1 Chronicles 26:31
1 Chronicles 26:31
As for the Hebronites, Jeriah was their chief according to the genealogical records of their families. In the fortieth year of David's reign a search was made in the records, and capable men among the Hebronites were found at Jazer in Gilead.

Also from the clan of Hebron came Jeriah, who was the leader of the Hebronites according to the genealogical records. (In the fortieth year of David's reign, a search was made in the records, and capable men from the clan of Hebron were found at Jazer in the land of Gilead.)

Of the Hebronites, Jerijah was chief of the Hebronites of whatever genealogy or fathers’ houses. (In the fortieth year of David’s reign search was made and men of great ability among them were found at Jazer in Gilead.)

As for the Hebronites, Jerijah the chief (these Hebronites were investigated according to their genealogies and fathers' households, in the fortieth year of David's reign, and men of outstanding capability were found among them at Jazer of Gilead)

Among the Hebronites was Jerijah the chief, even among the Hebronites, according to the generations of his fathers. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them mighty men of valour at Jazer of Gilead.

From the Hebronites: Jerijah was the head of the Hebronites, according to the genealogical records of his ancestors. A search was made in the fortieth year of David's reign and strong, capable men were found among them at Jazer in Gilead.

From the descendants of Hebron, Jerijah was assigned chief of the descendants of Hebron. During the fortieth year of David's administration, a search was made by genealogical record, family by family, to find men of great ability, including those found at Jazer in Gilead.

As for the Hebronites: Jeriah was the leader of the Hebronites according to the genealogical records. In the fortieth year of David's reign, they examined the records and discovered there were highly respected men in Jazer in Gilead.

Jeriah was the head of Hebron's descendants. In the fortieth year of David's reign, the ancestry of Hebron's descendants was researched family by family. Warriors from these families were found at Jazer in Gilead.

Of the Hebronites was Jerijah, the chief among the Hebronites, according to the generations of his fathers. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them mighty men of valour at Jazer of Gilead.

Among the Hebronites was Jerijah the chief, even among the Hebronites, according to the genealogy of his fathers. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them mighty men of valor at Jazer of Gilead.

Among the Hebronites was Jerijah the chief, even among the Hebronites, according to the generations of his fathers. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them mighty men of valor at Jazer of Gilead.

Of the Hebronites was Jerijah the chief, even of the Hebronites, according to their generations by fathers houses . In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them mighty men of valor at Jazer of Gilead.

And the chief of the Hebronites was Jeria according to their families and kindreds. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were numbered, and there were found most valiant men in Jazer Galaad,

Of the Hebronites was Jerijah the head; (as to the Hebronites, according to their families according to the fathers: in the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them mighty men of valour at Jaazer in Gilead;)

Of the Hebronites was Jerijah the chief, even of the Hebronites, according to their generations by fathers' houses. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them mighty men of valour at Jazer of Gilead.

Among the Hebronites was Jerijah the chief, even among the Hebronites, according to the generations of his fathers. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them mighty men of valor at Jazer of Gilead.

Of the Hebronites was Jerijah the chief, even of the Hebronites, according to their generations by fathers' [houses]. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for, and there were found among them mighty men of valor at Jazer of Gilead.

Of the Hebronite, Jerijah is the head, of the Hebronite, according to his generations, for the fathers -- in the fortieth year of the reign of David they have been sought out, and there are found among them mighty ones of valour, in Jazer of Gilead --

1 i Kronikave 26:31
Jerijahu ishte i pari i Hebronitëve, sipas brezave të shtëpive të tyre atërore. Në vitin e dyzetë të mbretërimit të Davidit u bënë kërkime dhe u gjetën midis tyre njerëz të fortë dhe trima në Jazer të Galaadit.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻷ 26:31
من الحبرونيين يريا راس الحبرونيين حسب مواليد آبائه. في السنة الرابعة لملك داود طلبوا فوجد فيهم جبابرة بأس في يعزير جلعاد.

Dyr Lauft A 26:31
S Haaupt von dene Hebroner war dyr Jeries. Eyn n vierzigstn Jaar von n Dafetn seiner Herrschaft gsuecht myn d Stammbaeum von de Hebroner durch und fandd z Jäser in Gilet gaignte Mänder bei ien.

