The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians - Chapter 10 - Verse 6
Verse 6. Now these things. The judgments inflicted on them by God for their sins.

Were our examples. Greek, Types, (tupoi;) margin, Figures. They were not designed to be types of us, but they are to be held up as furnishing an admonition to us, or a warning that we do not sin in the same way. The same God directs our affairs that ordered theirs; and if we sin as they did, we also must expect to be punished, and excluded from the favour of God, and from heaven.

Lust after evil things. Desire those things which are forbidden, and which would be injurious. They lusted after flesh, and God granted them their desires; and the consequence was a plague, and the destruction of multitudes, Nu 11:4,31-34.

So Paul infers that the Corinthian Christians should not lust after, or desire the meat offered in sacrifice to idols, lest it should lead them also to sin and ruin.

{1} "examples" "the figures" {&} "lust after" "desire" {b} "they also lusted" Nu 11:4,33,34

{} "lusted" "desired"

the first epistle of paul 209
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