1 Kings 13:3
1 Kings 13:3
That same day the man of God gave a sign: "This is the sign the LORD has declared: The altar will be split apart and the ashes on it will be poured out."

That same day the man of God gave a sign to prove his message. He said, "The LORD has promised to give this sign: This altar will split apart, and its ashes will be poured out on the ground."

And he gave a sign the same day, saying, “This is the sign that the LORD has spoken: ‘Behold, the altar shall be torn down, and the ashes that are on it shall be poured out.’”

Then he gave a sign the same day, saying, "This is the sign which the LORD has spoken, 'Behold, the altar shall be split apart and the ashes which are on it shall be poured out.'"

And he gave a sign the same day, saying, This is the sign which the LORD hath spoken; Behold, the altar shall be rent, and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out.

He gave a sign that day. He said, "This is the sign that the LORD has spoken: 'The altar will now be ripped apart, and the ashes that are on it will be poured out.'"

Later that same day, he gave them a special display of power of what was to come when he said, "Here's proof that the LORD has decreed this: Look! This altar will be split apart and the ashes that are on it will spill out."

That day he also announced a sign, "This is the sign the LORD has predetermined: The altar will be split open and the ashes on it will fall to the ground."

That day the man of God [also] gave [them] a miraculous sign, saying, "This is the sign that the LORD will give you: You will see the altar torn apart. The ashes on it will be poured [on the ground]."

And he gave a sign the same day, saying, This is the sign which the LORD has spoken: Behold, the altar shall be rent, and the ashes with the burnt fat that are upon it shall be poured out.

And he gave a sign the same day, saying, This is the sign which the LORD has spoken; Behold, the altar shall be torn, and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out.

And he gave a sign the same day, saying, This is the sign which the LORD has spoken; Behold, the altar shall be rent, and the ashes that are on it shall be poured out.

And he gave a sign the same day, saying, This is the sign which Jehovah hath spoken: Behold, the altar shall be rent, and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out.

And he gave a sign the same day, saying: This shall be the sign, that the Lord hath spoken: Behold the altar shall be rent, and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out.

And he gave a sign the same day, saying, This is the sign that Jehovah hath spoken: Behold, the altar shall be rent, and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out.

And he gave a sign the same day, saying, This is the sign which the LORD hath spoken: Behold, the altar shall be rent, and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out.

And he gave a sign the same day, saying, This is the sign which the LORD hath spoken; Behold, the altar shall be rent, and the ashes that are upon it shall be poured out.

He gave a sign the same day, saying, "This is the sign which Yahweh has spoken: Behold, the altar will be split apart, and the ashes that are on it will be poured out."

And he hath given on that day a sign, saying, 'This is the sign that Jehovah hath spoken, Lo, the altar is rent, and the ashes poured forth that are on it.'

1 i Mbretërve 13:3
Po atë ditë dha një shenjë të mrekullueshme, duke thënë: "Kjo është shenja për të cilën foli Zoti; ja, altari do të çahet dhe hiri që është mbi të do të shpërndahet".

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 13:3
واعطى في ذلك اليوم علامة قائلا هذه هي العلامة التي تكلم بها الرب هوذا المذبح ينشق ويذرى الرماد الذي عليه.

De Künig A 13:3
Er gaab seln Tag aau ayn Zaichen dyrfür und spraach: "Dös ist ys Zaichen, däß wirklich dyr Trechtein gsprochen haat: Dyr Altter gaat zberstn, und önn Aschn verstraeut s waiß grad wo."

3 Царе 13:3
И в същия ден той даде знамение, като рече: Ето знамението, което изговори Господ: Ето, жертвеникът ще се разцепи, и пепелта, която е на него, ще се разсипе.

列 王 紀 上 13:3
當 日 , 神 人 設 個 預 兆 , 說 : 這 壇 必 破 裂 , 壇 上 的 灰 必 傾 撒 , 這 是 耶 和 華 說 的 預 兆 。

当 日 , 神 人 设 个 预 兆 , 说 : 这 坛 必 破 裂 , 坛 上 的 灰 必 倾 撒 , 这 是 耶 和 华 说 的 预 兆 。



1 Kings 13:3
U isto im vrijeme dade znak: "Ovo je znak da je Jahve govorio: gle, žrtvenik će se raspuknuti i prosut će se pepeo što je na njemu."

