C. M. * Baptism.
1 When from the Jordan's gleaming wave
Came forth the Sinless One,
A voice athwart the heavens flashed,
"Lo! my beloved son!"

2 The Baptist, gazing on his face,
With the soul's radiance bright,
Beheld upon his sacred head
A snow-white dove alight.

3 Now with baptismal waters touched,
Thy children, Father, see!
While heart and soul, and mind and strength,
They consecrate to Thee.

4 Send down on them Thy holy dove,
Thy spirit undefiled;
Be each in purity and faith
Thy well-beloved child!

5 O help them in the wilderness
To conquer doubt and sin;
To see above them still Thy Peace,
And hear Thy voice within!

375 l m montgomery sabbath
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