THE printed texts of the Septuagint fall naturally into two classes, viz. (1) those which contain or were intended to exhibit the whole of the Greek Old Testament; (2) those which are limited to a single book or to a group of books. I. COMPLETE EDITIONS. 1. The first printed text of the whole Septuagint is that which forms the third column in the Old Testament of the great Complutensian Polyglott. This great Bible was printed at Alcalà (Complutum) in Spain under the auspices of Francisco Ximenes de Cisneros, Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo. Ximenes, who, in addition to his ecclesiastical offices, was Regent of Castile, began this undertaking in 1502 in honour of the birth of Charles V. (1500 -- 1558), and lived to see the whole of the sheets pass through the press. He died Nov.8, 1517, and the fourth volume, which completes the Old Testament and was the last to be printed, bears the date July 10, 1517. But the publication of the Polyglott was delayed for more than four years: the papal sanction attached to the N. T. volume is dated May 22, 1520, and the copy which was intended for the Pope seems not to have found its way into the Vatican Library until Dec.5, 1521. The title of the complete work (6 vols. folio) is as follows: "Biblia sacra Polyglotta complectentia V.T. Hebraico Graeco et Latino idiomate, N.T. Graecum et Latinum, et vocabularium Hebraicum et Chaldaicum V.T. cum grammatica Hebraica necnon Dictionario Graeco. Studio opera et impensis Cardinalis Fr. Ximenes de Cisneros. Industria Arnoldi Gulielmi de Brocario artis impressorie magistri. Compluti, 1514[ -- 15, -- 17]." The O.T. volumes of the Complutensian Bible contain in three columns (1) the Hebrew text, with the Targum of Onkelos at the foot of the page, (2) the Latin Vulgate, (3) the Septuagint, with an interlinear Latin version -- an order which is explained by the editors as intended to give the place of honour to the authorised version of the Western Church [399] . The prejudice which their words reveal does not augur well for the character of the Complutensian LXX. Nevertheless we have the assurance of Ximenes that the greatest care was taken in the selection of the MSS. on which his texts were based [400] . Of his own MSS. few remain, and among those which are preserved at Madrid there are only two which contain portions of the Greek Old Testament (Judges -- Macc., and a Psalter). But he speaks of Greek MSS. of both Testaments which had been sent to him by the Pope from the Vatican Library [401] , and it has been shewn that at least two MSS. now in that Library (cod. Vat. gr.330 = H.P.108, and cod. Vat. gr.346 = H.P.248) were used in the construction of the Complutensian text of the LXX. [402] There is reason to suppose that a Venice MS. (S. Marc.5 = H.P.68) was also employed; a copy of this MS. still exists at Madrid. The editors of the Complutensian Polyglott were the Spaniard Antonio de Nebrija, Professor of Rhetoric at Alcalà, and his pupil Ferdinando Nunez de Guzman (Pincianus); Diego Lopez de Zuñiga (Stunica); Juan de Vergara, Professor of Philosophy at Alcalà; a Greek from Crete, by name Demetrius; and three converts from Judaism, to whom the Hebrew text and the Targum were entrusted. The editing of the Greek LXX. text seems to have been left chiefly in the hands of Pincianus, Stunica and Demetrius. The Complutensian text is followed on the whole in the Septuagint columns of the four great Polyglotts edited by Arias Montanus, Antwerp, 1569 -- 72; B. C. Bertram, Heidelberg, 1586 -- 7, 1599, 1616; D. Wolder, Hamburg, 1596; Michael Le Jay, Paris, 1645. 2. In February 15 , after the printing of the Complutensian Polyglott but before its publication, Andreas Asolanus [403] , father-in-law of the elder Aldus, issued from the Aldine press a complete edition of the Greek Bible bearing the title: Panta ta kat' exochen kaloumena biblia, theias delade graphes palaias te kai neas. Sacrae scripturae veteris novaeque omnia. Colophon: Venetiis in aedib[us] Aldi et Andreae soceri. mdxviii., mense Februario. Like Ximenes, Andreas made it his business to examine the best MSS. within his reach. In the dedication he writes: "ego multis vetustissimis exemplaribus collatis biblia (ut vulgo appellant) graece cuncta descripsi." His words, however, do not suggest an extended search for MSS., such as was instituted by the Spanish Cardinal; and it is probable enough that he was content to use Bessarion's collection of codices, which is still preserved in St Mark's Library at Venice [404] . Traces have been found in his text of three at least of those MSS. (cod. ii = H.P.29; cod. iii = H.P.121; cod. v = H.P.68). The Aldine text of the LXX. was followed on the whole in the editions of (1) Joh. Lonicerus, Strassburg, 1524, 1526; (2)? with a preface by Philip Melanchthon, Basle, 1545; (3) H. Guntius, Basle, 1550, 1582; (4) Draconites, in Biblia Pentapla, Wittenburg, 1562 -- 5; (5) Francis du Jon (Fr. Junius) or (?) Fr. Sylburg, Frankfort, 1597; (6) Nic. Glykas, Venice, 1687. 3. In 1587 a third great edition of the Greek Old Testament was; published at Rome under the auspices of Sixtus V. (editio Sixtina, Romana). It bears the title: E PALAIA DIAThEKE KATA TOUS EBDOMEKONTA DI AUThENTIAS XUSTOU E' AKROU ARChIEREOS EKDOThEISA VETVS TESTAMENTVM IVXTA SEPTVAGINTA EX AUCTORITATE SIXTI V. PONT. MAX. EDITVM ROMAE EX TYPOGRAPHIA FRANCISCI ZANETTI. M.D.LXXXVI(I) [405] CVM PRIVILEGIO GEORGIO FERRARIO CONCESSO.. The volume consists of 783 pages of text, followed by a page of addenda and corrigenda, and preceded by three (unnumbered) leaves which contain (1) a dedicatory letter addressed to Sixtus V. by Cardinal Antonio Carafa, (2) a preface to the reader [406] , and (3) the papal authorisation of the book. These documents are so important for the history of the printed text that they must be given in full. (1) SIXTO QUINTO PONTIF. MAX. ANTONIUS CARAFA CARDINALIS SANCTAE SEDIS APOSTOLICAE BIBLIOTHECARIUS Annus agitur iam fere octavus ex quo Sanctitas vestra pro singulari suo de sacris litteris benemerendi studio auctor fuit beatae memoriae Gregorio XIII. Pont. Max. ut sacrosancta Septuaginta Interpretum Biblia, quibus Ecclesia tum Graeca tum Latina iam inde ab Apostolorum temporibus usa est, ad fidem probatissimorum codicum emendarentur. Quod enim Sanctitas V. pro accurata sua in perlegendis divinis scripturis diligentia animadvertisset, infinitos pene locos ex its non eodem modo ab antiquis sacris scriptoribus afferri quo in vulgatis Bibliorum Graecis editionibus ctrcumferrentur, existimassetque non aliunde eam lectionum