1 Kings 1:19
1 Kings 1:19
He has sacrificed great numbers of cattle, fattened calves, and sheep, and has invited all the king's sons, Abiathar the priest and Joab the commander of the army, but he has not invited Solomon your servant.

He has sacrificed many cattle, fattened calves, and sheep, and he has invited all the king's sons to attend the celebration. He also invited Abiathar the priest and Joab, the commander of the army. But he did not invite your servant Solomon.

He has sacrificed oxen, fattened cattle, and sheep in abundance, and has invited all the sons of the king, Abiathar the priest, and Joab the commander of the army, but Solomon your servant he has not invited.

"He has sacrificed oxen and fatlings and sheep in abundance, and has invited all the sons of the king and Abiathar the priest and Joab the commander of the army, but he has not invited Solomon your servant.

And he hath slain oxen and fat cattle and sheep in abundance, and hath called all the sons of the king, and Abiathar the priest, and Joab the captain of the host: but Solomon thy servant hath he not called.

He has lavishly sacrificed oxen, fattened cattle, and sheep. He invited all the king's sons, Abiathar the priest, and Joab the commander of the army, but he did not invite your servant Solomon.

Adonijah has sacrificed myriads of oxen, fattened cattle, and sheep, and he has invited all of the king's sons, Abiathar the priest, and Joab the commander of the army, but he has not invited your servant Solomon.

He has sacrificed many cattle, steers, and sheep and has invited all the king's sons, Abiathar the priest, and Joab, the commander of the army, but he has not invited your servant Solomon.

He has sacrificed many fattened calves, bulls, and sheep. He has invited all the king's sons, Abiathar the priest, and Joab the commander of the army [to his feast]. But he hasn't invited your servant Solomon.

He has slain oxen and fat cattle and sheep in abundance and has called all the sons of the king and Abiathar, the priest, and Joab, the captain of the host; but he has not invited Solomon, thy slave.

And he has slain oxen and fatlings and sheep in abundance, and has called all the sons of the king, and Abiathar the priest, and Joab the captain of the army: but Solomon your servant has he not called.

And he has slain oxen and fat cattle and sheep in abundance, and has called all the sons of the king, and Abiathar the priest, and Joab the captain of the host: but Solomon your servant has he not called.

and he hath slain oxen and fatlings and sheep in abundance, and hath called all the sons of the king, and Abiathar the priest, and Joab the captain of the host; but Solomon thy servant hath he not called.

He hath killed oxen, and all fat cattle, and many rams, and invited all the king's sons, and Abiathar the priest, and Joab the general of the army: but Solomon thy servant he invited not.

And he has sacrificed oxen and fatted cattle and sheep in abundance, and has invited all the sons of the king and Abiathar the priest and Joab the captain of the host; but Solomon thy servant has he not invited.

and he hath slain oxen and fatlings and sheep in abundance, and hath called all the sons of the king, and Abiathar the priest, and Joab the captain of the host: but Solomon thy servant hath he not called.

And he hath slain oxen, and fat cattle, and sheep in abundance, and hath called all the sons of the king, and Abiathar the priest, and Joab the captain of the host: but Solomon thy servant hath he not called.

He has slain cattle and fatlings and sheep in abundance, and has called all the sons of the king, and Abiathar the priest, and Joab the captain of the army; but he hasn't called Solomon your servant.

and he sacrificeth ox, and fatling, and sheep in abundance, and calleth for all the sons of the king, and for Abiathar the priest, and for Joab head of the host -- and for Solomon thy servant he hath not called.

1 i Mbretërve 1:19
Ai ka flijuar një numër të madh qesh, viçash të majmë dhe delesh; ka ftuar tërë bijat e mbretit, priftin Abiathar dhe Joabin, komandantin e ushtrisë, por nuk ka ftuar Salomonin, shërbëtorin tënd.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 1:19
وقد ذبح ثيرانا ومعلوفات وغنما بكثرة ودعا جميع بني الملك وابياثار الكاهن ويوآب رئيس الجيش ولم يدع سليمان عبدك.

De Künig A 1:19
Er haat aynn Hauffen Rinder, Mastkälbln und Schaaf abgstochen und alle Künigssün, önn Priester Äbjätter und önn Feldherrn Job dyrzue eingladn. Aber yn n Salman haat yr nix gsait.

3 Царе 1:19
И той е заклал говеда, угоени [телци] и овци в изобилие, и е поканил всичките царски синове, и свещеника Авиатара, и военачалника Иоава; обаче, слугата ти Соломона не е поканил.

列 王 紀 上 1:19
他 宰 了 許 多 牛 羊 、 肥 犢 , 請 了 王 的 眾 子 和 祭 司 亞 比 亞 他 , 並 元 帥 約 押 ; 惟 獨 王 的 僕 人 所 羅 門 , 他 沒 有 請 。

他 宰 了 许 多 牛 羊 、 肥 犊 , 请 了 王 的 众 子 和 祭 司 亚 比 亚 他 , 并 元 帅 约 押 ; 惟 独 王 的 仆 人 所 罗 门 , 他 没 有 请 。



1 Kings 1:19
Naklao je on mnogo volova, tovljene teladi i ovaca za žrtvu i pozvao je sve sinove kraljeve, svećenika Ebjatara i vojskovođu Joaba, ali slugu tvoga Salomona nije pozvao.

