1 Kings 10:15
1 Kings 10:15
not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories.

This did not include the additional revenue he received from merchants and traders, all the kings of Arabia, and the governors of the land.

besides that which came from the explorers and from the business of the merchants, and from all the kings of the west and from the governors of the land.

besides that from the traders and the wares of the merchants and all the kings of the Arabs and the governors of the country.

Beside that he had of the merchantmen, and of the traffick of the spice merchants, and of all the kings of Arabia, and of the governors of the country.

besides what came from merchants, traders' merchandise, and all the Arabian kings and governors of the land.

not including revenue from traders, merchants, and from all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the land.

besides what he collected from the merchants, traders, Arabian kings, and governors of the land.

not counting [the gold] which came from the merchants, the traders' profits, all the Arab kings, and the governors of the country.

besides what he had from the merchantmen and from the trade of the spice merchants and from all the kings of Arabia and from the princes of the land.

Besides that he received of the merchantmen, and of the traffic of the spice merchants, and of all the kings of Arabia, and of the governors of the country.

Beside that he had of the merchants, and of the traffic of the spice merchants, and of all the kings of Arabia, and of the governors of the country.

besides that which the traders brought , and the traffic of the merchants, and of all the kings of the mingled people, and of the governors of the country.

Besides that which the men brought him that were over the tributes, and the merchants, and they that sold by retail, and all the kings of Arabia, and the governors of the country.

besides what came by the dealers, and by the traffic of the merchants, and by all the kings of Arabia, and by the governors of the country.

beside that which the chapmen brought, and the traffic of the merchants, and of all the kings of the mingled people, and of the governors of the country.

Besides what he had of the merchants, and of the traffic of the spice-merchants, and of all the kings of Arabia, and of the governors of the country.

besides [that which] the traders [brought], and the traffic of the merchants, and of all the kings of the mixed people, and of the governors of the country.

apart from that of the tourists, and of the traffic of the merchants, and of all the kings of Arabia, and of the governors of the land.

1 i Mbretërve 10:15
përveç atij që vinte nga tregtarët, nga lëvizja e mallrave, nga gjithë mbretërit e Arabisë dhe nga qeveritarët e vendit.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 10:15
ما عدا الذي من عند التجار وتجارة التجار وجميع ملوك العرب وولاة الارض.

De Künig A 10:15
Daa seind d Steuern von de Kaeuffln, dyr Zoll von de Handler und de Gaabn von de arbischn Künig und Laistungen von seine Vögt non gar nit aynmaal mitgrechnet.

3 Царе 10:15
освен онова, което [се внасяше] от купувачите, от товарите на търговците, от всичките арабски царе и от управителите на страната.

列 王 紀 上 10:15
另 外 還 有 商 人 和 雜 族 ( 歷 代 下 九 章14 節 作 亞 拉 伯 ) 的 諸 王 , 與 國 中 的 省 長 所 進 的 金 子 。

另 外 还 有 商 人 和 杂 族 ( 历 代 下 九 章14 节 作 亚 拉 伯 ) 的 诸 王 , 与 国 中 的 省 长 所 进 的 金 子 。



1 Kings 10:15
osim onoga što je dolazilo od trgovaca i prodavača-potukača i od svih arapskih kraljeva i upravitelja zemaljskih.

První Královská 10:15
Kromě toho, co přicházelo od kupců a prodavačů vonných věcí, a ode všech králů Arabských i vývod země.

Første Kongebog 10:15
de ikke medregnet, hvad der indkom i Afgift fra de undertvungne Folk og ved Købmændenes Handel og fra alle Arabiens Konger og Landets Statholdere.

1 Koningen 10:15
Behalve dat van de kramers was, en van den handel der kruideniers, en van alle koningen van Arabie, en van de geweldigen van dat land.

מלכים א 10:15
לְבַד֙ מֵאַנְשֵׁ֣י הַתָּרִ֔ים וּמִסְחַ֖ר הָרֹכְלִ֑ים וְכָל־מַלְכֵ֥י הָעֶ֖רֶב וּפַחֹ֥ות הָאָֽרֶץ׃

טו לבד מאנשי התרים ומסחר הרכלים וכל מלכי הערב ופחות הארץ

לבד מאנשי התרים ומסחר הרכלים וכל־מלכי הערב ופחות הארץ׃

1 Királyok 10:15
Azonkivül, [a mi jõ vala] az árus emberektõl és a fûszerszámokkal kereskedõ kalmároktól, és mind az Arábiabeli királyoktól, és annak a földnek tiszttartóitól.

Reĝoj 1 10:15
krom tio, kio venis de la butikistoj kaj de la komerco de negocistoj kaj de cxiuj regxoj de Arabujo kaj de la regionestroj.

Ilman sitä mitä kauppamiehet ja yrttein myyjät, niin myös kaikki Arabian kuninkaat ja voimalliset maalta (toivat hänelle.)

