1 Kings 18:32
1 Kings 18:32
With the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD, and he dug a trench around it large enough to hold two seahs of seed.

and he used the stones to rebuild the altar in the name of the LORD. Then he dug a trench around the altar large enough to hold about three gallons.

and with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD. And he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two seahs of seed.

So with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD, and he made a trench around the altar, large enough to hold two measures of seed.

And with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD: and he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed.

and he built an altar with the stones in the name of Yahweh. Then he made a trench around the altar large enough to hold about four gallons.

So Elijah used the stones to build an altar to the name of the LORD. But then he dug a trench around the altar large enough to hold two measures of seed.

With the stones he constructed an altar for the LORD. Around the altar he made a trench large enough to contain two seahs of seed.

Elijah built an altar in the LORD's name with those stones. He also made a trench that could hold 12 quarts of grain around the altar.

and with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD; then he made a trench round about the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed.

And with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD: and he made a trench around the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed.

And with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD: and he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed.

And with the stones he built an altar in the name of Jehovah; and he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed.

And he built with the stones an altar to the name of the Lord: and he made a trench for water, of the breadth of two furrows round about the altar.

and with the stones he built an altar in the name of Jehovah, and made a trench round about the altar, of the capacity of two measures of seed;

And with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD; and he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed.

And with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD: and he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed.

With the stones he built an altar in the name of Yahweh. He made a trench around the altar, large enough to contain two measures of seed.

and he buildeth with the stones an altar, in the name of Jehovah, and maketh a trench, as about the space of two measures of seed, round about the altar.

1 i Mbretërve 18:32
Me gurët ndërtoi një altar në emër të Zotit dhe hapi një gropë rreth tij me një kapacitet prej dy masash gruri.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 18:32
وبنى الحجارة مذبحا باسم الرب وعمل قناة حول المذبح تسع كيلتين من البزر.

De Künig A 18:32
Er gfüegt die Stäin zo aynn Altter für n Nam von n Herrn zamm und grueb um önn Altter umydum aynn zwo Furchenn braitn Grabn.

3 Царе 18:32
И с камъните издигна олтар в Господното име; и около олтара направи окоп, доволно голям да побира две сати семе.

列 王 紀 上 18:32
用 這 些 石 頭 為 耶 和 華 的 名 築 一 座 壇 , 在 壇 的 四 圍 挖 溝 , 可 容 穀 種 二 細 亞 ,

用 这 些 石 头 为 耶 和 华 的 名 筑 一 座 坛 , 在 坛 的 四 围 挖 沟 , 可 容 谷 种 二 细 亚 ,



1 Kings 18:32
I sagradi od toga kamenja žrtvenik Imenu Jahvinu i iskopa jarak oko žrtvenika, širok da bi se mogle posijati dvije mjere pšenice.

První Královská 18:32
A vzdělal z těch kamenů oltář ve jménu Hospodinovu; udělal také struhu vůkol oltáře zšíří, co by mohl dvě míry obilé vsíti.

Første Kongebog 18:32
Og af disse Sten byggede han et Alter i HERRENS Navn og gravede rundt om Alteret en Rende paa omtrent to Sea Land.

1 Koningen 18:32
En hij bouwde met die stenen het altaar in den Naam des HEEREN; daarna maakte hij een groeve rondom het altaar, naar de wijdte van twee maten zaads.

מלכים א 18:32
וַיִּבְנֶ֧ה אֶת־הָאֲבָנִ֛ים מִזְבֵּ֖חַ בְּשֵׁ֣ם יְהוָ֑ה וַיַּ֣עַשׂ תְּעָלָ֗ה כְּבֵית֙ סָאתַ֣יִם זֶ֔רַע סָבִ֖יב לַמִּזְבֵּֽחַ׃

לב ויבנה את האבנים מזבח בשם יהוה ויעש תעלה כבית סאתים זרע סביב למזבח

ויבנה את־האבנים מזבח בשם יהוה ויעש תעלה כבית סאתים זרע סביב למזבח׃

1 Királyok 18:32
És oltárt építe a kövekbõl az Úr nevében, és egy árkot húzott az oltár körül, a melybe két véka vetni való mag férne.

Reĝoj 1 18:32
Kaj li konstruis el la sxtonoj altaron en la nomo de la Eternulo, kaj li faris cxirkaux la altaro foson, havantan la amplekson de du grenmezuroj.

Ja rakensi niistä kivistä alttarin Herran nimeen, ja teki kuopan alttaria ympäri kahden jyvämitän leveydeltä,

1 Rois 18:32
et il bâtit avec les pierres un autel au nom de l'Éternel, et fit autour de l'autel un fossé de la capacité de deux mesures de semence;

et il bâtit avec ces pierres un autel au nom de l'Eternel. Il fit autour de l'autel un fossé de la capacité de deux mesures de semence.