První Královská 1:19
Nebo nabiv volů a krmného dobytka a ovec množství, pozval všech synů královských, i Abiatara kněze a Joába hejtmana vojska, Šalomouna pak služebníka tvého nepozval.

Første Kongebog 1:19
Han har ladet slagte Hornkvæg, Fedekvæg og Smaakvæg i Mængde og indbudt alle Kongesønnerne, Præsten Ebjatar og Hærføreren Joab, men din Træl Salomo har han ikke indbudt.

1 Koningen 1:19
En hij heeft ossen, en gemest vee, en schapen in menigte geslacht, en genood al de zonen des konings, en Abjathar, den priester, en Joab, den krijgsoverste, maar uw knecht Salomo heeft hij niet genood.

מלכים א 1:19
וַ֠יִּזְבַּח שֹׁ֥ור וּֽמְרִיא־וְצֹאן֮ לָרֹב֒ וַיִּקְרָא֙ לְכָל־בְּנֵ֣י הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ וּלְאֶבְיָתָר֙ הַכֹּהֵ֔ן וּלְיֹאָ֖ב שַׂ֣ר הַצָּבָ֑א וְלִשְׁלֹמֹ֥ה עַבְדְּךָ֖ לֹ֥א קָרָֽא׃

יט ויזבח שור ומריא וצאן לרב  {פ}  ויקרא לכל בני המלך ולאביתר הכהן וליאב שר הצבא ולשלמה עבדך לא קרא

ויזבח שור ומריא־וצאן לרב ויקרא לכל־בני המלך ולאביתר הכהן וליאב שר הצבא ולשלמה עבדך לא קרא׃

1 Királyok 1:19
Mert áldozott ökrökkel és nagy sok kövér barmokkal bõségesen, és vendégekké hívta a királynak minden fiait, és Abjátár papot és Joábot, a seregnek hadnagyát, csak Salamont, a te szolgádat nem hívta meg.

Reĝoj 1 1:19
Li bucxis multe da bovoj kaj grasigitaj brutoj kaj sxafoj, kaj invitis cxiujn filojn de la regxo kaj la pastron Ebjatar kaj la militestron Joab, sed vian servanton Salomono li ne invitis.

Hän on uhrannut härkiä ja syötettyä karjaa, ja monta lammasta, ja on kutsunut kaikki kuninkaan pojat, ja papin AbJatarin, ja Joabin sodanpäämiehen; mutta palveliaas Salomoa ei hän kutsunut.

1 Rois 1:19
Et il a sacrifié des boeufs et des bêtes grasses, et du menu bétail en abondance, et il a invité tous les fils du roi, et Abiathar, le sacrificateur, et Joab, le chef de l'armée; mais Salomon, ton serviteur, il ne l'a pas invité.

Il a tué des boeufs, des veaux gras et des brebis en quantité; et il a invité tous les fils du roi, le sacrificateur Abiathar, et Joab, chef de l'armée, mais il n'a point invité Salomon, ton serviteur.

Il a même fait tuer des bœufs, des bêtes grasses, et des brebis en grand nombre, et a convié tous les fils du Roi, avec Abiathar le Sacrificateur, et Joab Chef de l'Armée, mais il n'a point convié ton serviteur Salomon.

1 Koenige 1:19
Er hat Ochsen und gemästet Vieh und viel Schafe geopfert; und hat geladen alle Söhne des Königs, dazu Abjathar, den Priester, und Joab, den Feldhauptmann; aber deinen Knecht Salomo hat er nicht geladen.

Er hat Ochsen und gemästetes Vieh und viele Schafe geopfert und hat geladen alle Söhne des Königs, dazu Abjathar, den Priester, und Joab den Feldhauptmann; aber deinen Knecht Salomo hat er nicht geladen.

Und er hat Ochsen, Mastkälber und Schafe in Menge geschlachtet und alle königlichen Prinzen samt dem Priester Abjathar und Joab, dem Feldhauptmann, dazu geladen; deinen Knecht Salomo jedoch hat er nicht geladen.

1 Re 1:19
Ed ha immolato buoi, vitelli grassi, e pecore in gran numero, ed ha invitato tutti i figliuoli del re e il sacerdote Abiathar e Joab, il capo dell’esercito, ma non ha invitato il tuo servo Salomone.

Ed ha ammazzati buoi, ed animali grassi, e pecore, in gran numero; ed ha invitati tutti i figliuoli del re, e il sacerdote Ebiatar, e Ioab, capo dell’esercito; ma non ha chiamato il tuo servitore Salomone.

1 RAJA-RAJA 1:19
Maka telah dikorbankannya beberapa berapa lembu dan domba jantan yang tambun dan kambing domba, dijemputnya akan segala putera baginda dan akan imam Abyatar dan akan Yoab, panglima perang itu, tetapi tiada dijemputnya akan patik tuanku Sulaiman.

