The Transfiguration: an Emergency Measure. Matthew 16:28-17:1-8. Mark 9:1-8. Luke 9:27-36.
God in Sore Straits: the darkest hour save one, fugitive, John 7:1. ban, John 9:22, 34. pushing, Matthew 15:1. Mark 7:1. -- the danger zone, "withdrew," Matthew 4:12.12:15.14:13.15:21. Tabernacles, John 7:32.8:59. -- Galileans desert, John 6:60-66. -- the inner circle infected, John 6:67-71. -- God needs men.

Fire and anvil for Leaders: mental strength -- seasoned leadership -- Simon and Peter.

An Irresistible Plan: alone with the twelve -- the changed plan, Matthew 16:18-21. -- Peter's stupid boldness, Matthew 16:22, with Mark 8:32. -- the best available stuff -- to see the Jesus within -- getting Paul, Acts 9:1-9.22:6-11.26:12-18.

The Glory of that Light: while praying -- changed from within -- absorbed with Jesus' master-stroke -- the jarring human note -- the glory obscured -- through an opened door -- the kingdom.

A Vision of Jesus: gleams of light -- the purpose secured, John 20:19, 24, 26-29. -- an indelible impress, John 1:14.12:41. Mark 9:3 with 1 Peter 1:16-17. Acts 12:2. -- changed while looking, Acts 22:11.2 Corinthians 3:18.

2 the wilderness temptation matthew
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