1 Летописи 26:31
Между Хевроновците Ерия беше началник, между Хевроновците, според поколенията им, според бащините им [домове]. В четиридесетата година на Давидовото царуване те бяха прегледани, и между тях се намериха силни и храбри мъже в Язир Галаад.

歷 代 志 上 26:31
希 伯 倫 族 中 有 耶 利 雅 作 族 長 。 大 衛 作 王 第 四 十 年 , 在 基 列 的 雅 謝 , 從 這 族 中 尋 得 大 能 的 勇 士 。

希 伯 伦 族 中 有 耶 利 雅 作 族 长 。 大 卫 作 王 第 四 十 年 , 在 基 列 的 雅 谢 , 从 这 族 中 寻 得 大 能 的 勇 士 。



1 Chronicles 26:31
Poglavar Hebronovaca bio je Jerija. Četrdesete godine Davidova kraljevanja potražili su obiteljska rodoslovlja Hebronovaca i našlo se među njima vrsnih ljudi u Gileadskom Jazeru.

První Paralipomenon 26:31
Mezi kterýmiž Hebronskými Jeriáš kníže byl nad Hebronskými v pokolení jejich, po čeledech otcovských; nebo léta čtyřidcátého kralování Davidova vyhledáváni byli, a nalezeni jsou mezi nimi muži udatní v Jazar Galádské,

Første Krønikebog 26:31
Til Hebroniterne hørte Jerija, Overhovedet for Hebroniterne, efter deres Nedstamning, efter Fædrenehusene — i Davids fyrretyvende Regeringsaar blev der iværksat en Undersøgelse angaaende dem, og der fandtes dygtige Folk iblandt dem i Ja'zer i Gilead —

1 Kronieken 26:31
Van de Hebronieten was Jeria het hoofd, van de Hebronieten zijner geslachten onder de vaderen; in het veertigste jaar des koninkrijks van David zijn er gezocht en onder hen gevonden kloeke helden in Jaezer in Gilead.

דברי הימים א 26:31
לַֽחֶבְרֹונִי֙ יְרִיָּ֣ה הָרֹ֔אשׁ לַֽחֶבְרֹונִ֥י לְתֹלְדֹתָ֖יו לְאָבֹ֑ות בִּשְׁנַ֨ת הָֽאַרְבָּעִ֜ים לְמַלְכ֤וּת דָּוִיד֙ נִדְרָ֔שׁוּ וַיִּמָּצֵ֥א בָהֶ֛ם גִּבֹּ֥ורֵי חַ֖יִל בְּיַעְזֵ֥יר גִּלְעָֽד׃

לא לחברוני יריה הראש לחברוני לתלדתיו לאבות--בשנת הארבעים למלכות דויד נדרשו וימצא בהם גבורי חיל ביעזיר גלעד

לחברוני יריה הראש לחברוני לתלדתיו לאבות בשנת הארבעים למלכות דויד נדרשו וימצא בהם גבורי חיל ביעזיר גלעד׃

1 Krónika 26:31
A Hebroniták között Jerija vala a fõ (a Hebroniták nemzetségeik és családjaik szerint megkerestetének a Dávid királyságának negyvenedik esztendejében és találtak bátor férfiakat Gileád-Jaézerben).

Kroniko 1 26:31
El la HXebronidoj, Jerija estis cxefo de la HXebronidoj en iliaj generacioj kaj patrodomoj. En la kvardeka jaro de la regxado de David ili estis esploritaj, kaj oni trovis cxe ili bravajn homojn en Jazer en Gilead.

Hebronilaisia oli myös Jerijah, Hebronilaisten päämies, heidän sukukuntainsa ja isäinsä seassa. Ja neljäntenäkymmenentenä kuningas Davidin valtakunnan vuonna etsittiin ja löydettiin heidän seassansa väkevät miehet Gileadin Jaeserissa.

