Name Date No.
NAME DATE No. A Abelard, Rev. Peter 1079-1142 544 Adams, Mrs. Sarah (Flower) 1805-1848 222 Addison, Joseph 1672-1719 237, 252, 317 Ainger, Arthur Campbell 1841-1919 483 Alexander, Mrs. Cecil Frances (Humphreys) 1823-1895 87, 138, 156, 159, 179, 268, 283, 349, 358, 525, 553 Alford, Dean Henry 1810-1871 270, 344, 421, 531, 541 Allen, Rev. James 1734-1804 157 Anonymous 37, 173, 197, 209, 257, 284, 347, 355, 356, 377, 398 Armstrong, Bishop John 1813-1856 454 Auber, Miss Harriet 1773-1862 199 cNAME DATE No. B Baker, Rev. Sir Henry Williams 1821-1877 6, 47, 59, 74, 158, 323, 326, 436, 515 Bakewell, Rev. John 1721-1819 191 Barbauld, Mrs. Anna Laetitia (Aiken) 1743-1825 420 Baring-Gould, Rev. Sabine 1834-1924 364, 530, 539 Barton, Bernard 1784-1849 60 Baxter, Rev. Richard 1615-1691 264, 392 Baynes, Canon Robert Hall 1831-1895 327 Benson, Archbishop Edward White 1829-1896 181 Benson, Rev. Louis Fitzgerald 1855-1930 365 Besnault, Rev. Abbé Sebastien -1724 88 Bickersteth, Bishop Edward Henry 1825-1906 24, 405, 495 Binney, Rev. Thomas 1798-1874 241 Bode, Rev. John Ernest 1816-1874 379 Bonar, Rev. Horatius 1808-1889 235, 242, 334, 394, 443, 490 Borthwick, Miss Jane 1813-1897 395, 402, 449, 477, 497 Bottome, Rev. Francis 1823-1894 231 Bowring, Sir John 1792-1872 106, 152 Brady, Rev. Nicholas 1659-1726 See Tate and Brady. Bridges, Matthew 1800-1894 148, 190, 372 Bridges, Robert Seymour 1844-1930 155 Bright, Canon William 1824-1901 333 Bromehead, Rev. Joseph 1748-1826 514 Brooks, Rev. Charles Timothy 1813-1883 428 Brooks, Bishop Phillips 1835-1893 78, 557 Browne, Rev. Simon 1680-1732 201 Brownlie, Rev. John 1859-1925 70, 340 Bryant, William Cullen 1794-1878 107 Buckoll, Rev. Henry James 1803-1871 3, 376 Bullock, Dean William 1798-1874 465 Bunyan, John 1628-1688 117 Burleigh, Rev. William Henry 1812-1871 248 Burns, Rev. James Drummond 1823-1864 359 Burton, Rev. Henry 1840- 418 Byrom, John 1692-1763 76 cNAME DATE No. C Cameron, Rev. William 1751-1811 302 Campbell, Miss Jane Montgomery 1817-1878 423 Campbell, Robert 1814-1868 178, 288 Canitz, Baron Friedrich Rudolph Ludwig von 1654-1699 3 Carlyle, Rev. Joseph Dacre 1759-1804 124 Cary, Miss Phoebe 1824-1871 407 Caswall, Rev. Edward 1814-1878 17, 37, 63, 93, 161, 162, 196, 234, 316, 331, 375 Cawood, Rev. John 1775-1852 81 Cennick, Rev. John 1718-1755 57, 517 Chadwick, Rev. John White 1840-1904 491 Chandler, Rev. John 1806-1876 30, 91, 282, 353, 458 Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth (Rundle) 1828-1896 550 Chatfield, Rev. Allen William 1808-1896 393 Chope, Rev. Richard Robert 1830- 264 Chorley, Henry Fotheringill 1808-1872 435 Clark, Miss Emily V.1891- 503 Claudius, Rev. Matthias 1740-1815 423 Clephane, Miss Elizabeth Cecilia 1830-1869 150 Coffin, Charles 1676-1749 30, 282 Collins, Rev. Henry 1827-1919 228 Collyer, Rev. William Bengo 1782-1854 64 Colquhoun, Frances Sara (Fuller-Maitland) 1809-1877 116 Conder, Josiah 1789-1855 332 Cooper, Rev. Edward 1770-1833 206 Coote, Mrs. Maude (Oswell) 1871- 281 Coppee, Henry 1821-1895 417 Cosin, Bishop John 1594-1672 455 Cotterill, Rev. Thomas 1779-1823 64, 217 Cowper, William 1731-1800 216, 305, 389, 459 Cox, Miss Frances Elizabeth 1812-1897 176, 296 Coxe, Bishop Arthur Cleveland 1818-1896 108, 471, 478 Cummins, John James 1795-1867 127 cNAME DATE No. D Danish 539 Davison, Rev. W. Hope 1827-1894 523 Dearmer, Rev. Percy 1867-1936 506 Deck, Rev. James George 1802-1884 149 Dix, William Chatterton 1837-1898 94, 193, 369, 387, 548, 552 Doane, Bishop George Washington 1799-1859 19, 279, 482 Doane, Bishop William Crosswell 1832-1913 519 Doddridge, Rev. Philip 1702-1751 54, 111, 329, 446, 456, 472 Downton, Rev. Henry 1818-1885 447, 481 Draper, Rev. Bourne Hall 1775-1843 453 Dryden, John 1631-1701 198 Duffield, Rev. George, Jr.1818-1888 538 Duncan, Mrs. Mary (Lundie) 1814-1840 360 Dutch 262 Dwight, Rev. John Sullivan 1813-1893 428 Dwight, Rev. Timothy 1752-1817 315 cNAME DATE No. E Eddis, Edward Wilton 1825-1905 12 Edmeston, James 1791-1867 24, 247 Edwards, Rev. Frederick 1905 442 Ellerton, Rev. John 1826-1893 10, 29, 45, 49, 50, 169, 265, 271, 274, 275, 280, 287, 352, 381, 410, 411, 435, 462, 561 Elliott, Miss Charlotte 1789-1871 128, 139, 390 , 391 Elliott, Ebenezer 1781-1849 501 Elliott, Miss Emily Elizabeth Steele 1836-1897 83 Elven, Rev. Cornelius 1797-1873 133 cNAME DATE No.

