From the Fourth Book.
14. Even as our mind emits from itself a word, [739] -- as says the prophet, "My heart hath uttered forth a good word," [740] -- and each of the two is distinct the one from the other, and maintaining a peculiar place, and one that is distinguished from the other; since the former indeed abides and is stirred in the heart, while the latter has its place in the tongue and in the mouth. And yet they are not apart from one another, nor deprived of one another; neither is the mind without the word, nor is the word without the mind; but the mind makes the word and appears in the word, and the word exhibits the mind wherein it was made. And the mind indeed is, as it were, the word immanent, while the word is the mind breaking forth. [741] The mind passes into the word, and the word transmits the mind to the surrounding hearers; and thus the mind by means of the word takes its place in the souls of the hearers, entering in at the same time as the word. And indeed the mind is, as it were, the father of the word, existing in itself; but the word is as the son of the mind, and cannot be made before it nor without it, but exists with it, whence it has taken its seed and origin. In the same manner, also, the Almighty Father and Universal Mind has before all things the Son, the Word, and the discourse, [742] as the interpreter and messenger of Himself.


[739] Ex Athan., Ep. de decret. Nic. Syn., 4. 25. [P. 94, notes 1, 2, infra.]

[740] Psalm 45:1.

[741] Emanant. [P. 49, supra, and vol. iii. p. 299, this series.]

[742] Sermonem. [So Tertullian, Sermo, vol. iii. p. 299, note 19.]

from the third book
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