1 Chroniques 26:31
D'entre les Hébronites, Jerija fut le chef: (on rechercha les Hébronites, selon leurs générations, selon les pères, et la quarantième année du règne de David, et on trouva parmi eux, à Jahzer de Galaad, des hommes forts et vaillants;)

En ce qui concerne les Hébronites, dont Jerija était le chef, on fit, la quarantième année du règne de David, des recherches à leur égard d'après leurs généalogies et leurs maisons paternelles, et l'on trouva parmi eux de vaillants hommes à Jaezer en Galaad.

Quant aux Hébronites, selon leurs générations dans les familles des pères, Jérija fut le Chef des Hébronites. On en fit la recherche en la quarantième année du règne de David, et on trouva parmi eux à Jahzer de Galaad des hommes forts et vaillants.

1 Chronik 26:31
Item, unter den Hebroniten war Jeria, der Vornehmste unter den Hebroniten seines Geschlechts unter den Vätern. Es wurden aber unter ihnen gesucht und funden im vierzigsten Jahr des Königreichs Davids fleißige Männer zu Jaeser in Gilead,

Unter den Hebroniten war Jeria, der Vornehmste unter den Hebroniten seines Geschlechts unter den Vaterhäusern (es wurden aber unter ihnen gesucht und gefunden im vierzigsten Jahr des Königreiches Davids tüchtige Männer zu Jaser in Gilead),

Zu den Hebronitern gehörte Jeria, das Oberhaupt der Hebroniter nach ihren Geschlechtern und ihren Familien (im vierzigsten Jahre der Regierung Davids wurden sie aufgesucht, und es fanden sich unter ihnen wackere Männer zu Jaeser in Gilead),

1 Cronache 26:31
Fra gli Hebroniti (circa gli Hebroniti, l’anno quarantesimo del regno di Davide si fecero delle ricerche relative alle loro genealogie, secondo le loro case patriarcali, e si trovaron fra loro degli uomini forti e valorosi a Jaezer in Galaad)

Quant’è agli altri Hebroniti, Ieria fu il capo delle lor generazioni, divise per famiglie paterne. L’anno quarantesimo del regno di Davide furono ricercati, e si trovarono fra essi in Iazer di Galaad degli uomini prodi e valorosi.

1 TAWARIKH 26:31
Maka di antara orang Heberoni itu adalah Yeria kepalanya, yaitu atas segala orang Heberoni dan segala suku dan kaum keluarganya; maka pada tahun yang keempat puluh dari pada kerajaan Daud mereka itu sekalian dipanggil berhimpun ke Yaezar di Gilead, didapati akan beberapa orang perwira perkasa di antara mereka itu;

역대상 26:31
헤브론 자손중에 여리야가 그 세계와 종족대로 헤브론 자손의 족장이 되었더라 다윗이 위에 있은지 사십년에 길르앗 야셀에서 그족속 중에 구하여 큰 용사를 얻었으니

I Paralipomenon 26:31
Hebronitarum autem princeps fuit Hieria secundum familias et cognationes eorum quadragesimo anno regni David recensiti sunt et inventi viri fortissimi in Iazer Galaad

Pirmoji Kronikø knyga 26:31
Vyriausias tarp hebronų buvo Jerija. Jie buvo suskaityti šeimomis keturiasdešimtaisiais Dovydo valdymo metais. Buvo rasta narsių vyrų, gyvenančių Gileado Jazeryje,

1 Chronicles 26:31
I roto i nga Heperoni ko Teriia te upoko, ara i roto i nga Heperoni, i runga ano i nga whakatupuranga o nga whare o nga matua. I te wha tekau o nga tau o te kingitanga o Rawiri i rapua ratou, a kua kitea etahi marohirohi i roto i a ratou, he toa, ki Iatere o Kireara.

1 Krønikebok 26:31
Til hebronittene hørte Jerija, overhodet for hebronittene efter deres ætter og familier; i det firtiende år av Davids regjering blev det foretatt undersøkelse blandt dem, og det fantes blandt dem dyktige krigsmenn i Jaser i Gilead.

