The Epistle to the Romans - Chapter 16 - Verse 5
Verse 5. The church that is in their house. Aquila and Priscilla are mentioned (Ac 18:26) as having received Apollos into their family, to instruct him more perfectly. The church in their house is also mentioned, 1 Co 16:19. This may mean either the church that was accustomed to assemble for worship at their hospitable mansion; or it may mean their own family with their guests, regarded as a church. In those times Christians had no houses erected for public worship, and were therefore compelled to meet in their private dwellings.

Salute. The same word before translated "greet."

Who is the firstfruits. One who first embraced Christianity under my preaching in Achaia. The first-fruits were a small part of the harvest, which was first gathered and offered to the Lord, Ex 22:29; 23:10; Le 2:12; De 18:4.

In allusion to this, Paul calls Epenetus the first fruits of the great spiritual harvest which had been gathered in Achaia.

Achaia. See Barnes "Ro 15:26".

This name and those which follow are chiefly Greek, but we know little of the persons mentioned, except what is here recorded.

{s} "Salute my well-beloved Epenatus" 1 Co 16:19

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