1 Kings 10:9
1 Kings 10:9
Praise be to the LORD your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the LORD's eternal love for Israel, he has made you king to maintain justice and righteousness."

Praise the LORD your God, who delights in you and has placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the LORD's eternal love for Israel, he has made you king so you can rule with justice and righteousness."

Blessed be the LORD your God, who has delighted in you and set you on the throne of Israel! Because the LORD loved Israel forever, he has made you king, that you may execute justice and righteousness.”

"Blessed be the LORD your God who delighted in you to set you on the throne of Israel; because the LORD loved Israel forever, therefore He made you king, to do justice and righteousness."

Blessed be the LORD thy God, which delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel: because the LORD loved Israel for ever, therefore made he thee king, to do judgment and justice.

May Yahweh your God be praised! He delighted in you and put you on the throne of Israel, because of the LORD's eternal love for Israel. He has made you king to carry out justice and righteousness."

And blessed be the LORD your God, who is delighted with you! He set you in place on the throne of Israel because the LORD loved Israel forever. That's why he made you to be king, so you could carry out justice and implement righteousness."

May the LORD your God be praised because he favored you by placing you on the throne of Israel! Because of the LORD's eternal love for Israel, he made you king so you could make just and right decisions."

Thank the LORD your God, who is pleased with you. He has put you on the throne of Israel. Because of your God's eternal love for the people of Israel, he has made you king so that you would maintain justice and righteousness."

Blessed be the LORD thy God, who delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel; because the LORD has always loved Israel, therefore he made thee king, to do justice and righteousness.

Blessed be the LORD your God, who delighted in you, to set you on the throne of Israel: because the LORD loved Israel forever, therefore he made you king, to execute justice and righteousness.

Blessed be the LORD your God, which delighted in you, to set you on the throne of Israel: because the LORD loved Israel for ever, therefore made he you king, to do judgment and justice.

Blessed be Jehovah thy God, who delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel: because Jehovah loved Israel for ever, therefore made he thee king, to do justice and righteousness.

Blessed be the Lord thy God, whom thou hast pleased, and who hath set thee upon the throne of Israel, because the Lord hath loved Israel for ever, and hath appointed thee king, to do judgment and justice.

Blessed be Jehovah thy God, who delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel! Because Jehovah loves Israel for ever, therefore did he make thee king, to do judgment and justice.

Blessed be the LORD thy God, which delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel: because the LORD loved Israel for ever, therefore made he thee king, to do judgment and justice.

Blessed be the LORD thy God, who delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel: because the LORD loved Israel for ever, therefore he made thee king, to do judgment and justice.

Blessed is Yahweh your God, who delighted in you, to set you on the throne of Israel. Because Yahweh loved Israel forever, therefore made he you king, to do justice and righteousness."

Jehovah thy God is blessed who delighted in thee, to put thee on the throne of Israel; in Jehovah's loving Israel to the age He doth set thee for king, to do judgment and righteousness.

1 i Mbretërve 10:9
Qoftë i bekuar Zoti, Perëndia yt, që pati mirësinë të të vërë mbi fronin e Izraelit! Për shkak të dashurisë së tij të përjetshme për Izraelin, Zoti të ka vënë mbret për të ushtruar arsyen dhe drejtësinë".

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 10:9
ليكن مباركا الرب الهك الذي سرّ بك وجعلك على كرسي اسرائيل. لان الرب احب اسرائيل الى الابد جعلك ملكا لتجري حكما وبرا.

De Künig A 10:9
Prisn sei dyr Trechtein, dein Got, der was s mit dir haat und di auf n Troon von Isryheel gsötzt haat. Weil dyr Trechtein Isryheel für allzeit liebt, haat yr di zo n Künig drüber angstöllt, däßst Recht und Gerechtigkeit uebst."

3 Царе 10:9
Да бъде благословен Господ твоят Бог, Който има благоволение към тебе да те постави на Израилевия престол. Понеже Господ е възлюбил Израиля за винаги, затова те е поставил цар, за да раздаваш правосъдие и да вършиш правда.

列 王 紀 上 10:9
耶 和 華 ─ 你 的   神 是 應 當 稱 頌 的 ! 他 喜 悅 你 , 使 你 坐 以 色 列 的 國 位 ; 因 為 他 永 遠 愛 以 色 列 , 所 以 立 你 作 王 , 使 你 秉 公 行 義 。

耶 和 华 ─ 你 的   神 是 应 当 称 颂 的 ! 他 喜 悦 你 , 使 你 坐 以 色 列 的 国 位 ; 因 为 他 永 远 爱 以 色 列 , 所 以 立 你 作 王 , 使 你 秉 公 行 义 。



1 Kings 10:9
Neka je blagoslovljen Jahve, Bog tvoj, komu si tako omilio da te postavio na prijestolje Izraelaca; zato što Jahve uvijek ljubi Izraela, postavio te kraljem da činiš pravo i pravicu."

První Královská 10:9
Budiž Hospodin Bůh tvůj požehnaný, kterýž tě sobě oblíbil, aby tě posadil na stolici Izraelské, proto že miluje Hospodin Izraele na věky, a ustanovil tě králem, abys činil soud a spravedlnost.

