The Gospel According to John - Chapter 8 - Verse 19
Verse 19. Where is thy Father? This question was asked, doubtless, in derision. Jesus had often given them to understand that by his Father he meant God, Joh 5:1-6:71. They professed to be ignorant of this, and probably looked round in contempt for his Father, that he might adduce him as a witness in the case.

If ye had known me, &c. If you had listened to my instructions, and had received me as the Messiah, you would also, at the same time, have been acquainted with God. We may here observe,

1st. The manner in which Jesus answered them. He gave no heed to their cavil; he was not irritated by their contempt; he preserved his dignity, and gave them an answer worthy of the Son of God.

2nd. We should meet the cavils and sneers of sinners in the same manner. We should not render railing for railing, but "in meekness instruct those that oppose themselves, if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth," 2 Ti 2:25.

3rd. The way to know God is to know Jesus Christ. "No man hath seen God at any time. The only-begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him," Joh 1:18. No sinner can have just views of God but in Jesus Christ, 2 Co 4:6.

{o} "Jesus answered" Joh 8:55; 16:3; 17:25

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