The Gospel According to Mark - Chapter 8 - Verse 15
Verse 15. Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. See Mt 16:6. Of the Herodians -- of Herod and his followers. Matthew, instead of "Herod," has "the Sadducees." It is not improbable that he cautioned them against them all. The Pharisees sought his life, and were exceedingly corrupt in their doctrine and practice; the Sadducees denied some of the essential doctrines of religion; and the Herodians, it is supposed, maintained the opinion that it was lawful for the Jews to acknowledge a foreign prince, and join equally with the Pharisees and Sadducees in opposing the claims of Jesus. Matthew has recorded his caution to avoid the Pharisees and Sadducees, and Mark has added, what Matthew had omitted, the caution likewise to beware of the Herodians. Thus the evangelists speak the same thing.

{u} "beware of the" Pr 19:27; Lu 12:1 {v} "leaven of the" Ex 12:20; Le 2:11; 1 Co 5:6-8

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