Første Kongebog 10:9
Lovet være HERREN din Gud, som fandt behag i dig og satte dig paa Israels Trone! Fordi HERREN elsker Israel evindelig, satte han dig til Konge, til at øve ret og Retfærdighed.«

1 Koningen 10:9
Geloofd zij de HEERE, uw God, Die behagen in u heeft gehad, om u op den troon van Israel te zetten! Omdat de HEERE Israel in eeuwigheid bemint, daarom heeft Hij u tot koning gesteld, om recht en gerechtigheid te doen.

מלכים א 10:9
יְהִ֨י יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהֶ֙יךָ֙ בָּר֔וּךְ אֲשֶׁר֙ חָפֵ֣ץ בְּךָ֔ לְתִתְּךָ֖ עַל־כִּסֵּ֣א יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל בְּאַהֲבַ֨ת יְהוָ֤ה אֶת־יִשְׂרָאֵל֙ לְעֹלָ֔ם וַיְשִֽׂימְךָ֣ לְמֶ֔לֶךְ לַעֲשֹׂ֥ות מִשְׁפָּ֖ט וּצְדָקָֽה׃

ט יהי יהוה אלהיך ברוך אשר חפץ בך לתתך על כסא ישראל--באהבת יהוה את ישראל לעלם וישימך למלך לעשות משפט וצדקה

יהי יהוה אלהיך ברוך אשר חפץ בך לתתך על־כסא ישראל באהבת יהוה את־ישראל לעלם וישימך למלך לעשות משפט וצדקה׃

1 Királyok 10:9
Legyen az Úr, a te Istened áldott, a ki kedvelt téged, hogy az Izráel királyi székibe ültetett, mert szerette az Úr az Izráelt mindörökké, és királylyá tett téged, hogy ítéletet és igazságot szolgáltass.

Reĝoj 1 10:9
Benata estu la Eternulo, via Dio, kiu favoras vin kaj sidigis vin sur la tronon de Izrael. Pro Sia eterna amo al Izrael Li faris vin regxo, por ke vi zorgu pri jugxo kaj justeco.

Kiitetty olkoon Herra sinun Jumalas, joka sinuun on mielistynyt, sinun Israelin istuimelle pannaksensa! Sentähden että Herra rakastaa Israelia ijankaikkisesti, on hän pannut sinun kuninkaaksi tuomiota ja oikeutta tekemään.

1 Rois 10:9
Béni soit l'Éternel, ton Dieu, qui a pris plaisir en toi pour te placer sur le trône d'Israël! Parce que l'Éternel aimait Israël à toujours, il t'a établi roi pour faire droit et justice.

Béni soit l'Eternel, ton Dieu, qui t'a accordé la faveur de te placer sur le trône d'Israël! C'est parce que l'Eternel aime à toujours Israël, qu'il t'a établi roi pour que tu fasses droit et justice.

Béni soit l'Eternel ton Dieu, qui t'a eu pour agréable, afin de te mettre sur le trône d'Israël; car l'Eternel a aimé Israël à toujours; et t'a établi Roi pour faire jugement et justice.

1 Koenige 10:9
Gelobet sei der HERR, dein Gott, der zu dir Lust hat, daß er dich auf den Stuhl Israels gesetzet hat, darum daß der HERR Israel liebhat ewiglich und dich zum Könige gesetzet hat, daß du Gericht und Recht haltest.

Gelobt sei der HERR, dein Gott, der zu dir Lust hat, daß er dich auf den Stuhl Israels gesetzt hat; darum daß der HERR Israel liebhat ewiglich, hat er dich zum König gesetzt, daß du Gericht und Recht haltest.

Es sei Jahwe, dein Gott gepriesen, der an dir Wohlgefallen hatte, daß er dich auf den Thron Israels setzte; weil Jahwe Israel lieb hat ewiglich, darum hat er dich zum König eingesetzt, daß du Recht und Gerechtigkeit übest!

1 Re 10:9
Sia benedetto l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, il quale t’ha gradito, mettendoti sul trono d’Israele! L’Eterno ti ha stabilito re, per far ragione e giustizia, perch’egli nutre per Israele un amore perpetuo".

Sia benedetto il Signore Iddio tuo, il quale ti ha gradito, per metterti sopra il trono d’Israele, per l’amor che il Signore porta in eterno ad Israele; e ti ha costituito re, per far ragione e giustizia.

1 RAJA-RAJA 10:9
Segala puji bagi Tuhan, Allahmu, yang berkenan akan tuan, sehingga didudukkannya tuan di atas takhta kerajaan Israel! Tegal Tuhan mengasihi akan orang Israel pada selama-lamanya, maka sebab itu diangkat-Nya akan tuan menjadi raja akan berbuat benar dan insaf.