1 Rois 10:15
outre ce qui lui venait des commerçants ambulants et du trafic des marchands, et de tous les rois de l'Arabie, et des gouverneurs du pays.

outre ce qu'il retirait des négociants et du trafic des marchands, de tous les rois d'Arabie, et des gouverneurs du pays.

Sans ce qui lui revenait des facteurs marchands en gros, et de la marchandise de ceux qui vendaient en détail, et de tous les Rois d'Arabie, et des Gouverneurs de ce pays-là.

1 Koenige 10:15
ohne was von Krämern und Kaufleuten und Apothekern und von allen Königen Arabiens und von den Gewaltigen in Ländern kam.

außer was von den Krämern und dem Handel der Kaufleute und von allen Königen Arabiens und von den Landpflegern kam.

abgesehen von dem, was einkam von den Karawanen und dem Handel der Kaufleute und von allen Königen der Steppenbewohner und den Statthaltern des Landes.

1 Re 10:15
oltre quello ch’ei percepiva dai mercanti, dal traffico dei negozianti, da tutti i re d’Arabia e dai governatori del paese.

oltre a quello che traeva da’ gabellieri, e dal traffico de’ mercatanti di spezierie, e da tutti i re dell’Arabia, e da’ principali signori del paese.

1 RAJA-RAJA 10:15
Kecuali segala emas yang dari pada orang berniaga dan dari pada perniagaan tukang rempah-rempah dan dari pada segala raja Arab dan segala orang kaya-kaya di tanah itu.

열왕기상 10:15
그 외에 또 상고와 무역하는 객상과 아라비아 왕들과 나라의 방백들에게서도 가져온지라

I Regum 10:15
excepto eo quod offerebant viri qui super vectigalia erant et negotiatores universique scruta vendentes et omnes reges Arabiae ducesque terrae

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 10:15
neskaičiuojant to, ką gaudavo iš prekybininkų, keliaujančių pirklių bei visų Arabijos karalių ir šalies valdytojų.

1 Kings 10:15
Haunga a nga kairapu taonga, i mau mai ai me nga taonga a nga kaihokohoko, a nga kingi katoa o Arapia, a nga kawana o te whenua.

1 Kongebok 10:15
foruten det som kom inn fra kjøbmennene og ved kremmernes handel og fra alle kongene i Arabia og fra stattholderne i landet.

1 Reyes 10:15
sin contar lo de los mercaderes, las mercancías de los comerciantes, de todos los reyes de Arabia y de los gobernadores de la tierra.

sin contar lo de los mercaderes, las mercancías de los comerciantes, de todos los reyes de Arabia y de los gobernadores de la tierra.

además de lo de los mercaderes, y lo de la contratación de especias, y lo de todos los reyes de Arabia y de los principales de la tierra.

Sin lo de los mercaderes, y de la contratación de especias, y de todos los reyes de Arabia, y de los principales de la tierra.

sin lo de los mercaderes, y de la contratación de especias, y de todos los reyes de Arabia, y de los príncipes de la tierra.

1 Reis 10:15
além dos impostos e taxas que eram pagos por mercadores e comerciantes em geral, por todos os reis da Arábia e pelos governadores do país.

além do que vinha dos vendedores ambulantes, e do tráfico dos negociantes, e de todos as reis da Arábia, e dos governadores do país.   

1 Imparati 10:15
afară de ce scotea dela negustorii cei mari şi din negoţul cu mărfuri, dela toţi împăraţii Arabiei, şi dela dregătorii ţării.

3-я Царств 10:15
сверх того, что получаемо было от разносчиков товара и от торговли купцов, и от всех царей Аравийских и от областных начальников.

сверх того, что [получаемо было] от разносчиков товара и от торговли купцов, и от всех царей Аравийских и от областных начальников.[]

1 Kungaboken 10:15
förutom det som inkom genom kringresande handelsmän och genom krämares köpenskap, så ock från Erebs alla konungar och från ståthållarna i landet.

1 Kings 10:15
Bukod doon sa dinala ng mga naglalako, at sa kalakal ng mga mangangalakal, at sa lahat na hari ng halohalong bayan, at sa mga gobernador sa lupain.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 10:15
นอกเหนือจากทองคำซึ่งมาจากพ่อค้า และจากการค้าของพวกพ่อค้า และจากกษัตริย์ทั้งปวงของประเทศอาระเบีย และจากบรรดาเจ้าเมืองแห่งแผ่นดิน

1 Krallar 10:15
Alım satımla uğraşanlarla tüccarların kazançlarından ve Arabistanın bütün krallarıyla İsrail valilerinden gelenler bunun dışındaydı.[]

1 Caùc Vua 10:15
không kể vàng người thâu lấy nơi người buôn bán dông, và nơi sự đổi chác của kẻ thương mại, cùng vàng mà các vua A-ra-bi, và các quan tổng đốc của xứ đem nộp.

1 Kings 10:14
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