První Královská 13:3
I dal téhož dne znamení, řka: Totoť jest znamení, že mluvil Hospodin: Aj, oltář roztrhne se a vysype se popel, kterýž jest na něm.

Første Kongebog 13:3
Og samtidig kundgjorde han et Tegn, idet han sagde: »Dette er Tegnet paa, at HERREN har talet: Se, Alteret skal revne, saa Asken derpaa vælter ud!«

1 Koningen 13:3
En hij gaf ten zelfden dage een wonderteken, zeggende: Dit is dat wonderteken, waarvan de HEERE gesproken heeft; ziet, het altaar zal vaneen gescheurd, en de as, die daarop is, afgestort worden.

מלכים א 13:3
וְנָתַן֩ בַּיֹּ֨ום הַה֤וּא מֹופֵת֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר זֶ֣ה הַמֹּופֵ֔ת אֲשֶׁ֖ר דִּבֶּ֣ר יְהוָ֑ה הִנֵּ֤ה הַמִּזְבֵּ֙חַ֙ נִקְרָ֔ע וְנִשְׁפַּ֖ךְ הַדֶּ֥שֶׁן אֲשֶׁר־עָלָֽיו׃

ג ונתן ביום ההוא מופת לאמר זה המופת אשר דבר יהוה  הנה המזבח נקרע ונשפך הדשן אשר עליו

ונתן ביום ההוא מופת לאמר זה המופת אשר דבר יהוה הנה המזבח נקרע ונשפך הדשן אשר־עליו׃

1 Királyok 13:3
És ugyanazon napon csudát tõn, mondván: E lészen jegye, hogy az Úr mondotta légyen [ezt]: Ímé az oltár meghasad, és kiomol a hamu, mely rajta van.

Reĝoj 1 13:3
Kaj li donis en tiu tago signon, dirante:CXi tio estas la signo, ke tion parolis la Eternulo:jen la altaro disfendigxos, kaj la cindro, kiu estas sur gxi, dissxutigxos.

Ja hän antoi sinä päivänä ihmeen ja sanoi: tämä on se ihme, jonka Herra puhunut on: katso, alttarin pitää halkeaman, ja tuhka, joka sen päällä on, pitää hajoitettaman.

1 Rois 13:3
Et il donna en ce même jour un signe, disant: C'est ici le signe que l'Éternel a parlé: Voici, l'autel se fendra, et la cendre qui est dessus sera répandue.

Et le même jour il donna un signe, en disant: C'est ici le signe que l'Eternel a parlé: Voici, l'autel se fendra, et la cendre qui est dessus sera répandue.

Et il proposa ce jour-là même un miracle, en disant : C'est ici le miracle dont l'Eternel a parlé : Voici, l'autel se fendra tout maintenant, et la cendre qui est dessus sera répandue.

1 Koenige 13:3
Und er gab des Tages ein Wunder und sprach: Das ist das Wunder, daß solches der HERR geredet hat: Siehe, der Altar wird reißen und die Asche verschüttet werden, die drauf ist.

Und er gab des Tages ein Wunderzeichen und sprach: Das ist das Wunderzeichen, daß solches der HERR geredet hat: Siehe der Altar wird reißen und die Asche verschüttet werden, die darauf ist.

Und er kündigte jenes Tags ein Wahrzeichen an, indem er sprach: Dies ist das Wahrzeichen, daß Jahwe solches geredet hat: der Altar wird bersten, daß die Fettasche, die darauf ist, verschüttet wird.

1 Re 13:3
E quello stesso giorno diede un segno miracoloso dicendo: "Questo è il segno che l’Eterno ha parlato: ecco, l’altare si spaccherà, e la cenere che v’è sopra si spanderà".

E quello stesso giorno diede un segno, dicendo: Questo è il segno, che il Signore ha parlato: Ecco, l’altare di presente si schianterà, e la cenere che è sopra esso sarà sparsa.

1 RAJA-RAJA 13:3
Maka pada hari itu juga diadakannya suatu mujizat, katanya: Maka inilah akan mujizat bahwa Tuhan sudah berfirman: Sesungguhnya mezbah ini akan terbelah dan abu yang di atasnya itu akan terhambur.

