako'y naging totoong marubdob dahil sa Panginoon, sa Dios ng mga hukbo; sapagka't pinabayaan ng mga anak ni Israel ang iyong tipan, ibinagsak ang iyong mga dambana, at pinatay ng tabak ang iyong mga propeta: at ako, ako lamang, ang naiwan; at kanilang pinaguusig ang aking buhay, upang kitlin.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 19:10
ท่านทูลว่า "ข้าพระองค์ร้อนรนเพื่อพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าจอมโยธายิ่งนัก เพราะประชาชนอิสราเอลได้ทอดทิ้งพันธสัญญาของพระองค์ พังแท่นบูชาของพระองค์ลงเสีย และประหารผู้พยากรณ์ของพระองค์เสียด้วยดาบ และข้าพระองค์ ข้าพระองค์แต่ผู้เดียวเหลืออยู่ และเขาทั้งหลายแสวงชีวิตของข้าพระองค์เพื่อจะเอาไปเสีย"

1 Krallar 19:10
İlyas, ‹‹RABbe, Her Şeye Egemen Tanrıya büyük bir istekle kulluk ettim›› diye karşılık verdi, ‹‹Ama İsrail halkı senin antlaşmanı reddetti, sunaklarını yıktı ve peygamberlerini kılıçtan geçirdi. Yalnız ben kaldım. Beni de öldürmeye çalışıyorlar.››[]

1 Caùc Vua 19:10
Người thưa rằng: Tôi đã rất nóng nảy sốt sắng vì Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời vạn quân; vì dân Y-sơ-ra-ên đã bội giao ước Ngài, phá hủy các bàn thờ Ngài, dùng gươm giết những tiên tri Ngài; chỉ một mình tôi còn lại, và họ cũng kiếm thế cất mạng sống tôi.

1 Kings 19:9
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