varietatem quam a multiplici eaque confusa veterum interpretatione fluxisse; rectissime censuit ad optimae notae exemplaria provocandum esse, ex quibus, quoad fieri posset, ea quae vera et sincera esset Septuaginta Interpretum scriptura eliceretur. Ex quo fit ut vestram non solum pietatem sed etiam sapientiam magnopere admirer; cum videam S. V. de Graecis Bibliis expoliendis idem multos post annos in mentem venisse quod sanctos illos Patres Tridenti congregatos auctoritate ac reverentia ductos verae ac purae Septuaginta interpretationis olim cogitasse cognovi ex actis eius Concilii nondum pervulgatis. Huius autem expolitionis constituendae munus cum mihi demandatum esset a Gregorio XIII., cuius cogitationes eo maxime spectabant ut Christiana Religio quam latissime propagaretur, operam dedi ut in celebrioribus Italiae bibliothecis optima quaeque exemplaria perquirerentur atque ex iis lectionum varietates descriptae ad me mitterentur [407] . Quibus sane doctorum hominum quos ad id delegeram industria et iudicio clarae memoriae Gulielmi Cardinalis Sirleti (quem propter excellentem doctrinam et multiplicem linguarum peritiam in locis obscurioribus mihi consulendum proposueram) persaepe examinatis et cum vestro Vaticanae bibliothecae (cui me benignitas vestra nuper praefecit) exemplari diligenter collatis; intelleximus cum ex ipsa collatione tum a sacrorum veterum scriptorum consensione, Vaticanum codicem non solum vetustate verum etiam bonitate caeteris anteire; quodque caput est, ad ipsam quam quaerebamus Septuaginta interpretationem, si non toto libro, maiori certe ex parte, quam proxime accedere. Quod mihi cum multis aliis argumentis constaret, vel ipso etiam libri titulo, qui est kata tous hebdomekonta, curavi de consilio et sententia eorum quos supra nominavi, huius libri editionem ad Vaticanum exemplar emendandam; vel potius exemplar ipsum, quod eius valde probaretur auctoritas, de verbo ad verbum repraesentandum, accurate prius sicubi opus fuit recognitum et notationibus etiam auctum. Factum est autem providentia sane divina, ut quod Sanctitate vestra suadente sui Cardinalatus tempore inchoatum est, id variis de causis aliquoties intermissum per ipsa fere initia Pontificatus sui fuerit absolutum; scilicet ut hoc praeclarum opus, vestro Sanctissimo nomini dicatum, quasi monumentum quoddam perpetuum esset futurum apud omnes bonos et vestrae erga Rempublicam Christianam voluntatis et meae erga Sanctitatem vestram observantiae. (2) PRAEFATIO AD LECTOREM Qui sunt in sacrosanctis scripturis accuratius versati, fatentur omnes Graecam Septuaginta Interpretum editionem longe aliis omnibus quibus Graeci usi sunt et antiquiorem esse et probatiorem. Constat enim eos Interpretes, natione quidem Iudaeos, doctos vero Graece, trecentis uno plus annis ante Christi adventum, cum in Aegypto regnaret Ptolemaeus Philadelphus, Spiritu sancto plenos sacra Biblia interpretatos esse, eamque interpretationem a primis Ecclesiae nascentis temporibus tum publice in Ecclesiis ad legendum propositam fuisse, tum privatim receptam et explanatam ab Ecclesiasticis scriptoribus qui vixerunt ante B. Hieronymum, Latinae vulgatae editionis auctorem. Nam Aquila quidem Sinopensis, qui secundus post Septuaginta eosdem libros ex Hebraeo in Graecum convertit et multo post tempore sub Hadriano principe floruit, et eius interpretatio, (quod ea quae de Christo in scripturis praedicta fuerant, ut a Iudaeis gratiam iniret aliter quam Septuaginta vertendo, subdola obscuritate involverit) iamdiu est cum a recte sentientibus, licet in hexaplis haberetur, aliquibus locis non est probata. Hunc vero qui subsequuti sunt, Symmachus et Theodotio, alter Samaritanus sub L. Vero, alter Ephesius sub Imp. Commodo, uterque (quamvis et ipsi in hexaplis circumferrentur) parum fidus interpres habitus est: Symmachus, quod Samaritanis offensus, ut placeret Iudaeis, non unum sanctae scripturae locum perturbato sensu corruperit; Theodotio, quod Marcionis haeretici sectator nonnullis locis perverterit potius quam converterit sacros libros. Fuerunt praeter has apud Graecos aliae duae editiones incertae auctoritatis: altera Antonio Caracalla Imp. apud Hierichuntem, altera apud Nicopolim sub Alexandro Severo in doliis repertae. quae quod in octaplis inter Graecas editiones quintum et sextum locum obtinerent, quintae et sextae editionis nomen retinuerunt. Sed nec hae satis fidae interpretationes habitae sunt. His additur alia quaedam editio sancti Luciani martyris, qui vixit sub Diocletiano et Maximiano Impp., valde illa quidem probata, sed quae cum Septuaginta Interpretibus comparari nullo modo possit, vel ipsis etiam Graecis scriptoribus testantibus et Niceta confirmante his plane verbis in commentario Psalmorum: hemeis de kai ten toiauten ekdosin sebazomenoi, te ton hebdomekonta proskeimetha malista, hoti dieremenos ten tes dialektou metabolen poiesamenoi mian en hekastois ennoian kai lexin apodedokasin. Adeo Septuaginta Interpretum editio magni nominis apud omnes fuit; nimirum quae instinctu quodam divinitatis elaborata bono generis humani prodierit in lucem. Sed haec etiam ipsa, quod in hexaplis ita primum ab Origene collocata fuerit ut eius e regione aliae editiones quo inter se comparari commodius possent ad legendum propositae essent, deinde vero varietates tantum ex iis ad illam sub obelis et asteriscis notari essent coeptae, factum est ut vetustate notis obliteratis insincera nimis et valde sui dissimilis ad nos pervenerit: quippe quae insertis ubique aliorum interpretationibus, aliquibus autem locis duldici atque etiam triplici eiusdem sententiae interpretatione intrusa, male praeterea a librariis accepta, suum ob id nitorem integritatemque amiserit. Hinc illae lectionum penitus inter se dissidentes varietates et, quod doctissimorum hominum ingenia mentesque diu torsit, ipsae exemplarium non solum inter se sed a veteribus etiam scriptoribus dissensiones. Quod malum primo a multis ignoratum, ab aliis postea neglectum, quotidie longius serpens, principem librum, et a quo tota lex divina et Christiana pendent instituta, non levibus maculis inquinavit. Quo nomine dici non potest quantum omnes boni debeant Sixto V. Pont. Max. Is enim quod in sacris litteris, unde sanctissimam hausit doctrinam, aetatem fere totam contriverit, quodque in hoc libro cum veterum scriptis conferendo singularem quandam diligentiam adhibuerit, vidit primus qua ratione huic malo medendum esset; nec vidit solum, sed auctoritate etiam sua effecit ut summus Pontifex Gregorius XIII. Graeca Septuaginta Interpretum Biblia, adhibita diligenti castigatione, in pristinum