"F. B. P." 1583 510, 514 Faber, Rev. Frederick William 1814-1863 48, 153, 167, 221, 240, 290, 322, 441 Fawcett, Rev. John 1740-1817 51, 489 Feith, Rev. Rhijnvis 1753-1824 262 Findlater, Mrs. Sarah (Borthwick) 1823-1907 61 Fortunatus, Bishop Venantius Honorius c.530-609 144, 146, 168, 169, 184, 195 Franck, Johann 1618-1677 440 cNAME DATE No. G Gellert, Rev. Christian Fürchtegott 1715-1769 176 Gerhardt, Rev. Paulus 1607-1676 229, 545 German 3, 37, 61, 62, 98, 119, 155, 176, 186, 213, 227, 229, 296, 342, 356, 395, 414, 422, 423, 428, 440, 449, 469, 543, 545 Gibbons, Rev. Thomas 1720-1785 177 Gill, Thomas Hornblower 1819-1906 424 Gilmore, Rev. Joseph Henry 1834-1918 245 Gisborne, Rev. Thomas 1758-1846 39 Gladden, Rev. Washington 1836-1918 493 Grant, Sir Robert 1785-1838 130, 255 Greek 12, 23, 70, 126, 170, 171, 289, 339, 340, 393, 416, 536, 540 Gregory, George 1754-1808 313 Grigg, Rev. Joseph c.1722-1768 135 Griswold, Bishop Alexander Viets 1766-1843 210 Gurney, Mrs. Dorothy Frances (Blomfield) 1858-1932 382 Gurney, Canon John Hampden 1802-1862 125 cNAME DATE No. H Hamilton, Rev. James 1819-1896 131 Hammond, Rev. William 1719-1783 261 Hankey, Miss Katherine 1834-1911 348 Harbaugh, Rev. Henry 1817-1867 218 Hastings, Thomas 1784-1872 388 Hatch, Rev. Edwin 1835-1889 380 Havergal, Miss Frances Ridley 1836-1879 67, 238, 239, 502, 526, 560 Haweis, Rev. Thomas 1732-1820 401 Heath, Rev. George c.1745-1822 118 Heber, Bishop Reginald 1783-1826 26, 41, 53, 85, 86, 95, 205, 336, 351, 476 Hedge, Rev. Frederick Henry 1805-1890 213 Heermann, Rev. Johann 1585-1647 155 Hensley, Canon Lewis 1824-1905 105 Hernaman, Mrs. Claudia Frances (Ibotson) 1838-1898 134 Hinds, Bishop Samuel 1793-1872 376 Holland, Canon Henry Scott 1847-1918 432 Holmes, Oliver Wendell 1809-1894 400, 437 Hopkins, Rev. John Henry, Jr.1820-1891 554 Hort, Rev. Fenton John Anthony 1828-1892 561 Hosmer, Rev. Frederick Lucien 1840-1929 56 How, Bishop William Walsham 1823-1897 52, 58, 90, 97, 115, 132, 182, 278, 295, 319, 374, 559 Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward 1819-1910 434 Hughes Thomas 1823-1896 498 Hutton, Mrs. Frances A.1875- 147 Hymns Ancient and Modern 1861 88, 375 cNAME DATE No. I Ingemann, Bernhard Severin 1789-1862 539 Irish 525 Irons, Rev. William Josiah 1812-1883 65 Italian 162 cNAME DATE No. J Johnson, Rev. Samuel 1822-1882 470 Julian, Canon John 1839-1913 251, 518 cNAME DATE No. K "K" (probably Keens) in Rippon's "Selections" 1787 212 Keble, Rev. John 1792-1866 1, 20, 42, 183, 277, 383 Kelly, Rev. Thomas 1769-1854 15, 160, 174, 185, 188 Ken, Bishop Thomas 1637-1711 2, 25 Kethe, Rev. William -1594 249 Key, Francis Scott 1779-1843 233, 429 Kipling, Rudyard 1865-1936 367, 439 Knapp, Rev. Albert 1798-1864 342 cNAME DATE No. L Lacey, Rev. Theodore Alexander 1853- 168, 184, 195 Latin 5, 8, 11, 17, 28, 30, 47, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 72, 74, 82, 88, 89, 91, 93, 110, 143, 144, 146, 158, 161, 168, 169, 172, 173, 178, 184, 195, 196, 234, 265, 282, 285, 288, 313, 316, 328, 330, 331, 338, 375, 455, 457, 458, 507, 508, 509, 511, 512, 544, 549, 550, 555, 556, 561 Laurenti, Laurentius 1660-1722 61 Leeson, Miss Jane Eliza 1807-1882 354 Leland, Rev. John 1754-1841 21 Littledale, Rev. Richard Frederick 1833-1890 141, 204 Liturgy of St. James 339 Logan, John 1748-1788 446 Longfellow, Rev. Samuel 1819-1892 373, 397 Lowell, James Russell 1819-1891 433 Löwenstern, Matthäus Appelles von 1594-1648 469 Lowth, Bishop Robert 1710 1797 313 Luke, Mrs. Jemima (Thompson) 1813-1906 350 Luther, Rev. Martin 1483-1546 213 Lyte, Rev. Henry Francis 1793-1847 18, 225, 258, 312, 378, 408, 467 cNAME DATE No. M Mackay, Mrs. Margaret (Mackay) 1802-1887 413 Maclagan, Archbishop William Dalrymple 1826-1910 292, 294, 371 Madan, Rev. Martin 1726-1790 191 Mahlmann, Siegfried A.1771-1826 428 Mant, Bishop Richard 1776-1848 146, 161, 207, 293, 311, 375 Marriott, Rev. John 1780-1825 104 Mason, Rev. Jackson 1833-1899 180 Mason, Rev. John -1694 27 Matheson, Rev. George 1842-1906 236 Mauburn, Rev. Abbe Jean 1460-1503 550 Maude, Mrs. Mary Fawler (Hooper) 1819-1913 370 Medley, Rev. Samuel 1738-1799 263 Meinhold, Rev. Johann Wilhelm 1797-1851 414 Mercer, Rev. William 1811-1873 98 Merrill, Rev. William Pierson 1867- 492 Meyer, Sebastian William 1856- 366 Meyfart, Johann Matthäus 1590-1642 543 Midlane, Rev. Albert 1825-1909 363, 452 Milman, Dean Henry Hart 1791-1868 33, 145, 409 Mohr, Rev. Joseph 1792-1848 546 Monro, Rev. Edward 1815-1866 163 Monsell, Rev. John Samuel Bewley 1811-1875 113, 140, 325, 504, 532 Montgomery, James 1771-1854 80, 99, 103, 147, 151, 256, 262, 298, 306, 310, 318, 320, 324, 362, 450, 475, 516 Moore, Thomas 1779-1852 388 Moultrie, Rev. Gerard 1829-1885 339, 533 Mozley, Henry Williams 1866 272 Mühlenberg, Rev. William Augustus 1796-1877 75, 343 cNAME DATE No. N Neale, Rev. John Mason 1818-1866 11, 23, 28, 66, 68, 69, 74, 82, 89, 102, 110, 126, 143, 144, 170, 171, 285, 289, 291, 330, 386, 416, 457, 507, 508, 511, 512, 536, 540, 544, 549, 555, 556 Nelson, Horatio (third Earl Nelson) 1823-1913 267 Newman, Cardinal John Henry 1801-1890 5, 8, 244, 259 Newton, Rev. John 1725-1807 46, 232, 303, 304, 468 Nicholson, Mary A.1875 558 Nicolai, Rev. Philip 1556-1608 62, 98 Noel, Miss Caroline