열왕기상 13:3
그 날에 저가 예조를 들어 가로되 `이는 여호와의 말씀하신 예조라 단이 갈라지며 그 위에 있는 재가 쏟아지리라' 하매

I Regum 13:3
deditque in die illa signum dicens hoc erit signum quod locutus est Dominus ecce altare scinditur et effunditur cinis qui in eo est

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 13:3
Ir jis davė ženklą tą dieną, sakydamas: “Jūs matysite ženklą, kad Viešpats tikrai taip kalbėjo. Štai aukuras sugrius ir pelenai išbyrės”.

1 Kings 13:3
I hoatu ano e ia he tohu i taua ra, i mea, Ko te tohu tenei i korerotia e Ihowa, Nana, ka koara te aata, a ka maringi nga pungarehu o runga.

1 Kongebok 13:3
På samme tid forkynte han et tegn og sa: Dette er tegnet på at Herren har talt: Alteret skal revne, og asken som er på det, skal spredes.

1 Reyes 13:3
Aquel mismo día dio una señal, diciendo: Esta es la señal de que el SEÑOR ha hablado: ``He aquí, el altar se romperá y las cenizas que están sobre él se derramarán.

Aquel mismo día dio una señal, y dijo: "Esta es la señal de que el SEÑOR ha hablado: 'El altar se romperá y las cenizas que están sobre él se derramarán.'"

Y aquel mismo día dio una señal, diciendo: Ésta es la señal de que Jehová ha hablado; he aquí que el altar se quebrará, y la ceniza que está sobre él se derramará.

Y aquel mismo día dió una señal, diciendo: Esta es la señal de que Jehová ha hablado: he aquí que el altar se quebrará, y la ceniza que sobre él está se derramará.

Y aquel mismo día dio una señal, diciendo: Esta es la señal de que el SEÑOR ha hablado: he aquí que el altar se quebrará, y la ceniza que sobre él está se derramará.

1 Reis 13:3
Naquele mesmo dia, deu ele um sinal, afirmando: “Este é o sinal de que Yahweh falou: O altar se partirá, e toda a cinza que está sobre ele se derramará!”

E deu naquele mesmo dia um sinal, dizendo: Este é o sinal de que o Senhor falou; Eis que o altar se fenderá, e a cinza que está sobre ele se derramará.   

1 Imparati 13:3
Şi în aceeaş zi a dat un semn, zicînd: ,,Acesta este semnul care arată că Domnul a vorbit: Altarul se va despica, şi cenuşa de pe el se va vărsa.``

3-я Царств 13:3
И дал в тот день знамение, сказав: вот знамение того, что это изрек Господь: вот, этот жертвенник распадется, и пепел, который на нем, рассыплется.

И дал в тот день знамение, сказав: вот знамение того, что это изрек Господь: вот, этот жертвенник распадется, и пепел, который на нем, рассыплется.[]

1 Kungaboken 13:3
På samma gång angav han ett tecken, i det han sade: »Detta är tecknet på att det är HERREN som har talat: se, altaret skall rämna, och askan därpå skall spillas ut.»

1 Kings 13:3
At siya'y nagbigay ng tanda nang araw ding yaon, na nagsasabi, Ito ang tanda na sinalita ng Panginoon: Narito, ang dambana ay mababaak, at ang mga abo na nasa ibabaw ay mabubuhos.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 13:3
และท่านก็ให้หมายสำคัญในวันเดียวกันนั้น กล่าวว่า "นี่เป็นหมายสำคัญที่พระเยโฮวาห์ได้ตรัสว่า `ดูเถิด เขาจะพังแท่นบูชาลงมา และมูลเถ้าซึ่งอยู่บนนั้นจะถูกเทออก'"

1 Krallar 13:3
Aynı gün Tanrı adamı bir belirti göstererek konuşmasını şöyle sürdürdü: ‹‹RABbin bana açıkladığı belirti şudur: Bu sunak parçalanacak, üstündeki küller çevreye savrulacak.››[]

1 Caùc Vua 13:3
Trong ngày đó, thầy tiên tri tỏ một dấu lạ, rằng: Nầy là dấu lạ mà Ðức Giê-hô-va đã phán: Bàn thờ sẽ nứt, tro trên bàn thờ sẽ đổ xuống đất.

1 Kings 13:2
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