The First Epistle of Paul to Timothy - Chapter 3 - Verse 9
Verse 9. Holding the mystery of the faith. On the word mystery, See Barnes "1 Co 2:7".

It means that which had been concealed, or hidden, but which was now revealed. The word faith, here, is synonymous with the gospel; and the sense is, that he should hold firmly the great doctrines of the Christian religion, which had been so long. concealed from men, but which were now revealed. The reason is obvious. Though not a preacher, yet his influence and example would be great, and a man who held material error, ought not to be in the office.

In a pure conscience. A mere orthodox faith was not all that was necessary, for it was possible that a man might be professedly firm in the belief of the truths of revelation, and yet be corrupt at heart.

{c} "the mystery" Eph 1:9 {d} "of the faith" 1 Ti 3:16

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