splendorem restituenda curaret. Quam rem exequendam cum ille demandasset Antonio Carafae Cardinali, viro veteris sanctitatis et omnium honestarum artium cultori, nulla is interposita mora delectum habuit doctissimorum hominum qui domi suae statis diebus exemplaria manuscripta, quae permulta undique conquisierat, conferrent et ex iis optimas quasque lectiones elicerent; quibus deinde cum codice Vaticanae biliothecae saepe ac diligenter comparatis intellectum est, eum codicem omnium qui extant longe optimum esse, ac operae pretium fore si ad eius fidem nova haec editio pararetur. Sed emendationis consilio iam explicato, ipso quoque ratio quae in emendando adhibita est nunc erit apertenda, in primisque Vaticanus liber describendus, ad cuius praescriptum haec editio expolita est. Codex is, quantum ex forma characterum coniici potest, cum sit maioribus litteris quas vere antiquas vocant exaratus, ante millesimum ducentesimum annum, hoc est ante tempora B. Hieronymi et non infra, scriptus videtur. Ex omnibus autem libris qui in manibus fuerunt unus hic prae aliis, quia ex editione Septuaginta si non toto libro certe maiorem partem constare vises est, mirum in modum institutam emendationem adiuvit; post eum vero alii duo qui ad eius vetustatem proximi quidem sed longe proximi intervallo accedunt, unus Venetus ex bibliotheca Bessarionis Cardinalis, et is quoque grandioribus litteris scriptus; alter qui ex Magna Graecia advectus nunc est Carafae Cardinalis: qui liber cum Vaticano codice ita in omnibus consentit ut credi possit ex eodem archetypo descriptus esse. Praeter hos magno etiam usui fuerunt libri ex Medicea bibliotheca Florentiae collati, qui Vaticanas lectiones multis locis aut confirmarunt aut illustrarunt. Sed libri Vaticani bonitas non tam ex horum codicum miro consensu perspecta est, quam ex iis locis qui partim adducuntur partim explicantur ab antiquis sacris scriptoribus; qui fere nusquam huius exemplaris lectiones non exhibent ac reponunt, nisi ubi aliorum Interpretum locum aliquem afferunt, non Septuaginta. quorum editio cum esset nova emendatione perpolienda, recte ad huius libri normam, qui longe omnium antiquissimus, solus iuxta Septuaginta inscribitur, perpolita est; vel potius rectissime liber ipse ad litteram, quoad fieri potuit per antiquam orthographiam aut per librarii lapsus, est expressus. Nam vetus illa et iam absoleta eius aetatis scriptura aliquibus locis repraesentata non est; cum tamen in aliis omnibus, nisi ubi manifestus apparebat librarii lapsus, ne latum quidem unguem, ut aiunt, ab huius libri auctoritate discessum sit, ne in iis quidem quae si minus mendo, certe suspicione mendi videbantur non carere. satius enim visum est locos vel aliquo modo suspectos (nec enim fieri potest ut in quantumvis expurgate exemplari non aliqua supersit macula) quemadmodum habentur in archetypo relinqui quam eos ex alicuius ingenio aut coniectura emendari: quod multa quae primo vel mendosa vel mutilata in hoc codice videbantur, ea postea cum aliis libris collata vera et sincera reperirentur. Nam in libris Prophetarum, qui maxime in hoc exemplari (uno excepto Daniele) puram Septuaginta editionem resipiunt, mirum quam multa non habeantur; quae tamen recte abesse et eorum Interpretum non esse, intellectum est tum ex commentariis veterum scriptorum Graecis et Latinis, tum ex libris manuscriptis in quibus illa addita sent sub asteriscis. Atque haec ratio in notationibus quoque servata est, in quibus cum multa sint ex commentariis Graecis petita quae in codicibus manuscriptis partim mutilata partim varie scripta aliquibus locis circumferuntur, ea non aliter atque in archetypis exemplaribus reperiuntur descripta sunt, quo uniuscuiusque arbitratu adiuvantibus libris restitui possint. Nec vero illud omittendum, quod item pertinet ad notationes; non omnia in its repraesentata esse quae aut ad confirmandas lectiones Vaticanas e scriptoribus vulgatis, aut ad explenda quae in Septuaginta non habentur, ex aliorum editionibus afferri potuissent, quod in communibus libris cum legantur, inde sibi unusquisque nullo negotio ea parare possit. Quae vero in libris manuscriptis reperta, vel ad indicandas antiquarum tum lectionum tum interpretationum varietates (sub scholii illas nomine, quod ipsarum incerta esset auctoritas, nonnunquam relatas) vel ad stabiliendam scripturam Vaticanam et eius obscuriores locos illustrandos pertinere visa sunt, ea certe non sunt praetermissa. Ordo autem librorum in Vaticano exemplari cum idem fere sit cum eo qui apud Graecos circumfertur, a vulgatis tamen editionibus variat in hoc quod primo habet duodecim Prophetas et hos ipsos aliter dispositos; deinde reliquos quattuor, quemadmodum vulgo editi sunt. Atque hunc ordinem verum esse intelligimus ex eo quod illum agnoscunt et probant veteres Ecclesiastici scriptores. Et cum toto exemplari nulla capitum divisio sit, (nam in nova editione consultum est legentium commoditati) in libro tamen quattuor Prophetarum distinctio quaedam apparet subobscura, illi paene similts quam describit sanctus Dorotheus martyr, qui vixit sub Magno Constantino. Maccabaeorum libri absunt ab hoc exemplari, atque item liber Genesis fere totus; nam longo aevo consumptis membranis mutilatus est ab initio libri usque ad caput XLVII. et liber item Psalmorum, qui a Psalmo CV. usque ad CXXXVIII. nimia vetustate mancus est. Sed haec ex aliorum codicum collatione emendata sunt. Quod si aliqua videbuntur in hac editione, ut ait B. Hieronymus, vel lacerata vel inversa, quod ea sub obelis et asteriscis ab Origene suppleta et distincta non sint; vel obscura et perturbata, quod cum Latina vulgata non consentiant, et in aliquibus aliis editionibus apertius et expressius habeantur; eris lector admonendus, non eo spectasse huius expolitionis industriam ut haec editio ex permixtis eorum qui supra nominati sunt interpretationibus (instar eius quam scribit B. Hieronymus a Graecis koinen, a nostris appellatam Communem) concinnata, Latinae: vulgatae editioni, hoc est Hebraeo, ad verbum respondeat; sed ut ad eam quam Septuaginta Interpretes Spiritus sancti auctoritatem sequuti ediderunt, quantum per veteres libros fieri potest, quam proxime accedat. Quam nunc novis emendationibus illustratam et aliorum Interpretum reliquiis quae supersunt auctam, non parum profuturam ad Latinae vulgatae intelligentiam, dubitabit nemo qui hanc cum illa accurate comparaverit. Quae si doctis viris et pie sentientibus, ut aequum est, probabuntur, reliquum erit ut Sixto V. Pont. Max. huius boni auctori gratias agant, et ab omnipotenti Deo publicis votis poscant, optimum Principem nobis