Maria 1817-1877 528 North, Rev. Frank Mason 1850-1935 494 cNAME DATE No. O Oakeley, Canon Frederick 1802-1880 72 Olivers, Rev. Thomas 1725-1799 253 Onderdonk, Bishop Henry Ustick 1789-1858 254 Osler, Dr. Edward 1798-1863 321 Oxenham, John 1852-1941 438 Oxford Hymn Book 1908 338 cNAME DATE No. P Palgrave, Francis Turner 1824-1897 246 Palmer, Rev. Ray 1808-1887 211, 328 Paris Breviary 1736 91 Parker, Rev. Edwin Pond 1836-1925 500 Perronet, Rev. Edward 1726-1792 192 Pierpoint, Folliott Sandford 1835-1917 425 Plumptre, Dean Edward Hayes 1821-1891 40, 537 Pollock, Rev. Thomas Benson 1836-1896 142, 164, 357, 368, 473 Pope, Alexander 1688-1744 466 Pott, Rev. Francis 1832-1909 173, 461 Potter, Rev. Thomas Joseph 1827-1873 529 Procter, Miss Adelaide Anne 1825-1864 22, 384, 385 Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens c.348-413 74, 93 Prynne, Rev. George Rundle 1818-1903 361 Psalms 44, 214, 225, 249, 250, 252, 255, 258, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 317, 318, 326, 445, 467 Pusey, Philip 1799-1855 469 Pye, Rev. Henry John 1825-1903 273 cNAME DATE No. R Raffles, Rev. Thomas 1788-1863 403 Rawson, George 1807-1899 203, 335 Reed, Rev. Andrew 1787-1862 202 Richards, Rev. Charles H.1839-1925 499 Riley, John Athelstan Laurie 1858-1945 266 Rinkhart, Rev. Martin 1586-1649 422 Roberts, Rev. Daniel C.1841-1907 430 Robertson, Rev. William 1820-1864 341 Robinson, George 1842 463 Robinson, Rev. Richard Hayes 1842-1892 16 Robinson, Rev. Robert 1735-1790 243 Rorison, Rev. Gilbert 1821-1869 38 cNAME DATE No. S St. Ambrose (Aurelius Ambrosius), Bishop of Milan 340-397 8, 11, 28 St. Anatolius 5th century 23, 416 St. Andrew, Bishop of Crete 660-732 126 St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux 1091-1153 158, 316, 328 St. Bernard of Cluny 12th century 68, 69, 511, 512 St. Francis Xavier 1506-1552 234 St. Germanus 634-734 82 St. John of Damascus c. -780 170, 171, 540 St. Joseph the Hymnographer 9th century 289, 536 St. Patrick, Bishop of Ireland 372-466 525 St. Theodulph, Bishop of Orleans -821 143 St. Thomas a Kempis 1379-1471 507 St. Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274 331, 338 Schenck, Rev. Theobald Heinrich 1656-1727 296 Schmolck, Rev. Benjamin 1672-1737 395 Scotch Paraphrase 1745 300 Scott, Rev. Thomas 1705-1775 177 Seagrave, Rev. Robert 1693-1759 114 Sears, Rev. Edmund Hamilton 1810-1876 79, 84 Shirley, Rev. Walter 1725-1786 157 Shrubsole, William 1759-1829 487 Shurtleff, Rev. Ernest Warburton 1862-1917 534 Smith, Mrs. Caroline Louisa (Sprague) 1827-1862 31 Smith, Rev. Samuel Francis 1808-1895 427, 479 Smyttan, Rev. George Hunt 1825-1870 123 Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem 7th cent.12 Stammers, Joseph 1801-1885 112 Stanley, Dean Arthur Penrhyn 1815-1881 286 Steele, Miss Anne 1716-1778 396 Stennett, Rev. Samuel 1727-1795 194 Stock, Miss Sarah Geraldina 1838-1898 485 Stone, Rev. Samuel John 1839-1900 129, 464 Stowell, Canon Hugh 1799-1865 32 Swedish 345 Synesius, Bishop of Ptolemais 375-430 393 cNAME DATE No. T Tate, Nahum 1652-1715 71 Tate and Brady 1696 172, 307, 308, 314 Taylor, John 1750-1826 521 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 1809-1892 412, 444 Tersteegen, Gerhardt 1697-1769 227 Thomas of Celano 13th century 65 Thomson, Mrs. Mary Ann 1834-1923 474 Thring, Rev. Godfrey 1823-1903 14, 92, 137, 147, 524, 527, 542 Tisserand, Jean -1494 555 Toke, Mrs. Emma Leslie 1818-1872 189, 269 Toplady, Rev. Augustus Montague 1740-1778 34, 191, 217 Traditional 547, 551 Turton, Lieut.-Col. William Harry 1856-1938 337 Tuttiett, Rev. Laurence 1825-1897 448, 535 Twells, Canon Henry 1823-1900 399 cNAME DATE No. V Vokes, Mrs.18th century 484 cNAME DATE No. W Wallin, Archbishop Johan Olaf 1779-1839 345 Wardlaw, Rev. Ralph 1779-1853 219 Waring, Miss Anna Laetitia 1823-1910 220, 224 Warner, Miss Anna Bartlett 1824-1915 406 Watson, George 1811-1898 419 Watts, Rev. Isaac 1674-1748 44, 101, 154, 200, 250, 301, 302, 309, 445, 480, 488, 513 Weissel, Rev. George 1590-1635 186 Welsh 42 Wesley, Rev. Charles 1707-1788 4, 7, 55, 57, 73, 100, 136, 172, 175, 187, 215, 223, 226, 230, 260, 276, 299, 309, 346, 505, 521 Wesley, Rev. John 1703-1791 119, 187, 227, 229 Whateley, Archbishop Richard, 1787-1863 26 White, Henry Kirke 1785-1806 116 Whiting, William 1825-1878 415 Whittier, John Greenleaf 1807-1892 120, 404, 460, 496 Whittingham, Bishop William Rollinson 1805-1879 543 Whytehead, Rev. Thomas 1815-1843 165 Williams, Bishop Gershom Mott 1857- 345 Williams, Helen Maria 1762-1827 35 Williams, Rev. Isaac 1802-1865 122, 509 Williams, Rev. Peter 1722-1796 42 Williams, Rev. William 1717-1791 42 Willis, Richard Storrs 1819-1900 356 Winkworth, Miss Catherine 1829-1878 62, 186, 342, 414, 422, 440, 545 Wolcott, Rev. Samuel 1813-1866 486 Woodford, Bishop James Russell 1820-1885 109 Wordsworth, Bishop Christopher 1807-1885 13, 43, 77, 96, 121, 166, 208, 297, 426, 520, 522 Wordsworth, Miss Elizabeth 1840- 214 Wordsworth, William 1770-1850 9 Wortman, Rev. Denise 1835-1922 451 Wreford, Rev. John Reynell 1800-1881 431 cNAME DATE No. X Xavier, Sister Mary 1877 36 cNAME DATE No. Z Zinzendorf, Rev. Count Nicholas Ludwig von 1700-1760 119, 449 cIndexes cSubject IndexA few more years shall roll, [3581]t4.t43.h443-p0.6