열왕기상 10:9
당신의 하나님 여호와를 송축할지로다 ! 여호와께서 당신을 기뻐하사 이스라엘 위에 올리셨고 여호와께서 영영히 이스라엘을 사랑하시므로 당신을 세워 왕을 삼아 공과 의를 행하게 하셨도다'하고

I Regum 10:9
sit Dominus Deus tuus benedictus cui placuisti et posuit te super thronum Israhel eo quod dilexerit Dominus Israhel in sempiternum et constituit te regem ut faceres iudicium et iustitiam

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 10:9
Palaimintas Viešpats, tavo Dievas, kuris pamėgo tave ir pasodino Izraelio soste. Viešpats pamilo Izraelį amžiams ir todėl paskyrė tave karaliumi teismui ir teisingumui vykdyti”.

1 Kings 10:9
Kia whakapaingia a Ihowa, tou Atua i whakaahuareka nei ki a koe, i homai nei i a koe ki runga ki te torona o Iharaira; he aroha mau tonu hoki no Ihowa ki a Iharaira, na meinga ana koe e ia hei kingi, hei nahi i te whakawa, i te tika.

1 Kongebok 10:9
Lovet være Herren din Gud, som hadde velbehag i dig, så han satte dig på Israels trone! Fordi Herren elsker Israel til evig tid, satte han dig til konge for å håndheve rett og rettferdighet.

1 Reyes 10:9
Bendito sea el SEÑOR tu Dios que se agradó de ti para ponerte sobre el trono de Israel; por el amor que el SEÑOR ha tenido siempre a Israel, te ha puesto por rey para hacer derecho y justicia.

"Bendito sea el SEÑOR su Dios que se agradó de usted para ponerle sobre el trono de Israel. Por el amor que el SEÑOR ha tenido siempre a Israel, le ha puesto por rey para hacer derecho y justicia."

Jehová tu Dios sea bendito, que se agradó de ti para ponerte en el trono de Israel; porque Jehová ha amado siempre a Israel, y te ha puesto por rey, para que hagas derecho y justicia.

Jehová tu Dios sea bendito, que se agradó de ti para ponerte en el trono de Israel; porque Jehová ha amado siempre á Israel, y te ha puesto por rey, para que hagas derecho y justicia.

El SEÑOR tu Dios sea bendito, que se agradó de ti para ponerte en el trono de Israel; porque el SEÑOR ha amado siempre a Israel, y te ha puesto por rey, para que hagas derecho y justicia.

1 Reis 10:9
Bendito seja o SENHOR, o teu Deus, que se agradou de ti e te colocou no trono de Israel. Por causa do amor leal e eterno do SENHOR para com Israel, Ele te elevou à majestade e te fez rei, para estabelecer a justiça e tudo o que é verdadeiro!”

Bendito seja o Senhor teu Deus, que se agradou de ti e te colocou no trono de Israel! Porquanto o Senhor amou Israel para sempre, por isso te estabeleceu rei, para executares juízo e justiça.   

1 Imparati 10:9
Binecuvîntat să fie Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, care a binevoit să te pună pe scaunul de domnie al lui Israel! Pentrucă Domnul iubeşte pentru totdeauna pe Israel, de aceea te -a pus împărat, ca să judeci şi să faci dreptate.``

3-я Царств 10:9
Да будет благословен Господь Бог твой, Который благоволил посадитьтебя на престол Израилев! Господь, по вечной любви Своей к Израилю, поставил тебя царем, творить суд и правду.

Да будет благословен Господь Бог твой, Который благоволил посадить тебя на престол Израилев! Господь, по вечной любви Своей к Израилю, поставил тебя царем, творить суд и правду.[]

1 Kungaboken 10:9
Lovad vare HERREN, din Gud, som har funnit sådant behag i dig, att han har satt dig på Israels tron! Ja, därför att HERREN älskar Israel evinnerligen, därför har han satt dig till konung, för att du skall skipa lag och rätt.»

1 Kings 10:9
Purihin ang Panginoon mong Dios, na nalulugod sa iyo, upang ilagay ka sa luklukan ng Israel: sapagka't minamahal ng Panginoon ang Israel magpakailan man, kaya't ginawa ka niyang hari upang gumawa ng kahatulan at ng katuwiran.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 10:9
สาธุการแด่พระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของพระองค์ ผู้ทรงพอพระทัยในพระองค์ และทรงแต่งตั้งพระองค์ไว้บนบัลลังก์แห่งอิสราเอล เพราะพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงรักอิสราเอลเป็นนิตย์พระองค์จึงทรงแต่งตั้งให้พระองค์เป็นกษัตริย์ เพื่อว่าพระองค์จะทรงอำนวยความยุติธรรมและความเที่ยงธรรม"

1 Krallar 10:9
Senden hoşnut kalan, seni İsrail tahtına oturtan Tanrın RABbe övgüler olsun! RAB İsraile sonsuz sevgi duyduğundan, adaleti ve doğruluğu sağlaman için seni kral yaptı.››[]

1 Caùc Vua 10:9
Ðáng khen ngợi thay Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời của vua, vì Ngài đẹp lòng vua, đặt vua trên ngôi của Y-sơ-ra-ên! Bởi vì Ðức Giê-hô-va yêu dấu Y-sơ-ra-ên mãi mãi, nên Ngài đã lập vua làm vua đặng cai trị theo sự ngay thẳng và công bình.

1 Kings 10:8
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