florentem quam diutissime servet. qui cum omnes curas cogitationesque suas in amplificandam ornandamque Ecclesiae dignitatem contulerit, dubitandum non est quin Rep. Christiana optimis legibus et sanctissimis institutis per eum reformata, religione ac pietate, revocatis antiquis ritibus, in suum splendorem restituta, in hoc quoque publicam causam sit adiuturus ut sacri veteres libri, hominum incuria vel improbitate corrupti, pro sua eximia benignitate ab omni labe vindicati, quam emendatissimi pervulgentur. (3) SIXTUS PAPA V. Ad perpetuam rei memoriam. Cupientes, quantum in nobis est, commissi nobis gregis salute quacunque ratione ac via prospicere, ad pastoralem nostram curam pertinere vehementer arbitramur Sacrae Scripturae libros, quibus salutaris doctrina continetur, ab omnibus maculis expurgatos integros purosque pervulgari. Id nos in inferiori gradu constituti, quantum potuimus, studio et diligentia nostra praestitimus, et in hac altissima specula a Deo collocati assidue mentis nostrae oculis spectare non desistimus. Cum itaque superioribus annis piae recordationis Gregorius Papa XIII. praedecessor noster, nobis suggerentibus, Graecum Vetus Testamentum iuxta Septuaginta Interpretum editionem, qua ipsi etiam Apostoli nonnunquam usi fuerunt, ad emendatissimorum codicum fidem expoliendum mandaverit; eius rei cura dilecto filio nostro Antonio Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Presbytero Cardinali Carafae, et ad id per eum delectis eruditis aliquot viris demandata, et iam expolitio huiusmodi, permultis exemplaribus ex diversis Italiae bibliothecis et praecipue ex nostra Vaticana diligenter collatis matureque examinatis, absoluta sit: Volumus et sancimus ad Dei gloriam et Ecclesiae utilitatem, ut Vetus Graecum Testamentum iuxta Septuaginta ita recognitum et expolitum ab omnibus recipiatur ac retineatur, quo potissimum ad Latinae vulgatae editionis et veterum Sanctorum Patrum intelligentiam utantur. Prohibentes ne quis de hac nova Graeca editione audeat in posterum vel addendo vel demendo quicquam immutare. Si quis autem aliter fecerit quam hac nostra sanctione comprehensum est, noverit se in Dei Omnipotentis beatorumque Apostolorum Petri et Pauli indignationem incursurum. Datum Romae apud Sanctum Marcum sub Anulo Piscatoris. Die viii. Octobris M.D.LXXXVI, Pontificatus nostri anno secundo. Tho. Thom. Gualterutius. The reader will not fail to note the intelligent appreciation of the LXX., and the wide outlook over the history of the Greek versions which are implied by these documents [408] . They shew that the Vatican had already learnt the true value of the Alexandrian Old Testament and, as a consequence, had resolved to place in the hands of the scholars of Europe as pure a text as could be obtained of the version which was used by the ancient Church, and was now felt to be essential to a right understanding of the Fathers and of the Latin Vulgate. The inception of the work was due to Pope Sixtus himself, who had suggested it to his predecessor Gregory XIII. in 1578; but the execution was entrusted to Cardinal Antonio Carafa and a little band of Roman scholars including Cardinal Sirleto, Antonio Agelli, and Petrus Morinus. Search was made in the libraries of Italy as well as in the Vatican for MSS. of the LXX., but the result of these enquiries satisfied the editors of the superiority of the great Vatican Codex (B = cod. Vat. gr.1209) over an other known codices, and it was accordingly taken as the basis of the new edition. Use was made, however, of other MSS., among which were a Venice MS. which has been identified with S. Marc. cod. gr.1 (H. P.23, Lag. V); a MS. belonging to Carafa, possibly cod. Vat. gr.1252 (H. P.63 + 129, cf. Klostermann, p.12 f., and Batiffol, Bulletin critique, 15 Mars 1889), and certain Laurentian MSS. of which collations are still preserved in the Vatican Library (Vat. gr.1241, 1242, 1244; see Batiffol, La Vaticane, p.90 f.). From these and other sources the editors supplied the large lacunae of Cod. B [409] . But they did not limit themselves to the filling up of gaps or even to the correction of errors, as will appear from a comparison of the Sixtine text with the photographic representation of the Vatican MS. The edition of 1587 is not an exact reproduction of a single codex, even where the selected MS. was available; but it is based as a whole on a great uncial MS., and it is the first edition of the LXX. which possesses this character. Moreover, criticism has confirmed the judgement of the Roman editors in regard to the selection of their basal MS. It is a fortunate circumstance that the authority of the Vatican was given before the end of the sixteenth century to a text of the LXX. which is approximately pure. Besides the text the Roman edition contained considerable materials for the criticism of the Greek Old Testament, collected by the labours of Morinus, Agelli, Nobilius, and others. These include readings and scholia from MSS. of the LXX., renderings from Aquila and the other non-Septuagintal Greek versions, and a large assortment of patristic citations. Editions based upon the Sixtine are very numerous. The following list is abridged from Nestle's Urtext (p.65 ff.): 1. Jo. Morinus, Paris, 1628, 1641.2. R. Daniel, London, 4to and 8vo, 1653; Cambridge, 1653.3. B. Walton, London, 1657 (the third column of his Polyglott).4. Field, Cambridge, 1665 (with the praefatio paraenetica of J. Pearson [410] , Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, afterwards Bp of Chester).5. J. Leusden, Amsterdam, 1683.6. Leipzig, 1697 (with prolegomena by J. Frick).7. L. Bos, Frankfort, 1709.8. D. Mill, Amsterdam, 1725. g. C. Reineccius, Leipzig, 1730.10. Halle, 1759 -- 62 (with a preface by J. G. Kirchner).11. Holmes and Parsons, Oxford, 1798 -- 1827.12. Oxford, 1817 (with introduction by J. [G.] [411] Carpzow).13. F. Valpy, London, 1819.14. London, 1821, 26, 31, 51, 69, 78 (the LXX. column of Bagster's Polyglott).15. Venice, 1822.16. Glasgow and London, 1822, 31, 43.17. L. Van Ess, Leipzig, 1824, 35, 55, 68, 79, 87 (prolegomena and epilegomena separately in 1887).18. London, 1837.19. Didot, Paris, 1839, 40, 48, 55, 78, 82.20. Oxford, 1848, 75.21. A. F. C. von Tischendorf, Leipzig, 1850, 56, 60, 69, 75, 80, 87. Of the above some are derived from the Sixtine indirectly, whilst others present a Sixtine text more or less modified, or accompanied by variants from other MSS. 4. The example of Rome was followed in the 18th century by England, which had meanwhile acquired an uncial Bible only less ancient, and in the view of some scholars