A great and mighty wonder, [3582]t2.t22.h82-p0.6

A little child the Savior came, [3583]t3.t34.h341-p0.6

A mighty Fortress is our God, [3584]t2.t222.h213-p0.6

Abide with me: fast falls the eventide, [3585]t1.t13.h18-p0.6

Above the clear blue sky, [3586]t3.t36.h353-p0.6

According to thy gracious word, [3587]t3.t33.h320-p0.6

Advent tells us Christ is near, [3588]t3.t36.h348-p0.6

Again the morn of gladness, [3589]t3.t36.h352-p0.6

Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offended, [3590]t2.t212.h155-p0.6

All glory, laud, and honor, [3591]t2.t212.h143-p0.6

All hail the power of Jesus' Name, [3592]t2.t218.h192-p0.6

All my heart this night rejoices, [3593]t7.t71.h545-p0.6

All people that on earth do dwell, [3594]t2.t226.h249-p0.6

All praise to thee, my God, this night, [3595]t1.t13.h25-p0.6

All things are thine; no gift have we, [3596]t4.t45.h460-p0.6

All things bright and beautiful, [3597]t3.t36.h358-p0.6

Alleluia! Alleluia, [3598]t6.t61.h520-p0.6

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia, [3599]t7.t71.h555-p0.6

Alleluia! sing to Jesus, [3600]t2.t218.h193-p0.6

Alleluia, song of gladness, [3601]t2.t28.h110-p0.6

Am I a soldier of the cross, [3602]t5.t54.h488-p0.6

Ancient of Days, who sittest, throned in glory, [3603]t6.t61.h519-p0.6

And now, O Father, mindful of the love, [3604]t3.t33.h333-p0.6

Angel voices, ever singing, [3605]t4.t45.h461-p0.6

Angels from the realms of glory, [3606]t2.t22.h80-p0.6

Angels, roll the rock away, [3607]t2.t216.h177-p0.6

Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat, [3608]t3.t31.h303-p0.6

Arm of the Lord, awake! awake, [3609]t5.t53.h487-p0.6

Around the throne of God a band, [3610]t2.t243.h291-p0.6

Art thou weary, art thou languid, [3611]t3.t311.h386-p0.6

As now the sun's declining rays, [3612]t1.t13.h30-p0.6

As pants the wearied hart for cooling springs, [3613]t3.t31.h313-p0.6

As with gladness men of old, [3614]t2.t27.h94-p0.6

Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep, [3615]t3.t312.h413-p0.6

At even, when the sun was set, [3616]t3.t311.h399-p0.6

At the Lamb's high feast we sing, [3617]t2.t216.h178-p0.6

At the Name of Jesus, [3618]t6.t61.h528-p0.6

At the cross her station keeping, [3619]t2.t212.h161-p0.6

Awake, and sing the song, [3620]t2.t226.h261-p0.6

Awake, my soul, and with the sun, [3621]t1.t11.h2-p0.6

Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve, [3622]t2.t29.h111-p0.6

Before Jehovah's awful throne, [3623]t3.t31.h309-p0.6

Before the ending of the day, [3624]t1.t13.h28-p0.6

Behold the Lamb of God, [3625]t2.t212.h148-p0.6

Behold us, Lord, a little space, [3626]t1.t12.h10-p0.6

Beneath the cross of Jesus, [3627]t2.t212.h150-p0.6

Bless the Lord, my soul, [3628]t3.t31.h318-p0.6

Blessed city, heavenly Salem, [3629]t5.t56.h508-p0.6

Blest are the moments, doubly blest, [3630]t1.t12.h9-p0.6

Blest are the pure in heart, [3631]t2.t233.h277-p0.6

Blest be the tie that binds, [3632]t5.t54.h489-p0.6

Bread of heaven, on thee we feed, [3633]t3.t33.h332-p0.6

Bread of the world, in mercy broken, [3634]t3.t33.h336-p0.6

Breast the wave, Christian, [3635]t2.t29.h112-p0.6

Breathe on me, Breath of God, [3636]t3.t39.h380-p0.6

Brief life is here our portion, [3637]t2.t21.h69-p0.6

Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, [3638]t2.t27.h95-p0.6

Brightly gleams our banner, [3639]t6.t61.h529-p0.6

By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored, [3640]t3.t33.h335-p0.6

By cool Siloam's shady rill, [3641]t3.t36.h351-p0.6

By the gracious saving call, [3642]t2.t211.h142b-p0.6

Call Jehovah thy salvation, [3643]t3.t31.h310-p0.6

Calm on the listening ear of night, [3644]t2.t22.h84-p0.6

Children of the heavenly King, [3645]t6.t61.h517-p0.6

Christ for the world we sing, [3646]t5.t53.h486-p0.6

Christ is made the sure foundation, [3647]t4.t45.h457-p0.6

Christ is our cornerstone, [3648]t4.t45.h458-p0.6

Christ the Lord is risen today, [3649]t2.t216.h175-p0.6

Christ, of all my hopes the ground, [3650]t2.t222.h219-p0.6

Christ, whose glory fills the skies, [3651]t1.t11.h4-p0.6

Christian! dost thou see them, [3652]t2.t210.h126-p0.6

Christian, seek not yet repose, [3653]t2.t210.h128-p0.6

Christians, awake, salute the happy morn, [3654]t2.t22.h76-p0.6

City of God, how broad and far, [3655]t5.t51.h470-p0.6

Come to our poor nature's night, [3656]t2.t220.h203-p0.6

Come unto me, ye weary, [3657]t3.t311.h387-p0.6

Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, [3658]t3.t39.h375-p0.6

Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, [3659]t4.t44.h455-p0.6

Come, Holy Ghost, who ever One, [3660]t1.t11.h8-p0.6

Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, [3661]t2.t219.h200-p0.6

Come, O thou Traveler unknown, [3662]t2.t223.h230-p0.6

Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come, [3663]t2.t219.h196-p0.6

Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, [3664]t2.t219.h201-p0.6

Come, labour on, [3665]t5.t54.h497-p0.6

Come, my soul, thou must be waking, [3666]t1.t11.h3-p0.6

Come, my soul, thy suit prepare, [3667]t3.t31.h304-p0.6

Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measures, [3668]t2.t242.h288-p0.6

Come, see the place where Jesus lay, [3669]t2.t216.h174-p0.6

Come, thou almighty King, [3670]t2.t221.h209-p0.6

Come, thou long-expected Jesus, [3671]t2.t21.h55-p0.6

Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish, [3672]t3.t311.h388-p0.6

Come, ye faithful, raise the strain, [3673]t2.t216.h170-p0.6

Come, ye thankful people, come, [3674]t4.t41.h421-p0.6

Conquering kings their titles take, [3675]t2.t26.h91-p0.6

Creator Spirit, by whose aid, [3676]t2.t219.h198-p0.6

Crown Him with many crowns, [3677]t2.t218.h190-p0.6

Day of wrath! O day of mourning, [3678]t2.t21.h65-p0.6

Dear Lord and Father of mankind, [3679]t2.t29.h120-p0.6

Dost thou in a manger lie, [3680]t7.t71.h550-p0.6

Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord, [3681]t3.t33.h330-p0.6

Earth has many a noble city, [3682]t2.t27.h93-p0.6

Easter flowers are blooming bright, [3683]t7.t71.h558-p0.6

Eternal Father! strong to save, [3684]t3.t314.h415-p0.6

Eternal Light! Eternal Light, [3685]t2.t224.h241-p0.6

Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round, [3686]t5.t54.h491-p0.6

Fairest Lord Jesus, [3687]t3.t36.h356-p0.6

Faith of our fathers! living still, [3688]t4.t42.h441-p0.6

Faithful Shepherd, feed me, [3689]t3.t36.h357-p0.6

Far from my heavenly home, [3690]t3.t311.h408-p0.6

Father in heaven, who lovest all, [3691]t3.t37.h367-p0.6

Father of all, whose love profound, [3692]t2.t221.h206-p0.6

Father of heaven, who hast created all, [3693]t3.t34.h342-p0.6

Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do, [3694]t2.t214.h164-p0.6

Father, let me dedicate, [3695]t4.t43.h448-p0.6

Father, whate'er of earthly bliss, [3696]t3.t311.h396-p0.6

Father, who on man dost shower, [3697]t5.t55.h506-p0.6

Fierce was the wild billow, [3698]t3.t314.h416-p0.6

Fight the good fight with all thy might, [3699]t2.t29.h113-p0.6

Fling out the banner! let it float, [3700]t5.t53.h482-p0.6

For all the saints, who from their labors rest, [3701]t2.t246.h295-p0.6

For ever with the Lord, [3702]t5.t56.h516-p0.6

For the beauty of the earth, [3703]t4.t41.h425-p0.6

For thee, O dear, dear country, [3704]t5.t56.h512-p0.6

For thy dear saints, O Lord, [3705]t2.t245.h293-p0.6

For thy mercy and thy grace, [3706]t4.t43.h447-p0.6

Forsaken once, and thrice denied, [3707]t2.t238.h283-p0.6

Forth in thy Name, O Lord, I go, [3708]t1.t11.h7-p0.6

Forty days and forty nights, [3709]t2.t210.h123-p0.6

Forty days of Eastertide, [3710]t2.t216.h180-p0.6

Forward! be our watchword, [3711]t6.t61.h531-p0.6

From Greenland's icy mountains, [3712]t5.t53.h476-p0.6

From all that dwell below the skies, [3713]t2.t226.h250-p0.6

From all thy saints in warfare, for all thy saints at rest, [3714]t2.t227.h267-p0.6