Et il rebâtit de ces pierres l'autel au Nom de l'Eternel; puis il fit un conduit de la capacité de deux sats de semence à l'entour de l'autel.

1 Koenige 18:32
Und bauete von den Steinen einen Altar im Namen des HERRN und machte um den Altar her eine Grube, zwei Kornmaß weit.

und baute mit den Steinen einen Altar im Namen des HERRN und machte um den Altar her eine Grube, zwei Kornmaß weit,

und errichtete von den Steinen einen Altar im Namen Jahwes und zog rings um den Altar her einen Graben, der einen Raum von ungefähr zwei Sea Aussaat einnahm.

1 Re 18:32
E con quelle pietre edificò un altare al nome dell’Eterno, e fece intorno all’altare un fosso, dalla capacità di due misure di grano.

E di quelle pietre edificò un altare al Nome del Signore, e fece d’intorno all’altare un condotto della capacità d’intorno a due staia di semenza.

1 RAJA-RAJA 18:32
Maka dari pada batu-batu itu diperbuatnya mezbah itu dengan nama Tuhan, setelah itu maka digalinya parit keliling mezbah itu, seluas dua gantang biji-bijian.

열왕기상 18:32
저가 여호와의 이름을 의지하여 그 돌로 단을 쌓고 단으로 돌아가며 곡식 종자 두 세아를 용납할 만한 도랑을 만들고

I Regum 18:32
et aedificavit lapidibus altare in nomine Domini fecitque aquaeductum quasi per duas aratiunculas in circuitu altaris

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 18:32
Jis pastatė aukurą iš akmenų Viešpaties vardui ir iškasė aplink jį griovį, į kurį tilptų du saikai sėklos.

1 Kings 18:32
Na hanga ana e ia aua kohatu hei aata mo te ingoa o Ihowa; a keria ana he awa ki te taha o te aata a taka noa, kia rua nga mehua purapura ka ki.

1 Kongebok 18:32
Og han bygget av stenene et alter i Herrens navn og gjorde en grøft rundt om alteret så stor som til omkring to måls utsæd.

1 Reyes 18:32
Y con las piedras edificó un altar en el nombre del SEÑOR, e hizo una zanja alrededor del altar, suficientemente grande para contener dos medidas de semilla.

Con las piedras edificó un altar en el nombre del SEÑOR, e hizo una zanja alrededor del altar, suficientemente grande para contener dos medidas (14.6 litros) de semilla.

Edificó con las piedras un altar en el nombre de Jehová: después hizo una zanja alrededor del altar, donde cupieran dos medidas de semilla.

Edificó con las piedras un altar en el nombre de Jehová: después hizo una reguera alrededor del altar, cuanto cupieran dos satos de simiente.

edificó con las piedras un altar en el nombre del SEÑOR; después hizo una zanja alrededor del altar, en que cupieran dos medidas de simiente.

1 Reis 18:32
e tomando as pedras reedificou o altar em o Nome de Yahweh, o SENHOR. Em seguida, fez em volta do altar uma valeta com dois seás, capacidade para conter mais de doze litros de sementes plantadas.

e com as pedras edificou o altar em nome do Senhor; depois fez em redor do altar um rego, em que podiam caber duas medidas de semente.   

1 Imparati 18:32
şi a zidit cu pietrele acestea un altar în Numele Domnului. A făcut împrejurul altarului un şanţ, în care încăpeau două măsuri de sămînţă.

3-я Царств 18:32
И построил из сих камней жертвенник во имя Господа, и сделал вокруг жертвенника ров, вместимостью в две саты зерен,

И построил из сих камней жертвенник во имя Господа, и сделал вокруг жертвенника ров, вместимостью в две саты зерен,[]

1 Kungaboken 18:32
Och han byggde av stenarna ett altare i HERRENS namn och gjorde omkring altaret en grav, stor nog för ett utsäde av två sea-mått.

1 Kings 18:32
At sa pamamagitan ng mga bato ay kaniyang itinayo ang dambana sa pangalan ng Panginoon; at kaniyang nilagyan ng hukay sa palibot ng dambana, na ang laki ay kasisidlan ng dalawang takal na binhi.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 18:32
และท่านได้สร้างแท่นบูชาด้วยศิลานั้นในพระนามของพระเยโฮวาห์ และท่านได้ขุดร่องรอบแท่นใหญ่พอจุเมล็ดพืชได้สองถัง

1 Krallar 18:32
İlyas bu taşlarla RABbin adına bir sunak yaptırdı. Çevresine de iki seafü tohum alacak kadar bir hendek kazdı.[]

1 Caùc Vua 18:32
Người dùng mười hai hòn đá ấy mà dựng lên một cái bàn thờ nhơn danh Ðức Giê-hô-va; chung quanh bàn thờ, người đào một cái mương đựng được hai đấu hột giống;

1 Kings 18:31
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