textually more important than the great Vatican MS. The variants of Codex Alexandrinus had been given in Walton's Polyglott under the Sixtine text [412] , but the honour of producing an edition on the basis of the English codex belongs to a Prussian scholar, John Ernest Grabe, an adopted son of the University of Oxford. This edition appeared ultimately in four folio volumes (1707 -- 20), but only the first and fourth had been published when Grabe died (1712); the second and third were undertaken after his decease by Francis Lee, M.D., and William Wigan, D.D. respectively. Vol. i. (1707) contains the Octateuch, Vol. ii. (1719) the Historical Books, Vol. iii. (1720) the Prophets, Vol. iv. (1709) the Poetical Books. The title to the first volume runs: "Septuaginta interpretum tomus I continens Octateuchum quem ex antiquissimo codice Alexandrino accurate descriptum et ope aliorum exemplarium, ac priscorum scriptorum praesertim vero Hexaplaris editionis Origenianae emendatum atque suppletum additis saepe asteriscorum et obelorum signis summa cura edidit Joannes Ernestus Grabe S.T.P. Oxonii, a theatro Sheldoniano . . . MDCCVII." This title sufficiently indicates the general principles upon which this great undertaking was based. Like the Sixtine edition, Grabe's is in the main a presentation of the text exhibited in a single uncial codex; like the Sixtine, but to a greater extent, its text is in fact eclectic and mixed. On the other hand the mixture in Grabe's Alexandrian text is overt and can be checked at every point. He deals with his codex as Origen dealt with the koine, marking with an obelus the words, clauses, or paragraphs in the MS. for which he found no equivalent in the Massoretic Hebrew, and placing an asterisk before such as he believed to have been derived from Theodotion or some other non-Septuagintal source. If he constantly adds to his MS. or relegates its readings to the margin, such additions and substituted words are distinguished from the text of cod. A by being printed in a smaller type. So far as it professes to reproduce the text of the MS., his edition is substantially accurate. The prolegomena by which each volume is introduced are full and serviceable; and the work as a whole, whatever may be thought of the method adopted by the editors, is creditable to the Biblical scholarship of the age. Grabe's text was reproduced by Breitinger (Zurich, 1730 -- 2), and Reineccius (in his Biblia sacra quadrilinguia, Leipzig, 1750 -- 1); also in a Greek Bible issued at Moscow in 1821 under the authority of the Holy Synod. A more important work based upon this edition is the Septuagint published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge under the care of Dr Field (Vetus Testamentum Graece iuxta LXX. interpretes. Recensionem Grabianam ad fidem codicis Alexandrini aliorumque denuo recognovit . . . F. Field, Oxonii, 1859). But the purpose which the Society had in view forbade a critical treatment of the materials, and whilst the learned editor has removed many of the imperfections of Grabe's work, the text remains arbitrary and mixed, and the arrangement is alien from that of all LXX. MSS. the non-canonical books being relegated to an appendix as apokrupha. 5. Each of the four great editions of the Septuagint already described (the Complutensian, Aldine, Sixtine, and Grabian) endeavoured to supply a text approximately representing either a group of MSS., or a single uncial of high antiquity. No attempt had been made as yet to offer an exact reproduction of a codex, or to provide a full apparatus criticus, the purpose of the editors in each case being practical rather than critical. This want was met in some degree in certain of the secondary editions; thus the Basle reprint of the Aldine text (1545) gave a short list of variants and conjectural emendations; in the London Polyglott the readings of Codex Alexandrinus were printed underneath the Sixtine text, and those of Codex Sarravianus were exhibited in the Septuagint of Lambert Bos. But the first comprehensive effort in this direction was made by Robert Holmes (1748 -- 1805), Professor of Poetry at Oxford, and Canon of Christ Church, and, from 1804, Dean of Winchester. The preparations for his great work were begun in 1788. An appeal was made to the liberality of public bodies and private patrons of learning, and the task of collating MSS. was committed to a large number of scholars at home and on the continent, whose names are honourably mentioned in the opening pages of the first volume. From 1789 to 1805 an annual account was printed of the progress of the work [413] , and the Bodleian Library contains 164 volumes of MS. collations (Holmes MSS. A.D.1789 -- 1805, nos.16455 -- 16617) [414] which were deposited there during those seventeen years. In 1795 a specimen of the forthcoming work was published together with a transcript of the Vienna Genesis in a letter to the Bishop of Durham (Shute Barrington). Genesis appeared separately in 1798, followed in the same year by the first volume bearing the title: Vetus Testamentum Graecum cum variis lectionibus. Edidit Robertus Holmes, S.T.P., R.S.S., Aedis Christi Canonicus. Tomus primus. Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano. MDCCXCVIII. This volume, which contains the Pentateuch, with a preface and appendix, was the only one which Holmes lived to complete. He died Nov.12, 1805, and two years later the editorship was entrusted to James Parsons [415] , under whose care the remaining volumes were issued (Vol. ii., Joshua -- 2 Chronicles, 1810; Vol. iii., 2 Esdras -- Canticles, 1823; Vol. iv., Prophets, 1827; Vol. v., the non-canonical books, 1 Esdras -- 3 Maccabees, 1827). At the end of Vol. v. there is a list of the Greek MSS. collated for the work. Three hundred and eleven are enumerated. (i. -- xiii., 14 -- 311); a corrected estimate gives a total of 297 separate codices, of which 20 are uncial. Besides the readings of this large number of Greek MSS., the apparatus of Holmes and Parsons exhibits the evidence of the Old Latin versions so far as it had been collected by Sabatier, and of the Coptic (Memphitic and Sahidic), Arabic, Slavonic, Armenian and Georgian versions, obtained partly from MSS., partly from printed texts. Use was also made of patristic citations and of the four great editions of the Septuagint, the Sixtine supplying the text, while the Aldine, Complutensian and Alexandrine (Grabian) are cited in the notes. In addition to these, Holmes employed the printed text of the catena of Nicephorus (Leipzig, 1772 -- 3), and J. F. Fischer's