From every stormy wind that blows, [3715]t1.t14.h32-p0.6

From the eastern mountains, [3716]t2.t27.h92-p0.6

Give me the wings of faith to rise, [3717]t2.t246.h301-p0.6

Glorious things of thee are spoken, [3718]t5.t51.h468-p0.6

Glory be to Jesus, [3719]t2.t212.h162-p0.6

Glory to the blessèd Jesus, [3720]t3.t36.h347-p0.6

Go forward, Christian soldier, [3721]t6.t61.h535-p0.6

Go to dark Gethsemane, [3722]t2.t212.h151-p0.6

Go, labour on! spend and be spent, [3723]t5.t54.h490-p0.6

God bless our native land, [3724]t4.t42.h428-p0.6

God hath sent his angels to the earth again, [3725]t7.t71.h557-p0.6

God is our stronghold and our stay, [3726]t2.t222.h214-p0.6

God is working his purpose out, [3727]t5.t53.h483-p0.6

God moves in a mysterious way, [3728]t2.t222.h216-p0.6

God of mercy, God of grace, [3729]t3.t31.h312-p0.6

God of our fathers, known of old, [3730]t4.t42.h439-p0.6

God of our fathers, whose almighty hand, [3731]t4.t42.h430-p0.6

God of the living, in whose eyes, [3732]t3.t312.h410-p0.6

God of the nations, who hast led, [3733]t4.t42.h442-p0.6

God of the prophets! Bless the prophets' sons, [3734]t4.t44.h451-p0.6

God the All-terrible! King, who ordainest, [3735]t4.t42.h435-p0.6

God the Father, God the Son, [3736]t2.t211.h141-p0.6, [3737]t2.t211.h142a-p0.6

God, my King, thy might confessing, [3738]t3.t31.h311-p0.6

God, that madest earth and heaven, [3739]t1.t13.h26-p0.6

Golden harps are sounding, [3740]t7.t71.h560-p0.6

Good Christian men, rejoice, [3741]t7.t71.h549-p0.6

Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost, [3742]t2.t29.h121-p0.6

Great God, what do I see and hear, [3743]t2.t21.h64-p0.6

Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, [3744]t1.t14.h42-p0.6

Hail to the Lord who comes, [3745]t2.t231.h274-p0.6

Hail to the Lord's Anointed, [3746]t2.t28.h99-p0.6

Hail! festal day! through every age divine, [3747]t2.t219.h195-p0.6

Hail! festal day! to endless ages known, [3748]t2.t218.h184-p0.6

Hail! festal day, to endless ages known, [3749]t2.t216.h168-p0.6

Hail, Thou once despised Jesus, [3750]t2.t218.h191-p0.6

Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding, [3751]t2.t21.h63-p0.6

Hark! hark, my soul! Angelic songs are swelling,

Hark! the glad sound! the Savior comes, [3753]t2.t21.h54-p0.6

Hark! the herald angels sing, [3754]t2.t22.h73-p0.6

Hark! the song of jubilee, [3755]t2.t28.h103-p0.6

Hark! the sound of holy voices, [3756]t2.t246.h297-p0.6

Hark! the voice eternal, [3757]t6.t61.h518-p0.6

Hark! what mean those holy voices, [3758]t2.t22.h81-p0.6

Hark, my soul! it is the Lord, [3759]t3.t311.h389-p0.6

Hasten the time appointed, [3760]t5.t53.h477-p0.6

He is risen, he is risen, [3761]t2.t216.h179-p0.6

He leadeth me! O blessed thought, [3762]t2.t225.h245-p0.6

He who would valiant be, [3763]t2.t29.h117-p0.6

Heal me, O my Savior, heal, [3764]t2.t210.h137-p0.6

Hear us, thou that broodedst, [3765]t6.t61.h524-p0.6

Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face, [3766]t3.t33.h334-p0.6

His are the thousand sparkling rills, [3767]t2.t212.h156-p0.6

Holy Father, cheer our way, [3768]t1.t13.h16-p0.6

Holy Father, great Creator, [3769]t2.t221.h210-p0.6

Holy Spirit, Lord of love, [3770]t3.t39.h371-p0.6

Holy Spirit, Truth divine, [3771]t3.t39.h373-p0.6

Holy offerings, rich and rare, [3772]t5.t54.h504-p0.6

Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty, [3773]t2.t221.h205-p0.6

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, [3774]t2.t221.h208-p0.6

Hosanna to the living Lord, [3775]t2.t21.h53-p0.6

How beauteous were the marks divine, [3776]t2.t28.h108-p0.6

How bright appears the Morning Star, [3777]t2.t28.h98-p0.6

How bright these glorious spirits shine, [3778]t2.t246.h302-p0.6

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, [3779]t2.t222.h212-p0.6

How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds, [3780]t2.t223.h232-p0.6

How wondrous and great, [3781]t2.t226.h254-p0.6

Hushed was the evening hymn, [3782]t3.t36.h359-p0.6

I Bind unto myself today, [3783]t6.t61.h525-p0.6

I am not worthy, holy Lord, [3784]t3.t33.h323-p0.6

I could not do without Thee, [3785]t2.t224.h239-p0.6

I do not ask, O Lord, that life may be, [3786]t3.t311.h385-p0.6

I heard a sound of voices, [3787]t6.t61.h542-p0.6

I heard the voice of Jesus say, [3788]t2.t224.h242-p0.6

I hunger and I thirst, [3789]t3.t33.h325-p0.6

I look to thee in every need, [3790]t3.t311.h397-p0.6

I love thy kingdom, Lord, [3791]t3.t31.h315-p0.6

I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew, [3792]t3.t311.h398-p0.6

I think when I read that sweet story of old, [3793]t3.t36.h350-p0.6

Immortal Love, for ever full, [3794]t3.t311.h404-p0.6

In heavenly love abiding, [3795]t2.t222.h224-p0.6

In his own raiment clad, [3796]t2.t213.h163-p1.6

In his temple now behold him, [3797]t2.t231.h273-p0.6

In the cross of Christ I glory, [3798]t2.t212.h152-p0.6

In the hour of trial, [3799]t2.t212.h147-p0.6

In token that thou shalt not fear, [3800]t3.t34.h344-p0.6

Inspirer and hearer of prayer, [3801]t1.t14.h34-p0.6

It came upon the midnight clear, [3802]t2.t22.h71-p1.4, [3803]t2.t22.h79-p0.6

Jerusalem the golden, [3804]t5.t56.h511-p0.6

Jerusalem! high tower thy glorious walls, [3805]t6.t61.h543-p0.6

Jerusalem, my happy home, [3806]t5.t56.h514-p0.6

Jesus Christ is risen today, [3807]t2.t216.h172-p0.6

Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult, [3808]t2.t228.h268-p0.6

Jesus lives! thy terrors now, [3809]t2.t216.h176-p0.6

Jesus shall reign where'er the sun, [3810]t5.t53.h480-p0.6

Jesus! Name of wondrous love, [3811]t2.t26.h90-p0.6

Jesus! where'er thy people meet, [3812]t4.t45.h459-p0.6

Jesus, I have promised, [3813]t3.t39.h379-p0.6

Jesus, I live to Thee, [3814]t2.t222.h218-p0.6

Jesus, I my cross have taken, [3815]t3.t39.h378-p0.6

Jesus, King of glory, [3816]t6.t61.h523-p0.6

Jesus, Lord of life and glory, [3817]t2.t210.h127-p0.6

Jesus, Lover of my soul, [3818]t2.t222.h223-p0.6

Jesus, and shall it ever be, [3819]t2.t210.h135-p0.6

Jesus, crowned with all renown, [3820]t2.t217.h181-p0.6

Jesus, from thy throne on high, [3821]t3.t38.h368-p0.6

Jesus, gentlest Savior, [3822]t3.t33.h322-p0.6

Jesus, meek and gentle, [3823]t3.t36.h361-p0.6

Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all, [3824]t2.t223.h228-p0.6

