The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews - Chapter 13 - Verse 24
Verse 24. Salute all them. See Notes on Ro 16:3, seq. It was customary for the apostle Paul to close his epistles with an affectionate salutation.

That have the rule over you. See Barnes "Heb 13:7,17".

None are mentioned by name, as is usual in the epistles of Paul. The cause of this omission is unknown.

And all the saints. The common name given to Christians in the Scriptures. See Barnes "Ro 1:7".

They of Italy salute you. The saints or Christians in Italy. Showing that the writer of the epistle was then in Italy. He was probably in Rome. See Intro. %.2.

{*} "rule over you" "salute all your guides"

the epistle of paul the 450
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