edition of cod. Lips.361 (Leipzig, 1767 -- 8) [416] . The great work of Holmes and Parsons has been severely criticised by later scholars, especially by Hatch [417] and Lagarde [418] . A vigorous defence of the Oxford editors will be found in a recent article in the Church Quarterly Review (already quoted). It appears to be certain that every effort was made by Holmes to secure the services of the best scholars who were available for the work of collation. Among the collators of Greek MSS. employed by the Oxford editors were Bandini (Florence), C. F. Matthäi (Moscow), F. C. Alter (Vienna), Schnurrer (Tübingen), Moldenhawer (Copenhagen). "The Armenian Version was chiefly collated by Hermannus Breden-Kemp (1793) and F. C. Alter (1795 -- 1804), the latter also taking the Georgian . . the Slavonic . . Coptic . . and Bohemian Versions. The Arabic Versions were undertaken by Paulus and Prof. Ford, and the Syriac quotations in the Horreum mysteriorum of Gregorius Bar-Hebraeus . . by Dr Holmes" (F. C. Madan, Summary catalogue, p.640). But in so vast an accumulation of the labours of many workers it was impossible to maintain an uniform standard of merit; nor are the methods adopted by Holmes and his continuator altogether such as would commend themselves at the present day. The work is an almost unequalled monument of industry and learning, and will perhaps never be superseded as a storehouse of materials; but it left abundant room for investigations conducted on other lines and among materials which were not accessible to Holmes and his associates. 6. The next step was taken by A. F. C. von Tischendorf (1815 -- 1874), who in the midst of his researches in Eastern libraries and his work upon the text of the New Testament found leisure to project and carry through four editions (1850, 1856, 1860, 1869) a manual text of the Septuagint. Its plan was simple, but suggestive. His text was a revised Sixtine; underneath it he placed an apparatus limited to the variants of a few great uncials: "eam viam ingressus sum (he writes [419] ) ut textum per tria fere secula probatissimum repeterem, mutatis tantummodo quibus mutatione maxime opus esset, addita vero plena lectionis varietate ex tribus codicibus antiquissimis quos fere solos utpote editos confidenter adhibere licebat." The three MSS. employed by Tischendorf in his first edition (1850) were A (from Baber's facsimile), C (from his own facsimile), and FA, the portion of Cod. Sinaiticus which was published in 1846; in the third and fourth editions he was able to make further use of Cod. Sinaiticus, and to take into account Mai's edition of Cod. B. Since Tischendorf's death three more editions of his Septuagint have appeared -- a fifth in 1875, a sixth and a seventh in 1880 and 1887 respectively, the last two under the supervision of Dr Eberhard Nestle. Nestle added a Supplementum editionum quae Sixtinam sequuntur omnium in primis Tischendorfianarum, consisting of a collation of the Vatican and Sinaitic MSS. with the Sixtine text, the Vatican text being obtained from Vercellone and Cozza's facsimile, and the Sinaitic from Tischendorf's edition of '; an appendix contained a collation of Daniel (LXX.) from Cozza's edition of the Chigi MS. The Supplementum was reissued in 1887 with various enrichments, of which the most important was a collation of cod. A from the London photograph which appeared in 1882 -- 3. With these helps the reader of Tischendorf's Septuagint is able to correct and supplement the apparatus, and to compare the text with that of cod. B so far as it could be ascertained before the publication of the photograph. 7. Another of the great Biblical scholars of the nineteenth century, Paul de Lagarde, commenced an edition of the Greek Old Testament, which was intended to be a definite step towards the reconstruction of the text. Lagarde's general plan was announced in Symmicta ii. (1880), p.137 ff., and in a modified and simpler form by a pamphlet published two years later (Ankündigung einer neuen Ausgabe der griechischen übersetzung des A.T., Göttingen, 1882). A beginning was made by the appearance of the first half of the text of the Lucianic recension (Librorum V.T. canonicorum pars prior Graece Pauli de Lagarde studio et sumptibus edita, Göttingen, 1883). Lagarde's untimely death in 1891 left this work incomplete, and though his papers are preserved at Göttingen, it is understood that no steps will be taken to carry out the scheme, at least on the same lines. The published volume contains the Octateuch and the Historical Books as far as Esther. Of the last named book two texts are given, with an apparatus, but with this exception the text stands alone, and the reader knows only that it is an attempted reconstruction of Lucian, based upon six MSS. which are denoted a f h m p z (H. P.108, 82, 19, 93, 118, 44). This is not the place to discuss Lagarde's critical principles, but it may be mentioned here that his attempt to reconstruct the text of Lucian's recension was but one of a series of projected reconstructions through which he hoped ultimately to arrive at a pure text of the Alexandrian version. The conception was a magnificent one, worthy of the great scholar who originated it; but it was beset with practical difficulties, and there is reason to hope that the desired end may be attained by means less complicated and more direct. 8. In the spring of 1883 the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press issued a notice that they had undertaken " [420] an edition of the Septuagint and Apocrypha with an ample apparatus criticus intended to provide material for a critical determination of the text," in which it was "proposed to give the variations of all the Greek uncial MSS., of select Greek cursive MSS., of the more important versions, and of the quotations made by Philo and the earlier and more important ecclesiastical writers." As a preliminary step they announced the preparation of "a portable text . . . taken from the Vatican MS., where this MS. is not defective, with the variations of two or three other early uncial MSS." The suggestion was originally due to Dr Scrivener, who submitted it to the Syndics of the Press in the year 1875, but was ultimately prevented by many preoccupations and failing health from carrying his project into execution. After undergoing various modifications it was committed in 1883 to the present writer, instructed by a committee consisting of Professors Westcott, Hort, Kirkpatrick, and Bensly; to Dr Hort in particular the editor was largely indebted for counsel in matters of detail. The