Jesus, my Savior, look on me, [3825]t3.t311.h390-p0.6

Jesus, my strength, my hope, [3826]t2.t222.h215-p0.6

Jesus, still lead on, [3827]t4.t43.h449-p0.6

Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me, [3828]t3.t36.h360-p0.6

Jesus, the very thought of thee, [3829]t3.t31.h316-p0.6

Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts, [3830]t3.t33.h328-p0.6

Jesus, thy boundless love to me, [3831]t2.t223.h229-p0.6

Jesus, to thy table led, [3832]t3.t33.h327-p0.6

Jesus, with thy Church abide, [3833]t5.t52.h473-p0.6

Joy because the circling year, [3834]t7.t71.h561-p0.6

Joy dawned again on Easter-Day, [3835]t7.t71.h556-p0.6

Joy fills our inmost hearts today, [3836]t7.t71.h552-p0.6

Joy to the world! the Lord is come, [3837]t2.t28.h101-p0.6

Judge eternal, throned in splendour, [3838]t4.t42.h432-p0.6

Just as I am, without one plea, [3839]t2.t210.h139-p0.6

King of saints, to whom the number, [3840]t2.t241.h287-p0.6

Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace, [3841]t2.t21.h60-p0.6

Lead on, O King Eternal, [3842]t6.t61.h534-p0.6

Lead us, O Father, in the paths of peace, [3843]t2.t225.h248-p0.6

Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us, [3844]t2.t225.h247-p0.6

Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom, [3845]t2.t225.h244-p0.6

Let all mortal flesh keep silence, [3846]t3.t33.h339-p0.6

Let saints on earth in concert sing, [3847]t2.t246.h299-p0.6

Let the song go round the earth, [3848]t5.t53.h485-p0.6

Let thy Blood in mercy poured, [3849]t3.t33.h340-p0.6

Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates, [3850]t2.t218.h186-p0.6

Light of those whose dreary dwelling, [3851]t2.t28.h100-p0.6

Light's abode, celestial Salem, [3852]t5.t56.h507-p0.6

Like silver lamps in a distant shrine, [3853]t7.t71.h548-p0.6

Lo! what a cloud of witnesses, [3854]t2.t246.h300-p0.6

Lo, He comes, with clouds descending, [3855]t2.t21.h57-p0.6

Look, ye saints; the sight is glorious, [3856]t2.t218.h185-p0.6

Lord God of hosts, whose mighty hand, [3857]t4.t42.h438-p0.6

Lord God, we worship thee, [3858]t4.t42.h440-p0.6

Lord Jesus, think on me, [3859]t3.t311.h393-p0.6

Lord of heaven and earth and sea, [3860]t4.t41.h426-p0.6

Lord of mercy and of might, [3861]t1.t14.h41-p0.6

Lord of our life, and God of our salvation, [3862]t5.t51.h469-p0.6

Lord, as to thy dear cross we flee, [3863]t2.t210.h125-p0.6

Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, [3864]t1.t15.h51-p0.6

Lord, for ever at thy side, [3865]t3.t31.h306-p0.6

Lord, for tomorrow and its needs, [3866]t1.t14.h36-p0.6

Lord, her watch thy Church is keeping, [3867]t5.t53.h481-p0.6

Lord, in this thy mercy's day, [3868]t2.t210.h122-p0.6

Lord, in thy Name thy servants plead, [3869]t2.t217.h183-p0.6

Lord, in thy presence dread and sweet, [3870]t3.t39.h377-p0.6

Lord, it belongs not to my care, [3871]t3.t311.h392-p0.6

Lord, it is good for us to be, [3872]t2.t240.h286-p0.6

Lord, pour thy Spirit from on high, [3873]t4.t44.h450-p0.6

Lord, shall thy children come to thee?, [3874]t3.t39.h376-p0.6

Lord, speak to me, that I may speak, [3875]t5.t54.h502-p0.6

Lord, thy children guide and keep, [3876]t3.t39.h374-p0.6

Lord, thy word abideth, [3877]t2.t21.h59-p0.6

Lord, while for all mankind we pray, [3878]t4.t42.h431-p0.6

Lord, who fulfillest thus anew, [3879]t2.t230.h272-p0.6

Lord, who throughout these forty days, [3880]t2.t210.h134-p0.6

Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise thee, [3881]t2.t223.h233-p0.6

