The First Epistle of Paul to Timothy - Chapter 1 - Verse 11
Verse 11. According to the glorious gospel. The gospel is a system of Divine revelation. It makes known the will of God. It states what is duty, and accords in its great principles with the law, or is in harmony with it. The law, in principle, forbids all which the gospel forbids, and in publishing the requirements of the gospel, therefore, Paul says that the law really forbade all which was prohibited in the gospel, and was designed to restrain all who would act contrary to that gospel. There is no contradiction between the law and the gospel. They forbid the same things, and in regard to morals and true piety, the clearer revelations of the gospel are but carrying out the principles stated in the law. They who preach the gospel, then, should not be regarded as arrayed against the law, and Paul says that they who preached the gospel aright really stated the true principles of the law. This he evidently intends should bear against the false teachers who professed to explain the law of Moses. lie means here that if a man wished to explain the law, the best explanation would be found in that gospel which it was his office to publish. Comp. Ro 3:31.

Of the blessed God. Revealed by the blessed God -- the same God who was the Author of the law. Which was committed to my trust. Not to him alone, but to him in common with others, he had received it directly from the Lord, 1 Co 9:17. See Barnes "Ga 1:1".

{b} "blessed God" 1 Ti 6:15 {c} "was committed" 1 Co 9:17

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