first edition of the portable text was completed in 1894 (The Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint, vol. i., Genesis -- 4 Regn., 1887; vol. ii., 1 Chron. -- Tobit, 1891; vo1 iii., Hosea -- 4 Macc., r89q); the second and third revised editions [421] followed (vol. i., 1895, 1901; vol. ii., 1896, 1907; vol. iii., 1899, 1905 [422] ). The larger Cambridge Septuagint has been entrusted to the joint editorship of Dr A. E. Brooke, Fellow of King's College, and Mr N. McLean, Fellow of Christ's College; and of the Octateuch, which will form the first volume, Genesis appeared in 1906, Exod., Lev.1909, Numb., Deut.1911. It reproduces the text of the manual Septuagint, but the apparatus embraces, according to the original purpose of the Syndics, the evidence of all the uncial MSS., and of a considerable number of cursives "selected after careful investigation with the view of representing the different types of text"; the Old Latin, Egyptian, Syro-Hexaplar, and Armenian versions are also represented, whilst use is made of the quotations in Josephus as well as those in Philo and the more important Christian fathers. Such an apparatus falls far short of that presented by Holmes and Parsons, in regard to the quantity of evidence amassed; but efforts are being made to secure a relatively high degree of accuracy, and the materials are selected and arranged in such a manner as to enable the reader to study the grouping of the MSS. and other authorities. Thus the work proceeds upon the principle formulated by Lagarde: "editionem Veteris Testamenti Graeci . . . collatis integris codicum familiis esse curandam, nam familiis non accedere auctoritatem e codicibus, sed codicibus e familiis [423] ." A word may be added with regard to the text which will be common to the manual and the larger edition of the Cambridge Septuagint. It is that of the great Vatican MS., with its lacunae supplied from the uncial MS. which occupies the next plane in point of age or importance. For a text formed in this way no more can be claimed than that it represents on the whole the oldest form of the Septuagint to be found in any one of our extant MSS. But it supplies at least an excellent standard of comparison, and until a critical text has been produced [424] , it may fairly be regarded as the most trustworthy presentation of the Septuagint version regarded as a whole. II. EDITIONS OF PARTICULAR BOOKS, OR OF GROUPS OR PORTIONS OF BOOKS. THE PENTATEUCH. G. A. Schumann, 1829; Pentateuchus hebraice et graece, 1 (Genesis only published). GENESIS. P. A. de Lagarde, Leipzig, 1868: Genesis graece e fide editionis Sixtinae addita scripturae discrepantia e libris manu scriptis a se collatis et edd. Complutensi et Aldina adcuratissime enotata. The MSS. employed are ADEFGS, 25, 29, 31, 44, 122, 130, 135. The text is preceded by useful lists of the available uncial MSS. and VSS. of the LXX. DEUTERONOMY. C. L. F. Hamann, Jena, 1874: Canticum Moysi ex Psalterio quadruplici . . . manu scripto quod Bambergae asservatur. JOSHUA. A. Masius, Antwerp, 1574: Iosuae imperatoris historia. Readings are given from the Codex Syro-hexaplaris Ambrosianus. JUDGES. J. Ussher, 1655 (in his Syntagma, Works, vol. vii.). Two texts in parallel columns (1) "ex codice Romano," (2) "ex codice Alexandrino." O. F. Fritzsche, Zurich, 1867: liber Iudicum secundum lxx. interpretes. A specimen had previously appeared (in 1866). P. A. de Lagarde, 1891 (in his Septuaginta-studien, 1. c. i. -- v.). Two texts. A. E. Brooke and N. M^cLean, Cambridge, 1897: The Book of Judges in Greek, acc. to the text of Codex Alexandrinus. [G. F. Moore, Andover, Mass. (in his Critical and exegetical Commentary on Judges, p. xlv.), promises an edition of the recension of the book exhibited by K, 54, 59, 75, 82, and Theodoret.] RUTH. Drusius, 1586, 1632. L. Bos, Jena, 1788: Ruth ex versione lxx. interpretum secundum exemplar Vaticanum. O. F. Fritzsche, Zurich, 1867: Rhouth kata tous o'. PSALMS. Separate editions of the Greek Psalter were published at Milan, 148I; Venice, 1486; Venice, not later than 1498 (Aldus Manutius); Basle, 1516 (in Hieronymi Opera, t. viii., ed. Pellicanus); Genoa, 1516 (Octaplum Psalterium Justiniani); Cologne, 1518 (Psalterium in iv. linguis cura Iohannis Potken). Other known editions bear the dates 1524, 1530 (Ps. sextuplex), 1533, 1541, 1543, 1549, 1557, 1559, 1571, 1584, 1602, 1618, 1627, 1632, 1643, 1678 (the Psalter of cod. A), 1737, 1757, 1825, 1852, 1857, 1879 (Ps. tetraglotton, ed. Nestle), 1880, 1887 (Lagarde, Novae psalterii gr. editionis specimen), 1889 (Swete, The Psalms in Greek acc. to the LXX., with the Canticles; 2nd ed.1896), 1892 (Lagarde, Ps. gr. quinquagena prima [425] ). JOB. Patrick Young, 1637 (in the Catena of Nicetas). J. Terrentius, Franeker, 1663. ESTHER. J. Ussher, 1655 (in his Syntagma, Works, vol. vii.). Two texts, one Hexaplaric from an Arundel MS. (H. P.93). A second edition, Leipzig, 1696. O. F. Fritzsche, Zurich, 1848: Esther. Duplicem libri textum ad opt. Codd. emendavit et cum selecta lectionis varietate edidit. The Greek additions appear also in his Libri apocryphi V. T. (see below). MINOR PROPHETS. W. O. E. Oesterley, Codex Taurinensis, 1908 (with apparatus). HOSEA. J. Philippeaux, Paris, 1636; Hos. i. -- iv., after Cod. Q. D. Pareus, Heidelberg, 1605: Hoseas commentariis illustratus. AMOS. Vater, Halle, 1810. W. O. E. Oesterley, Cambridge, 1902 (parallel texts of Q, 22). JONAH. S. Münster, 1524, 1543. ISAIAH. S. Münster, 1540 (in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin). J. Curter, Paris, 1580 (in Procopii commentarii in Iesaiam -- text based on Cod. Q). R. R. Ottley, Cambridge, 1906 (text of Cod. A). JEREMIAH. S. Münster, 1540. G. L. Spohn, Leipzig, 1794: Jeremias vates e vers. Judaeorum Alex. ac reliquorum interpretum Gr.; 2nd ed., 1824. LAMENTATIONS. Kyper, Basle, 1552: Libri tres de re gramm. Hebr. ling. (Hebr Gr., Lat.). EZEKIEL. Iezekiel kata tous o', Rome, 1840. DANIEL (Theod.). Ph. Melanchthon, 1546. Wells, 1716. DANIEL (LXX.). S. de Magistris (?), Rome, 1772. Daniel secundum lxx. ex tetraplis Origenis nunc primum editus a singulari Chrisiano codice. Reprinted at Göttingen, 1773, 1774; (Michaelis); at Utrecht, 1775 (Segaar); at Milan, 1788 (Bugati); and at Leipzig, 1845 (Hahn). Cozza, 1877. The LXX. text is also given in the editions of Holmes and Parsons, Oxf. ed. of 1848, 1875, Tischendorf, and Swete. NON-CANONICAL BOOKS (in general) [426] . J. A. Fabricius, Frankfort and Leipzig, 1691: Liber Tobias, Judith, oratio Manasse, Sapientia, et Ecclesiasticus, gr. et lat., cum