Preparation for Christianity in the History of the Jewish and Heathen World.

J. L. von Mosheim: Historical Commentaries on the State of Christianity in the first three centuries.1753. Transl. by Vidal and Murdock, vol. i. chs.1 and 2 (pp.9-82, of the N. York ed.1853).

Neander: Allg. Gesch. der christl. Religion und Kirche. Vol.1st (1842). Einleit. (p.1-116).

J. P. Lange: Das Apost. Zeitalter.1853, I. pp.224-318.

Schaff: Hist. of the Apostolic Church. pp.137-188 (New York ed.).

Lutterbeck (R. C.): Die N. Testamentlichen Lehrbegriffe, oder Untersuchungen über das Zeitalter der Religionswende, die Vorstufen des Christenthums und die erste Gestaltung desselben. Mainz, 1852, 2 vols.

Döllinger (R. C.): Heidenthum und Judenthum. Vorhalle zur Geschichte des Christenthums. Regensb.1857. Engl. transl. by N. Darnell under the title: The Gentile and the Jew in the courts of the Temple of Christ: an Introduction to the History of Christianity. Lond.1862, 2 vols.

Charles Hardwick (d.1859): Christ and other Masters. London, 4th ed. by Procter, 1875.

M. Schneckenburger (d.1848): Vorlesungen über N. Testamentliche Zeitgeschichte, aus dessen Nachlass herausgegeben von Löhlein, mit Vorwort von Hundeshagen. Frankf. a M.1862.

A. Hausrath: N. Testamentliche Zeitgeschichte. Heidelb.1868 sqq., 2d ed.1873-'77, 4 vols. The first vol. appeared in a third ed.1879. The work includes the state of Judaism and heathenism in the time of Christ, the apostolic and the post-apostolic age to Hadrian (a.d.117). English translation by Poynting and Guenzer, Lond.1878 sqq.

E. Schürer: Lehrbuch der N. Testamentlichen Zeitgeschichte. Leipz.1874. Revised and enlarged under the title: Gesch. des jüd. Volkes im Zeitalter Christi.1886, 2 vols. Engl. translation, Edinb. and N. Y.

H. Schiller: Geschichte des römischen Kaiserreichs unter der Regierung des Nero. Berlin, 1872.

L. Freidländer: Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms in der Zeit von Augustus bis zum Ausgang der Antonine. Leipzig, 5th ed., revised, 1881, 3 vols. A standard work.

Geo. P. Fisher (of Yale College, New Haven): The Beginnings of Christianity. N. York, 1877. Chs. II.-VII.

Gerhard Uhlhorn: The Conflict of Christianity with Heathenism. Transl. by Egbert C. Smyth and C. T H. Ropes. N. York, 1879. Book I. chs.1 and 2. The German original appeared in a 4th ed., 1884.

section 7 literature of church
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