1 Crónicas 26:31
En cuanto a los hebronitas, Jerías era el jefe (estos hebronitas fueron investigados en relación con sus genealogías y casas paternas en el año cuarenta del reinado de David, y hombres muy capaces fueron hallados entre ellos en Jazer de Galaad)

En cuanto a los Hebronitas, Jerías era el jefe (estos Hebronitas fueron investigados en relación con sus genealogías y casas paternas en el año cuarenta del reinado de David, y hombres muy capaces fueron hallados entre ellos en Jazer de Galaad)

De los hebronitas, Jerías era el principal entre los hebronitas repartidos en sus linajes por sus familias. En el año cuarenta del reinado de David se registraron, y se hallaron entre ellos fuertes y vigorosos en Jazer de Galaad.

De los Hebronitas, Jerías era el principal entre los Hebronitas repartidos en sus linajes por sus familias. En el año cuarenta del reinado de David se registraron, y halláronse entre ellos fuertes y vigorosos en Jazer de Galaad.

De los hebronitas, Jerías era el principal entre los hebronitas repartidos en sus linajes por sus familias. En el año cuarenta del reinado de David se buscaron, y se hallaron entre ellos valientes de gran valor en Jazer de Galaad.

1 Crônicas 26:31
Segundo os registros genealógicos das famílias hebronitas, Jerias foi o chefe delas. No ano quarenta do reinado de Davi fez-se uma busca nos apontamentos históricos, e entre os descendentes de Hebrom acharam-se os nomes de homens nobres e valentes em Jazar de Gileade.

Jerias era o chefe dos hebronitas, segundo as suas gerações conforme as casas paternas. No ano quarenta do reino de Davi foram procurados, e acharam-se entre eles varões valentes em Jazer de Gileade.   

1 Cronici 26:31
În ce priveşte pe Hebroniţi, a căror căpetenie era Ieria, s'au făcut, în al patruzecilea an al domniei lui David, cercetări cu privire la ei, după spiţele lor de neam, şi după casele lor părinteşti, şi s'au găsit între ei la Iaezer în Galaad oameni viteji.

1-я Паралипоменон 26:31
У племени Хевронова Иерия был главою Хевронян, в их родах, в поколениях. В сороковой год царствования Давида они исчислены, и найдены между ними люди мужественные в Иазере Галаадском.

У племени Хевронова Иерия [был] главою Хевронян, в их родах, в поколениях. В сороковой год царствования Давида они исчислены, и найдены между ними люди мужественные в Иазере Галаадском.[]

Krönikeboken 26:31
För hebroniterna var Jeria huvudman, för hebroniterna efter deras ättföljd och familjer. (I Davids fyrtionde regeringsår anställdes undersökning rörande dem; och bland dem funnos då dugande män i Jaeser i Gilead.)

1 Chronicles 26:31
Sa mga Hebronita ay si Jerias ang pinuno, sa makatuwid baga'y sa mga Hebronita, ayon sa kanilang mga lahi ayon sa mga sangbahayan ng mga magulang. Nang ikaapat na pung taon ng paghahari ni David, sila'y hinanapan, at may nasumpungan, sa kanilang mga makapangyarihang lalaking matapang sa Jazer ng Galaad.

1 พงศาวดาร 26:31
จากคนเฮโบรนมี เยรียาห์เป็นหัวหน้าของคนเฮโบรน ตามพงศ์พันธุ์ ตามบรรพบุรุษ ในปีที่สี่สิบของรัชกาลดาวิด เขาได้สำรวจและพบคนที่มีอำนาจใหญ่โตและกล้าหาญที่ยาเซอร์ในเมืองกิเลอาด

1 Tarihler 26:31
Aile soy kütüğündeki kayıtlara göre Yeriya Hevronluların boy başıydı. Davutun krallığının kırkıncı yılında kayıtlar incelendi ve Gilattaki Yazerde Hevronlular arasında yiğit savaşçılar bulundu.[]

1 Söû-kyù 26:31
Trong dòng Hếp-rôn có Giê-ri-gia làm trưởng. Ðương năm thứ bốn mươi đời Ða-vít, người ta cai số dòng họ Hếp-rôn, tùy tông tộc của chúng, thấy giữa vòng chúng tại Gia-ê-xe trong xứ Ga-la-át, có những người mạnh dạn.

1 Chronicles 26:30
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