열왕기상 1:19
내 주 왕이여 ! 온 이스라엘이 왕에게 다 주목하고 누가 내 주 왕을 이어 그 위에 앉을 것을 반포하시기를 기다리나이다

I Regum 1:19
mactavit boves et pinguia quaeque et arietes plurimos et vocavit omnes filios regis Abiathar quoque sacerdotem et Ioab principem militiae Salomonem autem servum tuum non vocavit

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 1:19
Jis aukojo daugybę jaučių, nupenėtų galvijų bei avių ir pasikvietė karaliaus sūnus, kunigą Abjatarą ir kariuomenės vadą Joabą, bet tavo tarno Saliamono nepakvietė.

1 Kings 1:19
A kua patua e ia he kau, he mea momona, he hipi, tona tini; kua karangatia hoki nga tama katoa a te kingi, me Apiatara tohunga, me Ioapa rangatira ope; ko Horomona ia, ko tau pononga, kihai i karangatia e ia.

1 Kongebok 1:19
Han har slaktet okser og gjøkalver og får i mengdevis og innbudt alle kongens sønner og presten Abjatar og hærføreren Joab; men Salomo, din tjener, har han ikke innbudt.

1 Reyes 1:19
El ha sacrificado bueyes, animales cebados y ovejas en abundancia, y ha invitado a todos los hijos del rey, al sacerdote Abiatar y a Joab, comandante del ejército, pero no ha invitado a Salomón tu siervo.

"El ha sacrificado bueyes, animales cebados y ovejas en abundancia, y ha invitado a todos los hijos del rey, al sacerdote Abiatar y a Joab, jefe del ejército, pero no ha invitado a Salomón su siervo.

Ha matado bueyes, y animales engordados, y muchas ovejas, y ha convidado a todos los hijos del rey, y a Abiatar sacerdote, y a Joab general del ejército; mas a Salomón tu siervo no ha convidado.

Ha matado bueyes, y animales engordados, y muchas ovejas, y ha convidado á todos los hijos del rey, y á Abiathar sacerdote, y á Joab general del ejército; mas á Salomón tu siervo no ha convidado.

Ha sacrificado bueyes, y animales engordados, y muchas ovejas, y ha convidado a todos los hijos del rey, y a Abiatar sacerdote, y a Joab general del ejército; mas a Salomón tu siervo no ha convidado.

1 Reis 1:19
Adonias imolou grande número de bois, bezerros cevados e ovelhas, e convidou todos os filhos do rei, como também o sacerdote Abiatar, e Joabe, general do exército, mas não convidou o teu servo Salomão!

Ele matou bois, animais cevados e ovelhas em abundância, e convidou a todos os filhos do rei, e a Abiatar, o sacerdote, e a Joabe, general do exército; mas a teu servo Salomão não o convidou.   

1 Imparati 1:19
El a junghiat boi, viţei graşi şi oi în mare număr; şi a poftit pe toţi fiii împăratului, pe preotul Abiatar, şi pe Ioab, căpetenia oştirii, dar pe robul tău Solomon nu l -a poftit.

3-я Царств 1:19
И заколол он множество волов, тельцов и овец, и пригласил всехсыновей царских и священника Авиафара, и военачальника Иоава; Соломона же, раба твоего, не пригласил.

И заколол он множество волов, тельцов и овец, и пригласил всех сыновей царских и священника Авиафара, и военачальника Иоава; Соломона же, раба твоего, не пригласил.[]

1 Kungaboken 1:19
Och han har slaktat tjurar och gödkalvar och får i myckenhet, och han har inbjudit alla konungens söner och prästen Ebjatar och härhövitsmannen Joab; men din tjänare Salomo har han icke inbjudit.

1 Kings 1:19
At siya'y pumatay ng mga baka, at mga pinataba, at tupa na sagana, at tinawag ang lahat na anak ng hari, at si Abiathar na saserdote, at si Joab na puno ng hukbo: nguni't si Salomon na iyong lingkod ay hindi niya tinawag.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 1:19
เธอได้ถวายวัว สัตว์อ้วนพีและแกะเป็นอันมาก และได้เชิญบรรดาโอรสของกษัตริย์ กับอาบียาธาร์ปุโรหิต กับโยอาบผู้บัญชาการกองทัพ แต่ซาโลมอนผู้รับใช้ของพระองค์ เธอหาได้เชิญไม่

1 Krallar 1:19
Sayısız sığır, davar ve besili buzağı kurban edip kralın bütün oğullarını, Kâhin Aviyatarı ve ordu komutanı Yoavı çağırdı, ama kulun Süleymanı çağırmadı.[]

1 Caùc Vua 1:19
Người lại có giết bò đực, bò tơ mập, và chiên rất nhiều, cũng có mời hết thảy các vương tử với A-bia-tha, thầy tế lễ, và Giô-áp, quan tổng binh; nhưng người không mời Sa-lô-môn, kẻ tôi tớ vua.

1 Kings 1:18
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