Love divine, all loves excelling, [3882]t2.t223.h226-p0.6

Love of Jesus, all divine, [3883]t2.t223.h231-p0.6

Majestic sweetness sits enthroned, [3884]t2.t218.h194-p0.6

Maker of the sea and sky, [3885]t3.t314.h418-p0.6

Master, no offering, [3886]t5.t54.h500-p0.6

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord, [3887]t4.t42.h434-p0.6

My Father, for another night, [3888]t1.t11.h6-p0.6

My God, I love thee: not because, [3889]t2.t223.h234-p0.6

My God, I thank thee, who hast made, [3890]t3.t311.h384-p0.6

My God, accept my heart this day, [3891]t3.t39.h372-p0.6

My God, and is thy table spread, [3892]t3.t33.h329-p0.6

My God, how wonderful Thou art, [3893]t2.t222.h221-p0.6

My God, my Father, while I stray, [3894]t3.t311.h391-p0.6

My Jesus, as thou wilt, [3895]t3.t311.h395-p0.6

My country, 'tis of thee, [3896]t4.t42.h427-p0.6

My faith looks up to thee, [3897]t2.t222.h211-p0.6

My heart is resting, O my God, [3898]t2.t222.h220-p0.6

My soul with patience waits, [3899]t3.t31.h314-p0.6

My soul, be on thy guard, [3900]t2.t29.h118-p0.6

My spirit on Thy care, [3901]t2.t222.h225-p0.6

Nearer, my God, to Thee, [3902]t2.t222.h222-p0.6

New every morning is the love, [3903]t1.t11.h1-p0.5

Not by thy mighty hand, [3904]t2.t28.h109-p0.6

Now from the altar of my heart, [3905]t1.t13.h27-p0.6

Now thank we all our God, [3906]t4.t41.h422-p0.6

Now that the sun is gleaming bright, [3907]t1.t11.h5-p0.6

Now the day is over, [3908]t3.t36.h364-p0.6

Now the laborer's task is o'er, [3909]t3.t312.h411-p0.6

Now, my tongue, the mystery telling, [3910]t3.t33.h338-p0.6

O 'twas a joyful sound to hear, [3911]t3.t31.h307-p0.6

O Brightness of the immortal Father's face, [3912]t1.t13.h12-p0.5

O Father, all creating, [3913]t3.t310.h381-p0.6

O God of Bethel, by whose hand, [3914]t4.t43.h446-p0.6

O God of God! O Light of Light, [3915]t2.t226.h251-p0.6

O God of love, O King of peace, [3916]t4.t42.h436-p0.6

O God of mercy! hearken now, [3917]t5.t54.h503-p0.6

O God of truth, whose living Word, [3918]t5.t54.h498-p0.6

O God, our help in ages past, [3919]t4.t43.h445-p0.6

O God, unseen yet ever near, [3920]t3.t33.h321-p0.6

O Heavenly Jerusalem, [3921]t5.t56.h509-p0.6

O Jesus! Lord most merciful, [3922]t2.t210.h131-p0.6

O Jesus, crucified for man, [3923]t1.t16.h52-p0.6

O Jesus, thou art standing, [3924]t2.t210.h132-p0.6

O Lamb of God, still keep me, [3925]t2.t212.h149-p0.6

O Light, whose beams illumine all, [3926]t1.t14.h40-p0.6

O Lord of hosts! Almighty King, [3927]t4.t42.h437-p0.6

O Lord, and Master of us all, [3928]t5.t54.h496-p0.6

O Lord, the Holy Innocents, [3929]t2.t25.h87-p0.6

O Lord, when we bend before thy throne, [3930]t2.t210.h124-p0.6

O Love divine, that stooped to share, [3931]t3.t311.h400-p0.6

O Love that casts out fear, [3932]t2.t223.h235-p0.6

O Love that wilt not let me go, [3933]t2.t223.h236-p0.6

O Master, let me walk with thee, [3934]t5.t54.h493-p0.6

O North, with all thy vales of green, [3935]t2.t28.h107-p0.6

O One with God the Father, [3936]t2.t27.h97-p0.6

O Paradise, O Paradise, [3937]t2.t215.h167-p0.6

O Savior, bless us ere we go, [3938]t1.t15.h48-p0.6

O Savior, precious Savior, [3939]t6.t61.h526-p0.5

O Sion, haste, thy mission high fulfilling, [3940]t5.t53.h474-p0.6

O Son of God, our Captain of salvation, [3941]t2.t236.h280-p0.6

O Spirit of the living God, [3942]t5.t53.h475-p0.6

O Thou in whom thy saints repose, [3943]t4.t46.h462-p0.6

O Thou to whose all-searching sight, [3944]t2.t29.h119-p0.6

O Thou who didst, with love untold, [3945]t2.t229.h269-p0.6

O Thou who makest souls to shine, [3946]t4.t44.h454-p0.6

O Thou whose feet have climbed life's hill, [3947]t3.t37.h365-p0.6

O Thou, from whom all goodness flows, [3948]t3.t311.h401-p0.6

O Thou, who gav'st thy servant grace, [3949]t2.t24.h86-p0.6

O Trinity of blessed light, [3950]t1.t13.h11-p0.6

O Word of God incarnate, [3951]t2.t21.h58-p0.6

O Worship the King, all glorious above, [3952]t2.t226.h255-p0.6

O brothers, lift your voices, [3953]t5.t54.h495-p0.6

O come and mourn with me awhile, [3954]t2.t212.h153-p0.6

O come, O come, Emmanuel, [3955]t2.t21.h66-p0.6

O come, all ye faithful, [3956]t2.t22.h72-p0.6

O come, loud anthems let us sing, [3957]t3.t31.h308-p0.6

O could I speak the matchless worth, [3958]t2.t226.h263-p0.6

O day of rest and gladness, [3959]t1.t15.h43-p0.6

O for a closer walk with God, [3960]t3.t31.h305-p0.6

O for a heart to praise my God, [3961]t2.t226.h260-p0.6

O happy band of pilgrims, [3962]t6.t61.h536-p0.6

O help us, Lord, each hour of need, [3963]t1.t14.h33-p0.6

O let the children come to me, [3964]t3.t34.h345-p0.6

O little town of Bethlehem, [3965]t2.t22.h78-p0.6

O mother dear, Jerusalem, [3966]t5.t56.h510-p0.6

O perfect Love, all human thought transcending, [3967]t3.t310.h382-p0.6

O sacred head surrounded, [3968]t2.t212.h158-p0.6

O saving Victim, opening wide, [3969]t3.t33.h331-p0.6

O say can you see, by the dawn's early light, [3970]t4.t42.h429-p0.6

O very God of very God, [3971]t2.t28.h102-p0.6

O what the joy and the glory must be, [3972]t6.t61.h544-p0.6

O where are kings and empires now, [3973]t5.t51.h471-p0.6

O wondrous type! O vision fair, [3974]t2.t240.h285-p0.6

Of the Father's love begotten, [3975]t2.t22.h74-p0.6

Oft in danger, oft in woe, [3976]t2.t29.h116-p0.6

On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry, [3977]t2.t237.h282-p0.6

On our way rejoicing, [3978]t6.t61.h532-p0.6

On this day, the first of days, [3979]t1.t15.h47-p0.6

On wings of living light, [3980]t7.t71.h559-p0.6

Once in royal David's city, [3981]t3.t36.h349-p0.6

Once to every man and nation, [3982]t4.t42.h433-p0.6

One sole baptismal sign, [3983]t5.t51.h463-p0.6

One sweetly solemn thought, [3984]t3.t311.h407-p0.6

Onward, Christian soldiers, [3985]t6.t61.h530-p0.6

Our Father! thy dear Name doth show, [3986]t5.t54.h499-p0.6

Our Lord is risen from the dead, [3987]t2.t218.h187-p0.6

Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed, [3988]t2.t219.h199-p0.6

Our day of praise is done, [3989]t1.t15.h49-p0.6

Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?,

Pleasant are thy courts above, [3991]t5.t51.h467-p0.6

Praise the Lord through every nation, [3992]t2.t226.h262-p0.6

Praise to God, immortal praise, [3993]t4.t41.h420-p0.6

Praise to the Holiest in the height, [3994]t2.t226.h259-p0.6

Praise to the heavenly Wisdom, [3995]t2.t232.h275-p0.6

Praise we the Lord this day, [3996]t2.t233.h276-p0.6

Praise, my soul, the King of heaven, [3997]t2.t226.h258-p0.6

Rejoice, rejoice, believers, [3998]t2.t21.h61-p0.6

Rejoice, the Lord is King, [3999]t6.t61.h521-p0.6

Rejoice, ye pure in heart, [4000]t6.t61.h537-p0.6

Resting from his work today, [4001]t2.t215.h165-p0.6

Revive thy work, O Lord, [4002]t4.t44.h452-p0.6

Ride on! ride on in majesty, [4003]t2.t212.h145-p0.6

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, [4004]t4.t43.h444-p0.6

Rise up, O men of God, [4005]t5.t54.h492-p0.6

Rise, crowned with light, imperial Salem, rise, [4006]t5.t51.h466-p0.6

Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings, [4007]t2.t29.h114-p0.6

Rock of ages, cleft for me, [4008]t2.t222.h217-p0.6

Round the Lord in glory seated, [4009]t2.t221.h207-p0.6

Safe upon the billowy deep, [4010]t3.t314.h417-p0.6

Safely through another week, [4011]t1.t15.h46-p0.6

Savior! when in dust to thee, [4012]t2.t210.h130-p0.6

Savior, again to thy dear Name we raise, [4013]t1.t15.h50-p0.6

Savior, blessed Savior, [4014]t6.t61.h527-p0.6

Savior, breathe an evening blessing, [4015]t1.t13.h24-p0.6

Savior, like a shepherd lead us, [4016]t3.t36.h355-p0.6

Savior, source of every blessing, [4017]t2.t224.h243-p0.6

Savior, sprinkle many nations, [4018]t5.t53.h478-p0.6

Savior, teach me, day by day, [4019]t3.t36.h354-p0.6

Savior, when night involves the skies, [4020]t1.t14.h39-p0.6

Savior, who thy flock art feeding, [4021]t3.t34.h343-p0.6

Saw you never, in the twilight, [4022]t7.t71.h553-p0.6

See the Conqueror mounts in triumph, [4023]t6.t61.h522-p0.6

See the destined day arise, [4024]t2.t212.h146-p0.6

Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless, [4025]t3.t33.h324-p0.6

Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing, [4026]t2.t22.h75-p0.6

Silent night, holy night, [4027]t7.t71.h546-p0.6

Sinful, sighing to be blest, [4028]t2.t210.h140-p0.6

Sing Alleluia forth in duteous praise, [4029]t2.t226.h265-p0.6

Sing, O sing, this blessed morn, [4030]t2.t22.h77-p0.6

Sing, my soul, his wondrous love, [4031]t2.t226.h257-p0.6

Softly now the light of day, [4032]t1.t13.h19-p0.6

Soldiers of Christ, arise, [4033]t3.t35.h346-p0.6

Soldiers of the cross, arise, [4034]t2.t29.h115-p0.6

Songs of praise the angels sang, [4035]t2.t226.h256-p0.6

Songs of thankfulness and praise, [4036]t2.t27.h96-p0.6

Soon may the last glad song arise, [4037]t5.t53.h484-p0.6

Spirit blest, who art adored, [4038]t2.t220.h204-p0.6

Spirit divine, attend our prayers, [4039]t2.t219.h202-p0.6

Spirit of mercy, truth, and love, [4040]t2.t219.h197-p0.6

Stand up, stand up, for Jesus, [4041]t6.t61.h538-p0.6

Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright, [4042]t2.t243.h289-p0.6