prolegomenis. Other complete editions were published at Frankfort on the Main, 1694, and at Leipzig, 1804 and 1837; the best recent edition is that by O. F. Fritzsche, Leipzig, 1871: Libri apocryphi V. T. gr. . . . accedunt libri V. T. pseudepigraphi selecti (Psalmi Salomonis, -- 5 Esdras, Apocalypse of Baruch, Assumption of Moses]. This edition, besides the usual books, gives 4 Maccabees, and exhibits Esther in two texts, and Tobit in three; there is a serviceable preface and an extensive apparatus criticus. WISDOM OF SOLOMON. Older editions: 1586, 1601, 1733, 1827. Reusch, Freiburg, 1858; Liber Sapientiae sec. exemplar Vaticanum. W. J. Deane, Oxford, 1881: The Book of Wisdom, the Greek text, the Latin Vulgate, and the A. V.; with an introduction, critical apparatus, and commentary. WISDOM OF SIRACH. Hoeschel, Augsburg, 1604: Sapientia Sirachi s. Ecclesiasticus, collatis lectionibus var . . . . cum notis. Linde, Dantzig, 1795: Sententiae Iesu Siracidae ad fidem codd: et versionum. Bretschneider, Regensburg, 1806: Liber Iesu Siracidae. Cowley-Neubauer, Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus, &c. (Oxford, 1897); Schechter-Taylor, Wisdom of Ben Sira: (Cambridge, 1899) [427] . J. H. A. Hart, Cambridge, 191O (text of Cod.248). TOBIT. Reusch, Bonn, 1870: Libellus Tobit e cod. Sinaitico. BARUCH. Kneucker, Leipzig, 1879. 1 MACCABEES. Drusius, Frankfort, 1600; Bruns, Helmstadt, 1784. PSALMS OF SOLOMON. J. L. de la Cerda, in an appendix to his Adversaria Sacra, Lyons, 1626. J. A. Fabricius, in Codex pseudepigraphus V. T., Hamburg and Leipzig, 1715. A. Hilgenfeld, in Zeitschrift für wissensch. Th. xi., and in Messias Iudaeorum, Leipzig, 1869. E. E. Geiger, Augsburg, 1871: Der Psalter Salomo's herausegeben. O. F. Fritzsche in Libri apocryphi V. T. gr. B. Pick, Alleghany, Pens., in the Presbyterian Review, 1883. H. E. Ryle and M. R. James, Cambridge, 1891: Psalms of the Pharisees commonly called the Psalms of Solomon; the Greek text with an apparatus, notes, indices, and an introduction. H. B. Swete in O. T. in Greek, vol. iii., Cambridge, 1894; 2nd ed.1899. O. von Gebhardt, Leipzig, 1895: Die Psalmen Salomo's. ENOCH (the Greek version of). The fragments [in Ep. Jud.14, 15; the Chronography of G. Syncellus (ed. W. Dindorf, in Corpus hist. Byzant., Bonn, 1829); ZDMG. ix. p.621 ff. (a scrap printed by Gildemeister); the Mémoires publiés par les membres de la mission archéologique française au Caire, ix., Paris, 1892] have been collected by Dillmann, über den neufundenen gr. Text des Henoch-buches (1893); Lods, Livre d'Henoch (1893); Charles, Book of Enoch, (1893), and are printed with an apparatus in the O. T. in Greek, vol. iii., 2nd ed. (Cambridge, 1889). LITERATURE (upon the general subject of this chapter). Le Long-Masch, ii. p.262 ff., Fabricius-Harles, p.673 ff., Rosenmüller, Handbuch, i. p.47 ff., Frankel, Vorstudien zu der Septuaginta, p.242 ff:, Tischendorf, V. T. Gr:, prolegomena § vii. sqq., Van Ess [Nestle], epilegomena, § 1 sqq., Loisy, Histoire critique, 1. ii. p.65 ff., Nestle, Septuaginta-studien, i.1886, ii.1896, iii.1899; Urtext, p.64 ff. Footnotes: [399] Their words are: "mediam autem inter has Latinam B. Hieronymi translationem velut inter Synagogam et orientalem ecclesiam posuimus, tanquam duos hinc et inde latrones, medium autem Iesum, hoc est Romanam sive Latinam ecclesiam, collocantes." [400] In the dedication to Leo X. he says: "testari possumus . . . maximi laboris nostri partum in eo praecipue fuisse versatum ut . . . castigatissima omni ex parte vetustissimaque exemplaria pro archetypis haberemus." [401] "Ex ista apostolica bibliotheca antiquissimos tum V. tum N. Testamenti codices perquam humane ad nos misisti." [402] See Vercellone, in V. et N. T. ed. Mai, i. p. v. n.; Var. lectt. ii. p. 436; Dissertazioni Accademiche, 1864, p. 407 ff.; Tregelles, An account of the printed text of the Greek N.T. (London 1854), p. 2 ff.; Delitzsch, Studien zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Polyglotten Bibel des Cardinals Ximenes (Leipzig, 1871); Lagarde Libr. V. T. can. i., p. iii.; E. Nestle, Septuagintastudien, i., pp. 2, 13; E. Klostermann, Analecta, p. 15 f. [403] On the orthography see Nestle, Septuagintastudien, ii., p. 11, note b. [404] Cf. Lagarde, Genesis graece, p. 6; Cornill, Ezechiel, p. 79; Nestle, Urtext, p. 65. On the source of the Psalms in this edition see Nestle, Septuagintastudien, iii., p. 32. [405] The second i has been added in many copies with the pen. The impression was worked off in 1586, but the work was not published until May 1587. [406] "Elle n'est point signée, mais on sait qu'elle fut redigée par Fulvio Orsini. Elle est d'ailleurs très inférieure à la lettre de Carafa." (P. Batiffol, La Vaticane de Paul III. à Paul V., p. 89). [407] On the genesis of the Sixtine edition the curious reader may consult Nestle, Septuagintastudien, i., ii., where the particulars are collected with the utmost care and fulness. [408] Cf. Tregelles, An account of the printed text, &c., p. 185. [409] According to Nestle (Septuagintastudien, i. p. 9, ii. p. 12) Genesis 1:1-xlvi. 28 in cod. B are supplied from cod. Chis. R. vi. 38 (H.P. 19, Lag. h). [410] The praefatio was reprinted with Archd. Churton's notes by Prof. W. Selwyn (Cambridge, 1855). The 1665 edition was reissued by John Hayes, 1684. [411] See Nestle, Septuagintastudien, iii. p. 32, note p. [412] Patrick Young had projected a complete edition of cod. A (Walton's Prolegomena, ed. Wrangham, ii. p. 124). His transcript of the MS. is still preserved at the British Museum (Harl. 7522 = Holmes 241; see above, p. 152). [413] Cf. Ch. Q. R., April 1899, p. 102. [414] Cf. Madan's Summary catalogue of MSS. in the Bodleian: Eighteenth Century collections, pp. 614--641. [415] On Holmes' less distinguished coadjutor see Ch. Q. R. p. 104. Parsons died in 1847 at the age of 85. [416] See above, p. 153. [417] Essays in Biblical Greek, p. 132. [418] Libr. V. T. Canon. p. i. p. xv. [419] Prolegg. viii. [420] Cambridge University Reporter, March 13, 1883. [421] Much of the labour of revision was generously undertaken by Dr Nestle, and valuable assistance was also rendered by several English scholars; see i. p xxxiii., ii. p. xiv., iii. p. xviii. f. [422] The fourth edition is in progress (i. 1909). [423] V. T. Libr. can. praef. p. xvi. [424] Cf. E. Nestle, Zur Rekonstruktion der Septuaginta, in Philologus, N. F. xii. (1899), p. 121 ff. [425] See also Nestle in Hastings, D. B. iv. 441. [426] A fuller list is given by Nestle in Hastings, D.B. iv. 441. [427] See Nestle's art. Sirach in Hastings, iv. |