Verse 7. Neither be ye idolaters. This caution is evidently given in view of the danger to which they would be exposed if they partook of the feasts that were celebrated in honour of idols in their temples. The particular idolatry which is referred to here is, the worship of the golden calf that was made by Aaron, Ex 32:1-6. As it is written. Ex 32:6. The people sat down to eat and drink. To worship the golden calf. They partook of a feast in honour of that idol. I have already observed, that it was common to keep a feast in honour of an idol, and that the food which was eaten on such an occasion was mainly the meat which had been offered in sacrifice to it. This instance was particularly to the apostle's purpose, as he was cautioning the Corinthians against the danger of participating in the feasts celebrated in the heathen temples. And rose up to play. paizein. The Hebrew word used in Ex 32:6, ( HEBREW, ) means to laugh, to sport, to jest, to mock, to insult, (Ge 21:9;) and then to engage in dances accompanied with music, in honour of an idol. This was often practised, as the worship of idols was celebrated with songs and dances. This is particularly affirmed of this instance of idol worship, (Ex 32:19;) and this was common among ancient idolaters; and this mode of worship was even adopted by David before the ark of the Lord, 2 Sa 6:6; 1 Ch 13:8; 15:29. All that the word "to play" here necessarily implies is, that of choral songs and dances, accompanied with revelry in honour of the idol. It was however the fact, that such worship was usually accompanied with much licentiousness; but that is not necessarily implied in the use of the word. Most of the oriental dances were grossly indecent and licentious; and the word here may be designed to include such indelicacy and licentiousness. {c} "as it is written" Ex 32:6 |