Sun of my soul, thou Savior dear, [4043]t1.t13.h20-p0.6

Sunset and evening star, [4044]t3.t312.h412-p0.6

Sweet is the work, my God, my King, [4045]t1.t15.h44-p0.6

Sweet the moments, rich in blessing, [4046]t2.t212.h157-p0.6

Tarry with me, O my Savior, [4047]t1.t13.h31-p0.6

Teach us what thy love has borne, [4048]t2.t211.h142c-p0.6

Ten thousand times ten thousand, [4049]t6.t61.h541-p0.6

Tender Shepherd, thou hast stilled, [4050]t3.t313.h414-p0.6

The Church's one foundation, [4051]t5.t51.h464-p0.6

The God of Abraham praise, [4052]t2.t226.h253-p0.6

The King of love my Shepherd is, [4053]t3.t33.h326-p0.6

The King shall come when morning dawns, [4054]t2.t21.h70-p0.6

The Lord my pasture shall prepare, [4055]t3.t31.h317-p0.6

The Son of God goes forth to war, [4056]t2.t23.h85-p0.6

The ancient law departs, [4057]t2.t26.h88-p0.6

The cross is on our brow, [4058]t3.t39.h369-p0.6

The day is gently sinking to a close, [4059]t1.t13.h13-p0.6

The day is past and gone, [4060]t1.t13.h21-p0.6

The day is past and over, [4061]t1.t13.h23-p0.6

The day of resurrection, [4062]t2.t216.h171-p0.6

The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended, [4063]t1.t13.h29-p0.6

The first Nowell the angel did say, [4064]t7.t71.h551-p0.6

The grave itself a garden is, [4065]t2.t215.h166-p0.6

The head, that once was crowned with thorns, [4066]t2.t218.h188-p0.6

The morning light is breaking, [4067]t5.t53.h479-p0.6

The radiant morn hath passed away, [4068]t1.t13.h14-p0.6

The royal banners forward go, [4069]t2.t212.h144-p0.6

The saints of God! their conflict past, [4070]t2.t246.h294-p0.6

The shadows of the evening hours, [4071]t1.t13.h22-p0.6

The son of Consolation!, [4072]t2.t236.h281-p0.6

The spacious firmament on high, [4073]t2.t226.h252-p0.6

The strife is o'er, the battle done, [4074]t2.t216.h173-p0.6

The sun is sinking fast, [4075]t1.t13.h17-p0.6

The voice that breathed o'er Eden, [4076]t3.t310.h383-p0.6

The world is very evil, [4077]t2.t21.h68-p0.6

There is a blessed home, [4078]t5.t56.h515-p0.6

There is a green hill far away, [4079]t2.t212.h159-p0.6

There is a land of pure delight, [4080]t5.t56.h513-p0.6

There's a Friend for little children, [4081]t3.t36.h363-p0.6

There's a wideness in God's mercy, [4082]t2.t224.h240-p0.6

Thine for ever! God of love, [4083]t3.t39.h370-p0.6

This is the day of light, [4084]t1.t15.h45-p0.6

Those eternal bowers, [4085]t6.t61.h540-p0.6

Thou art coming, O my Savior, [4086]t2.t21.h67-p0.6

Thou art gone up on high, [4087]t2.t218.h189-p0.6

Thou art my hiding-place, O Lord, [4088]t3.t311.h403-p0.6

Thou art the Way, to thee alone, [4089]t2.t235.h279-p0.6

Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown, [4090]t2.t22.h83-p0.6

Thou hidden love of God, whose height, [4091]t2.t223.h227-p0.6

Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow, [4092]t3.t311.h402-p0.6

Thou say'st, Take up thy cross, [4093]t2.t225.h246-p0.6

Thou, who at thy first Eucharist didst pray, [4094]t3.t33.h337-p0.6

Thou, whose almighty word, [4095]t2.t28.h104-p0.6

Three in One, and One in Three, [4096]t1.t14.h38-p0.6

Through Him, who all our sickness felt, [4097]t5.t54.h505-p0.6

Through the day thy love has spared us, [4098]t1.t13.h15-p0.6

Through the night of doubt and sorrow, [4099]t6.t61.h539-p0.6

Thy kingdom come! on bended knee, [4100]t2.t21.h56-p0.6

Thy kingdom come, O God, [4101]t2.t28.h105-p0.6

Thy life was given for me, [4102]t2.t224.h238-p0.6

Thy way, not mine, O Lord, [4103]t3.t311.h394-p0.6

To the Name of our salvation, [4104]t2.t26.h89-p0.6

To thee our God we fly, [4105]t2.t217.h182-p0.6

Triumphant Sion, lift thy head, [4106]t5.t51.h472-p0.6

Wake, awake, for night is flying, [4107]t2.t21.h62-p0.6

Watchman, tell us of the night, [4108]t2.t28.h106-p0.6

We build our school on thee, O Lord, [4109]t3.t37.h366-p0.6

We come unto our fathers' God, [4110]t4.t41.h424-p0.6

We give thee but thine own, [4111]t3.t32.h319-p0.6

We love the place, O God, [4112]t5.t51.h465-p0.6

We march, we march to victory, [4113]t6.t61.h533-p0.6

We plow the fields, and scatter, [4114]t4.t41.h423-p0.6

We praise thy Name, O Lord most High, [4115]t2.t239.h284-p0.6

We praise thy grace, O Saviour, [4116]t2.t234.h278-p0.6

We sing the glorious conquest, [4117]t2.t230.h271-p0.6

We sing the praise of him who died, [4118]t2.t212.h160-p0.6

We three kings of Orient are, [4119]t7.t71.h554-p0.6

We walk by faith, and not by sight, [4120]t2.t229.h270-p0.6

We would see Jesus; for the shadows lengthen, [4121]t3.t311.h406-p0.6

Weary of self, and laden with my sin, [4122]t2.t210.h129-p0.6

Weary of wandering from my God, [4123]t2.t210.h136-p0.6

Welcome, happy morning! age to age shall say, [4124]t2.t216.h169-p0.6

What thanks and praise to thee we owe, [4125]t2.t244.h292-p0.6

When Christ was born of Mary free, [4126]t7.t71.h547-p0.6

When I survey the wondrous cross, [4127]t2.t212.h154-p0.6

When Jesus left his Father's throne, [4128]t3.t36.h362-p0.6

When all thy mercies, O my God, [4129]t2.t224.h237-p0.6

When morning gilds the skies, [4130]t1.t14.h37-p0.6

When our heads are bowed with woe, [4131]t3.t312.h409-p0.6

When wilt thou save the people?, [4132]t5.t54.h501-p0.6

When wounded sore the stricken soul, [4133]t2.t210.h138-p0.6

Where cross the crowded ways of life, [4134]t5.t54.h494-p0.6

While shepherds watched their flocks by night, [4135]t2.t22.h71-p0.6

While thee I seek, protecting Power, [4136]t1.t14.h35-p0.6

Who are these in bright array, [4137]t2.t246.h298-p0.6

Who are these like stars appearing, [4138]t2.t246.h296-p0.6

With broken heart and contrite sigh, [4139]t2.t210.h133-p0.6

With the sweet word of peace, [4140]t3.t314.h419-p0.6

Ye Christian heralds, go, proclaim, [4141]t4.t44.h453-p0.6

Ye holy angels bright, [4142]t2.t226.h264-p0.6

Ye servants of the Lord, [4143]t4.t44.h456-p0.6

Ye watchers and ye holy ones, [4144]t2.t226.h266-p0.6

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